Spy War 1929

Chapter 196 Chapter Police Department

Chapter 196 Returning to the Police Department

Standing outside the police building, looking at this familiar building, Chen Ledao shook his head slightly.

Even standing outside, Chen Ledao seemed to be able to feel the tense atmosphere inside.

The boss is not happy, and the people below are naturally nervous about everything they do.

Those two familiar people stood guard at the gate, and when they saw Chen Ledao, both of them smiled in surprise.

"Inspector Chen," the two greeted quietly, as if they were afraid that the director who was in a bad mood would find that they were not standing guard properly.

Chen Ledao nodded to the two with a smile.

The two were standing guard here when they were translating, and now they are the inspectors themselves, and the two are still standing guard here.

Chen Ledao vaguely felt that he still owed these two people something.

"Inspector Chen, the director is in a bad mood today, you have to pay attention." The two looked into the room and whispered to Chen Ledao when they saw that there was no one there.

Translator Chen/Consultant Chen/Inspector Chen is easy to talk and has no airs. This is something that everyone in the police building knows. If it were someone else, these two small police officers would not dare to speak like this to a inspector.

Inspector Chen came in person, of course he came to see the director. Besides the director, who else could let Inspector Chen come to see him in person.

Inspector Ma is nominally the boss of Inspector Chen, but everyone knows that Inspector Ma is not in charge of Inspector Chen, especially now that President Ma has been suspended.

Although Chen Ledao is not what he used to be, he is no longer the idle translator he was in the past, but he still expresses his gratitude to the two small policemen for their kind reminders.

Smiling and nodding to the two, Chen Ledao entered the building and headed for the Secretariat's office.

Two small patrolmen were wrapped in thick winter clothes and stood guard outside, their faces and hands were red from the cold, Chen Ledao entered the building, and the two of them whispered outside the door when they saw no one was around.

It was probably gossip about what Inspector Chen was going to do when he came back.

However, both of them were positive. Chen Ledao, an unassuming and kind-hearted inspector, did not give them a good impression.

No one expects Chen Ledao to be successful with the director.

In the police department, there are not many people who don't like the original interpreter and consultant Chen.

After going upstairs, Chen Ledao went straight to the secretariat office.I passed by the original translation office and stopped for a while.

The interpreter in the room has naturally changed. The two idle translators in the room are now the inspector of the arresting house and the secretary general of the police department.

In this police system, they are already powerful figures.

In terms of position, Xue Liangying's first secretary is more valuable than Chen Ledao's inspector, but Chen Ledao has a special status, and his position as inspector cannot be compared with other inspectors.

"Hi, may I ask who are you looking for?" The people in the house asked when they saw Chen Ledao standing outside looking in.

The current interpreter is new, so naturally he doesn't know Chen Ledao.

The person inside was the exclusive translator of the Political Department, and there were other people from the Political Department inside at this time. When I turned around, it was Chen Ledao, with a smile on his face.

If others don't know Chen Ledao, the old people in the Political Department will naturally not know him.

"Consultant Chen, why are you here today?" The man was a little surprised.

Although Chen Ledao is now the inspector of the police station, he has not been exempted from the position of consultant at the beginning. He has always held two positions, but now the name of consultant Chen is not as famous as that of inspector Chen.

"Oh, Lao Zhang, I'm here to find the director." Chen Ledao said with a smile.

After exchanging greetings with Lao Zhang, Chen Ledao left and didn't stay here any longer.

It was the two new translators who curiously asked Lao Zhang about Chen Ledao.

In the Political Department, the legend of Consultant Chen has never disappeared. They don't know Chen Ledao, but they have heard the legend of Consultant Chen.

With the sense of superiority of an old man in the Political Department, Lao Zhang happily told the story of Consultant Chen to the two new translators.

Long story:

it was a spring,
The wind is so lingering,

There is such a translation,
It's not the first time I've heard the story, but the two newcomers and translators quickly got a sense of substitution.

We are also translators for the Political Department!

After a small disturbance was caused in the political department that had been silent for a long time, Chen Ledao entered Xue Liangying's secretary's office.

Xue Liangying's main job is to help Fabre deal with the big and small affairs of the police department. Because of the dismissal of the deputy director, Xue Liangying's workload is even more cumbersome.

Director Fabre is in a bad mood today and doesn't want to deal with these tedious matters of the police department. Secretary Xue needs to do even more.

Chen Ledao pushed open the door, Xue Liangying was sitting behind the desk and working hard, without the slightest notice of anyone, until Chen Ledao knocked on the door.

"Why are you here?" Xue Liangying looked up at Chen Le and asked.

"It's such an important event, can I come and take a look!" Chen Ledao closed the door, walked to Xue Liangying and sat down.

"Have you figured out what's going on?" Xue Liangying asked.
"I figured it out." Mentioning this, Chen Ledao once again showed a touch of helplessness and depression.

"What's going on, tell me quickly."

