I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 111 111, vulgar people, don't worry

Chapter 111 111, vulgar people, don't worry

Japanese First Army Command.

Yamamoto Kazuki entered Shinozuka Yoshio's office expressionlessly.

At any time, he is full of energy.

Even if it is working day and night, it looks like a javelin full of fighting spirit.

stand at attention.

Bring your legs together.

The sound is crisp and loud.

Shinozuka Yoshio was practicing calligraphy, and slowly put down the brush.

"Your Excellency, Commander."

"Yamamoto-kun, please sit down."

"Your Excellency, Commander, please assign combat missions. I will do my best."

"How's your secret service training going?"

"You can attack at any time."

"How about intelligence?"

"Your Excellency, please forgive me, it does not meet my requirements."

"The Intelligence Department has worked very hard. They will soon be able to find out the location of the Tuba Road headquarters. When the time comes, yours will attack and destroy them in one fell swoop."


Yamamoto bowed his head.

He is very confident about it.

At the beginning, he had only two goals for establishing the Yamamoto Special Team.

Chongqing, the High Command of the Chinese Army.Jiang.

Yan'an, Red Party Army Headquarters.hair.

Two more goals were added later.Commander of the Second Theater Command, Yan; Frontline Command of the Eighth Route Army, Peng.

A target was added later: First Theater Command.

"Accident happened to the air advance team. You, have you heard?"

"Report to Your Excellency Commander, I heard from Sagawa-kun himself."

"You and Sagawa-kun both came back from studying in Germany. You also have some research on paratroopers. What's your opinion on this?"

"For this, I can only express regret. This is not Sagawa-kun's fault."

"Yes, it's very regrettable. Our aerial advance team has just begun to form, and it has suffered such a heavy setback. It is indeed very heartbreaking!"

"However, I think paratroopers are still very useful. In the future, it is worth investing in."

"The military thinks so too."


Yamamoto bowed his head.

He didn't want to express too many opinions on the matter.



It is what he has always insisted on.

Now that the secret service team has been formed, the secret service team is everything to him.

The reason why you know something about paratroopers.It was because at the right time, he was also planning to parachute the secret service team to farther places to fight.

After all, whether it is Chongqing or Yan'an, the distance is too far away.Difficult to reach by land.

And from the air, it only takes a few hours.

It's a pity that the air advance team suddenly crashed, so he had to be cautious about this matter.

The plane is indeed fine.

However, if there is an accident, it is also difficult to rescue.

Because of the sudden bad weather, Sagawa-kun was hit hard.May lose confidence.

Care must be taken.


The chief of staff came in.

Send an urgent telegram.

"Chief of Staff, is there any good news?"

"Unfortunately, Your Excellency Commander, this is bad news. The Chrysanthemum Agency reported that all the air advance teams in Tantou Town were destroyed."

Yoshio Shinozuka's hand stopped slowly.

Kazuki Yamamoto remained expressionless.Eyes flicker.

After a long time, Yoshio Shinozuka slowly started writing again.

"Any more news?"

"The Chrysanthemum Agency has confirmed that it was Chu Yunfei from the 358th Regiment of the National Army. He personally admitted it at the press conference."


"There is also news that the Fifth Army of the National Army will appoint Chu Yunfei as the commander of the 404th Regiment to garrison Tantou Town."


"The Chrysanthemum Agency also faxed the photo. Please look at it, Commander."

"Bring it."

Shinozuka Yoshio put the brush away.

The chief of staff handed over the photo.

There are five photos in total.It's all black and white.But the portrait is very clear.

Kazuki Yamamoto finally became curious.

Who is this Chu Yunfei?
Is it worth using a fax machine?
You know, fax machines in this era are still black and white.Transferring photos is also not fast.But it does transfer.

High cost.Unavailable to ordinary people.

But once it is used, it means that this person is of sufficient value.

Shinozuka Yoshio looked at the photo coldly.

After a long time, I slowly put down the photo.

"Yamamoto-kun, take a look too!"


Kazuki Yamamoto stepped forward and took the photo.

Five photos, all taken on the same occasion.The background is much the same.

The clearest photo is a colonel of the national army sitting in the middle, with a dignified appearance.He also held a beautiful young schoolgirl in his arms.

There are also some soldiers of the Chinese army behind.

read it.

Put the photo back.

"Yamamoto-kun, what do you think about this?"

"Vulgar people."

“How come you see?”

"Lust. You must play with things and lose your mind. Don't worry."

