I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 43 043, the process of elimination is painful

Chapter 43 043, the process of elimination is painful

Deckard's red face turned blue and then white.

honestly.He was actually quite scared.

After all, so many Japanese invaders came.How could he not be nervous.

If you are surrounded by Japanese invaders, you will die without a place to die!

However, he cannot run.

If he ran away, Boss Dai would not forgive him.

If you retreat in battle, you will be shot in the army.Boss Dai is not a kind person.

The family rules of the military command are stricter than the military law.

Now, he must bite the bullet.

Unless Chu Yunfei ordered the retreat, otherwise, he must not run alone.

"The Japanese invaders are powerful..."

He could only respond vaguely.

Chu Yunfei pretended not to hear.

The Japanese invaders are powerful.

When did the Japanese invaders lose their power?
Even in 1945, the Japanese invaders were still powerful in the Chinese battlefield.

However, since Dai Kehong was afraid, it was a good thing.

If you want to survive, just cooperate obediently.

As for the Red Party or something, you just pretend you didn't see it.

Otherwise, if you hold on to the Red Party, the Japanese will claim credit for your head.

"I do know some Reds."

"They are all people who are not afraid of death."

"If we want to survive, we have to use the power of the Red Party to consume the Japanese."

Chu Yunfei was outspoken.

Dai Kehong:? ? ?

what did you say?
With the help of the Red Party?
"I'm going to give a batch of weapons and equipment to the Red Party..." Chu Yunfei continued.

"No!" Dyke Hong shouted reflexively.

Chu Yunfei didn't speak.

Deckard's face was stiff.

How about giving weapons and equipment to the Red Party?That is the power to strengthen the Red Party!

This is absolutely not allowed by the president.

"Then only you and I went to the front line with guns to fight the Japanese." Chu Yunfei said lightly, "Director Dai, all of your people use pistols, which are useless on the battlefield. You little devils shoot one at a time." , killed you all in a few minutes. I will send you fifty bolt-action rifles later. Much more powerful than pistols. Pistols are mostly used for suicide."

"No." Dai Kehong said, "Don't you have thousands of troops?"

"Director Dai, are you pretending to be ignorant? As far as our party-state army is concerned, is it useful to count heads? Don't say thousands of people, but tens of thousands of people, can they stop the siege of tens of thousands of Japanese invaders?"

"I, I, I..."

Deckard's red face turned blue and white again.

This is what worries him the most.

Too many people is useless.

When is the party-state not crowded?

In which battle, the number of national troops was not several times that of the Japanese invaders?
In the end it all...

"Group seat!"

"Oh no!"

"Oh no!"

Suddenly, a staff officer hurried over.

Running all the way, yelling in panic all the way.

Deckard's face turned even paler.

Are the Japanese here?

Have the Japanese already reached their sights?
Fang Ligong hurried forward to stop him, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

While wiping his sweat, the staff officer reported anxiously, "Chief of staff, Zhang Fugui, deputy battalion commander of the first battalion, dragged dozens of people away."


"There were several other officers who also ran away with many soldiers."


Fang Ligong suddenly changed color.

In front of the enemy, someone actually ran away openly?

This is simply...

Must be shot!

Military law must be enforced!

Dai Kehong's face was also livid.


The enemy is coming, you run so fast?

I haven't run yet...

I will enforce the military law immediately!
Anyone who dares to escape will be shot!
"It's okay!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yunfei downplayed it.

He waved his hand casually, signaling the staff to calm down.

"Let them run."

"Chief of Staff, give an order to the entire regiment immediately."

"Anyone who wants to leave can leave. But they cannot carry weapons and ammunition. Otherwise, they will be shot or killed."

Chu Yunfei said methodically.

Fang Ligong suddenly became anxious.

Dai Kehong was also anxious.

How does this work?
The soldiers all ran away.

"Tuan Zuo!" Fang Ligong shouted anxiously.

"Captain Chu!" Dai Kehong also shouted anxiously.

The two were really in a hurry.

At this time, the strictest military law must be implemented to keep everyone behind.

How can I make them run?

One more person means more power!
Chu Yunfei waved his hand to signal them to be calm.

"Before, I fought against Li Yunlong's Xinyi Regiment in the Cangyunling area. I discovered that our 358th Regiment is no match for the Eighth Route Army."

Chu Yunfei lied with his eyes open.


That's right.

I played against Li Yunlong.

