I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 155 Chapter 155, Give me all to snatch the Japanese invaders!

Chapter 155 Chapter 155, Give me all to snatch the Japanese invaders!

The Japanese invaders did not attack.

They just stared at Chu Yunfei from a distance.

Many officers raised their binoculars.Then a name flashed through my mind.

Chu Yunfei!
The opponent is Chu Yunfei!
That's right, it's him!

Recognize even when turned into ashes!

Cavalry are nobles.The Black Isle Cavalry Regiment is no exception.

Their little second lieutenant has equipment such as binoculars.

Chongqing's hype, there are pictures and the truth.People in the cavalry wing have also seen the corresponding photos.

It didn't take long to recognize who the other party was.


Kuroshima Morita stroked the white gloves slowly.

The surrounding officers are well aware of it.This is ready to go.Or don't give up if you don't reach your goal.

If it was the other eight roads, perhaps Kuroshima Morita would not be tempted.

However, the opponent is Chu Yunfei!

Wearing the military uniform of the Jinsui Army and the collar badge of a colonel, his face is exactly the same as that published in the newspaper.

Although the newspapers at that time were black and white.The outline of the characters is not clear.But Su Yanzi took pictures too clearly.The high-level Japanese invaders are also professionals.Recognized at a glance.


Kuroshima Morita nodded repeatedly.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He considers himself very lucky.

To meet Chu Yunfei here.

This great achievement is about to fall into his own hands.

As long as you eliminate the opponent, you will definitely be rewarded.

"Report immediately!"

"We found Chu Yunfei!"

"Our department will pursue it to the end. We must kill the opponent!"

Kuroshima Morita ordered.

In the end, I have some regrets.

It should be added that Chu Yunfei will never be withdrawn until Chu Yunfei is eliminated.

Only in this way can the momentum of the cavalry wing be shown.

Think about it later.I don't think this statement is accurate enough.It should be to capture Chu Yunfei alive.

For this "blood-debt" Chinese with "Japanese blood on his hands", he must be captured alive and then tortured in every possible way.Let him not be able to survive, not be able to die.Let him regret coming to this world...

Only in this way can the hatred of the Japanese be relieved.

"Commander Chu, the Japanese invaders recognized you." Sun Desheng's eyes were sharp, and he immediately caught the unusual behavior of the Japanese invaders.

"I'm the only colonel of the national army here." Chu Yunfei said calmly, "It's not surprising that they know it's me."

Sun Desheng hesitated to speak.

If it was someone else, he might say, you go first, I will cover.

But the head of Chu in front of him, it seems that he should go first?So as not to drag each other down?

The opponent's combat power is too strong.

He is also willing to bow down.

In just a short while, Chu Yunfei killed several Japanese invaders.

It's a pity that there is no way to capture the horse.This is Sun Desheng's biggest regret.

His dream has always been to form a cavalry company!
"You go somewhere..."

Chu Yunfei told Sun Desheng the address of the POW camp.

He was going to lure the Japanese cavalry there.If the Japanese cavalry really wanted to chase after them.

This is a great opportunity.

As long as the special operations company and the guard company ambushed well in advance, they would certainly be able to inflict heavy damage on the Japanese invaders.

Feed an eagle with your body...

Is that what you mean?

Anyway, I am the bait.The Japanese invaders rushed forward.


Sun Desheng turned and left.

The other cavalry also left quickly.

At the scene, Chu Yunfei was the only one left.

Take a deep breath.

Asahi Kou raised his middle finger.

Black sweep Morita's face suddenly became ugly.

In fact, he didn't understand what this action meant.But it must have been some kind of humiliation!


The other party is too arrogant.

Just one person, dare to humiliate the imperial cavalry like this?

When you are captured alive, you will know what pain is!
"Kill Haw!"

Kuroshima Morita pointed the command knife.

A cavalry squadron rushed up.

But the other cavalry squadrons did not follow, but turned and entered the mountain from other directions.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Hehe, want to outflank me?


Let's go hide and seek in the mountains!
You are professional cavalry, I am a monk halfway.But I am not cowardly either.

It depends on who is benefited by Weiwei Taixing.



He fired all eight bullets in one go.

Five Japanese cavalry fell off their horses.But other Japanese cavalry continued to catch up.

Chu Yunfei turned the horse's head and galloped desperately.


come after me!




From time to time turn around and shoot.

One fled, the other chased, and soon went deep into the rugged mountains.

However, the Japanese cavalry was still very cautious.