Xue Liangying got up and poured two cups of tea. There were so many things that he hadn't had time to take a sip of tea himself.

I am so busy with this job that I don't touch the ground all day, Xue Liangying wants to ask Fabre to assign him an assistant.

Holding a teacup in his hands to warm his hands, Chen Ledao gave Xue Liangying an overview of the matter.

One person counts the short, and the two count the long. Inspired by Fang Yanyun, Chen Ledao came to Xue Liangying to ask for advice.

After listening to Chen Ledao's narration and clarifying the cause and effect, Xue Liangying was also taken aback.

It's hard to imagine that a seasoned person like Feng Jingyao would do such unreliable things.

Xue Liangying was not polite, and directly started the Tucao mode,

"Your father-in-law is not very reliable, isn't this aiming at the muzzle of a gun and hitting him!" Xue Liangying was speechless.

Chen Ledao burst into tears, and finally someone understood his depression.

Fabre came here to clean up corruption, Feng Jingyao was lucky, he captured the king first, and bribed Fabre directly.

Originally, Feng Jingyao's hand had already reached into the police station, and Fabre didn't know how uncomfortable it was to see him.

When he arrived, he personally gave Fabre a handle.

If you don't clean up who you clean up.

Thinking of these, Xue Liangying also felt uncomfortable.

The trouble Feng Jingyao caused was for Chen Ledao to solve, and this guy Chen Ledao approached him shamelessly.

It has nothing to do with me, but I still have to worry about it.


Just complaining is not a problem, Xue Liangying also thought about the solution to the matter.

"What do you think about this, do you have any ideas?" Xue Liangying asked.

Chen Ledao immediately told Xue Liangying the results of his discussion with Fang Yanyun.

Now the police department would say that the person who is most familiar with Fabre is naturally Xue Liangying, the personal secretary.

Although Chen Ledao and Fabre are close, but in terms of understanding of Fabre, he must be inferior to Xue Liangying who has been Fabre's secretary for a while.

Xue Liangying nodded after listening to Chen Ledao's words, it was indeed as Chen Ledao said, the key to solving this matter lies with Fabre.

Chen Ledao's relationship with the Ax Gang has been tense recently, and both Fabre and Feng Jingyao are important bargaining chips for him to wrestle with the Ax Gang.

These two people can't fight, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Xue Liangying knew this very well, and frowned to help Chen Ledao think about how to solve this matter.

"I'm afraid it won't be so easy to resolve this matter easily this time. Lao Ma and several of his cronies have been suspended now." Xue Liangying said in a deep voice.

Suspension is just an argument.

Stop these people from their jobs and replace them with someone else.

This job has been taken over, and it will not be so easy to get it back later.

Chen Ledao frowned. "Who is in charge of the chief house now?"

"French Inspector Ma Long, formerly a member of the Political Department, after Lao Ma was suspended, the director directly let him take over all of Lao Ma's work." Xue Liangying said.

After Zhu Runjiu was overthrown, Lao Ma replaced all of Zhu Runjiu's staff, and now everyone in the head office, even if they are not Lao Ma's cronies, are more or less related to Lao Ma.

Fabre didn't trust those people at all, so he directly asked the western catcher Ma Long to temporarily take over the old horse's work.

Lao Ma's position is Chief Chinese Inspector. This position has always been held by Chinese patrolling arrests, and there has never been a precedent for Western arresters to hold this position.

Ma Long did not directly become the Chief Inspector, but just took over the job of the Chief Inspector, which was vacant.

Of course, this is nothing more than trickery.

Chen Ledao was a little surprised. He knew Ma Long, an old man in the Political Department. When Chen Ledao was an interpreter, he was already working in the Political Department.

This person is an exception among all the westerners, he is not like most westerners who eat vegetarian food, and only knows how to drink and have fun all day long.But a down-to-earth person.

In the police department, Ma Long is one of the rare Western arresters who has a good reputation. No matter whether the Western arresters or Hua arresters, they have a good evaluation of this person.

Regardless of ability, at least character is not bad.

It is not so easy for Xibu in the patrol room to get good reviews from Huazhu.

Huazhu is naturally majestic in front of ordinary people, but in front of Xitu, he can only pretend to be a grandson.

Xitun is often arrogant in front of Huatun. It would be good for such a person not to be cursed to death by Huatun behind his back, let alone want to get praise.

Ma Long can make Hua Zuo feel good about him because of the many shining points in this person, at least this person has a really good character, and he has never bullied Hua Zuo by virtue of his status as Xi Tu.

Fabre let Ma Long take over Lao Ma's work, expressing his distrust of the people in the central arresting room.

Moreover, the old horse represented Feng Jingyao's strength in the police system. Fabre's suspension of the old horse undoubtedly showed his attitude towards Feng Jingyao.

"Lao Ma, the Chief Detective, was brought up by your father-in-law with great difficulty. Now that the chief inspector has been dismissed directly, do you think your father-in-law will be willing?"

