Spy War 1929

Chapter 100 Resignation

Chapter 100 Resignation
(There is a problem with the computer, and the words are coded by the mobile phone. Miserably o>_<o)

At seven o'clock in the evening, the autumn and winter sky is dark and early, the sky outside is already dark, the sky is dotted with sparse silver stars, the moonlight is covered by thin clouds, hazy, the sky seems to be covered with a dark veil.

The streets and the interior of the arresting house were already lit up, and the closing time of the arresting house had already passed. Except for the staff on duty, no one wanted to stay in this arresting house that had suddenly become depressing.

Chen Ledao walked towards the gate in his black trench coat and black top hat.

In the past, he had already left at this point in time.

Now that I have become the inspector, I can no longer be as casual as before.

When the two patrolmen who were standing guard outside the door were relaxed when they heard the sound of footsteps, they immediately trembled and held their heads high.

They are all patrols of three groups - the three groups take turns to stand guard.

During the day, Fang Touer kept sullen when he came out of the inspector's office, sternly warning them to be more honest during this time and not to commit crimes.

No one is a fool, they all know that Fang Touer must be because of the inspector.

Head Liu of the street patrol team has been turned over to the head office. It is said that he was sent directly to the criminal department, and it is impossible to return once he goes there.

Mr. Liu has been planted, so the tricks of these little people like himself have to be brighter, so as not to accidentally fall into it.

Chen Ledao stepped out of the gate, and suddenly stopped when passing two people, and turned to look at them.

"Is not It Cold?"

The two were wearing thin patrol uniforms, and no sweaters were seen inside.

The two of them shook their heads quickly in unison, perhaps because of the quick movement of their heads, the cool snot from the person on the left was thrown directly to the corner of his mouth.

Chen Ledao's face turned dark.

The man raised his sleeve and wiped it quickly, and the snot disappeared.


"The new winter clothes were just delivered yesterday, so I went to the warehouse to get one by myself, so I won't be frozen if I stand on guard this day," Chen Ledao said.

The two looked at each other and nodded quickly.

After Chen Ledao finished speaking, he left and drove his car to the parking area next to the arresting house.

"Thank you, Inspector!" The two reacted belatedly and shouted from behind.

Chen Ledao waved his hand.

"I don't think Chen Xun is as scary as they say," the inspector standing on the right said in a low voice while looking at Chen Ledao's back.

The one on the left looked at his sleeve, grimaced, and casually nodded in agreement.

Instead of going home directly, Chen Ledao drove to Ye Weiyang, this time was when Ye Weiyang's business was booming.

At the gate, there were many people entering and few people exiting, all wrapped in coats and hats.

In ancient China, everyone with status had a hat.From the emperor to the common people, everyone has to wear something on their head.The crown hat is a symbol of status.

Affected by the Western trend, many people are now wearing top hats. Old-fashioned people, such as landlords, also wear long robes and mandarin jackets with a landlord hat.

Most of the people who entered and exited Yeweiyang Ballroom were wearing top hats.

Seeing Chen Ledao's car, a person came to the gate and opened the door for him. After Chen Ledao got out of the car, he drove the car away for him.

The ballroom was buzzing with people, and it was extremely lively.

Shanghai's number one courtesan Fang Yanyun's affair with Miss Fang in Ye Weiyang has already been spread. Ye Weiyang's reputation has risen to a higher level, and the business is naturally the same.

Without staying below, Chen Ledao went up to the third floor.

Not long after sitting down in the office, there was a knock on the door.


Wei Zhengyun pushed the door open and walked in with a faint smile on his lips.

"Boss," he yelled enthusiastically.

What Wang Liu was asked to do during the day must have played a role. Solving the boss's troubled problems was a great achievement, and he had to put on a good posture to welcome the boss's compliment.

Chen Ledao looked up at him, and said calmly, "What's the matter with Wang Liu."

Seeing Chen Ledao's expressionless face and flat voice, Wei Zhengyun's eyebrows twitched involuntarily. The boss's appearance seemed to be somewhat different from what he imagined.

Noticing something was wrong, Wei Zhengyun straightened his face immediately, and said honestly, "Aunt Wang took the wonton stall to set up a stall in the morning. Although Wang Liu's money is enough for her to take care of her retirement, the old man has been busy all his life and can't be idle."

Wei Zhengyun paid attention to Chen Ledao's face while talking, the boss's reaction didn't seem to have much to do with happiness.

Sure enough, Chen Ledao frowned, and said in a more serious tone: "Say the key point."

When Wei Zhengyun heard this, without even thinking about it, he immediately looked away, straightened his body, and said quickly.

