I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 153 Chapter 153, breakout?dream!

Chapter 153 Chapter 153, breakout?dream!

Look at the people around you.

Familiar people seem to be there.

Slightly relieved...

Suddenly, he saw Hammer walking past with a heavy heart.

My heart suddenly sank.

"Hammer, what happened?"

"Report! Huang Silang died."

"Huang Shiro?"

Chu Yunfei was slightly taken aback.

Is that the spy?

He actually sacrificed?

Bah bah bah!He can't afford to sacrifice the word.

But, is he really dead?

Was killed by a Japanese plane?

"where is it?"

"This way..."

Hammer drooped his head, and brought Chu Yunfei to the open space next to him.

The remains of martyrs who died were cleaned up.Prepare to be buried.Huang Silang's body is indeed in it.

"He was shot seven times..."


Chu Yunfei has actually seen,

The bullet went into Huang Silang's back.They are all 7.7mm aviation machine gun bullets.

It's brutal.

One bullet can kill.Let alone seven.

"He He……"

Hammer was very sad.

This Huang Silang's mortar technology is indeed very good.

After serving as a platoon leader, he is also willing to pass on his skills to others.Therefore, many soldiers think he is a very good platoon leader.

Unexpectedly, he would sacrifice here.

Chu Yunfei: ...

I want to say something, but it's hard to say.

He couldn't tell Hammer that Huang Silang was a spy.When you die, you die.It's not worth pity.

At this time, Zhao Gang came over.

"Huang Silang died..."


Zhao Gang opened his mouth.

He knew Huang Silang's identity as a spy.

Unexpectedly, this spy would die under the strafing of his own plane.

This is what happens to invaders.

Not killed by Tubalu.Instead, he was killed by himself.

However, at this moment, Huang Silang's identity cannot be announced.The two just looked at each other.

Well, reluctantly let this spy be a martyr.

Sacrifice him to keep his own place in his next life, never to be an aggressor again.


There is absolutely no place to die!
"Hold on..."

"Hold it..."

Someone nearby comforted the wounded in a low voice.

But there are many wounded who need to be dealt with.But there are not enough doctors.There is also not enough medicine.

Sulfa powder does exist.

Chu Yunfei can be bought with krypton gold.One breath is ten bottles.

Anyway, he is very proud now.Shot down five Japanese planes.Got a full ocean of more than 100 million.Excited just thinking about it.

However, simply having sulfa powder does not work!
Sulfa powder can only treat wound infection.Common medicines are in short supply.

There is no way to krypton gold.

Money can't buy it.


Can't bear to witness.

walk away quietly.

Go visit Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang was still unconscious.

Probably still seriously injured.I don't know if it's life-threatening.

Chu Yunfei himself doesn't understand medical skills.I can only hope that Zhao Gang's life is tough enough.

Auspicious people have their own sky...

Suddenly they heard the voices of Han Songlan and Han Wuwen talking.Quietly turned around and looked over.

The two of them were not injured.

The soldiers gave them the best concealed position.

Damn Spies.

Why didn't the bullet hit the Chinese and Korean catkins?
Chu Yunfei thought resentfully.

But nothing was said.

According to the instructions of the seniors, for such spies, we must put a long line to catch big fish, focus on turning against customers, Li Daitao is stiff, and let them help us "intentionally or unintentionally".

The most urgent task at the moment is to ask them to "help" themselves to get a batch of medicines.



Suddenly, there was another cannon sound.

Everyone hurriedly grabbed their guns and prepared to fight.


"Matsui United has broken through!"

The front line sent a notification.

Chu Yunfei grabbed a Czech light machine gun and charged upwards.



Damn you, the plane bombed just now, didn't you?

We have sacrificed so many soldiers, do you still want to break out?Don't even think about it!

Unless it's stepping on Lao Tzu's body...

Quickly rushed to the mountainside.I just saw a large number of Japanese invaders trying to rush out of the mountain pass.Immediately set up the machine gun and shoot.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

A series of bullets passed, and the Japanese invaders in front fell down one after another.

The Japanese invaders who rushed to the front all had plaster flags tied to their bayonets.He is a veteran of the Japanese army's corps commander and sergeant.These are the first to be killed.

"Ding dong!"

"You killed a Japanese invader with your own hands."

"You get 500 merit points."

"You get 5000 oceans."

Information came in streams.

Didn't have time to look at it at all.

Change the magazine.

Pull the trigger.

Another barrage of bullets passed by.

Several Japanese invaders fell down again.

Chu Yunfei was completely insane.

hit hit hit!
hit hit hit!
My mind is full of killing the Japanese invaders!

How many people were killed or injured by us just now, how many people have to pay the price for you Japanese invaders now!
Do not!
Ten times the price!
How aggrieved it was to be bombed by Japanese invaders just now, how explosive it is now.

Can't wait for the magazine to never run out.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

At this time, other people also rushed up.

They also set up their machine guns, desperately blocking the Japanese invaders' charge.



At the same time, infantry guns and mortars were set up.

A large number of shells fell on the ranks of the Japanese invaders.A burst of flames exploded.In the light of the fire, Japanese invaders continued to fall.

However, the other Japanese invaders were still desperately rushing upwards.

At the same time, the mountain artillery and infantry artillery of the Japanese invaders also started firing.



All kinds of artillery on both sides fired at each other.

Mutual exchange.There were casualties on both sides.But neither side is backing down.

The Japanese invaders desperately attacked.

Eight-way tenacious defense.

The fighting heated up again.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

Chu Yunfei didn't know that he had run out of several magazines.

In short, the barrel of the gun was already faintly red.It's not as simple as steaming.It's straight up red.

But too lazy to change.

