I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 128 Chapter 128, there is trouble, and it is big trouble

Chapter 128 Chapter 128, there is trouble, and it is big trouble
, Just two infantry guns!

It quickly opened up the situation.

If there is a large-caliber artillery...


Excited to think about.

Unfortunately not.

The Japanese invaders no longer dared to stay in the gun tower and wait to die.

They just rushed out.

The result of rushing out is...



Chu Yunfei operated the M2 heavy machine gun and fired violently.

Those Japanese invaders who rushed out were quickly smashed to pieces.Not even lying on the ground.

The huge warhead dug up all the soil on the ground.

"Ding dong!"

"You killed a Japanese invader with your own hands..."

"Ding dong!"

"Ding dong!"

Information flooded in.

Most of the more than 30 Japanese invaders who rushed out were killed by heavy machine guns.

The other Japanese invaders were shot to death randomly.

The situation of these Japanese invaders is a little better.At least the body was intact.

Everyone else used light machine guns.Or a rifle.

The bodies of those hit by heavy machine guns were basically fragmented.Basically not intact.

The other Japanese invaders in the gun tower were shocked and angry when they saw it.


The enemy's firepower is so brutal!
Not only infantry artillery, but also large-caliber machine guns!There is still plenty of ammunition!


The Japanese invaders realized that the end was coming.

The most feared are those puppet soldiers.

How could they have imagined that the firepower of the national army was so fierce.

If they continue to fight, how can they survive?

However, if you want to run, you won't be able to.

The Japanese invaders blocked all the exits of the gun towers.

They want to force all the puppet soldiers to be buried with them.



The infantry artillery continued to bombard.

The shells given by the system are quickly used up.But Chu Yunfei can buy it.

The shells of infantry guns are almost the same as those of 75mm mountain guns.They are all ten oceans and one shell.Still pretty cheap.

and so……

Blow up your bastard!



The gun towers were continuously blown down.

The Japanese invaders inside never dared to come out again.Just desperately calling for help.

Before, Shi Genshan suggested cutting off the telephone lines of the Japanese invaders.But Chu Yunfei said no.Keep the phone line for the Japanese to call for help.

The bigger the action, the better.

Sure enough, the surviving Japanese invaders in the blockhouse hurriedly called their superiors for help.


"The Chinese have cannons?"


The superiors saw that something was wrong.

This is definitely not a guerrilla!It must be the regular national army.

What are they going to do?
Want to attack Luyang?
In other words, Luyang's military strength is relatively empty now...

"Ask for urgent tactical guidance!"

"Ask for urgent tactical guidance!"

The telegram for help came all the way to Haruki Hyakutake.

Chief of Staff Dojima suddenly became nervous.

What are the Chinese going to do?
Launch a large-scale attack?
Hurriedly came to see Baiwu Haruki.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, the Chinese army shows signs of launching a large-scale counterattack."

"Dojima-kun, calm down."

Hyakutake Haruki was very calm.

He concluded that it was impossible for the Chinese army to counterattack on a large scale.

It's not that he hasn't fought against the Chinese army.

Tuba Road?The equipment is too poor.No attack ability.

Jin Sui Army?Low morale.Soldiers have no will to fight.

Central Army?beyond reach.Overwhelmed.

So, don't worry at all.

The battle to seize the Mazhuang stronghold must be a small part of the Chinese army.

Most of their purpose was to create confusion and confuse the judgment of the Japanese army.

"The goal of the Chinese is to attack the east and attack the west." Haruki Hyakutake sneered unabashedly, "Their goal is still the Matsui United."

"However, if the Chinese army comes to Luyang..." Dojima hesitated to speak.

At this moment in Luyang, there are not many defenders.

The garrison is not full, only 500 people.

Adding the gendarmerie, the transport team, and the expatriates, that's just over 1000 people.

In case the number of Chinese troops is too large...

"Dojima-kun, we have aviation!"


Only then did Dojima react.

Yes, we have planes!

Chinese do not.

If the Chinese sent out a large force, the Japanese army could send planes to bomb them.

As long as the Chinese artillery is blown up, they will have no way to attack.This trick has been tried and tested in previous battles.

How can the Chinese fight without heavy weapons?

But it didn't take long before news came that the Zhuomazhuang stronghold had fallen.

Dojima: ...

If Zhuomazhuang stronghold falls, where will the Chinese attack?
In case they really attack Luyang...

In fact, the battle to capture the Mazhuang stronghold is not over yet.Although the communication is interrupted.

That was the phone line was blown.The Japanese invaders had no way to reconnect.

All three turrets were blown to pieces.The Japanese invaders inside were either killed or injured.