"However. It is this Chu Yunfei who has made thousands of warriors in our army jade broken. All of Bantian United's jade broken, there is his black hand behind it."

"Your Excellency, Commander, please forgive me, I am not worried about the combat effectiveness of the Jinsui Army at all."

"You're right. The Jinsui army is indeed powerless. But what if this person colludes with Tuba Road?"

Kazuki Yamamoto was silent.

He couldn't answer this question.

Haven't studied it either.

Jin Sui Army and Tuba Road cooperation?
Will they cooperate?

Can the Chinese warlords of those local factions cooperate?

Totally impossible.

It's like someone Jiang from the Chongqing government will never trust any local warlord.

The better the performance of a local warlord, the more taboo he is.The more you have to get rid of it, the faster it will be.

It was the Sichuan Army before.Now the Sichuan army has been dismantled by him.

Now it is Li Zongren.He transferred Li Zongren to the fifth theater in the Dabie Mountains.Staring under his own eyelids.Don't give Li Zongren a chance to grow.

Yan Xishan was also the target of Jiang's marking.It's just temporarily out of reach.

"If you have time, you can study it."

"I'm sorry, Commander, I always think that the goal of the secret service team is at a higher level."

"All right……"

Shinozuka Yoshio waved his hand helplessly.

Kazuki Yamamoto is very proud.

But because of his pride, the special agent team he brought out was excellent.satisfactory.

As long as he finds the target, he can destroy the target.

This is the Imperial Army Knife.

The sharpest one.

"Since that's the case, you'd better concentrate on your own business. This Chu Yunfei, leave it to Bai Wujun."


"Go ahead!"

"Farewell to the humble post!"

Kazuki Yamamoto stood at attention.

Legs together.

Turn away.

Shinozuka Yoshio shook his head and continued to concentrate on practicing calligraphy.



"He still dares to hold a press conference?"


Hyakutake Haruki was extremely annoyed.

He also received a black and white photo from the Chrysanthemum Agency.

Finally, it was the first time he saw Chu Yunfei's face with his own eyes.Thick eyebrows and big eyes.There is something instrumental.

However, this person is the biggest enemy of the imperial army.

Now there is sufficient evidence that Chu Yunfei was involved behind the collapse of Bantian United.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Li Yunlong's subordinate Yituba Road to wipe out the Sakata Alliance alone.

The enemy standing in front of the screen is not scary.

The enemy hiding behind is scary.

Fortunately, he has already stood in front of the screen.The Japanese army had noticed him.And lock him.

"Your Excellency General..."


"The Chrysanthemum organ said that they have already stretched the hook to Chu Yunfei's side."

"very good."

Only then did Hyakutake Harukichi reluctantly relax.

He believed in the ability of Kenji Doihara.Chrysanthemum organ is still very capable.

Being able to nail Chu Yunfei himself with a hook in such a short period of time.

So, now the question is, should he be killed immediately?
Or is there a better way to deal with it?

Wang Jingwei is about to set up a new national government in Jinling, and some people need to show their allegiance.

If you can win Chu Yunfei over...

The Royal Association Army also needs talents.

You can't keep a bunch of trash all the time.Just eat and do nothing.


Will Chu Yunfei be induced to surrender?

Hyakutake Haruki felt that the possibility was unlikely.After all, he killed so many Japanese soldiers.

All the Japanese soldiers in the air advance team died at the hands of Chu Yunfei.This is another blood debt.The Japanese army will definitely get it back.Still get it back a hundredfold.

But looking back, it seemed possible.

Judging from the photos, this Chu Yunfei was obviously a womanizer.

In such a public place, to actually hold a young and beautiful female student in his arms is simply an offense to the world.

This is a very big weakness.

Once a man is caught in the vortex of a woman, it is difficult to get out.

Ancient and modern, all over the world, this is the case.

Perhaps, as long as an opportunity is created, he can be captured alive.Then seduced by beauty, he had no choice but to succumb.

As long as there is a beautiful female student, he will be fooled.

Of course, various operations still need to be implemented by chrysanthemum organs.

"Notify the chrysanthemum agency."

"Clear the target as quickly as possible."

"Can kill."

"It can be induced to surrender."

Hyakutake Harukichi gave the order coldly.

At the same time, he took out the red pen and made a cross on each black and white photo.

Whether it is to kill or induce surrender.It all shows that his danger does not exist.In other words, this enemy has been eliminated.

Therefore, Chu Yunfei, the threat is lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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