The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 994 This Chief Knows How to Be a Man

Chapter 994 This Chief Knows How to Be a Man

Yes, two hills.

What they see now is the puppet army on the right running to the left, so there must be a puppet army behind the hill on the left. Who blocks the road and does not set up ambushes on both sides?They didn't see the puppet army behind the hill on the left, it's just that the hill on the left blocked the puppet army there!
It can't be true here, no, it must be a trap set by the puppet army for them!

The old ball knew that if they rushed out, wouldn't they be ambushed by those puppet troops?

The old ball at that time broke out in a cold sweat!

But if that's the case, it's fine, his sweat is destined to be unavoidable.

Because only then did he catch a glimpse of someone rushing out in front of him on his left.

How did this rush out?I haven't ordered it yet, and the old ball is still strange.

However, at the moment that person rushed out of the ditch where they were hiding, he obviously realized that the situation ahead was not right. Fortunately, he only took two steps and then fell forward. down.

But won't you be exposed when you lie down?
They are now only sixty or seventy meters away from those fires.

As long as there is a puppet soldier who glances at them now, he can see this guy.

That's - although the old Qiuzi only glanced at it, he knew it was Li Daming when he saw the guy crawling back with his big buttocks up!

Old Qiuzi was itching his teeth with hatred, but who dared to speak out at this time, the veterans were all aiming their rifles at the puppet army who had been running towards the mountain pass, for fear that they would turn around!

Li Daming crawled back, but the puppet soldiers who were running in the direction of the gunshots were gone.

In fact, it is no wonder that Li Daming understood the situation at that time.

What is the image of that kind of love?It's like in a track and field field, a referee raised his gun and shouted "Everyone is on your mark", and then there will be a "snap" sound of the starting gun, and then the athletes squatting on the line with their hands on the ground can rush forward .

Anyone who has watched the [-]-meter track and field race knows that it is very normal for those who run the [-]-meter race to make a false start!

Just as the referee yelled "Everyone on your mark" and before they "snap", someone rushed out!

At that time, Li Da knew it was the same, didn't he?He saw that the old ball had raised his hand, but how could he have thought that the old ball's hand stopped halfway?At that time, he still thought he was so brave!
"Old Qiuzi, what should we do?" Ma Chuncai asked at that time.

"What should I do? Leave two people to cover, and the rest will grab food from me!" Old Qiuzi replied at the time.

So, everyone rushed towards the still burning fire.

None of the puppet soldiers turned back, they all ran towards the direction of the gunshot, and that gunshot was caused by Shang Zhen's attack on the puppet army carriage behind them.

Therefore, at that time, Lao Qiuzi and the others seemed dangerous, but in fact they did not fire a single shot!
It's just that how much food Lao Qiuzi and the others have grabbed, the answer is both in Lao Qiuzi's pocket and in his mouth.

That is - the two steamed buns left by the two puppet soldiers, one of them was just stained with dirt, and the other was still as burnt as charcoal!But the one that was burnt like charcoal was the one that a famous puppet soldier stabbed with a bayonet to roast.

And this is because the puppet soldier couldn't drop the steamed buns accurately. If that guy fell correctly and threw the steamed buns directly on the burning fire, let alone burn them like charcoal, then they will definitely have one You can't even see the steamed bun, so that steamed bun must have been burned by the fire!
You said, just old Qiuzi and his gang of veterans lined up a big shelf to grab food, but they got back two steamed buns, one white and one black. carry?

The old ball guessed that Li Qingfeng guessed that they didn't get any food, so he asked specifically, that little bastard was just hitting them in the face.

But Shang Zhen, as the chief officer, didn't mention food at all, but only asked how people are, which is called peace of mind!

"Okay, as long as everyone is safe, we have already got the food, everyone go and eat." In the dark woods, Shang Zhen's words came again, and at this time, the sky was getting darker, and the old ball The veterans in the lead couldn't even see the outline of Shang Zhen's face.

No one knows what the veterans are thinking now, and what wonderful expressions are on their faces. In the end, Shang Zhen said: "Everyone is dumbstruck, hurry up and eat!"

The veterans moved, yes, they were all hungry, all of them hadn’t eaten anything seriously for two days, and now their chests were stuck to their backs, compared with hunger, many things are not even farts!
After a period of time, when the woods became calm, the whispers of veterans finally came from one place.

"If you want to say that our Chief Shang is capable, what a heart-warming words!" Said Soldier A.

"That's right. When we come back, people will ask us how we are. It's really heartwarming!" Soldier B seconded.

"Also, look at what the business chief said later, they didn't say we got the food, they said we got the food.

People regard us veterans and recruits as a family from the bottom of their hearts, so we can't do that anymore.

Really, when the recruits brought me steamed buns, I felt so ashamed and flustered on my face! "Soldier C then seconded the proposal.

"That didn't stop you from eating!" Bing Bing Ding complained.

"Okay, shut up, you're not sleepy, are you?" This time it was Lao Qiuzi who spoke, "People's hearts are on the scales, as long as you understand it in your heart, don't force yourself!"

When Old Qiuzi said this, everyone shut up.

What the old ball said is right, what are a bunch of rough men doing pretentiously here?People treat you as a brother, but if you treat him as a brother, it will be over. Is this just talking about it?Only those women can play with some emotional expression!

But in another place in the woods, the recruits were also whispering without saying a word.

What the recruits were talking about was of course their performance in the battle, and regret that it was getting dark so early that they couldn't see the expressions of the veterans eating the steamed buns that the recruits had snatched back.

However, the recruits drank water and thought about their source, but they did not forget to secretly praise their commander, Shang Zhen, because it was under Shang Zhen's command that they won such a victory, and at the same time, they made the veterans think highly of them At a glance, they estimated that in the future, their group would not care about veterans and recruits.

Their status was won through their performance in battle!
After a while, the veterans and recruits finally fell asleep without talking.

At this time, Shang Zhen was also lying on a dry place, looking up at the stars among the branches.

In fact, veterans or recruits, Shang Zhen knew what his soldiers were talking about.

But now that they are not in danger, he will naturally not stop them.

As for himself, he didn't think about anything, but his hand was caressing a wooden box at his waist, and he felt a sense of security.

Just because it was a box cannon.

This time, after all, they captured a box cannon from the puppet army that was attacked, and it was still twenty rings!

Even though the box cannon was packed in a wooden box, Shang Zhen was content.

Shang Zhen likes the box cannon too much, especially the one that can fire twenty times in a row.

After touching the wooden box for a while, he felt that it was not enjoyable, so he finally put his hand on the handle of the gun to feel it carefully.

He touched it very thinly and gently, as if one night many years ago, his hand was touching the smooth skin of the girl he loved.

As for how a puppet army officer in charge of logistics has a [-]-ring box cannon in his hand, let him do it!Maybe the guy who was killed by himself before dark was Li Tantou's brother-in-law!
(End of this chapter)

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