I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

229 Chapter 229, face riding attack

229 Chapter 229, face riding attack

Chu Yunfei was thinking about a rescue plan, and the action had already started over there.

A series of artillery fire sank the merchant ship without prisoners of war.Only the merchant ship with the prisoners of war remained.

The Taishan cruiser approached slowly.

Other destroyers also approached from around.

"Listen up, all Japanese troops on board!"

"Raise your hands and surrender, you can live!"

A shout came from the radio above the cruiser.

Soon after, the Japanese merchant ship raised a white flag.

In the face of the absolute superiority of force, even the Japanese had no choice but to bow their knees and surrender.

The Japanese invaders are not stupid either.They are also very clear that in front of a warship with a displacement of [-] tons, resistance is a dead end.Not even a chance to resist.

The opponent can send them to the bottom of the sea with just one shell.

Bushido spirit is not a panacea.

Otherwise, there would be no subsequent unconditional surrender.

The marines soon boarded the merchant ship.Control all the Japanese invaders.

All prisoners of war were liberated.

However, they did not leave the merchant ship.Instead, sail with the fleet.

The fleet now needs to bombard Tianjin Wei.Wait for the task to be completed before sending them to a safe place.

keep sailing.

Full speed ahead.

Several hours later, we arrived near Tianjin Wei.

All the warships are spread out in a fan shape, with their sides facing Tianjin Wei.Always be ready to shoot.

"All ships shoot freely!"

"All ships shoot freely!"

Chu Yunfei's order was as simple as ever.

Because he doesn't understand naval warfare at all!

It can only be handed over to professional people to do professional things.

Until now, he would pinch his arms or thighs from time to time.

It feels like a dream.

I actually own so many naval warships!

If there is even a battleship and an aircraft carrier, it will be terrible.

What is it to defeat the Japanese?
It is necessary to take a mighty fleet to the Atlantic Ocean for a circle.

Make it a hundred or dozens of aircraft carriers, hundreds of battleships, thousands of cruisers, tens of thousands of destroyers...


Suddenly he took a breath of cold air.

But he accidentally pinched himself.It hurts like hell.

All illusions were instantly shattered.



The naval guns began to fire.

It was the cruiser Taishan who took the lead.

Its 253mm naval gun fired continuously, smashing shells weighing hundreds of kilograms to the target.



It can be seen from the telescope that Tianjin Wei Port is full of flames.

The various warehouses, piers, trestles, checkpoints of the Japanese invaders... are all within the envelope of artillery fire.It was razed to the ground in an instant.

In the dazzling flames, all kinds of sundries were blown into the air, and then fell heavily.

From time to time, panicked Japanese invaders were blown to pieces.No bones remained.

This is the real dead body.The kind that didn't even leave any residue.

Whether it is 253mm, 228mm, or 203mm, it is enough to completely crush a person.

Only by being hit nearby by a 127mm shell can it be possible to leave a little corpse.

The Japanese invaders in the entire Tianjin Wei were beaten.

The entire high-level Japanese army in North China was in chaos.


"Tianjin Wei was bombarded?"

"The enemy fleet has thirty warships?"


Tada Jun who received the report was cold all over.

He immediately realized that the Japanese North China Front Army was in big trouble.

The previous merchant fleet was attacked and lost so much ammunition.It has already had a huge impact.Unexpectedly, now, even Tianjin Wei has been bombarded.

The pier was destroyed.

Warehouses were destroyed.

Is this still available?

The Chinese are simply attacking on the face.

Casualties of the Japanese invaders came next.The most important thing is the damage of various equipment and facilities.

Without half a year, it is impossible to rebuild.It might even take a year or two.It must be the case that the enemy fleet did not continue to bombard.If the enemy fleet shows up again, then...

Tada Hayao didn't dare to continue imagining.


"Is it a Chinese warship?"

"Where's the navy red deer?"

At this moment, what Hayao Tada hated the most was not the Chinese fleet.But the Navy Red Deer.

The Navy Red Deer holds more than 70% of military spending.So many warships were built.But even the small Bohai Bay cannot guarantee safety.What do you want navy red deer for?
It is better to hand over the military expenditure of the navy's red deer to the army, and the army will build its own warships and protect itself!

idiot!A battleship costs [-] million yen in military expenses!

Two hundred million yen is enough for the army to form ten divisions!


Damn navy red deer!
Incompetent fury.

"The naval fleet is already on its way..."

Chief of Staff Miyano replied weakly.

Suddenly shut up.

But he saw the fierce light in Hayao Tada's eyes.


Wrong word!

He actually defended the navy red deer!

This is just killing!

"Navy red deer don't care about our life or death." Miyano hurriedly changed his words, "They want us to be wiped out."

"Baga! Send out the air force!" Hayao Tada roared angrily, "Send out all the planes to bomb the enemy ships!"

"Yes!" Miyano hurriedly turned around to deliver the order.

However, this order was questioned by the Lieutenant General of the Aviation Commander on set.

The reason for the lieutenant general on set is very simple.His aviation unit has only been trained in ground attack, and also in air combat.No experience in attacking ships.

If you want to say that the positive is obeying the negative, the Army Aviation is an expert.

For some special reasons, the aviation force nominally belongs to the army.In fact, it is not very obedient.

After all, he is the proud son of heaven, who looks down on the leading soldiers of the army.

If it is a task that is not difficult, the aviation unit may obey.But not necessarily if it's a dangerous mission.

It just so happens that now, the entire Japanese Army Aviation Corps already knows that the Chinese fleet is not easy to deal with.Their anti-aircraft fire was very heavy.It's easy to knock them down.

Going out to fight is almost the same as sending to death.

It was so dangerous, there must be a way to avoid it.

No pilot wants to die.

"This is an order from Commander Hayao Tada." Miyano said angrily.

"We also accept the guidance of the aviation director." The studio declined politely.

Miyano was speechless.

Damn aviation director.

Actually ordered the air force to refuse to send out to bomb the enemy ship.

However, he has no choice.

Because the aviation director still has a lot of power.

Whether it is the aviation of the Japanese navy or the army, they all accept the guidance of this aviation director.

The Japanese invaders at that time did not have an independent air force.The planes belong to the Navy and Army respectively.However, in order to coordinate the actions of all parties, an aviation director was specially set up.Belongs to one of the extra giants.

Helpless, I had to repay Hayao Tada.


Tada Hayao was angry.

Directly order to send a report and complain to the base camp.

He can't just sit back and watch the Chinese warships wreak havoc.

Finally, after complaining a lot, the base camp ordered the air force to dispatch.


Tada Hayao will be secretly cursed on the set.

But there is no way.

This is an order from the base camp and must be carried out.

Helpless, had to order the air force to take off.However, he played a small game.The plane is dispatched.But it's not elite pilots who fly the planes.

He quietly arranged for the second-line pilots to fly the plane.

It's not clear whether others are aware of it.Anyway, the studio itself realized that pilots are more valuable than planes.

It only costs tens of thousands of yen to produce an aircraft.But training a pilot is very difficult.It takes a long time.Aircraft can be produced continuously, but pilots are getting fewer and fewer.

However, for those second-tier pilots, they were extremely excited.

They finally had a chance to move out.

Moreover, it is still such an "honorable" task.

So, they all flew aggressively towards Tianjin Wei and Chu Yunfei.

(End of this chapter)

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