Chapter 979 Whimsical
"You guys, it's too embarrassing. I beat the gun in front alone, and none of you went out to look for me?" Half an hour later, Shang Zhen, who had just returned from the front, was dissatisfied with the people on the hill. said the soldiers.

"Hey, didn't we think that the chief is more capable, and our group of people passed by that, that would only increase casualties and add chaos to the chief." Old Qiuzi said with a slobbering face.

"Fuck, I guess my original group of people think so too, otherwise I wouldn't have come here." Shang Zhen said angrily, and his words were full of embarrassing "hehehe" .

Shang Zhen originally planned to retreat from the hill where the Japanese army was ambushed, but he saw that the Japanese tanks were only firing at this hill. The tanks neither rushed forward nor the Japanese infantry came over. He stayed there and observed.

In the end, the Japanese tanks did not drive over, but went south instead.

While Shang Zhen and the others were avoiding the tank attack, the gunshots from the other side of the woods were still ringing out intermittently. Obviously, the fighting on the other side had not stopped.

Normally speaking, the Japanese army launched attacks on the positions of the Chinese defenders like a tide, wave after wave, and there was relatively calm between the two attacks.

Shang Zhen was also curious about why the gunshots from both sides of the enemy and the enemy kept going.What kind of combat scenario is it between the enemy and us?

However, his wish came true, before returning from the hill in front, he finally knew what the Japanese tanks were for.

Those two Japanese tanks went south and they naturally participated in the attack, but that was not what Shang Zhen saw, but what he heard.

The tank was rumbling from north to south and Shang Zhen was separated by a forest. Shang Zhen was not deaf, so how could he not hear it?
But then he saw the tanks, because the two tanks were already in the woods to the south when they reappeared.

Through the binoculars, Shang Zhen saw that the two Japanese tanks were ramming into the small trees in the forest, which should not be very thick.

These two tanks were equipped with cannons, and they were obviously much bigger than the little ones he had seen in the Japanese army before, so they broke those thinner trees!
In this way, the view from the hill in front to the southwest is clear, so Shang Zhen finally saw the traces of the Chinese army in the distance through the telescope.

Moreover, Shang Zhen also saw a corner of the water, and the Chinese army fought on the high ground near the water.

It turned out that the enemy and us should only be separated by a large water surface. The Japanese army could not attack, so they kept shooting at the Chinese army across the water!

Thinking of this moment, Shang Zhen could even imagine the situation on the water surface.

There is such a piece of water between China and Japan. The width of the water should be about four to five hundred meters, and the bullets of the enemy and us can hit it.

But the water will never be too deep. According to Shang Zhen's estimate, the water may not even have passed through Pelleguel.

Because, if the water is deep, there is no need for the Japanese army to shoot each other with the Chinese army. They should find a way to get boats and rafts to cross the river.

Because of the shallow water, boats and rafts were useless, but the Japanese army would never wade through the water.

Just imagine, there are tens of acres of water surface, there is no shelter on it, and if the Japanese army dares to enter the water without shelter and obstacles, it is a living target!
Perhaps the terrain on the north side of the water was not ideal, so the Japanese army came up with the trick of setting up the heavy machine gun positions at the end of the woods, and the two tank owners were going to clear the obstacles for the heavy machine guns.

As for how the Japanese tanks helped the Japanese army in the war, Shang Zhen didn't care anymore. He estimated that the Japanese tanks could only shell the water in front of them and couldn't get through, so he ran back.

Seeing that Shang Zhen blamed them all for abandoning him, but then returned to normal, they knew that Shang Zhen had just said that, and soon there was a new topic.

"We managed to snatch a big guy, and let's use the heavy machine gun to hit the little devil a few times!" Big Boss squatted behind the heavy machine gun, holding the handle of the machine gun with both hands and said with great interest.

"You want to fight, how do you fight? There are trees blocking it." Ma Erpao said casually.

"No, since there are trees blocking it, why did the kid bring the heavy machine gun here?" At this moment, Qingfeng Li thought of this question, and of course he only thought of it.

"The little devil's tank broke a lot of trees on our side." Only then did Shang Zhen say.

Everyone said "Oh" in unison, and only then did they understand the reason why the Japanese army moved the heavy machine guns here.

"It's still small Japan's industry is powerful, so it's okay." A soldier sighed, but he also sighed the common aspirations of everyone.

There is a special term in later generations called "dimensionality reduction strike". Nowadays, Japan is already an industrialized country. For an agricultural country like China with weak industry and almost no industry, isn't that a dimensionality reduction strike?
However, now that the weapons produced by the so-called Great Japanese Empire have finally reached the soldiers of the agricultural country, how should they use them.

"How can we do this?" Big Boss muttered worriedly while touching the heavy machine gun, "We don't have tanks and we can't hit the tree, and the little devil is hiding in the woods, so we can't hit it!"

After a while, he said again: "It would be great if the bullet could jump through the woods!"

"Think that bullet has feet, and can jump like you!" Li Qingfeng said angrily.

If the old stupid was just babbling like this, Qingfeng Li complained because of the old stupid's straightforwardness.

Unexpectedly, Shang Zhen's eyes lit up, and he suddenly said, "Theoretically speaking, bullets can really 'jump' through the woods, but we don't know where they will jump."

"What? Bullets can 'jump' over the woods?" Ma Erpao's eyes widened.

Why doesn't he believe that bullets can jump over the woods?
When Shang Zhen said this, not only Ma Erpao didn't believe it, but most of the soldiers didn't believe it either.

"When the bullet is fired, the trajectory is straight, right? Then you said that if the bullet keeps missing people, it will keep flying?" Shang Zhen asked.

"How is that possible?" All the soldiers said in unison.

"The bullet will fall by itself when it loses momentum." Ma Erpao replied.

"Then let's shoot into the sky, as long as we find a good position, will the bullets fly through the woods and fall?" Shang Zhen asked again.

"That--it will definitely fall, but--" Ma Erpao replied hesitantly, he felt that what Shang Zhen said was reasonable, but he also felt that something was wrong.

"That point is not easy to find, is it? Sir, can you find it?" Lu Yifei asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know how to look for it. Who knows how far the bullets of the little devil's heavy machine gun will fly before falling, but what's the point? I will be in trouble!" Shang Zhen suddenly laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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