Chapter 75 075, Cold
late at night.It was bitterly cold.

The north wind is blowing.

In the middle of the night, snowflakes fell.

By early morning, the snow was getting heavier and heavier.Goose feather heavy snow also fell.


It's so cold it will freeze to death.

Chu Yunfei himself didn't care.Because Li Xueyan served her.

She has already cooked ginger soup.Give him a warm drink.

All night without incident.

Really had a peaceful sleep.

After waking up, she came in again to help him get dressed.hard working.No complaints or regrets.He really felt guilty for doing it.I'm afraid I'm sorry for her.

"how is the situation?"

"The Japanese invaders did not come."

Chu Yunfei felt relieved.

Oh, I'm so ashamed...

I feel sorry for so many revolutionary martyrs.

Nothing else, that is, he can't do the hardships of the revolutionary martyrs.Last night, he slept in a warm room.There are comforters.Still two beds.

There was Li Xueyan guarding outside the room all night.In order to avoid accidents.

But others...

Chai Zhixing, Qu Jiujiang, Gai Qihai and the others must have not slept.

They must be paying attention to the movements of the Japanese invaders.

Most of them are lurking and standing guard in the middle of the night.

That is the tradition of the Red Party.

There is definitely no such approach on the national army's side.

Don't say that others can't do it, even Chu Yunfei himself can't do it.

The conditions were terrible.

The cold wind was piercing, and the snowflakes were flying every now and then. If he had to lurk in the wild and observe the movement around him, it would really kill him.

Officers and soldiers are equal, only there.

In the national army, an official is an official.Soldiers are soldiers.The bigger the official, the more privileges.

A small company commander can be domineering.

You can eat empty rates.You can drink soldier's blood.Can dominate one side.In a slightly remote place, it is the uncle.

Battalion Commander, you can call me a camp seat now.You say majestic or not.

As for the leader...

He is now the captain.

Others talk in groups.

There are people waiting for you when you go out.

This is still going out.

If it's in the regiment headquarters, isn't it the Emperor of the Earth?There are at least a thousand people under his command, and he can get whatever he wants...

No wonder they are afraid of war.

In case of defeat, there is nothing left.

"I'll go see them."

"Captain Chai is over the creek."

"it is good!"

Chu Yunfei walked out of the door.

It's really cold!

Biting cold.

Snowflakes are flying.

The sky and the earth were all white.

It was estimated to be minus ten degrees.

Subconsciously clutching the thick cotton coat on her body.

Damn, how did the weather become so cold overnight?
What does the Meteorological Bureau do?
It's not too early to issue a forecast...

oh.There is no weather bureau in this day and age...


How do you fight in such a ghostly weather?

I hope the Japanese invaders are all frozen to death...

"Group seat!"

Chai Zhixing walked towards him.

Chu Yunfei was too cold to speak, so he beckoned him into the room.

There is a charcoal fire in the house.

Now that Leihuo has run away, his family business has naturally been taken over by Chu Yunfei...

Ah, no, it was expropriated.

Of course, it was in the name of the 358th Regiment of the National Army.

Qiu did nothing wrong?

go away!

There is no such thing in the concept of the 358 regiment.

If you didn't run away, I have to live in your house.You're running away, I'll just evacuate your house.

My mother is the 358 regiment, not the Red Party.Be polite to you! ?

"How's the troop?"


"What do you mean okay?"

"The food was distributed last night. We made porridge and rice, and everyone was full. In the morning, we steamed hot white steamed buns. Everyone was full. So, it doesn't feel very cold."

"What about Lao Qu and the others?"

"Be alert at Zhegu Ridge."

"They were on guard all night? No replacement?"


"Is there any movement from the devil?"


"Hurry up and send someone to deliver the hot food. Don't treat them badly. Others are standing guard all night!"

"I've already sent someone to send it over."

"it is good!"

Chu Yunfei was relieved now.

Sure enough, it was as expected.It was the people over there who did the hardest work.

Alas, thank you for working with them.otherwise……

"By the way, how much food is there?"

"There are still more than 7 catties."

"so much?"

"The Lei family has more than 3 catties. The Li family has [-] catties. The Wu family has nearly [-] catties."

"None of them?"


"Damn it!"

Chu Yunfei wanted to scold his mother.

You run away and take away the food anyway.

You frankly left the food and people ran away. Wasn't that intentionally given to the Japanese devils?
The little devil came from afar and is in need of food!

