I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 233 233, the Chinese really have battleships

Chapter 233 233, the Chinese really have battleships
, Chu Yunfei excitedly checked the parameters of the battleship.

Model: Yellow River-class battleship.

The standard displacement is 45000 tons.The maximum full-load displacement is 67000 tons.

Just one step away from the Yamato.

The full load displacement of the Yamato is more than 70000 tons.

However, the caliber of the main gun of the battleship Yamato is very amazing.A full 460 mm.

The main guns of the Yellow River-class battleships have a caliber of only 406 mm.Also, it cannot be modified.


It would be great if we could get a 485mm cannon.

It must be the world's largest cannon!
At the same time, increase the displacement to more than 10 tons!

A true world first.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it.

Quality is of course important.But quantity is more important.

A lone Yamato is useless.Unless there are ten or one hundred ships.

Moreover, in front of aircraft carriers, battleships are obsolete.

The strike of the carrier-based aircraft on the battleship is fatal.

No battleship can withstand the frenzied siege of carrier-based aircraft.

The only thing that can deal with an aircraft carrier is an aircraft carrier.Unfortunately, this is not yet available.

However, Chu Yunfei did not force it.

One battleship is already very powerful.

Take it out and use it right away.

Keep bombarding!


anxiously waiting...

Finally, waited until the battleship Yellow River appeared.

Good guy, what a monster!
A cruiser or something, in front of it, is simply a child's play.

The displacement of the four cruisers is not as good as that of a battleship.Let alone other destroyers.Totally petty.

"Put into battle immediately!"

"Put into battle immediately!"

Chu Yunfei ordered excitedly.

Unfortunately, there are no targets to bombard.

All the warships of the Japanese invaders were sunk.On the surface of the sea, there are only floating debris.

There are also Japanese soldiers who fell into the water, struggling hard.

save?That is impossible!

Ordered the fleet to go east, preparing to continue bombarding the fortress of Lushunkou.

Before, there were only 200mm cannons.Now there are 406mm heavy guns, and there is another round.

Be sure to flatten the Lushunkou Fortress.



The order was issued quickly.

All warships are at full power.

Three hours later, the fleet arrived at Lushunkou Fortress.Then start shelling.

The first to fire were nine 406mm heavy guns.



Heavy shells came.

Hyakutake Gengo suddenly felt something was wrong.

What's going on?

What caliber heavy gun is this?

Feel like it's over 400mm?sky!Whose fleet is this?
Just about to ask what happened.The staff officer stumbled in and reported with a pale face, "Your Excellency, it's bad, it's bad! The Chinese battleships are coming!"

"Nani?" Gengo Hyakutake was taken aback.

The surrounding Japanese officers were also collectively sluggish.

Chinese battleships?
The Chinese actually have battleships?

Is that worth it?

Hastily entered the observation post.

Sure enough, from a distance, a large battleship appeared on the sea in the distance.

There is no doubt that it is a proper battleship.The preliminary estimated displacement is [-] tons.

"how is this possible?"


"Absolutely impossible!"

Hyakutake Gengo roared hysterically.

The other Japanese army officers also looked ashen.


The Chinese actually have battleships!
They have never received such information!
The intelligence said that the Chinese navy had been wiped out long ago, so how could there still be battleships?

The cruel reality is right in front of you.

The Chinese really have battleships!
And, there are many other battleships!

Among them, there are at least five cruisers!They also bombarded Lushunkou Fortress.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The fortress became a sea of ​​flames.

Even in the deep underground, you can feel the trembling of the earth.

That's a 406mm shell!

The endless bombing, the damage to the surface can be imagined.

None of this matters, though.

The most important thing is to send out the relevant information as soon as possible.


The Japanese Navy was duped.

Definitely the Army Red Deer did it!
Army Red Deer must know that the Chinese have battleships.But deliberately did not tell the Navy!


"The Chinese have battleships?"

The joint fleet commander Yamamoto 56 who received the information was also stunned.

Where did this start?

How could the Chinese have battleships?

Absolutely impossible!
However, intelligence from other sources soon confirmed this.

The Chinese really have battleships!
Right now, the Chinese battleships are violently bombarding the Lushunkou Fortress.

The Ozawa fleet he sent was completely wiped out.

"Your Excellency, Shanghai..."

"Where's Tojo?"

Yamamoto56 said resentfully.

He doesn't like Hideki Tojo.Hideki Tojo must be responsible for this matter.

The Chinese have battleships, but Hideki Tojo didn't tell the navy!He, the Prime Minister and Minister of War, is definitely the biggest enemy of the Navy.

Well, I don't care either.

Immediately call Hyakutake Gengo back and ask him to keep the radio silent.

Just say nothing.

Any intelligence exchange with the Army is strictly prohibited.


Bai Wuyuan, who received the report, knew it well.

Immediately ordered all troops to hide in underground fortifications.Let the Chinese warships bombard indiscriminately.

When nothing happened.

Sure enough, after a few hours of bombing, the Chinese fleet began to turn around.Headed southeast.

where to go?
go to Shanghai!
Chu Yunfei headed southward with a mighty fleet.

At this moment, the Japanese army is still completely kept in the dark.

After a long journey, the naval fleet finally arrived near Shanghai.

Immediately determine the bombardment target.



The guns fired violently.

In an instant, all the Japanese fortifications on the shore were blown to pieces.

The Japanese invaders who were caught off guard were all blown to pieces, leaving no bones left.The point is, it's not at all clear what's going on.

Some Japanese invaders thought that the navy red deer had gone crazy and fired at them.


"Damn navy red deer!"

"I want to sue you to the base camp!"


"Navy red deer..."

Some senior Japanese army officials were very angry.

Until he was killed, he still believed that he was killed by the cannon of the Navy Red Deer.


"Chinese fleet?"

All the Japanese ships in the port were stunned.

God, whose fleet is that?
How to open fire on the Japanese?


All Japanese ships flying plaster flags were shot by destroyers.

In front of battleships and cruisers, the 127mm small water pipe of a destroyer is really not enough to look at.But the merchant ships used to shell the Japanese invaders were very useful.

Known as a shot a child.

As long as it is hit, the Japanese merchant ship will sink directly.


A Japanese merchant ship exploded and caught fire.

The cargo on board also fell completely into the water.

"Ding dong!"

"You destroyed one of the Japanese ships!"

"You get merit points..."

"You get the present ocean..."

"You get a special reward: a conventional destroyer."

The information prompt arrives.

it is good.

Another destroyer.

Regardless of whether the Japanese merchant ships are large or small.As long as you sink it, you can get a destroyer.

Although the displacement is only about 2000 tons, the caliber of the main gun is only 127 mm.But as long as the number is large enough, it can still play some role.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The gunfire was loud.More Japanese merchant ships were sunk.

At this moment, the Japanese army in Shanghai was already in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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