I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 20 020, Steepunk, Jade Buddha

Chapter 20 020, Steepunk, Jade Buddha
March all the way.

Finally arrived at Wanjia Town smoothly.

It was already afternoon.There was a delay of over an hour.

Looking through the telescope, Wanjia Town is still very peaceful.The Japanese invaders and puppet troops inside should not know that the troops sent out have been wiped out.

Great opportunity.

If all goes well, the battle will be over before dark.Then return.

If it doesn't go well, I don't know how long it will take.

Zhang Chu took people to the front to prepare.The Jinsui Army opened a distance behind.

When Zhang Chu and the others opened the passage, the 358th regiment rushed forward.

There is still a little time.

Hope it goes well.

Fang Ligong suddenly leaned over.

"The group seats..."

"Chief of Staff, speak up."

"Tuan Zuo, if we join hands with the Eighth Route Army to fight like this, if the superior finds out..."

Fang Ligong hesitated to speak.

The superiors are quite "hating the Communist Party".Changing methods to suppress the Communist Party.

As the head of the 358 regiment, it is impossible for you not to know.

This is the instruction spirit of the superior.Various measures should be taken to limit the development of Tuba Road.

It's exactly the same policy as someone from Chongqing Jiang.

They all want to suppress the Communist Party.

Resolutely do not give Tubalu any room to survive.

You are good.

He actually became one with Tuba Road.

Join forces to fight against Tuba Road.

He also promised to give all the captured weapons and equipment to Tubalu.Isn't this increasing the strength of Tuba Road?
What is most lacking in Tuba Road?
Weapons and ammunition.

Once they have enough weapons and ammunition, this huge Jin Province may be dominated by Tubalu.

Even the Japanese can't do anything about Tubalu.What else can the Jinsui Army do?
"Isn't the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperating now?"

"That's what you say. But everyone knows that only the Red Party is sincerely cooperating, and we..."

"The big deal is to remove my post."

Chu Yunfei didn't care.

The east does not fight the west.As long as you have the heart to fight devils, you will always have a chance.

If the Jinsui Army doesn't want it, then I will vote for the Eighth Route.

More straightforward.

"The group seats..."

Fang Ligong was speechless.

He actually has a good heart.


He didn't want Chu Yunfei to be dismissed.

Chu Yunfei has a bright future.

In addition, his chief of staff has also risen with the tide.

It would be too unfair to be dismissed because of "communism".

A bright future was ruined like this.

Totally unnecessary.

Not worth it either.

"Chief of Staff, I heard that Commander Yang's wife has some special preferences?"

"Commander of the Group Army? Madam Yang?"

Fang Ligong was at a loss.

Why did Commander Yang's wife be mentioned all of a sudden?
Commander Yang is Yang Aiyuan, commander-in-chief of the Sixth Army.His wife is naturally Mrs. Yang.

Yang Aiyuan is not only the commander of the Sixth Army, but also the deputy commander of the World War II zone.

It is rumored that Yang is a strict wife.Sun Chu, Wang Jingguo and others also used this to mock Yang Aiyuan.

But what does it have to do with Chu Yunfei?

Chu Yunfei suddenly called out affectionately.

Han Silan:? ? ?

What do you mean?
Called so affectionate?

Who am I to you?

Should you call me by my full name?
"come over!"

Chu Yunfei waved to Han Silan.

Han Silan gritted her teeth quietly.Finally went through.

No way, there are outsiders.

You have to be obedient.

"Who is this……"

Fang Ligong couldn't figure out the details of Han Songlan.

Is it Mrs. Ru of the group seat?
still is……

"This Miss Han will be my plenipotentiary representative from now on. Please also arrange for her to meet Mrs. Yang." Chu Yunfei said calmly, "Move around more in the future."

Fang Ligong was slightly taken aback, and then came to his senses.

So ashamed.

He used to think that Chu Yunfei was just a piece of wood, not enlightened!

These days, so what if you are a Huangpu student?So what if he is a fellow villager of Chief Yan?You have to move around a lot!
To put it bluntly, it is a gift!

If there is any benefit, quickly give it to your superior.

If there is nothing, then send ocean, gold, jade, emerald or something.This is something no one doesn't like.

As a result, Chu Yunfei remained unmoved.

Never move around.

Even now it is still a small team leader.

Frankly speaking, with Chu Yunfei's conditions, it's no problem to be a teacher.It's a pity that it's just enlightenment.

did not expect……

Finally got it right today.

