I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 45 045, Chu Yunfei is confident

Chapter 45 045, Chu Yunfei is confident
A very tense night passed.

No bomb camp.

There was no mutiny.

Chu Yunfei was holding a Garland semi-automatic rifle, standing on the watchtower, staring at the surroundings of the barracks.

Orders continued.

Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and those who dare not fight the Japanese invaders can go.

As long as you don't take away your weapons, you will never stop them.

But if you want to take away the weapons, that won't work.

People left one after another.

Including several captain officers.

After dawn, no one left.People who wanted to run basically ran away.

The rest don't want to run away.

"Close the camp gate!"


After statistics, there are about 358 people in the 400th regiment.

Fang Ligong was surprised.

There are still so many people?


So many people ran away last night, why are there still so many?
He thought it was less than half!
Unexpectedly, there are more than 400.

So count again and again.

Indeed, there were 3407 more.

Among them, the artillery battalion left the most people.None ran.

Wang Longchuan's reinforcement ran away more than a dozen people.

The number of second battalion and third battalion runs is not very large.The main reason is that the first battalion and the fourth battalion ran a lot.

Especially the first battalion.

Affected by Qian Bojun, thousands of people ran away.Basically useless.

"The group seats..."

Fang Ligong was very worried.

The main battalion of the 358 regiment is gone!
The former battalion was the backbone of the 358 regiment.Now, that backbone no longer exists.

Can the 358 regiment still be the 358 regiment?

"It's okay."

Chu Yunfei remained calm.

Such a result was what he most hoped to see.

Killed Qian Bojun.

Get rid of those soldiers who are dawdling.

All that remains is the essence.

Even if there will be some people dawdling.However, at least 90% of the people are guaranteed to have the will to kill the enemy.There is also a certain amount of courage.

In this way, the basic atmosphere of the whole camp can be guaranteed, which is still positive.

Of course it cannot be compared with the Eighth Route Army.

But at least it is much better than other Jinsui Army.Essence, energy, and spirit must be raised to a higher level.

"Order Wang Longchuan to take over as the battalion commander."

"After a while, you go to encourage Zhao Yuanju, and say that it is not his responsibility. Don't be burdened. Continue to be his fourth battalion commander."

Chu Yunlong gave the order.

Fang Ligong recorded them one by one.

Qian Bojun died, and the vacancy has not been filled.It is not surprising that Wang Longchuan took over.

Several other competitive officers all ran away with Zhang Fugui this time.There is only one Wang Longchuan left.Apart from him, there is no other suitable candidate.

Zhao Yuanju, the commander of the Fourth Battalion, was a little surprised.

At the beginning, Fang Ligong thought that he would follow suit.Did not expect to stay.

To be honest, this Zhao Yuanju doesn't have any outstanding abilities.But bear the burden of hard work, there is hard work without credit.It is also expected that he will continue to serve as the battalion commander.

As for Xia Houxuan and He Lianhong, of course there will be no change.

"The group seats..."

Fang Ligong hesitated to speak.

The current situation is good or bad.

It's not bad, because the situation of the troops is not as bad as imagined.Only a third ran away.

The remaining 400 people did not leave under such circumstances.It shows that the morale of the army is still stable.

As long as the morale of the army is stable, the next work will be easy.

It's hard to say, but the Japanese invaders continued to complete the encirclement.

The Japanese army has entered Wanjia Town.Intimidating the 358 regiment at close range.

But the most terrible thing is not the Japanese invaders.


"Shangfeng has not responded to our request for instructions for a long time. Even the situation report has not been sent."

"Is this bad news?"

"I suggest that we ask the military department directly, or the group army headquarters for instructions."

"no need."


"If you fight a war by asking for instructions, you don't even want to catch up with that trip."


Fang Ligong was very worried.

Both eyes are smeared black!
You don't know what's going on, so how can you fight?

We fight, don't we all follow the orders of Shangfeng?We will fight whatever Shangfeng tells us to do.

If you can't beat it, then ask for instructions to retreat...

"Right now, the Japanese invaders are marching rapidly, and the situation outside is ever-changing. It is estimated that Shangfeng will not be able to grasp it. Let's rely on ourselves!"

