Chapter 67 067, Spies

"Group seat!"

"How many mortars are there?"

"27 doors."

"so much?"

Chu Yunfei was taken aback.

Does the first battalion have that many mortars?
It seems not.

"Before the second battalion and the third battalion left, they left their mortars. The artillery also stayed." Jin Tinglie said in a low voice.

"Oh?" Chu Yunfei's eyes lit up slightly.

it is good!
Xia Houxuan and He Lianhong still have some friendship.

They probably also knew that they would have no chance to come back to the 358th regiment in the future, so they quietly left the mortar behind.

Anyway, this kind of thing, no one will pursue it carefully.

When asked, it was said that the retreat was too hasty and there was no time to carry it.

"Okay! Then you will take charge of everything." Chu Yunfei immediately ordered, "Form a mortar battery."

"Yes!" Jin Tinglie agreed at attention.

"Are there enough shells?"

"There are still more than 300 rounds."

"Okay! Deploy three [-]s, six gunners, follow me."

"Tuanzao, I'll go with you."

"No. You continue to organize artillery training. Use the shells that should be used boldly. Be sure to improve the level of shelling. I will add it to you after I finish."


Jin Tinglie was relieved.

What he is most afraid of is that there will be no shells.After all, the Japanese army is now suppressing the border.

If there are not enough shells, the mortar becomes a display.It cannot pose any threat to the Japanese invaders at all.

Chu Yunfei also had confidence.

This kind of 60mm and 82mm mortar shells belong to the high-end goods, and they are not expensive in the International Weapons Exhibition.

A round of 10 mortar shells costs only 20 oceans.A round of eighty-two mortar shells costs only [-] oceans.It can almost be said to be the price of cabbage.

You can say it boldly, I can afford it!

Even the 75mm mountain artillery shells are not expensive.Only 50 oceans per round.

What's more, there is double return.

But these are the three common shells.

Because the artillery of the 358th regiment is these three types.And nothing else.

If you want 105 heavy artillery and 150 heavy artillery, you can only dream for the time being.


"Gather all the rows together!"

Jin Tinglie ordered.

The first row is the most elite gunners.Each has a considerable foundation.

Chu Yunfei examined it silently.

It feels okay.

Various data have improved compared to before.

The mental outlook of the soldiers also improved.Relatively energetic.No longer listless.

Suddenly, there was a flash in his eyes...

But I saw a strange person.

Name: Huang Shiro (Hirata Yusaku)
Occupation: Mortarist (Spy)

Rank: Sergeant
Loyalty: -100
Fighting Will: 90+
Potential: 50+
Tendency: -100
"Ding dong!"

"Reminder: If you find a spy, please handle it as appropriate."

The message is coming.

Chu Yunfei resentfully reached out and pressed the handle of the gun at his waist.

I really want to give each other a shot.

The tendency of this system is seriously problematic.

When the Red Party is discovered, it is directly ordered to arrest and kill.Leave no room for it.I can't wait to kill all the Red Party.

However, it was discovered that the spy actually left room for maneuver.One more reminder.

Could it be that spies are more harmful than the Red Party?

What's wrong...

Finally, he slowly retracted his hand.

The opponent is a Japanese spy.But only you know.Outsiders don't know.

If it is this time to shoot and kill people, and there is no legitimate reason, it will definitely cause other people to worry.Maybe there's another big wave of people leaving.

Killing doesn't solve the problem.

It is only useful to expose the other party's true colors.


Will it count?

Will the spies be used?

"This is..." He deliberately pretended not to know anything.

"Tuan Zuo, his name is Huang Silang. He belongs to the 171st Division of the Central Army. He got separated from the troops." Jin Tinglie introduced, "His mortar fires quite well."


"Really. Or let him try it out."

"No. I believe in you. Just let him come with me!"


Jin Tinglie agreed.

Turning to Huang Silang, he said, "Follow the group seat and perform well!"

"Understood." Huang Silang's tone was a little jerky.

After learning that the other party is a spy, it can be noticed that his Chinese is not very good.

However, if you don't know your identity, you definitely won't care much.