Xue Liangying looked at Chen Ledao, his words were not doubts, but told Chen Ledao directly that Feng Jingyao would definitely not just back down on this matter.

For Feng Jingyao to have the current position in Shanghai Bund, he has already matured. If it was about other things, Feng Jingyao might give in and give in.

But how could Inspector Zonghua back down on things like this.

This is no longer a matter of losing face, it is about real interests.

Chen Ledao's two eyebrows got closer and closer, and they almost got entangled and started fighting.

This is a real headache.

"How is the general housing situation now?" Chen Ledao asked.

"It's okay so far, nothing happened. Ma Long has a bit of face with those Chinese arresters. He's in charge, and no one is making trouble at the moment.

But this is not a long-term solution. Once your father-in-law makes a move, it is not certain whether these patrols are based on the patrol room or your father-in-law. "Xue Liangying said.

Feng Jingyao looks average among foreigners, but the patrol room can only operate with the help of Chinese arresters.

Xizu can not give Feng Jingyao face, but Feng Jingyao really wants to say something. It is not certain whether these Huazhu dare to risk the death of the whole family to oppose Mr. Feng.

"Apart from the old horse? Does the director have any other actions?" Chen Ledao asked.

Xue Liangying shook her head.

"Not yet, but not necessarily in the future."

Although Lao Ma, the chief inspector of China, is nothing to Fabre, the influence behind it is not small. Before this matter is settled, Fabre is not good at making too much noise.

Chen Ledao breathed a sigh of relief, but then frowned again.

It's a good thing the director doesn't do anything else, but even the matter of the Chief Inspector is a nuisance.

Chen Ledao is now the inspector, and he is especially sensitive about the patrol room.

Xue Liangying's words just now woke him up.

When Fabre moved the old horse, he was moving Feng Jingyao's cake. If the old man got upset and immediately shut down the patrol room, it would be a big deal.

Chen Ledao had no doubt that Feng Jingyao had this ability.

It's him, as long as he wants, he can also stop the Xiafei Road arrest house directly, and it's useless for the French to speak.

If Feng Jingyao wanted to shut down the patrol room, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a big problem.

But if Feng Jingyao really wanted to do this, then things would be difficult.

The police station is the power of the concession authorities, if Feng Jingyao shuts it down with a word, whose police station is holding the police station?
Thinking of this, Chen Ledao also became a little anxious.

Lao Ma was suspended, Feng Jingyao must have known about it, and Chen Ledao had no idea what his reaction would be.

Feng Jingyao was never someone to manipulate, even if a foreigner wanted to manipulate him, then he had to see if he could handle it.

Chen Ledao was not sure how Feng Jingyao would react to this matter.

"Give me the phone, I have to call Feng Mansion quickly." Chen Ledao pointed to the phone on the table.

Xue Liangying moved the phone over.

The phone of Feng Mansion rang again, and this time it was a servant of the mansion who answered the phone.

Hearing that Chen Ledao was on the opposite side, the little maid almost called the aunt directly.

Hearing my aunt said to find Uncle Xiang, the maid answered and hurried to find Uncle Xiang.

Chen Ledao was not sure about Feng Jingyao's mood, and Chen Ledao was also a little apprehensive when Mr. Feng got angry, after all, that old man might become his father-in-law.

The other party must have no burden in his heart to vent his anger on him.And he had to bear it honestly.

Rather than talking to Feng Jingyao directly, Chen Ledao felt it was better to talk to the gentle and smiling Uncle Xiang.

The call was connected quickly, and Chen Ledao expressed his concerns directly, and asked Uncle Xiang to persuade the old man not to confront Fabre head-on when he got angry.

Uncle Xiang smiled when he heard Chen Ledao's worry on the phone.

Who is Mr. Feng?
If he was so impulsive, how could he have been in Shanghai for so many years.

Uncle Xiang directly eased Chen Ledao's heart.

Mr. Feng will not be so stupid, even if he wants to wrestle with Fabre, he will not start from the patrol room.

If it starts from the patrol room, even if Feng Jingyao wins the fight against Fabre, the concession authorities will probably start to fear him.

The patrol house must be the power of the concession, not Feng Jingyao's.

"Before things get serious, hurry up and see if there is any way to calm the matter. The master will not act impulsively." Uncle Xiang's voice came from the phone.

Chen Ledao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but he was worried that Feng Jingyao would be foolish and couldn't swallow this breath for a while, so he was tough with Fabre.

Fortunately, Feng Jingyao's age is not in vain, the time of passion and impulsiveness has long passed.

Uncle Xiang said that he would buy time for Chen Ledao to deal with this matter, and then hung up the phone after saying some more advice.

Chen Ledao put down the phone and nodded to Xue Liangying. Feng Jingyao's side has stabilized. At least for the time being, this matter will not develop in the worst direction.

(End of this chapter)

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