Just scrap it.It is important to kill the Japanese invaders first.

at last……

The Japanese invaders' first wave of breakout was suppressed.

Near the mountain pass, the Japanese invaders left a total of four to five hundred corpses.The scene can be said to be a mess.

Matsui Goro was anxious and angry, so he had to report the truth.

practice.Call for urgent tactical guidance.



Hyakutake Haruki felt incredible.

Didn't the Tuba Road get bombed by planes just now?Why did it pop up again?
Moreover, there is such a brutal firepower.

Actually repelled the attack of Matsui United.

This is troublesome.

He hadn't expected it.

What will happen to the Matsui United if they fail to break through?
Could it be that two infantry regiments will be lost in one raid?How many regiments does a division have?Can you afford such a loss?
But what can he do?
Could it be that the air force is dispatched again?

In other words, all the aviation troops at Yuncheng Airport have just been dispatched, and it is estimated that they have just returned to the airport and just landed.

It takes time to reload the bomb and refill the fuel.

Unless it is dispatched from Taiyuan Airport.

There are hundreds of planes at Taiyuan Airport.The issue is……

Frequent dispatch of aviation units will consume a lot of money.

Not only fuel, but also aerial bombs and so on, all of which are a lot of money.

Yes, the Japanese are picky.

Although there are planes.But it cannot be used frequently.

"Your Excellency, Commander..."

"No reply yet."

Baiwu Haruki decided to suppress the telegram for help.

I believe Matsui Goro will understand what he means.

It’s just that you have to figure out a way first.Don't count on aviation to open the way all the time.

Aviation bombed once, to no avail.Did the bombing work the second time?
Probably not.

The Aviation Corps had lost five planes and ten pilots.Can't afford that loss.

Even if it is to dispatch aviation support, it is impossible to dispatch so many planes.Ten crosses will reach the sky.

Of course Matsui Goro understood.

However, he is still riding a tiger.dilemma.

Tuba Road captured the Great Wuding.Grasp a commanding height.It poses a threat to the entire Matsui United.

The flat ground surrounded by the five peaks is where the base camp of the Matsui Regiment is located.

These places can all be seen from the top of the fog.

As long as the artillery observation post sets up an artillery sight on the top of the fog, it can direct the shells to accurately bomb the base camp of the Matsui Regiment.

The longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for Matsui United.

The shells from the Tuba Road continued to hit, and the number of casualties of the Japanese army increased.Morale is also getting lower and lower.

If we continue to delay, I'm afraid we won't even have the strength to break through.

How to do?
Only go all out.




"Kill Haw!"

Matsui Goro made a choice.

He ordered the whole army to break through.

"at all costs!"


"Kill Haw!"

"Kill Haw!"

The Japanese invaders rushed up screaming.

They forced their way through the side pass of Fogtop.

The Eighth Route Army did not stop them.

didn't stop...

There is no way, the Japanese invaders are too cruel.

Even if all the weapons were put into battle, they would still be killed by the brave Japanese invaders.

Near the mountain pass, four or five hundred Japanese invaders fell.

Chu Yunfei used all the weapons.

All kinds of bullets and shells poured out crazily.

However, there were still more than [-] Japanese invaders who successfully broke through.

They rushed out of the mountain pass stepping on the corpses of their companions.Embarrassed.But my life is still there.

Among them, Matsui Goro, the captain of the Japanese Invaders Alliance, was included.

They fled eastward frantically.

They abandoned all heavy weapons.Pack light.He kept running for his life.Completely ignore Tubalu's pursuit.

I have to say that the speed of running recklessly like this is really fast.

After reacting, Li Yunlong and Kong Jie immediately organized people to chase after them, but it was already too late.Can't catch up at all.



Suddenly, a series of loud noises came.

All I saw was the vanguard of the Japanese deserters, bursting out with clusters of dazzling flames.

But the landmine on the road ahead exploded again.

Goro Matsui: ...

damn it!
Those deadly mines are still there.

Before, they were blocked by these landmines, so they had to retreat to Tongluoling.

Now, those mines have become a roadblock again.

However, they could no longer go back.

"rush out!"

"Rush over!"

Matsui Goro ordered angrily.

Some Japanese invaders began to rush forward desperately.

They roll thunder with their bodies.

Matsui Goro and all the captains also drove their horses forward.Use the steed to detonate the mines.



The sound of explosions continued.

This move of the Japanese invaders was extremely cold and ruthless.But it works.

Although at a considerable cost. Almost half of the more than 500 Japanese invaders were blown up.However, more than 200 Japanese troops still successfully broke out of the minefield.

They then galloped desperately eastward.Want to escape back to Huting stronghold.

Chu Yunfei: ...


Some of the Japanese invaders actually ran away!

The problem is that the Japanese invaders are desperately heading east, and they have no time to catch up.

When the Japanese invaders abandoned all their heavy equipment and ran frantically for their lives, even hunting dogs could not catch up with their speed.

"Let him go!"

Li Yunlong sighed helplessly.

It was the first time I saw the devil running so fast.Even he can't help it.

Now, it's important for them to clean up the battlefield.

There are so many weapons and equipment left by the devils, they are simply treasures!
"I'll go after it!"

Chu Yunfei said decisively.

He doesn't need booty.

He just wanted to catch up with the Japanese invaders.Catch one counts as one.

"it is good!"

"I will transfer all the cavalry to you!"

"Sun Desheng!"

Li Yunlong didn't hesitate either.

Immediately call his ace, Sun Desheng.

Chu Yunfei finally saw Sun Desheng.

At this time, Sun Desheng already had a war horse.Although there is no cavalry company.


Chu Yunfei waved his hand.

He rushed to the Japanese invaders with a dozen cavalrymen.

(End of this chapter)

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