I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 55 055, in front of MG-34, they are all targets

Chapter 55 055, in front of MG-34, they are all targets

Fang Ligong was very nervous.

This is the rhythm of the Japanese invaders desperately counterattacking!
They rushed up desperately.

The shining bayonet makes people panic.

Pig suddenly!

This is the pig!
Head down and rush forward.

until he was beaten to death.

"Rush me!"

"Rush me!"

And those puppet soldiers seem to be desperate.

Under the intimidation of the officer, he also sneaked forward.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

There are more than a dozen Czech light machine guns behind it.

In other words, the equipment of these puppet troops is really not bad.

There are twenty or thirty light machine guns alone.

Fortunately, there were no mortars.

Otherwise, the pressure will be even greater.

On Chu Yunfei's side, there was only one guard company.Still understaffed.

The full guard company has 180 people.But Fang Ligong couldn't bring everyone here.There is still a part to stay to surround the regiment headquarters.Therefore, Fang Ligong actually only brought more than 80 people.In addition to what Chu Yunfei brought before, there were only more than 110 people.There were also several casualties.There is indeed pressure to withstand the Japanese invaders head-on and break through.

The comparison of troops is completely at a disadvantage.

However, Fang Ligong soon became less nervous.

But it was discovered that the guard company had a few extra machine guns with very ferocious firepower.

They seem to be able to spray bullets without interruption.

Almost comparable to the Maxim water-cooled heavy machine gun.

With these few machine guns, no matter how many enemies there are, it is very difficult to charge up.



MG-34 is jetting flames in anger.

Strips of ammunition chains were fired.Many soldiers of the guard company were busy loading bullets.

There's nothing wrong with them anymore.Machine guns have overwhelmed the battlefield.

But the machine gun needs to consume a lot of ammunition, and the bullets in the ammunition box are all in bulk.It must be manually pressed into the bullet chain.

Often a MG-34 needs five or six soldiers to help press the bullet chain.

Otherwise supply make up.

The speed of changing the barrel is also getting faster and faster.

Soldiers who operate machine guns have prepared a thick piece of sackcloth.To avoid being burned by the barrel.

Each MG-34 machine gun is equipped with five spare barrels.There are six in total.To ensure continuous rotation during the most intense battle.

Luckily there are so many barrels.Otherwise, the barrel that has just been replaced has not cooled completely, and it will be replaced again.





Chu Yunfei had to remind him frequently.

One look at these guys is not a professional machine gunner.The MG-34 is used as a submachine gun.

Don't use up all the chains in one go!

The person who pressed the bullet behind couldn't catch up at all.

Even Chief of Staff Fang Ligong helped to suppress the bullet.

With great difficulty, the rate of fire of the machine gun was controlled.

Many boxes of ammunition have been fired.

These losers!
Luckily bullets are cheap.

You can buy a hundred rounds for an ocean.

But only this particularly common bullet is cheap.If it is an American Garand semi-automatic rifle bullet, it will be expensive.

make money!

make money!

No amount of ocean is enough to spend.

Holding Garland in his hand, Chu Yunfei quietly looked for the target.After searching for a long time, I couldn't find it.

After being cross-fired by five MG-34 machine guns, where is there any obvious target?

All enemies are eager to dig holes to hide themselves.

It was hard to find one.

But it was the Japanese invaders more than 400 meters away.

Now, only the long-distance Japanese invaders have a chance of survival.

The ones that are close have already been swept away by MG-34.


Decisively open the gun.

A Japanese machine gunner fell limply.


Another shot followed.

The sub-shooter of the Japanese machine gun fell down.

"Ding dong!"

"You get 50 merit points."

"You get 500 oceans."

"You get a high-quality Mauser 98K rifle. Five clips are given as a gift. One box of bullets."

The information prompt arrives.

Yep, the effect is halved.It seems that there is no danger.

Indeed, the distance is too far.The Japanese invaders could not threaten him at all.He can shoot with ease.It doesn't even matter if you poke your head out.

The attention of the Japanese invaders was entirely on the MG-34 machine gun.

Who cares if you have a rifle when the machine guns aren't out yet?
At the same time, the independent regiment behind has also launched a counterattack.



The shells kept falling.

The range of this 60mm mortar is much longer than that of the grenades of the Japanese invaders.

If it is in a large battle, its role is very limited.

However, at this moment, it is a big weapon against the Japanese invaders.

The Japanese squadron is only equipped with grenades and no other weapons.He was severely suppressed by the mortars.Can only be beaten passively.



The Japanese invaders were incompetent and furious.

They had no weapons capable of threatening the mortars of the Independence Regiment.

