Spy War 1929

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

In the slightly weird eyes of the patrols.

Holding the Thompson submachine gun in his arms, Ding Li strode to Chen Ledao's car with Song Jie.Behind them followed two lines of black suits.Looking at the neat appearance, it doesn't look like a dance hall waiter, let alone a member of the Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, but looks like a well-disciplined army.

Don't look at their clothes, don't look at those black suits with only a pistol in their hands, just look at those people holding Thompson submachine guns in their arms, these people are indeed somewhat similar to those soldiers.

Looking at these people, Fang Shan felt quite agitated in his heart.Although he also saw Ye Weiyang's team last night, the pitch-black environment was not as strong as what these people gave him now.These people with solemn expressions and neat lines, put on their patrol uniforms, I'm afraid they will look more like patrols than them!

With this thought flashing through his mind, Fang Shan couldn't help looking at Chen Ledao who was talking to Ding Li.He felt more and more that his inspector was mysterious and powerful.Are these black suits the same waiters from Yeweiyang dance hall that he had seen before?In which song and dance hall, the waiters are so similar to those soldiers?

"Brother, Heishan has been captured by the brothers sent in the International Settlement, and he is returning to the dance hall. Can we do it here?" Ding Li said to Chen Ledao, he couldn't wait any longer.

No one can run away from Montenegro, and Ding Li doesn't need to worry about Montenegro now, he has to hurry up and settle the matter here so that he can go to the next casino.

After hearing this, Chen Ledao nodded slightly, and waved his hand lightly:

"Go ahead, try not to kill those who take the initiative to put down their weapons, and don't keep those who resist with guns." Chen Ledao explained to Ding Li.He used to be so low-key that some people didn't understand his strength, and they always wanted to trick him.Let those people take a good look today, although Chen Ledao is young, he can kill people when he gets angry.

"Don't worry, brother, I'm familiar with this kind of thing!" Ding Li's tone was a little excited.Song Jie glanced at him from the side, hesitating in his heart whether to remind him, "Remember not to kill people indiscriminately".

Ding Li gave him thousands of instructions before, but now Song Jie feels that Ding Li's state is a little unreliable.

Chen Ledao used to be tightly restrained, strictly forbidding Ye Weiyang's people to go to other chambers of commerce's place to make trouble without reason.This is really not a small torture for Ding Li's temperament of wanting to become bigger and stronger, and to create brilliance.Today it is rare to have this kind of opportunity to take the initiative to find fault with others. Ding Li is really a little excited now.He's never been a man of his own accord.

Shouzhugan looked at Ding Li's people from the side, and the remaining luck in his heart was completely gone. How could he not understand what was going to happen now.

To deal with their small casino, Ye Weiyang has at least 90, NO.[-] people, and there is also the cooperation of the patrol room.The panic and worry in Mazi's heart were unabashedly displayed on his face.With such a big battle, it doesn't look like there is any slowdown, but it looks like they are going to take over their casino.

He didn't care about Fang Shan cheating him just now, and was about to move forward, but Fang Shan stretched out his hand to stop him, preventing him from approaching Chen Ledao.Two patrolmen quickly stepped forward to control him and found the gun on his body.

Although Mazi's face was pockmarked like a thin bamboo pole, he mustered up the courage to speak loudly to Chen Ledao.

"Mr. Chen, we made a mistake about what happened last night. We didn't know that those were your people. This is a misunderstanding. Please give us a chance." Mazi was moved under the pressure of the two No, he simply knelt down to Chen Ledao.Crying and begging for mercy.

He doesn't have much ability, the only two advantages are that he is quite smart among them, and at the same time he can talk about worthless loyalty.He blocked a knife for Montenegro when he was with Montenegro before, so he became the person in charge of this casino.

Seeing that things were not going well, Mazi hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, no matter what kind of face he felt, he didn't kneel before others, he didn't feel ashamed to kneel to Chen Ledao.

Although the boss of Heishan is usually a little irritable, he is kind to him. When his old mother had no money to save her life, it was Heishan who gave him money.That's why he was willing to block the knife for Montenegro.Nothing else matters. If the boss handed over the casino to him, he has to be worthy of the boss's trust. Now the most important thing is to keep the casino and the people under him.

Mazi directly admitted what happened last night, but changed his statement slightly.

Chen Ledao turned his head and glanced at him. In fact, this person has little influence on him whether he is in the casino or outside the casino.It was just to show the strength in his hands that Fang Shan was asked to get this person out, but he didn't expect this guy to beg for mercy now.The courage is commendable, but he doesn't seem to understand the seriousness of the matter.