Lao Geng fired more than 100 shells in total.

This battle was simply too enjoyable.

The cannonballs are replenished after one wave is fired.Build whatever you want.How strong the turret was blown up.

The remaining Japanese invaders and puppet troops were buried in the ruins.



Chu Yunfei started to grab the head.

As long as it is a Japanese invader, whether it is alive or dead, it will be shot.

"Ding dong!"

"You successfully destroyed one of the Japanese artillery towers."

"You get a 100 infantry gun. [-] rounds of shells."

Another message arrives.

Not one.It's three in a row.

Because there are three gun towers in Zhuomazhuang stronghold.All were destroyed.

Chu Yunfei waved his hands excitedly.

it is good!
Three gun towers, three infantry guns.

Although the performance of infantry guns is not as good as that of Italian guns.However, it is already very satisfying.

Old Geng and the others were even more satisfied.

They now have five infantry artillery!

Five doors!

Enough for a devil to drink a pot!

Chu Yunfei immediately sent cavalry messengers to send orders to the rear, and each battalion dispatched a company to come up.

The main function is to carry weapons and equipment.

Not to mention, there are quite a lot of weapons and equipment seized.

In addition to those of the Japanese invaders, there are also those of the puppet army.

There are two or three hundred rifles alone.There are also some light machine guns and grenades.

Devil's grenade is a good thing.Unfortunately, when encountering infantry artillery, there is no chance to fire it.directly buried in the ruins.

Chu Yunfei dispatched elite personnel to continue the attack.

The next stronghold: Zhouzhuang.



Five infantry guns fired in salvo.

The original towering tower immediately collapsed on the spot.

This brick-and-concrete structure of the gun tower simply couldn't stop the simultaneous bombing of five shells.

The Japanese invaders and puppet soldiers inside were all buried.

"Ding dong!"

"You successfully destroyed a Japanese stronghold."

"You got a [-] infantry gun."

Information arrives.

Chu Yunfei:! ! !

Another infantry gun!

Just cool!
There are now six infantry guns.

However, he did not immediately ask the transport team to send the infantry artillery.

Temporarily unavailable.

To clean up the devil's stronghold, five infantry guns are enough.

No stronghold could hold back the salvo of five infantry guns.

what does this mean?
It means that he can sweep all the way.

He has a new idea.

On the other side of Tongluoling is Li Yunlong's home field.I didn't have much effect in the past.It's better to open up a new battlefield.

Since someone is gnawing on the bone.Then eat some meat yourself.

Let the devils can't take care of both ends.


Chu Yunfei waved his hand.

Next target: Magui Town.

There is a squadron of Japanese invaders and a battalion of puppet troops stationed here.

Behind it is the famous Huting stronghold.

To the southeast of this stronghold is Luyang.

Taking the Huting stronghold is equivalent to opening the northwest gate of Luyang.

The Japanese invaders will definitely be nervous.

They came towards Ma Gui Town in a mighty way.


"What are you panicking about?"

The Japanese squadron leader was annoyed.

It's not Tubalu who came here!Looking at the military uniform, it looks like the national army.

Anyway, the Japanese squadron leader couldn't tell which was which.But one thing is certain, that is, the firepower of the Chinese is not good enough.



Suddenly, a series of loud noises came.

But five infantry guns fired openly.

The shells fell one by one, covering Magui town.

The Japanese invaders were immediately bombarded.


How come there are so many infantry guns?
This is all Japanese artillery fire!They are most familiar with this.

However, in the past, these artillery fires were all hit on the heads of the Chinese.Now it's pouring on my head.

"Yingzuo, what shall we do?"

"How to do?"

The puppet battalion commander had a sad face.

What else can he do?
Run now!

Stay and die?


"Kill Haw!"

The remaining Japanese invaders were extremely angry.

In fact, Magui Town also has some relatively strong strongholds.

The thing is, it's not a mortar.

The ability of mortars to damage fortifications is relatively limited.

However, infantry guns are also direct-firing guns.It also has certain destructive capabilities.

The point is, there are so many shells!

A series of explosions came down, and the gun towers were completely unable to support it.

"Ask for urgent tactical guidance!"

"Ask for urgent tactical guidance!"

A snowflake of distress messages flew to Luyang.

Dojima, who received the report, finally couldn't sit still.

in trouble.

And it's still big trouble.

The attack momentum of the Chinese army is too violent.

If this continues, Luyang will definitely bear the brunt.If Luyang falls, then...

The consequences could be disastrous.

Hurriedly came to report to Momotake Haruki.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the Chinese have captured Magui Town."

"Their next target must be the Huting stronghold."

(End of this chapter)

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