I'm not a bright sword Chu Yunfei

Chapter 88 088, Shanbei Detachment

Chapter 88 088, Shanbei Detachment

Chu Yunfei:? ? ?

Very surprised.

Even more unexpected than seeing Zhao Gang.

What did the other party say?
Allow yourself to direct?
Lu Bo confessed before his death?Let yourself take over the command?
How can it be?

We're on different camps, okay...

Pretend not to hear.Continue to go.

"Captain Chu!"

"Please stop!"

Zhao Gang exclaimed in a deep voice.

Chu Yunfei abruptly retracted the stretched footsteps.

Look back.

Looking at Zhao Gang.

Zhao Gang came up and said slowly, "I was there when Secretary Lu made the decision."

Chu Yunfei:? ? ?

So you already knew?

Don't you object?

I seem to be an outsider.

"Secretary Lu has been upright all his life, and he has opinions on the Jinsui Army. But he has no opinion on you." Zhao Gang added, "He thinks you are an excellent military commander."

Chu Yunfei listened quietly.

The crux of the problem is not here.

I am a member of the Jinsui Army, can I really command your team?

This seems to be a matter of principle...

As if seeing his doubts, Zhao Gang said slowly, "I have the final decision."

"So it is!" Chu Yunfei felt relieved.

If this is the case, it can be believed.

So command has not been transferred.

Because before 1942, the final decision on military operations was still in the hands of the political commissar.

Don't look at Li Yunlong's bluffing, in fact, if Zhao Gang really strongly opposed it, it would be impossible for him to command the whole regiment's actions.It may be possible to send a small number of troops to fight a little.

In fact, if Zhao Gang still firmly opposed it, Li Yunlong's doing so would also seriously violate the organization's regulations.

Once Zhao Gang appeals to his superiors, Li Yunlong will definitely be dismissed.

This is a matter of principle.

is insurmountable.

The political commissar has the final say.at this point.That would not change until 1942.

Because this year, a very sad thing happened.

After learning from the pain, the great talent decided to abolish the final decision-making power of the political commissar.

But it is still March 1940.

Still the largest political commissar.

"Thank you for your trust!" Chu Yunfei said, "But is it really okay to do this?"

"I take the overall responsibility." Zhao Gang is obviously responsible. "As long as Commander Chu is sincere and sincere in fighting the Japanese invaders, this is not a matter of principle. We are willing to unite all anti-Japanese forces to expel the Japanese invaders together. Our Eighth Route Army is different. Are you accepting the leadership of the national government?"

"Okay." Chu Yunfei thought for a while and agreed.

A rare opportunity.

The morale of the previous 358 regiments was generally low.

Even with better weapons and equipment, it is difficult to fight tough battles with devils.But in the battle just now, the courage shown by the guerrillas made him very satisfied.

Even a little shocked.

They are all guerrillas, and Leng killed a brigade of Japanese invaders.

Of course, with his help, the guerrillas are not badly armed.Even better than the Japanese invaders.

At least, all kinds of machine guns and mortars are better than the Japanese invaders in both quantity and quality.

Therefore, in the end, the Japanese Ito Brigade was killed.The record is quite good.

With such an excellent fighter, if the command is proper, the devils will definitely be able to continue to suffer.

It is probably impossible to knock out another brigade.

But it's no problem to eliminate hundreds of devils piecemeal.

It is also extremely impressive to add up a little.

What's more, once a fighter plane appears, it is not impossible to decisively bite some devils.

The key is that the troops must be able to fight.

The will to fight is the key.

"First count the casualties of the troops. There are also weapons and ammunition."

"In addition, arrange for people to collect information on other Japanese troops. They will definitely come to Fangniuping. It is estimated that they will arrive within three days."

"Also, reorganize the troops. Adjust weapons and equipment..."

Chu Yunfei ordered in an orderly manner.

In fact, Zhao Gang should also understand these basic combat knowledge.

Even without his command, others should be able to do it.


Since the other party invited him kindly, he would do his part.

"Ding dong!"

"You gain command of a regiment-level force."

"System privileges will override this regimental force."

"Privilege 1: Double return of ammo."

"Privilege 2: Double return of battle-damaged weapons."

All of a sudden, an information prompt arrives.

Chu Yunfei was overjoyed.

Is that okay?


In this way, there will be no worries.

However, this unit doesn't even have a name.How do you judge it as a regiment-level force?Is it the number of people?

Unfortunately, the system does not explain.

Maybe he was quietly scolding his mother again.It is for you to strengthen the national army, not for you to strengthen the army of the Red Party.

Mother Hippie's...

never mind.As long as system privileges apply.



"Found a station!"

Suddenly, someone came to report in a hurry.

Chu Yunfei immediately lifted his spirits.

Radio station?

The Japanese invaders did not destroy it?
What happened to the Japanese invaders?
Even leave the radio station?

"I'll go and have a look!" Zhao Gang couldn't hold back at first.

If there is a radio station, you can get in touch with your superiors.Even if it is impossible to contact, the radio station is invaluable.

It is worth more than a hundred [-] caps of the Japanese invaders.

Of course Chu Yunfei also excitedly ran to check.