"Aunt Wang went out to set up a stall and met two policemen. The two asked Aunt Wang to pay protection fees. Aunt Wang had no money, so they took the stall away and asked her to take the money. , and reported it to me.

It occurred to me that you said that you lacked a reason to clean up the arresting house. I realized that this was an opportunity, so I contacted a few reporters and asked them to follow Wang Liu to the arresting house to cooperate with you. "

Wei Zhengyun became serious at this moment, and after he finished speaking, he carefully peeked at Chen Ledao.

Chen Ledao raised his hand and rubbed his brows lightly, his brows furrowed.Sure enough, it was almost the same as what he thought, it was this guy's idea for Wang Liu.

"Boss, how is the matter? Are things going well?" Seeing that Chen Ledao was silent, Wei Zhengyun asked cautiously.

But don't do bad things with good intentions, then I'm afraid that in the boss's mind, your image of being shrewd and capable will be ruined, and the position of the first brother will not be guaranteed.

Chen Ledao raised his eyes to look at him, and things were done well.But as the boss and inspector, what he likes is that everything is under control, not this kind of sudden surprise.

"Next time you do something like this, tell me in advance," Chen Ledao told him.

Wei Zhengyun nodded hastily, and his hanging heart slowly fell to the ground, secretly thinking that there was no danger.

"In the next period of time, train the people below and let them know what a qualified policeman should do. The arresting house will soon lay off a group of people, and then let them all take part in the recruitment examination of the arresting house .”

After talking about Wang Liu, Chen Ledao got to the point, this is his main purpose of coming to Ye Weiyang.

"Boss, do you mean to let all our people enter the arrest room?" Wei Zhengyun looked at Chen Le and said, with a tone of disbelief in his words.

Chen Ledao nodded lightly, with a normal expression.

"Well, the gun practice stopped beforehand and went into the arresting room. There is plenty of time to practice guns."

It costs money to practice guns, especially when there are more people, the money consumed is no longer a small amount.Although he has money, every penny cannot be used indiscriminately.

"Good!" Wei Zhengyun nodded in a daze.Still can't believe it.

That's the patrol room!
It turns out that the whereabouts of these people that the boss said before is the police station!If so, what a place to be!he thought.

But when the boss said this, he hadn't become the inspector of the arresting house yet! !
Wei Zhengyun quietly glanced at Chen Ledao, feeling that the figure of the boss was becoming more and more mysterious.

The energy of the boss is beyond my imagination.

For the next two days, life continued as usual.

The atmosphere in Xia Fei Lu's arrest room became tense during the self-examination.The arresters didn't dare to bet on whether what Chen Ledao said in the office was angry.

They have nothing to do with Chen Ledao, if the self-examination report I handed in at that time is different from what Chen Ledao knows, will I really have to pack up and leave?
What Chen Ledao knew they didn't know, with Liu Hai's lessons learned, no one dared to take chances.Several people wrote one report after another in the past two days, but none of them felt perfect. .

These head catchers don't need to investigate, no one knows better than them what their subordinates have done.What they worry about is how to write these things.

If you don't hide it, you should write it lightly, or write it to confuse the truth.What a headache.

Judging from the news they inquired, Chen Ledao wanted to let them go. It was a matter of one word. As for the reason and evidence, it didn't matter at all whether he wanted it or not.

For a while, several people envied Fang Shan.It's better to investigate others than to investigate your own people.

Today, though, their anxieties don't matter.

Chen Ledao walked into the building in the morning and found a letter at the door of his office.His office is locked, so those who let the letter can't get in, it's probably why he put it here.

There was nothing written on the envelope, so Chen Ledao took it into the office.

After opening it, there was a piece of paper inside, which was the resignation letter of Deputy Inspector Cheng Ziqing.

After reading the whole article, Chen Ledao almost didn't laugh.

The above text is serious, but there is still a anxious tone between the lines.

It said that his father died, and he needed to go home for the funeral, and he planned to honor his father in the ancient way, and the date of return was uncertain, so he resigned.

It is reasonable to say that the deputy inspector should go to the chief inspector to find the chief inspector when he resigned, but Cheng Ziqing said that he was in a hurry and hoped that Chen Ledao could pass it on for him.

"This guy runs really fast!" Chen Ledao put the resignation letter back in the envelope and muttered.

What he said to Cheng Ziqing earlier was half true and half false. Zhu Wan did say some nasty things between the two of them, but it was just a side story, and there was no account book.

"I guess I went to the head office to inquire about it," Cheng Ziqing didn't have any serious connections in the police department, so it was hard for him to know the truth.Most of the time, when you hear a half-word, you take it as the truth.