Although both of us were Japanese.But Li Yunlong and I are indeed "enemies".

Oh, to be precise, we are competitors.

Dai Kehong: ...

Fang Ligong: ...

Well, it's what you say it is.

You say you are fighting Tuba Road, you are fighting Tuba Road.But why are the Japanese dead?
when we're stupid...

"The equipment of the Tuba Road is very poor. There are few weapons and ammunition. There are not many people. Our army has sufficient weapons and ammunition and a large number of soldiers. But why can't we fight?"

"The reason is very simple, because on Tuba Road, the soldiers are all voluntary to join the army, and they have a high will to fight. They don't leave the line of fire even if they are seriously injured. The charge is desperate. No one takes half a step back. On our side, there are very few people who voluntarily join the army. Many people were forced to be recruited. They were even recruited directly. They didn’t know what to do and didn’t know why they were fighting.”

"Soldiers like this are just trying to collect heads. No matter how many people there are, it's useless."

"From now on, what our 358 regiment needs are people who voluntarily fight the Japanese invaders. Not forced."

"In addition, what we need are people with courage. If you don't dare to fight the Japanese invaders, you might as well leave as soon as possible. Don't waste the food of my 358 regiment."

Chu Yunfei looked calm.

He had already thought about it.The 358 regiment must be eliminated.

Get rid of those you don't need.The big waves wash away the sand, and the rest are the real elite.

What's the use of having more people.

5000 people are not as good as 1000 people.

Among the 358 members of the 5000th Regiment, I don't know if there are 2000 who can really fight.

The other 3000 were purely make up.

It's better to eliminate them all and keep the weapons and equipment for those who are willing to fight and have the courage to fight.


Fang Ligong hesitated to speak.

He has some things to say.Afraid of hurting Chu Yunfei's face.

"It's okay to be straightforward." Chu Yunfei said calmly.

"Tuan Zuo, what if everyone runs away?" Fang Ligong also went all out.

He is the chief of staff of the 358 regiment, and he knows the situation of the 358 regiment very well.

The enemy is at present, if the officers and soldiers are really allowed to leave freely, the result will be disastrous.

Maybe the whole group will run away.

The Japanese are coming, who is not afraid?Who doesn't want to run?

He also thought about retreating when he first started.Only changed my mind later.

Let's just listen to Chu Yunfei.

"Then we'll just wait and see how many people are left." Chu Yunfei took it calmly.

"Tuan Zuo, do you want to..." Ma Yue hesitated to speak.

"No need." Chu Yunfei shook his head.

Since it is to be eliminated.That process must be painful.

His bottom line is that there are only 1000 people left.

In other words, it doesn't matter if 4000 people run away.

Isn't Li Yunlong's new regiment only more than 1000 people?

Do not break or stand!

do my best!

"Captain Chu..."

Dai Kehong didn't know what to say.

What Chu Yunfei did completely subverted his cognition!

In case the whole group really runs away...

"Come here! Director Dai, let's stop standing here. Go back to the war room and sit and chat." Chu Yunfei stretched out his hand to signal.

"Please." Dai Kehong felt like a wooden man.

The group returned to the war room.

It's just a big bungalow.very bright.Very spacious.

"Comfort yourself first."

"When there is a war, this place will be unusable."

"When the Japanese planes come, we have to hide in the tunnel. Director Dai, you have to get used to it!"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile.

Dai Kehong managed to force a smile.

Hiding in the tunnel is no problem.The question is, what if our entire army is wiped out?
What if all the officers and soldiers of your regiment run away?
"Han Silan!"

Chu Yunfei shouted loudly.

Han Songlan came out from the confidential room next door.

She has now successfully entered the confidential room.Because a few people also ran away quietly in the confidential room.

Unfortunately, after putting on the military uniform, her appearance plummeted.

Originally, the appearance value of more than 90 points is now at most 50 points.Can't even reach the pass line.

There is no way, the uniforms of the soldiers of the Jinsui Army are indeed ugly.

Unless you are a school officer or above, you will look a little better.

"Team seat."

She saluted politely.

He looked at Dai Kehong warily.

The opponent is the military commander.Came to the 358 regiment.It must be aimed at the Red Party.

And she is the Red Party.And the other side is the enemy.

"Director Dai, this is also my confidante." Chu Yunfei said with a smile, "It's okay to march and fight with one or two confidante, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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