Sure enough, I saw a TV station.Wrapped in military coats by the Japanese invaders.stuck in a deep pit.Covered with dirt.A fire was burning on it.

The initial guess is that the radio station is frozen and cannot be used.The Japanese invaders then wrapped it up, covered it with soil, and then set fire to it.Attempt to use the heat of the fire to restore the radio to normal operation.

As a result, the battle broke out in chaos, and the radio operator of the Japanese invaders was killed.It was too late to dig out the radio station.

"How did you find out what was buried in the ground?"


Zhao Gang asked curiously.

Several guerrillas were laughing quietly.

Totally by accident.

They thought the devil was roasting sweet potatoes.

After the battle is over and the battlefield is cleaned up, it would be wonderful if there are some hot roasted sweet potatoes to eat.

So the soil was scraped away.It was found that there were no sweet potatoes.There is a big guy.It turned out to be a radio station.

Coincidentally, the radio station was warmed by the residual heat of the fire, and it was already working normally.

Unfortunately there is a problem.Just no operator.No one will operate.

Of course, there is no code book.

Therefore, it is not available for the time being.

Zhao Gang had no choice but to ask someone to wrap it with something first, and give it to the superior when the time is right.

This is a big baby!
It must be cherished and cherished again.

"It seems that we are lucky!"

"The devil may not know that the Ito brigade has been wiped out."

Chu Yunfei was thoughtful.

If under normal circumstances, the radio station lost contact, the Japanese superiors must know that something happened to the Ito Brigade.

However, the present situation is somewhat special.

Before the Japanese invaders buried the radio station, they may have reported to their superiors that there was a problem with the radio station.

Therefore, even if there was no response from the radio station for a period of time, it would be difficult for the Japanese invaders to judge the live situation of the Ito brigade.

This is an opportunity.

If you seize this opportunity, you may be able to expand your results.

Of course, we have to look at the specific situation first.Maybe the Japanese invaders already knew that the Ito brigade was destroyed, so it would be difficult to change the deployment.

"What about troop casualties?"


Zhao Gang was very sad.

Lu Bo died.

In addition, more than 180 soldiers were sacrificed.Injured more.More than 200 people.

After all, they are guerrillas, so they definitely don't have that much combat experience.

Many sacrifices could have been avoided.But hindsight is useless.At that time, only by desperately burying your head and rushing upwards could you have the possibility of victory.If it is trembling and evasive, the casualties will be even greater.

Chu Yunfei was also emotional.

More than 400 casualties!Bigger than expected.

The desperate Japanese invaders are still so capable of fighting, and they are indeed sturdy.

One can imagine the tragedy of the next battle.


After the grief is over, the fight must continue.

No matter how great the sacrifice is, you have to bite the bullet and fight it down.How can there be victory without casualties?Was the Japanese Kou made of mud?
"The transportation team will arrive soon, let's replenish the ammunition first!"

"In addition, the transporter will send some medicine and send people to take care of the wounded."

Chu Yunfei said.

He has summoned the convoy to arrive.

All the ammunition consumed in previous battles has been doubled.Therefore, the scale of this transport team is relatively large.

A full ten carts.It is full of various weapons and ammunition.

In total, there are more than 300 rifles. More than 30 Czech light machine guns.All refunds are doubled.It can be seen that his own weapons have lost a lot.

Unfortunately, there is no mortar.Because there are no losses from mortars.

Ammunition comes in boxes.Chu Yunfei was too lazy to calculate the data.Naturally, Zhao Gang will arrange someone to deal with it.

In fact, Zhao Gang was already overjoyed.

He never thought that another transport team would arrive.Also sent so many weapons and ammunition.

Although they are all light weapons.That was quite a surprise too.

What was even more surprising was that there was sulfa in the supplies.

"Is this sulfa?"

"It's full of sulfa powder?"

He repeatedly confirmed.

Finally believe that all this is true.

It really has sulfa powder.

There are still five bottles!
Of course, this was bought by Chu Yunfei with krypton gold.

With so many wounded, there must be someone with wound inflammation.Can't do without anti-inflammatory drugs.

Rehabilitation of injured players returning to the team is very important.

Their own combat effectiveness may decline.But experience is extremely important.

The wounded returning to the team can pass on their combat experience to others.

"According to the results of Secretary Lu's previous communication with the superiors, a second-line force is going to be established. It is temporarily named Shanbei Detachment. It has a regiment-level structure." Zhao Gang introduced, "We can use this name."

"Shanbei Detachment..." Chu Yunfei nodded thoughtfully.

Names are not important.

What matters is someone.

"Ding dong!"

"Troop name correction: Shanbei Detachment."

"The current troops are chaotic, please complete the formation as soon as possible."

message notification.

Then there is the basic information of the troops.

The number of people is about 1200.

But there is no specific combat effectiveness assessment.

It is estimated that the data has not been refreshed.

Chu Yunfei then said to Zhao Gang: "I will leave it to you to take charge of the formation of the troops."

He is very self-aware.

This is the army of the Red Party.I just gave a temporary command.So, don't meddle in the organization.

After the battle is over, others will definitely send people again.His identity will be maintained at most until the new official takes office.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

Suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes.

But the more horses came.

(End of this chapter)

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