In addition to being bombed, it is still bombed.



Chu Yunfei took the opportunity to calmly harvest the heads.

The wound on the leg still hurts badly.Instead, it made him more sober.Remind him that at least [-] Japanese invaders must be wiped out to get back the money.



Suddenly his eyes flashed.

But I saw a few Japanese invaders trying to sneak away from the hillside.

Oh, want to go?

Think beautiful...


A shot from a distance.

A Japanese invader rolled down.

No. 13.


Another shot.

Another Japanese invader rolled down.

No. 14.

"Ding dong!"

"You killed it with your own hands..."

Information prompts continue.

Chu Yunfei's heart was like still water.Only the Japanese invaders are in my eyes.

It wasn't until the last Japanese invader was killed that he slowly lowered his gun.Keep looking for goals.But did not find.

what a pity.

The number of Japanese invaders is not enough!

Suddenly I saw a Japanese invader poking his head.Immediately overjoyed.Hastily raised the gun.

In the blink of an eye, he decisively pulled the trigger.



Two shots in a row.Make sure to hit.

Sure enough, the Japanese invader shook his head, and then lay down limply.

It just so happened that Kong Jie saw it through the telescope.

Secretly surprised.

This Chu Yunfei is very good at marksmanship!

From such a long distance, it can be killed with one shot.It is judged that the distance is already more than 120 feet.

Is the Whampoa Military Academy really that powerful?

"Huang Chufan!"


"What did Chu Yunfei tell you before?"

"say what?"

Huang Chufan was confused.

say what?Didn't say anything!

"You will tell me in detail how you met Chu Yunfei."

"it is good!"

Huang Chufan gave a brief introduction.

After listening carefully, Kong Jie nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that this Chu Yunfei is different from the general officers of the Jinsui Army, and seems to be more friendly to the Eighth Route Army.

With so many weapons and ammunition, I will give it if I say it.

Even three 60mm mortars were given to the Independent Regiment without hesitation.

Perhaps, this person has advanced thinking and is worth fighting for...

But then I got a little worried.

After all, this Chu Yunfei was born in Huangpu.There are many students.The chairman of the committee is still his principal.close relationship.

In case he misses his old love...

Well, leave him alone for now.I'll talk about it later when I have a chance.

"Continue to boom!"

Kong Jie ordered decisively.

Anyway, Chu Yunfei said that he would replenish ammunition for him.Just to test whether the other party is talking nonsense.

The three mortars continued to bombard.

Never before had the Independence regiment fought such a rich battle.The artillerymen were all excited.Dozens of shells were fired in one breath.


"Kill Haw!"

"Kill Haw!"

The remaining Japanese invaders found something was wrong.It was decided to launch an onboard charge.

At this time, the squadron leader of the Japanese invaders had already been killed by shells.A second lieutenant of the Japanese army took over the command.But as soon as he stood up, he was killed by an MG-34 machine gun.

There were bullet holes all over his body, and he couldn't die any more.


"Kill Haw!"

Another second Japanese lieutenant stood up.

Then it was covered by dense bullets.

In front of MG-34, all targets that stand up are targets.

To deal with the onboard charge of the Japanese invaders, no weapon is more ferocious than the MG-34.Especially after the action of changing the barrel becomes more and more proficient.


"Kill Haw!"

A Japanese invader Cao Chang took over the command.Then he was beaten to death.

The other Japanese invaders smashed their cans and smashed them.Standing up screaming frantically.He rushed up with a bayonet.

Then he was beaten to death.



The machine gun roared.Shred them all.

Even with the blessing of God Amaterasu, at this time, he would only be beaten and riddled with holes.

Soon, the last Japanese invader twisted and fell.



The remaining puppet army finally collapsed completely.

God, they must have encountered the main force of Tuba Road.The opponent not only has mortars, but also has such brutal machine gun fire.


"Expensive is expensive..."

"But it does work."

Chu Yunfei muttered to himself secretly.

I thought the Czech light machine gun was pretty good.But now I hate it.

Compared with the MG-34, the fire suppression effect of the Czech style is too poor.With only 20 rounds of magazines, it is impossible to effectively suppress the Japanese invaders.

On the contrary, MG-34 is much more powerful.It can crush the Japanese invaders to death.

It seems that it is necessary for me to do a pilot.

First equip an infantry company with MG-34 and see the effect.

An infantry company has 12 infantry squads.That would require 12 MG-34s, but currently there are only five.You also need to buy seven sticks.More than 1 oceans are needed.

It hurts so much.

Still wait first.

Hate to spend that much money.

(End of this chapter)

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