Spy War 1929

Chapter 192

Chapter 192
Ye Weiyang actually sells guns!
This news is too surprising.

Zhou Ming frowned slightly, muttering in his mouth.

He didn't notice such a big thing before, it was really a huge mistake in his work.

Lu Feng held the gun brought back by Zhang Xiaojun, looked at it with both eyes, and was amazed.

"Authentic American products, [-]% new, well-maintained, there are hundreds of oceans in the market, and there is no market for the price."

M1911, brand new is only at this price, but this gun is not easy to get, so it often costs a premium.

Lu Feng made no secret of his love for the M1911, and he didn't want to put it down after holding it in his hand.

Although he is a Chinese medicine doctor, he also likes good guns very tightly.

"This kid is generous, and he is such a valuable item when he makes a move."

Touching the body of the gun and sighing, enduring strong reluctance, Lu Feng handed the gun to Zhou Mingxian.

"He asked me to ask if you want to use one for self-defense, saying that there is a lot of chaos in Shanghai." Zhang Xiaojun told the two what Chen Ledao had said.

"Okay!" Lu Feng patted his thigh happily.

There is such a good thing delivered to your door.

That kid is not bad.

Lu Feng's affection for Chen Ledao suddenly increased greatly.

"No." Zhou Ming shook his head first.

Without waiting for Lu Feng to ask, he said.

"We just run a clinic, what do we do with a gun! You can't ask for a gun, it's easy to expose."

Even if Chen Ledao took the initiative to give it away, he must not take it.

No loopholes can be left, and if you engage in underground work, once it is exposed, it will be very dangerous.

Zhou Mingxian's tone was firm.

Lu Feng smacked his lower lip and nodded with regret, the overall situation is the most important.

"Then my gun—" Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Zhang Xiaojun showed a look of worry.

I have already put this gun away.

Love it though, but wonder if this exposes the organization.
"You are different from us." Zhou Ming interrupted her first.

A gun is worth a hundred oceans, and Chen Ledao promised to give each of them a gun for free. Zhou Mingxian was really reluctant to part with it.

"You are Ye Weiyang's secretary, according to what you said, Chen Ledao's other secretary also has a gun, so it's fine for you to hold it."

After Zhou Ming finished speaking, he handed the gun back to Zhang Xiaojun.

He also likes this gun very much, it is much more concealed than the shell gun when he usually carries it on his body.

"Old Lu, do you think we can buy guns from Chen Ledao?" Zhou Ming asked after thinking for a moment.

"I think it's okay, but we can't come forward in person, we have to ask other comrades to come forward." Lu Feng thought for a while.

For things like guns, the organization can only think too little, not too much.

If you can buy it, of course.

What they should consider is not whether to buy it from Chen Ledao.

Since Chen Ledao sells guns, isn't anyone who comes to buy guns a customer?
The question is whether there is money to buy it.

What Zhang Xiaojun said, what Ye Weiyang uses are all high-end products, can they afford those things?

Lu Feng said this to Zhou Ming first.

Zhou Ming nodded helplessly, he also thought of this.

The organization is not that rich!

But whether you buy it or not, this is a good thing. At least there is an additional source of firearms, so you don’t have to worry about having money and no place to buy a gun when you really need it.

Zhou Ming quickly got out of his thoughts.

"My lord, I have a mission for you.

Find out what kind of guns Chen Ledao sells and what the price is, but the premise is that your identity cannot be revealed. "Zhou Ming said first.

Zhang Xiaojun nodded, and hurriedly said:

"He said that the gun is not available for the time being, but it will be available in the future. I didn't understand what he meant."

"Don't worry about this matter, take your time, and don't deliberately ask after you go back.

Chen Ledao is more important than we expected, you must not expose it. "

Zhou Ming gave emphatic instructions first.

No matter how good the relationship is, they will not be happy to be planted with eyeliner by their side.

If Zhang Xiaojun's identity is exposed, it may cause Chen Ledao's resentment towards the organization.

This matter needs special attention.

Zhang Xiaojun nodded to express his understanding.

"What about the medicines? Chen Ledao said that if the clinic runs out of medicines, you can go to him." She continued.

"Drugs are also an important resource, just like guns, you collect the types of drugs sold by his subordinates together." Zhou Ming said first.

Drugs are sometimes even more important than guns. Guns are used to kill people, but medicine is used to save people.

Zhang Xiaojun nodded again, seeing the serious expressions of her brother-in-law and Brother Lu, secretly decided in her heart that she must find out about this matter.

"I really didn't expect that there are so many things that we don't know about this kid Chen Ledao." Lu Feng said with a sip of tea to ease his emotions, and said with a sigh.

Zhou Ming nodded in agreement.

"As I said before, this kid is extraordinary." There was a bit of complacency in his words.

But when he was on the train, he caught Chen Ledao at a glance.

Arms, it is very difficult for them to engage in these things.

As a result, Chen Ledao has been alone in Shanghai for a year, and he has a channel for this thing.

What a talent!
Zhou Mingxian didn't know what to say.