"But we don't have an intelligence department of our own!"

"I will form it. Now, the key is to order the troops to gather around Dagu Town and set up a tight defense. Strictly prevent the Japanese from attacking. The key point is to dig fortifications and avoid the Japanese mountain artillery and aircraft bombing."

"The devils will surround us closely."

"Isn't this the result we already knew?"


Fang Ligong hesitated to speak.

Seems to be.

It seems not.

He still has a little fantasy.

Fantasy Shangfeng continued to let himself retreat.All the way to avoid the edge of the Japanese invaders.

Since other regiments can hide, why can't we?
The 611 and 622 regiments are all in hiding, so why should our 358 regiment bear the brunt of it?

Everyone is in the same system, you can't favor one another...

With the current strength of the 358 regiment, once it is surrounded by Japanese invaders with superior forces, the consequences will be disastrous.If one is bad, the whole army will be wiped out.

"Chief of Staff, how long can our food last?"

"Two months."

"Then there is no problem. I guarantee that the Japanese invaders will not be able to fight us fiercely for two months. At most half a month, the Japanese invaders will have to withdraw their troops."

"Food is fine. But weapons and ammunition..."

"As much as you need, I will add as much as you need."

Chu Yunfei remained calm.

Fang Ligong immediately felt relieved.

If there is a group seat, then there is no problem.

Relying on the favorable terrain around Dagu Town and the temporarily dug fortifications, as long as it is not out of ammunition and food, it is not a big problem to fight the Japanese invaders.

This is already deep in the Taihang Mountains, the Japanese invaders came from afar, and the logistics supply line is long, so it must not last long.

There are many eight roads outside.

Their favorite is to attack the supply lines of the Japanese invaders.

It just so happened that the supply line of the Japanese invaders was so long that it was deliberately sent under the eyes of Tubalu.

Do you think Tubalu can't be tempted?
From the perspective of the Japanese invaders, the battle must be resolved quickly.

It just happened that the Japanese invaders couldn't get what they wanted.

Delaying the Japanese invaders is considered a victory.

"Order the troops, be sure to dig the fortifications well. Otherwise, you will be the one who bleeds."

"The logistics food supply has increased by [-]%. Let everyone eat enough to have the strength to work."

Chu Yunfei continued to order.

Fang Ligong agreed to go.

Dai Kehong: ...

It seems that there is no business for me?

I'm not good at fighting!We don't want long guns either...

"Director Dai!"

Unexpectedly, he was pulled back by Chu Yunfei.

Dai Kehong really wanted to say, Captain Chu, I still have something to do, so I'll go first.It's a pity that I dare not speak out.

What if someone gets shot in the back?

Thinking of Chu Yunfei's marksmanship, he shuddered.

It was still dark last night, only the torches at the camp gate were lit.The light is dim.The distance is a full 300 meters.Chu Yunfei was still killed with one shot.How can I not be afraid?
Even if he was beaten to death, and the military command had a way to make Chu Yunfei pay for his life, then he would be dead.

What's more, it's hard to say whether Chu Yunfei can be punished.

At least, right now, Chu Yunfei is confident.

No one dared to dismiss him.

If he is dismissed, someone will have to be sent to take over the 358 regiment.

When the Japanese invaders are surrounded by heavy troops, who is willing to come to die?Even Guo Jianyuan couldn't ask to replace Chu Yunfei at this time.

It's not that he doesn't want to.

It was the wrong time.

In case he proposed to replace him, Shangfeng said, in that case, you should replace Chu Yunfei.Then Guo Jianyuan is looking for his own death.

No one is that stupid.

No one wants to come and die in vain.

This is the fundamental reason why Chu Yunfei dared to cover the sky with one hand in the 358 regiment.

Displeased with me?


Send someone to replace me!
I see who wants to come!
I wish I could walk away and leave the mess to you!
Laozi fell into the grass and turned into a bandit.

Pull a group yourself!

Continue to be the leader!
"Commander Chu, what's the matter?" Dai Kehong asked helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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