"What's your name?" Chen Ledao looked at him.

"Mazi, everyone calls me Mazi." He said quickly.

Seeing that Chen Ledao didn't speak, Ding Li didn't rush to make a move, and looked at Pockmark who was being held down and kneeling on the ground.He wanted to learn how his elder brother would deal with this person, and he didn't know why, every time he saw his elder brother deal with this kind of thing, he always felt that he was so fucking handsome.

"Mazi," Chen Ledao nodded, and didn't express any opinions, and didn't say anything about the inaccuracies in his words.

"Are you the person in charge of this casino?"

"Yes," Mazi nodded.

"Since you just said that you were wrong, you have to admit your mistakes, and you have to be punished if you admit it. It's time to correct your mistakes. This is the same as being tried in a court. You have to admit that you have committed a crime. You have to go to jail and receive punishment, and then it's time to reform yourself." Chen Ledao said slowly, he didn't look like an angry person at all, and he was even interested in chatting with a young man here.

"Did you misunderstand that I'm not interested in what happened last night? All I know is that one of my subordinates died. This kind of debt needs to be paid by someone." Chen Ledao looked at the man kneeling on the ground without integrity.

"Don't you want a chance? You commit suicide. If you commit suicide to kill my brothers, I can consider letting the people inside survive." After Chen Ledao finished speaking, he asked Ding Li to give Mazi a knife.He suddenly wanted to see whether these people who spoke righteousness first were true loyalty or false loyalty.

Chen Ledao felt that he should not be able to be the first in righteousness, and most people in the future would not be able to do it either, but he didn't know if these people who could barely touch the tail of "ancient people" still had the integrity and loyalty mentioned in some books.

Ding Li and Song Jie didn't know what their elder brother/boss was going to do, so they just watched dryly.Fang Shan and a group of police officers also watched.

Fang Shan felt a little indescribable at the moment. Although he knew some things about the inspector long ago, and he was even mentally prepared after he decided to hug the inspector's thigh, he still didn't feel very good looking at him now.No matter how you look at it, this kind of thing doesn't look like what a patrol should do.

To put it bluntly, he wanted to be a bitch and set up a chastity memorial archway at the same time. . Shameless.

Wang Liu sat in the driver's seat in a daze. He was not interested in these things, and he didn't know whether the boss was doing a good thing or a bad thing. Anyway, the boss was good to him and his mother, so he was good to the boss.Wang Liu can't be called stupid, but his well-developed muscles do take up some space in his brain, which makes him not like to think about these things.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Deng Chengwen watched this scene, feeling a little indescribable in his heart like Fang Shan.He is not a bad person, and the fact that the inspector forced people to commit suicide is a bit uncomfortable to him, and it doesn't seem like what a good person should do.

Chen Ledao's image in his heart has always been quite stalwart, because the inspector never allowed his subordinates to do things that oppress good people.Moreover, the inspector does not love those Japanese, he is a good inspector who really dares to make decisions for those ordinary people.It's just that suddenly forcing people to commit suicide now, and blatantly letting the arresting house and Ye Weiyang cooperate to handle things, this is a bit inappropriate in his cognition.

All kinds of petty thoughts arose in the hearts of the other patrols around. The image of Chen Ledao Guang Weizheng was slightly weakened in their hearts, but they seemed to admire the patrol chief even more in their hearts.

They all heard what Chen Ledao said just now, "You commit suicide to save the lives of my brothers".Following such a patrol chief seems to be more reliable than following a Guang Weizheng patrol chief.

Mazi picked up the heavy dog-leg knife that Ding Li had thrown on the ground, never expecting that Chen Le would give such a choice.

It seems a bit uneconomical to exchange your own life for the lives of the people inside.

Shouzhugan couldn't figure out why he had suddenly turned into the current situation after begging for a favor.Holding a knife, he always felt that a fool would do that.

"Why, don't you dare?" Chen Ledao shook his head, as expected, loyalty is something that only exists in novels, "Then let me lower your requirements, I am a reasonable person, this thing was done by people from Montenegro, It’s true that you shouldn’t have to pay for your life. Don’t you want to save the people inside, cut off a hand yourself, and I can also not kill the people inside.”

Chen Ledao suddenly became like a businessman bargaining with others, letting this pockmarked hand exchange the lives of those inside, but he didn't know what benefit it would be for him.

Perverted pleasure?

