Spy War 1929

Chapter 229 Enthusiastic Inspector Chen

Chapter 229 Enthusiastic Inspector Chen
Chen Ledao sat quietly on the sofa, looking at Anderson across from him.

Anderson paced slowly in the room, with his hands tightly twisted together, with a hint of worry on his brows, and a look of hesitation on his face.

This decision was too difficult for him to make.

Seeing this, Chen Ledao didn't rush, just sat quietly on the sofa and let Anderson walk around there.

Earlier, a worker told Chen Ledao that he could talk to his boss about anything, but don't talk about money.

At that time, Chen Ledao still had some doubts.

Just think of it as angry words uttered by workers because they were owed wages.

But I don't want to, seeing the real person at this moment, I know that what the person said is true, and even there are still shortcomings.

This Jimmy Anderson is simply the best. It is true that you can talk about anything with him, but you can't talk about money.

Jack once said that he didn't like money, he wasn't interested in money at all.

Compared with Jack, this Anderson's realm is still much lower.

Just as Chen Ledao was thinking wildly, Anderson suddenly stopped, went to the sofa and sat down again.

He tugged on his tie, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

DuPont's death, but the murderer has not been found yet!
Although many people suspected that Feng Jingyao did it, and even did not allow Feng Jingyao to join the board of directors of the public board of directors because of this, doubts are always just suspicions and are useless.

DuPont's body had been cold for a long time, and he didn't even know how it had rotted.And Feng Jingyao is still alive and kicking now.

Anderson's face was clouded at the thought of these.

He didn't want to end up like Dupont himself.

These barefoot workers are not afraid of wearing shoes. If they are really pushed, maybe they will do something crazy.

Anderson thought so, gritted his old yellow teeth, and finally made up his mind.

He now holds the franchise of hydropower in the concession, but if he can't handle this matter as soon as possible.Maybe someday this franchise will fly.

You can't throw away the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds.

"Okay, Henry." Anderson sighed.

Chen Ledao was already looking at Anderson after he sat down, he wanted to see what kind of decision this guy made.

Anderson can be called a fighter among iron cocks.

Chen Ledao had also seen many stingy and stingy people.

But this is the first time he has seen someone like Anderson who is stingy and new.

Anderson faced Chen Ledao with a slight sadness on his face.

"Henry, although I still think their request is unreasonable, but in order to restore the concession to normal, I am willing to pay them their wages."

After Anderson said this, a painful expression appeared on his face.Now, he will give a lot of money.

Chen Ledao smiled when he heard the words. Although he despised Anderson, a miser, he still said:

"Mr. Anderson, I think you have made a very correct decision, and the residents of the concession will be grateful to you for it. You let them use electricity." Chen Ledao said exaggeratedly.

Whether the residents of the concession would thank Anderson, Chen Le didn't know, but it is estimated that the electricity and water have been cut off for so long, and some people must have scolded Anderson's ancestors to the No. 18 generation.

"I hope. Contributing to the concession is a romantic thing, and it's what every resident of the concession should do. I just did what I can." Anderson said modestly.

Chen Ledao was heartbroken when he heard it, but he still forced a smile.

as long as you are happy.

Chen Ledao whispered in his heart.

"Then Mr. Anderson, you'd better get someone to prepare the money quickly.

I don't think they will go away until the money is in hand. "Chen Ledao said to Anderson.

Anderson's expression softened just now, but when Chen Ledao mentioned money, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable again.

Good thing this guy didn't repeat himself.
"There's no need to prepare, there is enough money here." Anderson said with a bit of reluctance, and then stood up.

Chen Le didn't know what he was going to do, and looked at him suspiciously.

I saw Anderson walked behind his desk, opened a cabinet, and there was a large safe hidden inside.

While squatting down, Anderson glanced at Chen Ledao, seeing that Chen Ledao was sitting on the sofa and did not follow him, so he opened the safe safely and dragged out two large wooden boxes from inside.

Seeing Anderson struggling, Chen Ledao gave his hand.

"What's in it?" Chen Ledao asked suspiciously.