After all, soldiers of the national army come from all corners of the country, from all over the place, and their languages ​​vary widely.It is impossible to rely on language to judge the identity of the other party.

Who would have imagined that such an ordinary-looking soldier was actually a spy?

In everyone's impression, the spy should be at least a major or above.Only in this way can we grasp enough important information.

Chu Yunfei had long suspected that there were a large number of Japanese spies in the Jinsui Army.Their status should be quite important.Definitely have access to higher-level secrets.

What can a little soldier do?
Chu Yunfei was also curious.

How could the Japanese invaders send a soldier spy?
The other party is hiding in the soldiers, what exactly do they want to do?
Assassinate yourself?

If so, hiding in an infantry company is better.

Mortar soldiers themselves are not equipped with light weapons.Not even a pistol.Could it be that the opponent is going to bomb himself with mortars?

Firing cannons from a long distance is a good way to kill people...



"You two get out!"

Jin Tinglie continued to roll the roll.Including Huang Silang, there are six people in total.

As the name suggests, Hammerman has a burly body, thick and long hands and feet, and is quite aggressive.Like a hammer.Put people to death at any time.It is quite easy to control the [-] force.

Yaoji looks more ordinary.A [-] was pressing on his shoulders, as if he was about to be crushed.

The two of them, together with Huang Silang, are the main gunners.In addition, each is equipped with a secondary gunner.

"Gather your people together."

"I'll meet and talk with everyone."

Chu Yunfei was worried.

Don't go by yourself, there are spies hidden.

Then Jin Tinglie didn't know the identity of the other party, if not, he would be attacked by the other party.Or sabotage.


Jin Tinglie immediately gathered all the gunners.And support staff.

Chu Yunfei checked and talked with each of them.

fine.No Spies anymore.

Instead, I found a few dawdlers.The will to fight is only around 30.Loyalty is only around 50.

Can't keep up with the times!I would rather these guys go away automatically.


Forget it, don't care about it for now.

It is a dream to build a super powerful team in one go.

Let's go step by step...

"Tuan Zuo, I picked three of the best mortars for you."

"Thank you!"

Chu Yunfei nodded.

The ones that Jin Tinglie brought were all the best products from Six Zero Forces.

The quality is much better than ordinary Jinzao.

"Huang Silang, follow me!" Chu Yunfei called the names directly.

"Yes!" Huang Silang replied politely.

It looks like a well-trained Central Army soldier.No wonder Jin Tinglie likes it.

These days, if you shoot well with guns and cannons, they are definitely treasures.

Whoever you are.

If the other party is obedient and obeys your orders unconditionally, then it is simply the treasure of treasures.

As everyone knows, the other party is actually a Japanese spy.

Really pervasive.

Fortunately, it was discovered by myself.

Bring the mortar and join Li Xueyan.

Li Xueyan was ready.

Everyone carried some dry food.Mostly pancakes.

Immediately set off.

Along the way, Chu Yunfei was secretly paying attention to Huang Silang's movements.

It's strange that this Huang Silang behaved in a well-behaved manner.It seems that there is no change.

What others ask, he also answers.

He said that his hometown is in Anhui Province, near Guoyang.Chu Yunfei didn't hear anything wrong either.Others certainly do not suspect him.

Two or three hours later, we arrived near Fangniuping.

Stop going.

Chu Yunfei took out the binoculars and observed from a distance.

The Japanese invaders were soon discovered.

They have indeed occupied the entire cow-herding area.

Guard posts were arranged on the surrounding mountain peaks.Want to get close.That is absolutely impossible.

The only good news is that no infantry artillery was seen.

I don't know if the Japanese invaders didn't carry it, or they didn't keep up for the time being.Or maybe it's hidden.


"Inhuman things!"


Many people cursed angrily.

But I saw from a distance that there were a few wooden stakes erected in the open space in the middle of the cattle grazing flat.Several ordinary people were tied to wooden stakes.are all dead.

They were covered in blood and had bruises on their bodies. They were obviously stabbed to death by the Japanese invaders with bayonets.

I don't know if the Japanese invaders wanted to press for information, or they simply used Chinese people to train the recruits with bayonets.

These bastards must die!

(End of this chapter)

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