Spy War 1929

Chapter 134 Ordinary Friends

Chapter 134 Ordinary Friends

Sheng Qi slightly frowned, thinking about what Chen Ledao said.

It was expected that Chen Ledao wanted the right to operate the dance hall.But she also does not want to give up the right to operate Paramount, which is also what she is after.

"Don't you have Ye Weiyang now? Working in the police station and handling Ye Weiyang's affairs at the same time, you still have the energy to manage Paramount's affairs?" Sheng Qi stared at him.

"Of course." Chen Ledao nodded without hesitation, "Letting Wei Zhengyun manage a small Ye Weiyang is a waste of talent. Wei Zhengyun's ability is far more than that. As the boss, we should give our employees a big enough stage , allowing them to fully display their abilities and talents.”

"I also want the right to manage Paramount. I have studied many business cases of dance halls in recent years. I am confident that no one can surpass me on how to operate the hall and how to run the dance hall best."

Seeing that Chen Ledao's thoughts could not be dispelled, Sheng Qi said bluntly.As neat and crisp as before.

Chen Ledao nodded slightly.He had already expected that Sheng Qi would want management rights.Speaking of Sheng Qi's words, he would at most just smile and say nothing.But Sheng Qi said that he had to believe it.

Indeed, Sheng Qi should have a lot of ideas about how to run Paramount.It might be a waste of her talent to just let her be a shareholder of the company.

"Xiao Qi, a theory that hasn't been tested in practice can't be taken as true. Zhao Kuo's military theory is so powerful, and on the battlefield, wouldn't he suffer a crushing defeat?" Chen Ledao said Sheng Qi noncommittally.But the meaning expressed in the words could not be more obvious.

Shake Sheng Qi's self-confidence first, and without waiting for her to speak, Chen Ledao immediately continued.

"I believe you have the strength to manage Paramount well. If Shanghai Tang says who is the best at doing business, your Sheng family will be the number one, and no one will dare to be the second."

Sheng Qi looked at Chen Ledao and waited quietly, she knew that Chen Ledao still had something to say.

"But I believe you, Hector and the others may not necessarily want to believe you. Although Mr. Koopman has business dealings with your family, it is with your Sheng family, not with you. Will he believe that you have business acumen? this is a problem.

The reason why Mr. Koopman is willing to cooperate with me is firstly because of Hector, and secondly because they believe that I can manage Paramount well and bring them benefits. "

After Chen Ledao said this, he looked at Sheng Qi quietly.

The management right must not be let go, and Sheng Qi, a partner, cannot be let go either.It was fine if he didn't know that Sheng Qi was the founder of Paramount, but now he definitely can't.

Sheng Qi's hand under the table tightened.Chen Ledao is right.It was the Sheng family who had business dealings with Koopman, not her, Sheng Qi.Koopman is willing to do business with the Sheng family, but she cannot represent the Sheng family.

But it is precisely because of this that she needs Paramount's management rights even more.

"You're right," Sheng Qi nodded, "but I can't give up the right to manage the dance hall. As a son and daughter of the Sheng family, I can't be idle."

Having said this, Sheng Qi smiled.But Chen Ledao knew she was not joking.

Under that smile was Sheng Qi's firmness.

Chen Ledao had a headache.He is not someone who likes to negotiate, but this girl is not so easy to fool.But this time, we can't just shoot and break up if we can't reach an agreement.

Chen Ledao could probably guess the reason why Sheng Qi was unwilling to give up the right to operate the dance hall.It's nothing more than that damn competitive heart, face and dignity that can't be sold for money, and there may be benefits.

Most of these rich second generations have their own ambitions, and they don't want to be underestimated by their parents and family members.They all want to start a business and let those people see that they can also make things happen, and they are not so-called dandies.

Sheng Qi is capable, but because she is a girl, she cannot be the helm of the family.She doesn't even have her share of the family property now.Most of this girl wants to do things with the mentality of 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi.

Everyone wants the right to operate, which is a bit troublesome.

Chen Ledao twirled his fingers lightly, then stopped suddenly.

"How about this. You are the general manager of the company, and Wei Zhengyun is the deputy general manager. You are responsible for handling the specific affairs of the company, but I have the right to make decisions about the company."

Chen Ledao doesn't care who is the general manager, as long as the decision-making power for the dance hall is in his hands.His original imagination of Hector and his partners was: to invest money, and then wait to get dividends. When the company needs them, they will come forward to deal with them.

This is a little too much to ask, but both Hector and Tom have no interest in managing the dance hall, and only want to make money.Chen Ledao's idea seemed to come true, but in the end there was an accident.