However, if he didn't seriously estimate that he would not stay any longer, the immediate boss Chen Ledao's attitude towards him was obviously not very good.

Putting the envelope away and putting it in the drawer, Chen Ledao lay down on the back of the chair, feeling relieved.It was a bit unexpected that Cheng Ziqing resigned so quickly.

But it's good, save him trouble.

But as soon as Cheng Ziqing resigned, the people below became even more nervous.

What happened, even the deputy inspector resigned without making a sound!
Just two days after the self-examination began, the deputy inspector silently resigned.Even a fool would not believe that this was just a coincidence.

"What are you going to do?"

The headhunters of the first and second groups and the headhunters of the field team gathered together, all of them were sour-faced, helpless.

"I think it's better to write honestly, just avoid the important ones, and don't deliberately save anyone." The second group of arresters said.

"He just asked us to investigate ourselves, and didn't say how to deal with it. I think it might just be a warning to us. The law does not punish the public. With so many people, it is impossible for him to deal with it."

The operation of the arresting house depends on them. Chen Le said that he might want to take power and warn them at the same time.

The new official took office three fires, the deputy inspector and Liu Hai were all burned down, thinking that it should be almost the same.

"That makes sense, I think that's the way to do it. The guy with the square head was lucky. He went to investigate the street patrol team and let him escape the self-inspection." The field team leader said, with a bit of sourness in his words.

Several people had different thoughts, thinking that Fang Shan didn't need to investigate himself, Chen Ledao became more and more mysterious in their hearts.

Among them, Fang Shan is the most hypocritical among them.Same flow but not dirty.The nickname "Fang Skull" means that he doesn't know how to adapt.

In the past, they only thought that Fang Shan was an idiot who didn't make money and had a poor bottom line.Only now do I know how right that guy's choice is.

Chen Hanlin, who followed Chen Ledao, was assigned to the third group. Now the third group is responsible for investigating the street patrol team, and there is no need for self-examination.They don't think these are all coincidences.

Chen Ledao has only been here for a few days, but he seems to know all about these things (several people make up his mind), which is really puzzling.

"Let's write it honestly, it's better not to think about it!" This thought flashed through several people's minds at the same time.

It's a bit uneconomical to lose your job because of this.It's not easy to be a headhunter, and no one wants to lose this job just like that.

Chen Hanlin returned to the arresting room from the outside with a tired look on his face.

He was about to give up.

In fact, the owner of the stolen property had already given up the unreliable idea of ​​finding the lost property.They have long had experience with this kind of thing.

Every day in Shanghai Beach, I don’t know how many people have their things stolen. It’s better to pray to God for a show of spirits than to count on the group of wine bags and rice bags in the patrol room to find them back.

The fifth child was busy sitting in his seat, and the third team was in charge of the street inspection team. Naturally, he, an old policeman, could not be idle.

Except for Chen Hanlin, everyone in the three groups was busy patrolling the streets.

Each of them investigated one-on-one, and Fang Shan gave them a death order. Whoever was in charge had a problem, he would resign on his own initiative.

No one dares to slack off.

"Hanlin, how are you? Have you found any clues?" Seeing Chen Hanlin dragging his body back, Lao Wu asked with a smile.

Chen Hanlin's appearance already explained everything.

Shaking his head listlessly, if he found something, he wouldn't be like this now.

The fifth child smiled understandingly.Everyone was almost the same as Chen Hanlin when they came into contact with the first case, excited—persisted—dejected—give up.

"Hanlin, we are police officers, not gods. These cases look simple, but they are the most difficult to solve.

Those people are used to stealing and will not easily leave any clues for you.If you can't find it, you can't find it.Gain experience slowly. "Old Five comforted.

It is not so easy to solve the case. If anyone can solve the case, there will not be only one Tielin in the concession after so many years.

Fang Shan sat in his seat with a smile on his face.

He is very happy.

Before, he didn't want to take the job of offending people on the third group.Which of those people in the street patrol team can stand the investigation?

According to the request of the inspector, they can already be disbanded.

But now, looking at those bad products, Fang Shan couldn't help but smile.

The people in the three groups were restrained by him, but they didn't do any bad things.But in the general environment, few hands and feet are clean.

If the inspector is serious, it will be a bit embarrassing to check.

Fortunately, he escaped a catastrophe this time, and that guy Liu Hai finally did a good thing.

"Mother is right, there must be good rewards for good people, those three bad jobs, this time they can't afford to go around!" Fang Shan couldn't help gloating at the thought of being called Fang Skull by them all the time.

It is not certain who has a square head!

(End of this chapter)

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