You are an enemy!It is collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country!


What kind of pig teammates!



"Divide all the food. Don't keep a catty."


"Do you understand what it means to strengthen the wall and clear the field? Just say that it was my order, Chu Yunfei, and it's all part of it!"


Chai Zhixing hastily agreed to go.

Chu Yunfei hecked his hand.Determined to go out for a walk.Although it is freezing cold.But you must also bite the bullet.


just went out...

So cold, so cold.

The cold wind is directed towards the inside of the neck.Snowflakes also drilled into the neck.Not cold at first.When the snowflakes melt...

I was shivering from the cold.

Pitiful.In his previous life, he didn't suffer much.

He never served in the army.Haven't been to a tough environment.I feel that the biggest pain in my life is being criticized by my boss.

Thinking about it now, how happy the future life will be!

We staggered forward all the way, and finally arrived at Zhegu Ridge.

This is the natural pass into Baihe Town.The Japanese invaders had to pass through here before they could enter Baihe Town.

It's not impossible to take a small road or something.But the equipment will definitely not pass.

At least, the Type [-] heavy machine gun of the Japanese invaders would not be able to pass.

That big, super bulky guy had to use a horse to move around.It can't be done manually.

A heavy machine gun of the devil requires more than a dozen people to wait on it.There must be two horses.

Carrying a [-]-type heavy machine gun to copy the path is purely courting death.

Therefore, from a tactical point of view, as long as Zheguling is guarded, Baihe Town is safe.

Does Thunder Tiger know this?

Even if he is a fool, someone will tell him.

As long as he sent people to guard Zhegu Ridge firmly, the Japanese invaders would not be able to rush in.


he ran away...


What a pig teammate!
Look at the other two guerrilla teams, with less than 50 people in total, they have defended Zheguling.

"Captain Qu!"

"Captain Gai!"

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Chu Yunfei said sincerely.

Look at the two of them, there are snowflakes on their bodies.The cheekbones are dark red all around.Obviously frozen.

Although, they have temporarily put on thick cotton clothes.But the cheeks are still not protected at all.

Look carefully, the eyebrows are covered with ice.

Good guy, it was really freezing all night last night.




No wonder the [-] million compatriots chose them in the end.

The same is basically true of other guerrilla fighters.

Large flakes of snowflakes continued to fall, and many people were covered with a thick layer of snow.

The hands of many people holding the rifles were already red with cold.But still hold on.

"It's not hard!"

"Commander Chu, please!"

"Thank you!"

Chu Yunfei raised the binoculars.

Reach out to block the falling snowflakes from obscuring the shot.

Looking through the telescope, there is no movement around.The Japanese invaders were three kilometers away.Mortars can't hit them.

Because of the long distance and snow, the specific situation of the Japanese invaders was completely invisible.

It is estimated that the Japanese invaders are also quite uncomfortable in such a ghostly weather...



Suddenly, there was a sharp gunshot.

It's a three-eighth big cover.

Chu Yunfei's expression changed.

Was it the Japanese invaders who launched the attack?

In such a ghostly weather, the Japanese invaders actually dispatched?

Do you want to be so perverted...



Suddenly, the firing of the Garland semi-automatic rifle was heard again.

This is a bit interesting.

Is it gourd, dumb, six cakes?Only they have Garand semi-automatic rifles.

Did they encounter the Japanese invaders?

Not long after, scouts rushed over.

"Captain, Japanese invaders were found in Butterfly Valley."

"Butterfly Valley?"

"There are about 50 Japanese invaders."

"Go and see!"

Chu Yunfei acted quickly.

More than 50 Japanese invaders must want to come and attack.

They should have set off at dawn.It is nine o'clock.When the sky was bright, it was about six o'clock.

However, he didn't expect that Hulu, Dumb, and Liubing were also very early.

At the time of Chu Yunfei, they had already set off.

They also want to attack the Japanese invaders.


The two sides just met.


"Bang bang!"

Sure enough, the gunfire gradually became more intensive.

Apparently there was a fight between the two sides.

The number of Japanese invaders was large.But it is estimated that there are no heavy weapons.

Hulu They only have three Garand semi-automatic rifles.But the firepower is relatively dense.

The point is that the terrain of Butterfly Valley is not good for the Japanese invaders.

This time, the Japanese invaders really got into a dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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