I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 186 Chapter 186, the plan revealed by the flaw

Chapter 186 Chapter 186, the plan full of flaws
Chu Yunfei came to the Barnacle Ridge checkpoint.

This is the first checkpoint to enter Dagu Town.There are heavy guards.

The one stationed here is Wang Longchuan's first battalion with the strongest combat effectiveness.

He put a company here.A full 180 people.

There is also mortar cover behind.

Further back, there are ten Italian guns providing fire support.

All kinds of heavy machine guns and light machine guns are watching from high places.

The [-]th Regiment has a complete advantage.

If the Japanese invaders in Wanjia Town launched a strong attack, they would definitely be beaten to death.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Japanese invaders in Wanjia Town did not dare to act rashly after Chu Yunfei left Dagu Town for so many days.

Even if the entire brigade of the Japanese invaders pressed up, the casualties would be very heavy.

Although the Japanese invaders are arrogant.But not stupid.

Knowing that it is an egg hitting a rock, they will definitely not be so reckless.

"Group seat!"

"Are the prisoners of war here?"

"not yet……"

Wang Longchuan suddenly shut up.

Instead, they saw a squadron of Japanese invaders appearing in the distance, escorting about a hundred Chinese prisoners of war.

Chu Yunfei narrowed his eyes.

Haha, it was exactly as I expected.

Those prisoners of war were completely faked by the Japanese invaders.

Where are there so many healthy, strong prisoners of war?
Among the Chinese prisoners of war who fell into the hands of the Japanese invaders, except for Zhu He, Cheng Kun and others who needed to be used as training tools for the Yamamoto Special Forces, it was impossible for others to get enough food.

At most three days, he is already in a state of semi-stretch, and the weak ones may not even be able to walk steadily.

"Tuan Zuo, something is wrong!" Wang Longchuan said.

Obviously, he also found out.

Those prisoners of war are all intact hands and feet, which is really abnormal.

The average stature is not high.But relatively robust.

Chinese people rarely have this.

"It was faked by the Japanese invaders." Chu Yunfei said calmly, "But don't shoot yet, let's see what they want to do."

"I'll call up the reserve team." Wang Longchuan was eager to try.

"No need. Duan Peng and the others will deal with it." Chu Yunfei pouted backwards.

Wang Longchuan was relieved now.

It turned out to be the group of spirited boys!

Really great!

Without weapons, almost no one is their opponent.

Those guys are really good at gang fights.Also too good at catching people.Once you are entangled by them, there is very little chance to escape.

Wang Longchuan already knew about the arrest of Japanese ronin.

However, there are hundreds of Japanese invaders pretending to be prisoners of war.Can Duan Peng and the others handle it?

"We only let 20 people in each time." Chu Yunfei said.

"Will the Japanese invaders suspect it?" asked Wang Longchuan.

"I guess the Japanese invaders will pretend to be dumb. Because they can't speak Chinese. I'm afraid they will show their feet."


Wang Longchuan reacted.

This is indeed a huge flaw.It is estimated that the Japanese are also aware of it.

Even in a hurry, they couldn't find so many Japanese invaders who could speak Chinese well.At most, there are a few Chinese hands in it.Trying to get away with it.

Some Japanese military officers could indeed speak Chinese very well.It is difficult for outsiders to tell the truth from the fake.

"The Japanese invaders are also aware of this. Therefore, they will snatch our weapons in the shortest possible time, and then occupy the bayonet."

"Then we haven't fired yet?"

"Of course! But don't kill them all. Capture as much as possible. You can exchange for more real prisoners of war."


Wang Longchuan immediately geared up.

As long as you can shoot it, you're fine.Guaranteed to hit the little devil doubt life.

Those Japanese invaders who pretended to be prisoners of war had no weapons.

How can it be so easy to snatch weapons?

Do you want a submachine gun?

OK!give you!In addition, I will give you a shuttle of bullets!
"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Send you to see Amaterasu.

He could chew down more than 100 unarmed Japanese invaders in one company.

Even the Japanese invader squadron outside also cleaned up and dealt with it together.In case the number of people is small, it is not enough.It's okay to clean up more than 200 devils at a time.

However, as soon as the gun is fired, the large Japanese troops will definitely come up with reinforcements.The battle became fierce.