Chen Ledao not only sells arms, but also some top-notch goods.

Thinking of what Zhang Xiaojun said about Ye Weiyang having a pistol from the United States, and not knowing how many submachine guns he had in store, Zhou Mingxian felt envious.

If these are all organized, then it is not a small resource!
The National Party is looking for trouble everywhere, and the organization is having a hard time these days. These things are lacking in the organization.

They didn't get these things, they didn't expect Chen Ledao's dance hall to get them.

"We have to pay more attention to him." Lu Feng suggested to Zhou Ming first.

Zhou Mingxian naturally agreed.

Not only should we pay more attention to it, but we should also greatly increase it.

This is the talent that organizations need.

"It's just that the kid is too capable of causing trouble. It's not good to fight with someone. He has to help with the axe." Zhou Ming stroked his forehead with one hand first, feeling tired thinking about it.

Ax Gang, a local snake that has been entrenched in Shanghai for decades, can they be provoked casually?

Zhang Xiaojun nodded approvingly, indeed, that guy is too capable of causing trouble.

"Let Liu Yuan pay more attention to the movements of the Ax Gang.

He is at the police station, so he can monitor the movements of the Ax Gang, and if the Ax Gang wants to harm Chen Ledao, we can also arrange countermeasures. "

Zhou Ming thought for a moment and then said.

If this is the case, maybe they can come to a "hero to save the beauty"!
That might pull that kid into the organization in one fell swoop.

Zhou Ming thought beautifully first, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Lu Feng also agrees with Zhou Mingxian's idea, Liu Yuan is perfect for monitoring the movements of the Ax Gang.

Chen Ledao and Tom sat together, and Hector was already drunk beside him.

Today's incident had a big impact on him, and he needed alcohol to relieve him.

"Tom, what's the matter, I didn't lie to you, right? I don't know how many people in Shanghai want to kill me now, and you don't need the machine guns on the left and right, so give them to me." Chen Ledao is still thinking about Tom's four machine guns.

Although it may not be used in the city, it is two different things to not use it and not to have it.

"It's really too dangerous for you to be in Shanghai." Tom nodded seriously.

"Send someone to the warehouse tomorrow to take the machine guns away, you need them more than I do." Having personally experienced the interception, Tom felt that the firepower of Chen Ledao's men was indeed not enough.

Enough firepower can give people enough sense of security.

Tom didn't want anything to happen to Chen Ledao, the two were not only friends, but also business partners.

Seeing Tom nodding, Chen Ledao immediately smiled.

Machine gun, that thing is a big killer.Even if you don’t need it, you can sell it for a lot of money!
Chen Le picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Tom. Just as he was about to drink, Hei Bao suddenly came up from downstairs.

"Boss, those two have recruited." Hei Bao stepped forward and said to Chen Ledao with a smile on his face.

This time it should be done again!

Hei Bao was beautiful in his heart.

"Have you recruited so soon?"

Chen Ledao was surprised, how long has it been?

"It's two soft bones. I didn't ask anything, but I whipped them a few times, and they cried out to recruit them."

Hei Baole said, this matter is really easy.

Who would have thought that what they met would be two cartilages!
He drank the wine in one gulp, said a few words to Tom, and Chen Ledao got up from his seat.

"Let's go and have a look together."

Hei Bao led the way, and said as he walked:

"The two said that this incident was arranged by Zheng Hu, the uncle of the Ax Gang, and the target was the boss.

He also said that Zheng Hu set a price, as long as anyone can kill you, he will offer a thousand oceans. "

"Only a thousand oceans?"

Chen Ledao shook his head, it turned out that he was so worthless.

"anything else?"

"I haven't had time to ask other questions yet." Hei Bao said.

It's not that he didn't have time to ask, but he didn't know what to ask, otherwise he wouldn't have come up to ask the boss.

The two quickly reached the basement.

Of the two people who were brought, one was tied to the cross, and the other was hung in the air.

Both of them had marks of whipping, and the bullet holes on their bodies were still bleeding. Hei Bao had no intention of bandaging them.

Left and right are going to die, and it's no big deal to leave some blood.

"Two people interrogated together?" Chen Ledao asked after looking at the listless two people.

"Yes, they fought together, and both of them took the initiative to recruit." Hei Bao said.

"Next time in this situation, don't try them together, but try them separately. What you get will be more real." Chen Ledao made a point.

Hei Baoyuan hadn't studied for a few years, and the boss asked him to interrogate him, but he could only act violently and knew nothing about skills.

Hearing what the boss said, Hei Bao nodded repeatedly.

Although I don't quite understand the reason, but the boss must have a reason for saying this.

"Who is leading this operation?" Chen Ledao asked.

The two were startled when they heard this.

Neither of them made a sound.

The third master only said that he would blame everything on the uncle, but he didn't explain it!

The minds of the two turned quickly, Brother Mang definitely couldn't say it, he had to think of someone under the command of the uncle.

The two fell into Chen Ledao's hands, and they didn't expect to get out alive, they just wanted to have a good time.