Finally he was willing to move around.He also chose to take the lady route.

Needless to say, this Han Songlan is definitely the role of Chu Yunfei's concubine.Otherwise, how could it be possible to send her to see the wife of the commander-in-chief of the army group?

In this kind of thing, the key is to have equal status.

If Fang Ligong went to give gifts, then he would definitely not be able to see Mrs. Yang!
It was just right for Han Silan to go.

What are you doing to see Mrs. Yang?

Of course it's a gift!
what to give?
Needless to say.

Of course it's white money.Or the ocean of white flowers.It would be even more welcome if there were gold bars or something.

If none of these.You can also send smoke quietly.

In short, it's worth the money.

That Mrs. Yang likes these things the most.

No wonder Chu Yunfei can get so many weapons and ammunition supplies.It turned out that others had already taken the harem route and dealt with the bosses at all levels.

really high!

Worthy of being a top student in Whampoa.

This relationship is also first class.

If you send money directly to Yang Aiyuan, tens of thousands of dollars may not be effective.He might not accept it either.

Both Sun Chu and Wang Jingguo were staring at Yang Aiyuan.

But giving it to Mrs. Yang is completely fine.May I ask which lady does not love money?Ask her to help blow the pillow wind, and the effect will be awesome.

As long as a few thousand oceans are needed, the effect of tens of thousands of oceans can be achieved.

"no problem."

Fang Ligong immediately agreed.

Of course he is happy with such a good thing.

If you help the group to run relationships, it also seems that you have a close relationship with the group, doesn't it?

Chu Yunfei was promoted, so he naturally followed suit.

Han Silan next to him: ...

I need to help give gifts!

I am not someone to you.Why should I help you meet Yang Aiyuan's wife.

You really think of me as your concubine!
Shameless especially!
"Chief of Staff, you go to the front line to check the situation."

"it is good!"

Fang Ligong went immediately.

But he didn't know that Chu Yunfei sent him away on purpose.

This Han Silan is not enlightened.

Gotta make a point.

"If I'm fired, you'll lose a regiment."

"You don't have to pay for it. There are also errand fees. How about [-]%."

"Use my concubine's name to meet Mrs. Yang."

Chu Yunfei whispered into Han Silan's ear.

Han Silan gritted her teeth resentfully.

want to be angry.

But I can't get angry again.

What the other party said was the truth.

If it is dismissed, the 358 regiment will be lost.

It is rare for Chu Yunfei to take the initiative to make friends with our party. This opportunity must be seized.

If the 358 regiment can be turned into a team of our party.Or willing to cooperate with our army in combat.This is definitely very useful for our army.

What's more, there is still [-]% of the errand fee.

"Miss Han, I'm the head of the Jinsui Army now. It's the custom here to give gifts. The more gifts you give, the faster you'll be promoted. Do you understand?"

"How much?"

"Ten thousand oceans."


Han Silan was taken aback.

Ten thousand oceans?
the first time?
so much?
She has never seen so many ten thousand oceans!

Although she is the owner of Xinglin Pharmacy.But I have never seen Ten Thousand Oceans!That needs to be picked with baskets!
It is calculated as an ocean and a half. 1 oceans, that is more than 500 catties.

The baskets are enough to fill ten baskets!

How much can you buy with so much money?You actually bring it as a gift?


Do you want to be such a loser!

"Know Steepunk?"

"Do you know the Jade Seat Golden Buddha?"

"I can't bear children, I can't hold wolves..."

Chu Yunfei patiently explained.

Han Silan still gritted her teeth.

I feel so sad.

Ten thousand oceans!

It would be great if it was given to the Eighth Route Army!


"You can report this matter to your superior." Chu Yunfei said solemnly, "But it must be implemented as soon as possible."

"Understood." Han Silan agreed resentfully.

"Give gifts to the position. Not only can I keep the throne of regiment leader, I might even be promoted to division commander. This will also be of great benefit to you."


Han Songlan gritted her teeth.

It's all bad vibes.

Unhealthy tendencies!

However, if this were not the case, the Jinsui army would not have fallen into such a field.



Suddenly, there was a gunshot ahead.

It was a Garland semi-automatic rifle firing.It was Sun Ming who was shooting.

Chu Yunfei:? ? ?

Discovered by the Japanese invaders?

"Report to the group seat!"

"The Eighth Route Army in front has already entered."

Xia Houxuan came to report in a hurry.

Chu Yunfei calmly waved his hand.

What are you waiting for?
Kill it!

(End of this chapter)

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