"I have arranged everything." Chu Yunfei gave reassurance.

"Understood." Wang Longchuan felt relieved.

While speaking, Kitano Hiroshi already raised his hands, indicating that he has no weapons.

He walked carefully to the bayonet.

"I have an appointment with you, Commander Chu..."

'I'm here. "

Chu Yunfei's voice came.

Then, he came out from inside.Come to Kitano Hiroshi.

Kitano quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that Chu Yunfei comes out.

Just come out...

"Captain Chu, I have already brought the person you want."

"Wait a minute. I want to double check."


Kitano Hiroshi replied.

Suddenly, a person walked out of the prisoner of war.

"who are you?"

"I belong to Division 57!"

"What are you doing lorry? We're going in!"

The man was very loud.

Very arrogant.The mouth is fragrant.He directly went mad at Chu Yunfei.

"We're going home!"

"We're going home!"

Then several prisoners of war roared.

While roaring, they rushed up excitedly, pushing and shoving to enter the checkpoint.

Chu Yunfei: ...

Are the Japanese invaders so professional?

How many people have been found temporarily, and they are proficient in Chinese?Or are they originally Chinese hands?
Could it be an ordinary soldier.But an officer?


"You said you belonged to the 57th Division. Do you know who the commander of the 57th Division is?" Chu Yunfei frowned.

"Our teacher Yu Chengwan!" The other party replied aggressively, "I am his adjutant! I am also his nephew! My name is Yu Wandong! Who are you? How dare you stop us!"

"Are you Master Yu's nephew?"

"That's right! If you are sensible, let us in quickly!"

"All right……"

Chu Yunfei pretended to be difficult.

It is estimated that the opponent is just these three axes.There is no more drama.

Keep going, we're all going to get out.

OK.let you in.


The sentry moved the barricade away.

Chu Yunfei stretched out his hand and made a blocking gesture towards Kitanokuan.

Sorry, fake pows ​​can come in.The Japanese invaders in that squadron were spared.See you on the battlefield in a while.

Kitano stepped back.

Suddenly it doesn't feel right.

It was Chu Yunfei who suddenly reached out and grabbed him.

Pull him at the same time.Pulled over fiercely.


Kitano Hiroshi immediately realized something was wrong.


The trick really didn't work!

Why do you say sure enough?

Because he himself felt that the success rate of this plan was too low.It's just forced to do so.


It was indeed seen through by Chu Yunfei.

What are the consequences of being found out?Of course it was dead.Those who die cannot die again.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

Sure enough, there was a burst of gunfire from inside the checkpoint.

Needless to say, it must be that the fake prisoners of war have been subjected to all kinds of machine gun fire, and they will definitely fall down in rows.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

At the same time, the Chinese machine gun positions also opened fire.

Dense bullets covered the Japanese squadron outside.In an instant, twenty or thirty Japanese soldiers were killed on the ground.


"Kill Haw!"

"Kill Haw!"

The squadron leader of the Japanese invaders drew his sword.

The other Japanese invaders also rushed forward frantically.

At the same time, at the end of the line of sight, densely packed Japanese troops appeared.

There are thousands of people!



There are shells falling.

It was Jin Tinglie's mortar that fired.

One after another, the shells landed precisely in the middle of the Japanese squadron, blowing up many Japanese invaders at once.



Hiroshi Kitano struggled desperately.

However, in vain.

His strength is not as strong as Chu Yunfei.He was dragged into the checkpoint by Chu Yunfei.

Inadvertently, he saw in the valley ahead, the Japanese invaders pretending to be prisoners of war were running desperately, trying to attack the defensive positions of the Chinese army.However, it didn't work at all.

The firepower of the Chinese is too fierce.All kinds of heavy machine guns and light machine guns can easily block all angles.

This is the trap.It was indeed a trap.I knew there was a trap.

Kitano sighed helplessly.

The plan failed.

It was a plan full of flaws.

When encountering real Chinese soldiers, there is no possibility of success at all.


He gave up fighting.

There is no point in resisting.Adds to the pain.

It's better to end it sooner.

"just kill me!"

"I'm not your opponent."


Kitano Kuan said to Chu Yunfei.

(End of this chapter)

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