It's not that they are stubborn, it's just that they know there is no way out.

Usually it is easy to talk about everything, but now I suddenly want to name someone, but I suddenly don't know who to talk about.

Who are the uncle's subordinates?
The two of them panicked for a moment.

Chen Ledao frowned.

Seeing the change in the boss's expression, Hei Bao immediately gestured to the two waiters with whips in their hands.

The two raised their whips and threw them up.

In an instant, his skin was torn apart.

The two howled in pain.

"It's Brother Ma!"

"It's Brother Niu!"

The two spoke together, but what they said was wrong.

"Brother Ma and Brother Niu took the lead together." One of them hurriedly said.

It's just that flustered look, everyone knows he's farting.

An unknown hum came from Chen Ledao's throat.

Hei Bao's face darkened instantly.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew he had been tricked.

And what's terrible is that he brought the boss here.

"Boss, I'm sorry." Hei Bao hurriedly said.

I was ashamed to throw it in front of the boss, and I was thinking of doing meritorious service just now!
He was really blinded by lard.

Hei Bao was so angry that he wanted to slap himself twice.

Chen Ledao waved his hand.

"Continue the interrogation, take him to another room." Chen Ledao pointed to the man who was hung up.

I really didn't expect that such a moth would come out of random interrogation of two people.

Fortunately, I came down by myself.

It seems that this matter is not as simple as I thought before.

"Stop the bleeding for them first, they can't die before I let them die." Chen Ledao said to Hei Bao.

Hei Bao nodded quickly, he almost self-defeating this time, he had to make up for it as soon as possible.

It's hard to leave a good impression on the boss, but it can't be ruined because of today's incident.

Hei Bao hated these two people who lied to him to death.

"Don't ask anything for now, let's talk about it after a day of torture." Chen Ledao said.

It's hard to believe what these two people say now, so it's better to let them know what the consequences of lying will be.

The faces of the two were extremely pale, and they didn't expect that they would expose it so quickly.

Especially when they heard Chen Ledao's phrase "Torture for a day first", the two trembled even more.

They are not tough guys, not only afraid of death, but also afraid of pain.

When Chen Ledao left, there was another mournful howl in the interrogation room.

Hearing this voice, Chen Ledao couldn't help shaking his head.

He didn't want to torture people, but the two insisted on fooling him.

He asked who the leader was, but he wanted to vent his anger on that person.

The Ax Gang won't be able to move for a while, but getting rid of all the people involved in the attack can be regarded as giving to themselves, and at the same time giving an explanation to the three dead waiters.

But never expected that these two people would be so incompatible.

"Why are you lying?" Chen Ledao left while pondering.

Those two don't seem like loyal heroes, but why take the risk of lying?

Could it be that the leader is loyal enough, and these two people are also loyal to him?
Chen Ledao shook his head, thinking that this possibility was too small.

"They said that this matter was ordered by Zheng Hu, so it must be false?"

Chen Ledao shook his head when he thought of this, but he didn't expect that something unexpected came out in the random first trial.

Could it be that what I said to Wei Zhengyun was true, someone deliberately wanted to stir up conflicts between Ye Weiyang and the Ax Gang?
Chen Ledao frowned.

It was just a random talk before, but now it seems that this matter is really not that simple.

Chen Ledao frowned and thought about this, the other person on the other side was indeed gloating at the moment.

"I said earlier that Chen Ledao is not that simple, and now the third child has suffered a lot."

Zheng Huo cheerfully put the peanuts between his mouth and said with a smile.

The sixth son who was sitting next to him also nodded cheerfully when he heard this, with an incomparably bright smile.

The third child sent people to intercept and kill Chen Ledao, but he suffered a big loss. This is something to be happy about!

"Hahaha, brother, I sent people to look at the ambush place. The people who came back said that the third child suffered heavy casualties. There were more than a dozen corpses left there, and many others were injured.

The third child suffered a big loss this time, he should know what it means to be impatient and not be able to eat hot tofu! "

Lao Ba picked up his wine glass and touched the two of them, saying loudly.

As long as the third child is deflated, they are happy.

The third child usually cares so much about face, but this time he suffered such a big loss, I'm afraid he will feel as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

The three of them felt happy just thinking about it.

"Chen Ledao will definitely not swallow this breath. When he finds out that the person who did it is the third child, the two of them will definitely not end." Zheng Hu said.

"We'll just sit and watch them fight now. When they fight and lose both sides, maybe we can still take advantage of it."

Zheng Hu is dreaming of the snipe and the clam fighting each other and the fisherman making a profit.

The youngest is ambitious, and if he fails this time, he will definitely not give up just yet.

And Ye Weiyang has [-] submachine guns under his command, it will definitely be enough for the third child to drink a pot if they make a fuss.

When they are almost done fighting, he can come out and clean up the situation then!

This matter was surprisingly smooth, and everything was going according to the route I wanted.

Zheng Hu was all smiles.

The position of the gang leader must be in his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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