Spy War 1929

Chapter 19 Police Department

Chapter 19 Police Department

It was an accident to meet Ding Li, but the matter of Ding Li also gave Chen Ledao a wake-up call. Although he has no strength at all, in Shanghai, where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, personal strength is nothing, and there may not be anyone who is stronger than him .People of this era should not be underestimated. The word "Guoshu" originated in this era, not to mention the existence of Jingwumen.

Hengsan's potential threat gave him a sense of urgency that he hadn't felt for a long time. Hengsan was not a famous figure in Shanghai Bund, but if the other party really wanted to disregard Feng Jingyao's face and deal with him as a loner.All you need to do is find a few reliable shooters. Even if he is a time traveler by surprise, he has to explain it here.

"Whenever I have to live on other people's face," he shook his head in a self-deprecating way, his thoughts became more and more determined, and the patrol room must be done as soon as possible.Relying on the mountain of the police house and the banner of Sal Li, no matter who he offends, he will not be able to accept it as he is now.

It was already night when Chen Le took him back to the rented house, and the little girl who was going to school was already at home.Uncle Zhang and Aunt Liu put away their sad faces, and it seemed that they didn't tell the younger sister about their unemployment.Seeing Chen Ledao came back, they sat down and chatted briefly, and the night passed like that.

Although there is already a nightlife in Shanghai today, it is still limited to the upper class of society.It has nothing to do with ordinary people like Uncle Zhang.Chen Ledao is also not interested in experiencing Shanghai's nightlife.The whole family went to bed early.

Early the next morning, Chen Ledao tidied himself up, put on a well-fitting suit, and went straight to the central arresting room of the French Concession after going out.

The patrol house, also known as the police department, was originally composed of several foreign patrol officers, and then gradually developed and expanded.Because of the increasing number of Chinese in the concession, Chinese patrols also began to appear gradually.In the early days, the Patrol Office was under the jurisdiction of the Public Directorate, but with the increasing power of the Patrol Office, it became independent from the Public Directorate and directly under the jurisdiction of the Consular Office.

The French Concession Patrol House currently has six divisions, Central, Xiaodongmen, Mailan, Xiafei, Petain, and Foch. Chen Ledao is going to the Central Police Station on Xue Lihua Road, which is the police department of the French Concession Patrol Headquarters. .The Political Department managed by Saarley will work there.

As the rickshaw driver galloped all the way, various buildings on the side of the road kept flashing from both sides. A red building appeared in Chen Ledao's eyes. It was a small four-story building.The building is divided into the main building, the east building, and the west building. The main building is divided into the north and the south, covering a large area.

At this moment, many people in police uniforms and some suits have come to clock in and go to work.The central arresting room is here, but it is not all the central arresting room. It may be more appropriate to call this the office building of the French Concession Police Department.

After giving the driver the fare, Chen Ledao stopped outside and looked at the four-storey red building. If nothing else happened, his real life in Shanghai would start from here.Taking a deep breath, suppressing the chaotic emotions in his heart, Chen Ledao walked towards the building.

There were two policemen standing at the entrance of the building, each of them carrying a rifle. This thing is the most secure thing nowadays, and the amulet of Guanyin Bodhisattva is not as easy to use as this thing.Although it was his first time here, no one stopped Chen Ledao. There were so many people wearing suits like him, it was obviously impossible for the two guards to know them all.And no one thinks that anyone dares to come here to make trouble.Chen Ledao walked directly into the building.

Most of the people here at the moment are people who come to clock in for work, and everyone is in a hurry, heading straight to their place of work.Although it is not as frantic as it will be in the future, you will be deducted half a day's wages if you are late for 1 minute.However, the Dianmao system has been circulating in China for so many years, obviously it has its own special features, and no one dares to be late.

Chen Ledao stood alone in the middle of the lobby, and no one came to talk to him.Looking around, he didn't know where to find Sal Li. Just as he was having a headache and was thinking of asking someone to ask, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Sir, are you here to find someone?" Maybe it was too abnormal for him to stand here, and a man's questioning voice came from behind.Turning around to look, the man was wearing a suit, holding a leather briefcase in his hand, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and his hair was meticulously arranged.It looks exactly the same as the elite white-collar workers in the future, and has the potential to become a gold-collar worker.

This person gave Chen Ledao the first feeling that he was very comfortable. There was no reason, it just gave him a comfortable feeling, maybe it was because his young face and mature temperament complemented each other, thus giving people a reliable and comfortable feeling.

"Hello, I'm here to work, but this is my first time here, so I'm not familiar with it." The person across from him gave him a good feeling, so Chen Ledao's attitude was also very good.He still doesn't know what the other party is looking for him for.

"Oh, is that so? It's really a bit complicated here. Hello, my name is Xue Liangying, and I have just been here not long ago." Hearing that Chen Ledao came here to work, Xue Liangying smiled.This entire building belongs to the police department. Since he came here to work, he will be regarded as a colleague from now on.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there. It's not so easy for you to find the right place when you come here for the first time." Knowing that she was a colleague, Xue Liangying became more enthusiastic.The attitude he showed made Chen Ledao a little embarrassed, but in this situation, he didn't want to reject the other party.If you really want to run around here alone, people will be misunderstood for a while, that's not so wonderful.After all, this is a place equivalent to a police station, and people might be arrested if they wandered indiscriminately.

