I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 212 Chapter 212, God Bless Amaterasu!

Chapter 212 Chapter 212, God Bless Amaterasu!
The Japanese fighter planes came menacingly.

For them, the Chinese battlefield has no opponents at all.

Especially in the North China battlefield.The Chinese don't even have planes.They have no chance of air combat at all.

Every time it is dispatched, the only task is to attack the ground.

And there is almost no hindrance to the ground attack.Attack whatever you want.

The Chinese lack air defense weapons too much.

It can even be said to be completely absent.At most, it is to use a light machine gun to shoot into the air.

The question is, what use can a light machine gun be?

No threat.

Therefore, the Japanese aircraft entered the battlefield swaggeringly.

Even if a plane ahead was shot down, the other Japanese pilots didn't care much.

Where do the Chinese have any anti-aircraft weapons?Think too much.

In such a flat, vast, and endless battlefield, it is completely dominated by Japanese aircraft.

The effect of their attacks depends entirely on the amount of ammunition they carry.

Of course, there is also pilot technology.


Countless flames shot into the sky.

It feels like a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

Suddenly, another Japanese plane was hit and fell into a ball of fire.


"Aircraft gun?"

The other Japanese aircraft felt a little wrong.

The Chinese army on the ground seems to have anti-aircraft guns!Moreover, the density of artillery fire is quite high.

Even in broad daylight, countless white lights can be seen.That's the trajectory of an anti-aircraft gun.

Lots and lots of white marks...

Subconsciously looked towards the ground.

Immediately felt scalp numbness.


So many anti-aircraft guns on the ground!

In the field of vision of the Japanese pilots, all the ground that could be seen was filled with anti-aircraft guns.

It is conservatively estimated that the number will not be less than two hundred...



"A large number of anti-aircraft guns were found!"

"A large number of anti-aircraft guns were found!"

"There are at least two hundred doors!"

"There are at least two hundred doors!"

The Japanese lieutenant who led the team hurriedly reported.At the same time, he subconsciously raised his plane.

With so many anti-aircraft guns and such fierce anti-aircraft firepower, it is definitely not a good thing for Japanese aircraft.If the altitude is lower than 1000 meters, it is completely courting death.

In a blink of an eye, the Japanese lieutenant had already recognized it.That was the Suroton 20mm anti-aircraft gun.

Objectively speaking, the performance of this anti-aircraft gun is quite good.

Once the number exceeds [-], a very dense anti-aircraft firepower can be formed.

Propeller aircraft are still very dangerous in front of such anti-aircraft guns.The probability of being shot down is quite high.No one dares to take it lightly.

What's more, there are more than 200 doors now!
That's like jumping headlong into a hornet's nest!

"More than 200 anti-aircraft guns?"


"how is this possible?"

Osamu Maeda was dumbfounded when he heard the aviation call from the radio.

Where did Tubalu go to tinker with so many anti-aircraft guns?

A few doors would be nice.There are actually more than 200 doors!

Then how to fight?
"No chariot dispatch!"

"No chariot dispatch!"

Maeda ordered hastily.Immediately reacted.I don't seem to have a chariot.

The 35th Division is a security division, not equipped with tanks.Not even a small bean curd tank.Needless to say, this is a great pity.

But now, he has no regrets.

Even if you give yourself a dozen small bean tanks, what's the use.

It's not about going up to die.

That Suluotong anti-aircraft gun, in addition to being able to hit aircraft, can also easily hit tanks.

Flat shot tank weapon.

As long as one shell hits, the tank can be easily torn apart.

What's more, there are more than 200 Suluotong anti-aircraft guns on Tuba Road!
How many tanks do you have going up to die?

I hope the 108th and 109th divisions are not so stupid...

Both divisions have tanks.

If they foolishly send tank troops up there to die...

In fact, Maeda Osamu's worries were unnecessary.

The Japanese commanders of the 108th and 109th divisions are not so stupid.

Knowing that there are more than 200 anti-aircraft guns on Tuba Road in front of them, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, sweating secretly behind their backs.

God bless you!

With so many anti-aircraft guns on the Tuba Road, it is estimated that even the aircraft cannot support it, let alone the tanks on the ground?
So, here comes the question, what does the intelligence service do?
There are so many anti-aircraft guns on Tuba Road, and the intelligence department doesn't know it?Are they all blind?

Sure enough, another burst of flames suddenly burst out in the air.

Another Japanese aircraft was destroyed.It turned into a ball of fire and slowly fell from the sky.

"The third one!"

"The third one!"

There was a neat yell from the ground.

However, both sides of the war focused their attention on the sky.

The Japanese air force commander in the rear was also quite nervous.

damn it!
Three were shot down!
How long has it been since the war started!Just lost three planes!
They are all relatively light and flexible fighter jets!


How come there are so many anti-aircraft guns on Tuba Road?
Feel like this is a trap at all?
Did Tubalu deliberately set up the anti-aircraft artillery positions, and then waited for the Japanese planes to throw themselves into the trap?

It happened that the Japanese military plane was careless and broke in.


Yoshio Shinozuka was also taken aback.

Tuba Road actually has so many artillery?How did he know nothing about it?
Almighty Amaterasu!

Fortunately, Tuba Road did not launch large-scale fortifications in Jin Province before.

Otherwise, once Tubalu mobilizes so many artillery fires, how many Japanese troops can bear it?

At least, the Suzuki Brigade in Wangjia Town couldn't stand it.

It is entirely possible that the entire army will be wiped out!

"Order the Suzuki Brigade!"

"Abandon Wanjia Town immediately! Withdraw to the water spring!"

Shinozuka Yoshio ordered decisively.

He couldn't let a brigade go to die in vain.

Before, this brigade had already suffered huge losses.If you don't retreat quickly, your number will be cancelled.


"What did you say?"

"There are hundreds of anti-aircraft guns on Tuba Road?"


Hyakutake Haruki suddenly stood up.

Hearing this shocking news, his first reaction was that it was absolutely impossible.

How could there be so many anti-aircraft guns on Tuba Road!

A door or two is fine.

Ammunition is also seriously lacking.No effective air defense at all.

Now that there are so many popping up all at once, did they fall from the sky?Or was it transported from that mysterious traffic line?
For a moment, Hyakutake Haruki was dizzy.

He really thought that Chu Yunfei had such a magical communication line that could transport Su Luotong anti-aircraft guns.

Later, when I calmed down, I realized that it was impossible.

The Suluotong anti-aircraft gun is not a shell gun. How can such a conspicuous target be transported?
However, he couldn't explain where the anti-aircraft guns of Tuba Road came from.Moreover, the number is still so many.It was just too scary.

"Your Excellency, Commander, Taiyuan ordered the Suzuki Brigade to withdraw to Shuiquan!" Chief of Staff Dojima came to report.

"Hurry up!" Hyakutake Haruki nodded hastily.

Tubalu is so powerful, why don't you hurry up and withdraw?
He was even a little worried whether the Suzuki brigade would miss the opportunity to retreat.

"Pay close attention to the aircraft dynamics."


Mr. Dojima agreed.

He is also very nervous.real.This is related to the life and death of the 36th Division!

If the Japanese army's planes had no choice but to use Tuba Road, then the 36th Division trapped in the foot basin of Shangdang would be a dead end.

I hope the Japanese aircraft can win a big victory...


(End of this chapter)

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