The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 975 Encountering the enemy

Chapter 975 Encountering the enemy
What Shang Zhen feared did not happen.

As the sky brightened, he could see farther and farther away.

The hill they were on had all kinds of miscellaneous trees and shrubs, but there were also bare rocks, and the area nearly one mile to the west under the hill was an open land formed by shrubs and puddles.

Seeing this, Shang Zhen felt relieved, at least it was impossible for the Japanese army to take positions here.

Shang Zhen heard that the soldiers in the main position of the Forty Army stood in waist-deep water and shot at the Japanese when it rained a few days ago.

He absolutely believed that the Chinese army was suffering such hardships due to inferior weapons. If it was the Japanese army, forget it.

At the end of the open land, there are sparse woods, and a corner of the house is exposed in the southwest corner of the woods. As for how many houses are behind the woods, they cannot be seen due to the shelter of the woods.

After watching for a while, even Shang Zhen didn't see anything unusual with the binoculars. He couldn't even see a rabbit on the open ground, let alone a dead person.

I should ask He Gui, Shang Zhen thought to himself, but he glanced back, seeing that He Gui was sleeping with his rifle in his arms, Zhengxiang, he turned his head back without saying a word.

In the first half of the night yesterday, Shang Zhen and the others did not spend less time in the water. Although the temperature has risen now, their feet are still cold, so that some soldiers simply took off their shoes when they were sleeping, and some were still wearing cotton caps. But he stuffed his feet into a cotton hat and went to sleep.

But when Shang Zhen looked closer, he was surprised to find that there was a small puddle two to three hundred meters below the hill, why was the color wrong, it was faintly red!
Are there dead bodies there?Shang Zhen tensed up.

He looked carefully again, but he didn't see it. He observed it carefully with a telescope, but he still felt that the color of the water was wrong.

What's going on here, do you want to go down and have a look?

Shang Zhen knew that if the puddle had been a battlefield and many people had died there, then the water would of course be red, but as the fighting ceased, the water and blood would separate.

Although Shang Zhen didn't know that the specific gravity of blood was greater than that of water, he knew that blood was thicker than water, so after enough time for precipitation, the blood would sink to the top and become clear water again.

Shang Zhen was hesitating, but the old stupid who just climbed up beside him said in a low voice: "I saw people coming over there! There seems to be a group of them!"

"Where is it?" Shang Zhen asked and raised the binoculars in the direction that the big stupid pointed. After a while, he really saw a person in the binoculars, but it was the Japanese army!
There were about thirty Japanese soldiers, but the black guy carried by four Japanese soldiers was the most obvious.

With Shang Zhen's combat experience, he knew at a glance that it was a heavy machine gun of the Japanese army!

Shang Zhen had personally touched an actual Japanese heavy machine gun, and his impression of that guy was one word: Shen!

The so-called "shen", Shang Zhen didn't know how the South said it. In the Northeast dialect, it meant that the weight was definitely not light.

As for that guy, there is always a hundred catties.

One hundred catties is not too heavy, and Shang Zhen can lift it by himself, but the problem is that it is a machine gun, which is a weapon that needs to be used on the battlefield. It is also a very troublesome thing for four people to carry a heavy object across mountains and rivers on the battlefield.

Therefore, just thinking stupidly, if such a heavy machine gun wants to be moved and put into battle, there will definitely be a lot of people involved. There are those who carry the gun and those who carry the ammunition, all of which require manpower.

"It seems that the little devil wants to set up a heavy machine gun position here. If that's the case, we shouldn't be far away!" Old Qiuzi also crawled over.

As soon as they heard that the Japanese army was coming, the soldiers who were also awake went to wake up those who were not awake, and some of the soldiers who were not awake did not need to be called by others, and they sat up immediately after hearing that the Japanese devils were coming.

The arrival of the Japanese devils represents the battle, which represents life and death. When the soldiers hear that the invaders are coming, they have to grab their guns and fight, and the ignorant children hear that the Japanese devils are coming, and they can stop crying immediately in the middle of the night. But that is the best way to cultivate people's conditioned reflex!
The Chinese nation is a great nation.

The reason why she is great is not only because she has created brilliance that other nations in the world cannot create, but also because she has also endured too much suffering in the five thousand years of history.

May there be no more swords in the world to rob the people to live and work in peace and contentment. That is just wishful thinking. Only those who can stand up in the face of natural disasters and man-made disasters to seek happiness for the common people and peace for the world are the true backbone of the Chinese nation!
As soon as the old ball said that the Japanese devils were going to set up heavy machine gun positions here, the hungry and sleepy soldiers cheered up, some of them had timid faces, but more of them were gearing up .

"Oh, the little devils of Gou Ri dare to set up their positions here, so they probably don't know we are here!" Li Daming understood again.

"It's probably a fart. They definitely don't know. How could they know that we came in the middle of the night?" Ma Erpao said angrily.

"I—" Li Dadang, who thought he was right this time, turned red when he thought that he would be robbed again.

At this time, Ma Chuncai, who was not far away, had a gloating expression on his face, but he just kept silent.

Through the last incident of leaving the team, Ma Chuncai has now figured out a truth, that is, talk less at ordinary times, otherwise you will always say the wrong thing, then even if you are right once in a while, people will say you are wrong!
So, you bastard Li Daming wants you to pretend to understand, so you just get scolded, and I don't fucking say anything!

But at this time, Shang Zhen looked at the Japanese soldiers approaching from a distance with a pensive expression.

In the binoculars, the Japanese army was not moving fast. It was impossible for four people to carry heavy machine guns quickly, and the soldiers behind them also needed to carry ammunition. Who told the heavy machine guns to consume bullets so quickly after the battle started.

The Japanese army was still far away, so Shang Zhen ignored it and began to observe the terrain ahead again. However, there was a forest in front that was not big enough to block his eyes, so he couldn't see why.

"Don't look, the little devil is here, shall we fight?" Old Qiuzi excitedly said to Shang Zhen.

Of course, the old ball has reason to be excited. This is the fat that is brought to his mouth. There are not many Japanese soldiers who came. There are eight of them, and if the rest are not killed, they will be frightened out of their wits

When old Qiuzi said this, Shang Zhen immediately put down the binoculars and retracted his head. Those who didn't know would think that old Qiuzi was an officer and Shang Zhen was a soldier.

But Shang Zhen turned his head back, but he ignored the old ball and asked instead: "He Gui is awake yet?"

"Sir, I'm awake." He Gui quickly replied among the soldiers.

"Can you tell how far it is from the main position?" Shang Zhen asked.

"I looked at it just now. I have never been to this area. I can't see anything because there are trees in front of me." He Gui replied.

He Gui's answer is also reasonable.

He is also just a correspondent and not a local. It would be good if he can be familiar with the roads of the village. Now he went to a random place in the wilderness and asked him, where is this?How could he know, unless he is the legendary land master.

"If this is not a battlefield, what are those little devils doing here with heavy machine guns?" Shang Zhen seemed to be asking other people and seemed to be talking to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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