Even for him, he felt a bit of difficulty dragging these two boxes.You must know that his current strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

In terms of strength alone, Ye Weiyang has hundreds of people, and perhaps only the big guy Wang Liu is stronger than him.

Anderson's body can be dragged, Chen Ledao was amazed at this.

But after opening the box and taking a look, Chen Ledao was not surprised.

After all, this is the power given by money.

Two big boxes, filled with oceans.

No wonder it's so heavy.

"Mr. Anderson, how many oceans are there, is it enough to pay those workers?" Chen Ledao looked at the ocean covered with a layer of dust, and asked Anderson.

"Of course it's enough." Anderson replied without thinking, with a hint of pain on his face.

"That's good." Chen Ledao nodded, and then said again.

"Then Mr. Anderson, I'll go down and tell the workers about it. You should arrange it quickly and get ready to pay your wages."

"Okay, you go, sorry for the trouble, Henry." Although he was unwilling in his heart, Anderson still said to Chen Ledao politely.

Chen Ledao waved his hand, and led Wang Liuchao, who had been standing at the door, downstairs.

"Come out, come out, Inspector Chen is out!!"

As soon as Chen Ledao arrived downstairs, the workers who had been looking forward to the building shouted loudly, and then a group of people crowded up.

The people who were standing outside the building blocked them out again.

"Inspector Chen, how are you doing?"

"Inspector Chen, where's our salary!"

"Inspector Chen"

All of a sudden, various voices came from the crowd.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet, listen to me." Amidst Chen Ledao's greeting, a group of people finally fell silent.

"Everyone, I've settled the matter of your salary for everyone." Chen Ledao said with a smile on his face.

The crowd was about to get excited again, Chen Ledao hurriedly pressed down with both hands to stabilize the quiet situation.

"I have already negotiated with Mr. Anderson. The wages owed to everyone will be paid to everyone immediately. Now Mr. Anderson is making arrangements.

Next, if you want to get your salary quickly, you should line up quickly.

According to your usual positions and shifts, everyone quickly line up.Come and collect your wages in an orderly manner.

Everyone can't stand in such a mess, and can't jump in line, one by one, line up honestly.

I will let the police come in and watch. If anyone messes up or jumps in line, he will be the last one to get paid. "

Chen Ledao pulled his throat, using his mouth as a trumpet, and spoke loudly.

Hearing these words, everyone's faces were filled with joy, and the crowd was soon filled with small buzzing sounds.

"Inspector Chen, we've settled the matter of wage arrears, so what about our wage increase!"

Suddenly, another voice came from the crowd.

The voice was so loud that many people heard it. Immediately, everyone looked at Chen Ledao with hopeful eyes.

"Why panic, I haven't gotten the salary I should get, so I start thinking about the salary that is not my own!

Things must not come one by one!

Everyone get the wages they should receive first, and then I will talk to Mr. Anderson about the wage increase. "

Perhaps it was because Chen Ledao helped everyone settle the wage arrears. At this moment, these people trusted Chen Ledao a little bit.

Hearing what he said, no one continued to say anything.

After all, everyone is just uneducated, and being uneducated is not stupid.

Money is not yet in hand, it is not a smart move to chase after the salary increase at this time.

After a few people came out of the small building carrying two large boxes, the workers who still had some doubts in their hearts immediately put their doubts to rest, and then beamed with joy.

Everyone remembered what Chen Ledao said just now. After seeing Chen Ledao walking in with the police, everyone lined up obediently waiting to receive their wages.

As for the patrols, two people stood at a distance from each other to supervise everyone not to jump in line.

The originally noisy scene quickly became orderly under Chen Ledao's arrangement.

Jimmy Anderson was finally relieved to see him.

Although a large sum of money was lost, the scene finally stabilized.

The workers were receiving their wages, but Chen Ledao retired after finishing his work and found two people with bright red palm prints on their faces.

When Fang Shan and Wu Shishi saw that the inspector came to him, they were both a little uneasy.

The inspector's slap made them all feel hot on their faces.