After listening to Chen Ledao's opinion, Sheng Qi thought about it.Looking at Chen Ledao's appearance, this seems to be his final bottom line.

What Chen Ledao said just now is very pertinent. If she wants to get the right to operate and manage, the other cooperators may not be willing.

Compared with Chen Ledao, her gender and her experience have no advantages.

Of course, I can do it alone, but considering the current situation of my family, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult to do it alone.Not only is money a problem, but he is also afraid that those brothers will trip him up behind his back.

After thinking about it, Sheng Qi felt a little reluctant, but still nodded: "Okay, that's it."

It's not bad to be the general manager.Although she is confident that she can run the dance hall well, she has no experience after all.

The money invested in Paramount is definitely not small money. Even if she finds other people to cooperate, it is probably impossible to trust her with such a large investment.Thinking of this, Sheng Qi couldn't help but sigh again.

Why can't I be a boy!

"I don't have enough money now. You have seen the current situation of my family in the newspaper. I need to get my part of the family property first."

If it weren't for the fact that the family was arguing about the distribution of property, Paramount might have appeared long ago.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Ledao looked at her. "I have already asked Hector to contact his uncle. If we hadn't met you this time, the three of us were already prepared to invest by ourselves."

Chen Ledao needed Sheng Qi to give an approximate time.Dividing property has always been a troublesome matter, so it's impossible for Sheng Qi not to solve it all the time, and they keep procrastinating.

Sheng Qi thought about it, no longer hesitated about the thought in his heart, and said.

"My father left a will about how to distribute the property before his death. Most of the family property was left to my brothers, but it also stated that if our sisters were not married, then we would also have a share."

Sheng Qi didn't complain about the fact that most of the property was handed over to her brothers in his father's will.After all, my father also left one hundred thousand oceans to each of their sisters who have not left the cabinet.

But her brothers didn't even want to give her the [-] oceans they were supposed to give her, so that's not enough.

"I have learned about the government's laws. In the family property, as long as the daughter is not married, she can have the right to divide the property. I brought my father's will to them last time, but they destroyed the will and did not recognize the will."

When Sheng Qi said this, there was a little sadness on his face.One hundred thousand oceans is nothing to their Sheng family.But because those elder brothers don't have the ability to make money with money, they don't even want to give her a hundred thousand oceans.

"I have decided to take this matter to court. Since they destroyed the will, this matter can only be handled according to the law." Sheng Qi said firmly.

In the past few years, the law has been talked about everywhere, explaining the release of women.It can't be their turn to divide the Sheng family's property, so let's not talk about the law!

"You mean you want to sue your brothers and use the law to settle this matter?" Chen Ledao looked at her in surprise.

Auntie, are you really from the Republic of China?

Chen Ledao's thoughts are quite complicated.Although women's rights have been greatly liberated today, the old ideas still remain.Except for those educated people, ordinary people would not even try to divorce.

Don't you see how many criticisms those advanced-minded people attracted after their divorce!

It is said that family ugliness should not be publicized, but this aunt actually wants to bring this matter to court!
Chen Ledao admired Sheng Qi's courage, this is no ordinary woman.Ordinary women will not have such courage.

The Sheng family has been living in the newspapers these days, if there is another court battle to divide the family property, then this matter may really become known both at home and abroad, and it will be reported to the world!
After all, the Sheng family is not a small family with little reputation.

Sheng Qi nodded, she had been thinking about this matter for a long time.There is no other way but to follow the law.

Seeing her determination, Chen Ledao nodded. Although he was surprised by Sheng Qi's choice, it was undoubtedly the best way.

"When do you plan to go to court?" Chen Ledao asked.He didn't understand how the courts handled things at this time.

"I'm still short of a lawyer."

"Lawyer," Chen Ledao muttered softly, as if he hadn't chatted with Old Xue for a while.

"I know a lawyer, I can introduce you to him." Chen Ledao said.

It is best to find a lawyer, of course, to find one of your own!
Xue Liangying said that his fiancée is a barrister, I hope this kid didn't lie to himself.

"Who is it?" Sheng Qi asked.

"I don't know the name yet. It's my friend's fiancée. I haven't met her yet. My friend said she is a barrister."

The barrister is still a woman.Although Shanghai is big, there are not many female barristers.Sheng Qi wondered who it would be.

If it is really a barrister, then it is really suitable.

After saying this, both of them fell silent, staring at each other.

"I heard that Mr. Feng from the Feng Chamber of Commerce intends to let you be his son-in-law?" Sheng Qi said suddenly.

"Have you heard about this too?" Chen Ledao said, then shook his head, "It's just a rumor. I don't know when Mr. Feng told me that he wanted me to be his son-in-law."