They thought that Chu Yunfei would flee in the direction of Tongluoling.There is a large army of Tuba Road over there.

Therefore, they appeared to be very careful to avoid being ambushed by Tuba Road.

However, the Japanese invaders quickly judged that the direction of Chu Yunfei's galloping was not Tongluoling.So I feel relieved.



Chu Yunfei turned around and shot again.

Unfortunately, only three Japanese invaders were killed this time.

No way, the mountain road began to be rugged.The horse began to jolt.Shooting (+6) is not enough either.

On the contrary, the Japanese cavalry had no doubts.

If Chu Yunfei ran all the way and didn't turn around and shoot, they would have thought there was a trap.



Intermittently, Chu Yunfei approached the prisoner-of-war camp.

Kuroshima Morita was even more relieved.

It is not far from Huting stronghold.Only less than fifty miles away.

Tuba Road would definitely not dare to gather large troops here.So, they just need to keep rushing up.



Suddenly, various gunshots rang out.

It was the soldiers of the special warfare company and the guard company who fired.

They received a report from Sun Desheng.

They set up ambushes on both sides of the mountain road.

The Japanese cavalry who were caught off guard suddenly fell dozens of people.However, they are also quick to respond.Get out immediately.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

There was heavy gunfire from behind.Another twenty or thirty Japanese cavalrymen fell.

Chu Yunfei seized the opportunity to shoot.

He killed more than a dozen Japanese cavalry in one breath.

Unfortunately, most of the Japanese cavalry managed to break away from the ambush circle.

There is no way, the time is too hasty, and the deployment is not very perfect.Otherwise, the corpses left by the Japanese cavalry would be even bigger.

However, Chu Yunfei was already very satisfied.

Finally, more than 50 Japanese war horses were caught.

All intact.

Sun Desheng was overjoyed.

Finally, there was a wave of war horses for him to use.

The formation of the cavalry company is in sight.

"Commander Chu, can I take these horses with me?" Sun Desheng asked directly.

"You take half of it." Chu Yunfei replied.

I also have cavalry company.

Still two.

I also badly need war horses.

"it is good!"

Sun Desheng was very happy.

Although it is only half of the horses, it can also form a cavalry platoon.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes behind him.

I almost thought it was Japanese cavalry, but later found out that it was not.

"Group seat!"

Surprisingly, Sun Da got to come.

At the same time, there were people from Shifeng Mountain.

"Huh? Is it you?"

Sun Desheng was also quite surprised.

Why is my brother here?

Chu Yunfei: ...


I forgot to tell Sun Desheng on the way.

"Shifeng Mountain!"

When Sun Desheng saw the other party, he couldn't help frowning.

It seems that there is really a bit of grievance between these two groups of people.

"Sun Desheng, aren't you on the Eighth Road? What are you doing here?" Shi Fengshan also frowned.

"I'm here to kill the devil!" Sun Desheng said dryly, "What does it matter to you?"

"We also follow Captain Chu to kill devils!" Shi Fengshan replied, "Chief Chu is our seat. It's not yours. Get out of here quickly."

"What did you say?" Sun Desheng quit immediately.

Seeing that the two groups of people were about to fight again.Chu Yunfei had no choice but to stretch out his hand.Signal both sides to calm down.

"The Japanese cavalry is outside."

"That's the Black Island Cavalry Regiment. There are nearly a thousand more people. Whoever has the ability among you will grab it!"

"Whoever grabs it belongs to him..."

Chu Yunfei said.

Stop fighting.Go grab it if you can.

There are a lot of good things from the Japanese invaders.What is a war horse?
What's the use of the nest.

Give me all to grab the Japanese invaders!
"it is good!"

As a result, two groups of people rushed out before the words fell.

Although the mountain road was narrow, the two groups of people charged side by side.No one is willing to be left behind.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Is it so fierce?

Hurry to catch up.

Don't hang up all of them in a while.

As a result, there was no gunfire ahead.

Seeing Shi Fengshan and Sun Dade both drew their sabers.

Similarly, the Japanese cavalry on the opposite side also put away the Type [-] rifles and drew their sabers.

"No one is allowed to shoot!"

"Old rules! Fight with a saber!"

Sun Desheng roared.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Is this going to be singled out?
One on one?

Only sabers, no guns?
Something seems wrong.

But there seems to be nothing wrong.

However, cavalry does seem to have some ancient rules.

So quietly swept by the side.

(End of this chapter)

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