Of course Chen Ledao didn't change his mind, he just wanted to see where the loyalty of those ancient people went.

"Okay, I'll do it!" Mazi yelled suddenly, as if to cheer himself up, he put his left hand on the ground, raised the dog's leg knife high with his right hand, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, and was about to drop the knife.

All this happened so fast that before the people around could react, Mazi suddenly agreed.Ding Li was still despising Mazi as a dishonest guy, and of course he didn't think about what he would do if it were him.

Mazi just thought about it, and agreed, and it seemed like he had made a profit. Fearing that Chen Ledao would regret it, he picked up the knife and dropped it.

No one reacted, except Chen Ledao.At the moment when the knife was about to touch his hand, Chen Ledao suddenly took out a gun and hit Mazi's arm swinging the knife.

Everything was in the blink of an eye, the sudden gunshot even scared the hearts of the people around Chen Ledao to jump suddenly.

The knife Mazi raised didn't land on his hand, but it still left a long gash on the back of his hand. As for the other hand, blood flowed out from the place where he was shot.

He screamed a few times, but quickly held back the pain and looked at Chen Ledao in confusion. Of course, he was still a little angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

"You are not bad, your hands are worthless, so I don't want them. Now I give you 3 minutes to let the people in the casino put down their weapons and walk out with their hands raised. If you do it, maybe you can save his life, no If you do it, you will die." Chen Ledao put away his gun and said to Mazi.

People around looked at Chen Ledao in astonishment, not knowing why he suddenly changed his mind.However, Fang Shan, Deng Chengwen, and other police officers who had a sense of good and evil, right and wrong, breathed a sigh of relief.They seem to have misunderstood the inspector.

Chen Ledao is not a pervert, he naturally has no intention of torturing this kind of person who has no deep hatred.He just wanted to see if such a thing as loyalty really existed.

Mazi was not very lucky. If he had chosen to sacrifice his life for the safety of those inside, he might not have been shot. Chen Ledao didn't really want to force him to commit suicide.

People can be killed, but there is no need to kill in that way.

Mazi seemed to understand something, his face suddenly showed a look of great joy, he stood up enduring the pain, although his face was pale, he was still so excited to say words of gratitude to Chen Ledao.Then he quickly ran towards the casino, only 3 minutes, he needs to hurry up.

Ma Zi was really unwilling to exchange his own life for the lives of others, and those people had no obligation to repay him.It's not worth risking your own life.But if he could exchange these lives with one hand, he thought it would be more cost-effective.Although he had to lose a hand, he might have a few younger brothers who could really work hard for him in the future, and maybe his pockmark could also gain a reputation for loyalty.

A truly loyal person is very popular in Shanghai.There is no boss who doesn't like a loyal younger brother.

"Fang Shan," Chen Ledao called out.

"Inspector," Fang Shan stepped forward.

"In a while, as long as they are alive, they will all be brought back to the arrest room, and I will check their backgrounds to find out which ones deserve to die and which ones are not worthy of death." Chen Ledao said.

Fang Shan nodded, a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Compared with the inspector letting Ye Weiyang's people do something to those people, he still prefers the inspector's current way.

There was no accident, no one was a real fool, everyone in the casino obediently put down their weapons and walked out of the casino with their hands raised high.To resist is to seek death, there is no need to question it, no one really wants to die, and there is no one in the family who needs to take care of it.

Every time more dogs are slaughtered in righteousness, these people may not all be inferior to animals.

Chen Ledao asked Fang Shan to go up with the police to search and confirm that these people did not have any weapons on them.Then let these people squat down obediently, waiting for processing.

"Ali, Ajie," Chen Ledao called out to the two, "you are no longer needed here, leaving twenty people to watch this casino, and take the rest to another casino. The people in the Mailan arresting room will cooperate with you of."

The two also knew that they didn't need to show their skills here, and they were a little disappointed in their hearts, but they immediately agreed.Anyway, there is still a casino to play.

After Ding Li asked Chang Gui and A Biao to stay with 20 people, he quickly disappeared into this street with them.Seeing Ye Weiyang's black suit disappear, the members of the Black Mountain Chamber of Commerce heaved a sigh of relief. Those people are gone, and most of them can survive.Compared to those in black suits, the people in the patrol room looked more friendly.

"Deng Chengwen, hurry up and contact a few newspapers, ask them to send reporters over, and tell them that there is big news waiting for them here." Chen Ledao said to Deng Chengwen.

(End of this chapter)

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