Although I do miss the position of his son-in-law.Chen Ledao added in his heart.

"Cheng Cheng is a nice person, not to mention pretty, but he has a good personality. There are many people in Shanghai who want to be the son-in-law of Feng's Chamber of Commerce!" Sheng Qi said with a smile.

"Cheng Cheng?" Chen Ledao caught Sheng Qi's address to Feng Chengcheng, which didn't seem like a name a stranger would use.

"You also know Cheng Cheng?" Chen Ledao asked.

"Of course," Sheng Qi nodded, "Feng's Chamber of Commerce has some business contacts with our family."


It's business again!Why do I feel that all the rich people I know have business dealings with your family.

Chen Ledao didn't talk much with Sheng Qi about Feng Chengcheng, and sent Sheng Qi home with the excuse that it was late.

Before leaving, Chen Ledao found Wei Zhengyun.

"You ask someone to prepare the best rice paper, and send it to Xia Fei Road arresting room tomorrow."

"Good boss."

Wei Zhengyun nodded, wondering what the boss was going to do.The boss can't just want to practice his chicken claw-like calligraphy. Could it be that he is giving it away?

"Well~~~, besides, you also asked someone to prepare some paper suitable for writing with a pen, the best kind."

"Alright boss." Wei Zhengyun nodded again.

The main office of the police force, that is, the secretariat, Chen Ledao found Xue Liangying's current office.

Xue Liangying is already the head of the secretariat and has an office to himself.If Fabre is compared to the emperor, then Xue Liangying must at least be a chief eunuch.

"Your office is not bad!" Looking left and then again in the office, Chen Ledao nodded and said, "It's much better than our previous office."

"It's not that I haven't visited your inspector's office, so don't make sarcastic remarks here!" Xue Liangying didn't buy him.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Xue Liangying asked.

"What are you talking about? It's like I can't come to see you if there's nothing wrong with me."

"Come on, I haven't seen you come to see me once in such a long time. But if you have something to do, you can just go to the director, why don't you ask me?"

"Hey, the director can't help with this matter, so I have to find you." Chen Ledao had a smile on his face, leaning his butt on the edge of Xue Liangying's desk.

"Let's talk." Xue Liangying asked while handling her work.

"Lend me your fiancée."

"Get out!" Xue Liangying pushed Chen Ledao off the table.

"Hey, why are you so anxious. I said where are you thinking. After all, you are a cultural person, can you think of something clean in your mind!" Chen Ledao muttered, Xue Liangying stared at him.

This bastard actually beat him up!
"Isn't your fiancée a barrister? I have a friend who wants to file a lawsuit, so I ask your fiancée for help." Chen Ledao said.

Xue Liangying didn't speak, and didn't really want to talk to Chen Ledao.

"Oh, it's different now that you're an official! Secretary Xue, you already have official authority!" Chen Ledao looked at him with a strange tone.

Xue Liangying:
"I said you wouldn't lie to me, right? Isn't your girlfriend a barrister at all? I boasted about Haikou, and said that my friend's fiancee is a lawyer. If you lie to me, then my face There is no place to let it go!"

"Okay, I'll go back and tell her about it. What's your friend's name, and what kind of lawsuit are you going to file?" Xue Liangying couldn't bear Chen Ledao's chatter, didn't you see that he was too busy here!

Since Fabre discovered his ability, Fabre has left all the irrelevant things in the police department to him.

Xue Liangying received the salary of the secretary and performed the responsibilities of the deputy director, but he did not have the rights of the deputy director.

"Sheng Qi, that is the Seventh Miss of the Sheng family in the newspaper recently, about her family's property."

"Seventh Miss Sheng Family?" Xue Liangying suddenly raised her head.

"Hey! Stop!" Chen Ledao raised his hand and shouted, seeing Xue Liangying's face, Chen Ledao knew what he was thinking,

"It's not what you think!" Chen Ledao declared first.

"Hehe!" Xue Liangying looked at him with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Tell me, why did you get involved with the seventh lady of the Sheng family again! Where is that Miss Feng family?"

"I said, what are you thinking about in your brain! Can you think of something positive? Ms. Sheng is my ordinary friend."

"Ha ha.

Who told me that there is no absolutely pure friendship between men and women. "Xue Liangying looked at him.


"believe or not."

"Ha ha."


"Go back and wait. I'll talk to her about it tonight. She has the right idea, and I can't decide her affairs." Xue Liangying said.

"Okay, no need to explain. Aren't you just afraid of your wife, I understand." Chen Ledao curled his lips.

"I respect her own opinion."

"Ha ha."


(End of this chapter)

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