"I'm a new translator from the Political Department, and I don't know anything about it," Chen Ledao said.

Now it was Xue Liangying's turn to be surprised, what kind of fate was it that actually allowed him to meet a serious colleague here?

"That's a coincidence. I'm also the translator of the Political Department. It seems that we are really destined, so let's go together." Xue Liangying said with a smile.

"By the way, have you gone through the entry procedures?" Xue Liangying led the way and said as he walked, "If you haven't gone through it, you have to go to the secretariat to go through the entry procedures. The secretariat manages all the personnel affairs of our police department. Woolen cloth."

Chen Ledao shook his head when he heard the words, how could he know these things now, he would have to ask Sal Li later.I don't know if that guy is reliable or not, but this time he came to Guangming Zhenda through the back door.

Since he didn't know how Xue Liangying, a colleague, got into the job, Chen Ledao didn't plan to tell the story of his going through the back door.After all, it's not a matter of saving face.

"Take me to see Salli first. He asked me to come here and go to him first. I don't know much about the others."

Hearing his words, Xue Liangying couldn't help but look back at Chen Ledao, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.The editorial group where his translator was located was directly under the Political Department, and the head of the Political Department, Salli, was the immediate boss of his immediate boss.Unexpectedly, when Chen Ledao first arrived, he wanted to find Sal Li. It seems that he is also a person with a good background.

Thoughts flashed through my mind, but nothing unusual appeared.How can it be possible for people who can enter this building to work without any background?It's just that the tone of this new colleague seems to be very familiar with the Minister Salle.

"Minister Luo Lang doesn't know if he's here now, but I'll take you to his office first. Even if he doesn't, it should be soon." After Xue Liangying finished speaking, she led Chen Ledao straight to the north of the main building.

The Political Department was on the second floor in the north of the main building. Xue Liangying led Chen Ledao to a room on the second floor. There was a sign above the door that said Minister's Office.

He knocked on the door, and there was a voice from inside. It seems that the Minister did not miss work.

"Xue, what can I do for you?" Looking at Xue Liangying who pushed the door and entered, Roland Salley asked, until he saw Chen Ledao who came in from behind, he suddenly realized.

"Oh, Chen, why did you come today? I thought you would come later?" Seeing Chen Ledao, Sal Li walked out of the desk in surprise. He really did not expect Chen Ledao to come here today.He originally planned to wait for Chen Ledao to play in Shanghai for a few days before bringing him to work himself.

"Since we have decided to come here to work, of course the sooner the better." Chen Ledao said.

Seeing the familiar appearance of the two, Xue Liangying was surprised, but he didn't stay here for long. In the current situation, no matter how he sees it, he is not suitable to stay here.

"Chen, I didn't expect you to come today. I'm so surprised to see you here." Facing the man who was about to become his subordinate, Saarley didn't put on the airs of his minister, but said in surprise.

"Since I'm here for work, I should be more active," Chen Ledao said with a smile, and he didn't feel any restraint because he was about to become Salley's subordinate. Although he would have to hug this guy's thigh in the future, he couldn't act like a dog licking, right? .This is his best friend!

"That's fine, but since I'm going to work today, I'll take you to the secretariat to register first."

The position in the Political Department is a sweet spot, and there are many people who want to squeeze in here.Originally, he had to take the recruitment test of the police force, and he could only come in after passing the recruitment test. However, Chen Ledao had the back door of Sal Li, so he obviously didn't need to take the test.

With Sal Li leading him, going through the entry procedures is just a process, and it will be done soon after the green light all the way.

And through the explanation given to him by Saarley, Chen Ledao also quickly figured out the functions of the political department and what the translator he wanted to do would do.

As the name suggests, the Political Department is a department under the Police Force that handles various political cases.There is an editorial team under it, which is responsible for reviewing publications in the concession.There is also a writing group responsible for compiling various political intelligence.There is also an investigation team responsible for investigating political cases.There is also a file room dedicated to political case files.These institutions are mainly located on the second floor in the northern part of the main building.

The translator he wants to work for belongs to the writing group and is responsible for translating various documents, mainly Chinese and French.And Xue Liangying, who brought Chen Ledao here before, is also an interpreter just like Chen Ledao.However, his translation is not simple, even in the police department, he is a celebrity of some sort.Xue Liangying is proficient in English, French, German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese, and is a truly talented person.

The political department used to be the political department, but it was recently expanded into the political department. People in many departments need to expand their enrollment, and Xue Liangying is here because of this.Although he has only been here not long ago, he has already been valued by the police chief Fiore.In this whole building, it can be regarded as a character.

Knowing this from Sal Li, Chen Ledao was very surprised. He didn't expect that the person who had a gentle and mature temperament and looked not much older than him was still such a character.

Proficient in the six languages ​​of English, French, German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese, this is not something everyone can do, Chen Ledao couldn't help but click his tongue when he thought about it.In the sum of his two lifetimes, he only knows English, French and Chinese.And this is all thanks to the predecessor.In his previous life, besides Mandarin, he also knew Chongqing dialect.If you insist, you can say that you can speak two languages.But even so, compared to Xue Liangying, who is proficient in six languages, he is still somewhat underwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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