The two of them lowered their heads, even Fang Shan, an old fritter in the patrol room, was as well-behaved as a quail in front of Chen Ledao at the moment.

Seeing the two of them like this, Chen Ledao shook his head.

"Does it hurt?"

The two immediately nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"It's good to know the pain, and have a long memory, don't be stupid when you become the team leader.

This power plant belongs to the French, not yours. If the workers want to make trouble, you can let them make trouble.

What kind of hero are you going to play?

The workers' wages are owed, can't they let others make a fuss and ask for their own wages back? "

Chen Ledao taught the two of them unceremoniously, but his tone was not as serious as before.

Wu Shishi felt bitter in his heart, feeling that he had suffered an unreasonable disaster.

He has no experience in dealing with this kind of thing, and Fang Shan arranged all the countermeasures.

As a result, the boss gave himself a big slap when he came up.

It's just that although he was bitter in his heart, Wu Shiyi didn't dare to complain.The boss lectures, just listen to it honestly.

Fang Shan also suffered in his heart.

When this kind of thing happened in the past, the patrol room always dealt with it in this way, first deter the workers and avoid making a big fuss.

He asked the patrolmen to carry guns, and it was just to frighten the workers. He didn't dare to let people shoot.

It's just that he forgot that the current inspector is not the former inspector, so he received this resounding slap.

This can be regarded as losing all face in front of those little bastards.

Regardless of the inner conditions of the two, Chen Ledao's lecture continued.

"If you two want to continue to work under me, then remember them all.

No matter what clothes you wear, what you eat, or who you work as, we are all Chinese at heart!

Helping foreigners bully us Chinese, this kind of person is what I despise the most. ,

You two better not be this kind of person! ! "

When Chen Ledao said this, he emphasized his tone, and both of them knew that the inspector was not joking with them.

"Inspector, don't worry, I also hate that kind of person the most.

Just now, I asked my subordinates to raise their guns, because they were afraid that things would continue to expand, and they wanted to suppress these workers first! "

Fang Shan said quickly, expressing his sincerity.

Although what he said was a bit slick, it didn't deviate too much from his true inner thoughts.

Can be a good person, who wants to be a bad person!
I didn't have a chance before, and now I want to be a good person.

Chen Letao glared at Fang Shan when he heard the words, which made Fang Shan embarrassed immediately, not knowing what he said wrong.

"Fuck you!" Chen Ledao swears.

"What if the gun goes off? That's going to make things worse! Next time, have a better memory!!"

Chen Ledao said very angrily.

Before he came, he was quite satisfied with the quick response of these two people, but he didn't expect that these two people would give him such a surprise as soon as he came.

After teaching the two of them, Chen Ledao's tone softened.

"Okay, go find two eggs and roll them away, I'll give you a day off today." Chen Ledao waved to the two of them.

"Ah!" The two panicked immediately.

The inspector is not going to dismiss them, is he?
"Oh what, it looks good with a handprint on it! If you are not afraid of losing face, then stay."

The two looked at each other, wondering if the inspector was telling the truth or irony.

It's not a good thing to get into trouble and get a holiday.

The heads of the two shook like rattles.

"Hey, thank you inspector, but it's okay, this injury is not serious, anyone who dares to laugh, I will slap him!"

Seeing that Chen Ledao seemed to have lost his temper, Fang Shan suddenly smiled.

Although he was slapped by Chen Ledao, Chen Ledao felt that he was following the right person.

The inspector is a good man, he can think about these workers so much, so as a member of the inspector, how can the inspector lose himself!
"Okay, okay, get out."

Chen Ledao waved to the two of them. He asked them to come over and talk, because he didn't want the slap just now to bury any emotions in their hearts.

After all, these two are important members of his team in the patrol room, and they will be reused in the future. If some seeds are planted because of this, it will be bad.

Furthermore, the performance of the two of them this time also made Chen Ledao understand that he had to let the people below know his attitude on some matters.

To prevent the people below from causing unnecessary troubles like today.

Chen Ledao doesn't want to say in tomorrow's newspaper that Xiafei Road arrest house inspector Chen Ledao's men are patrolling and arresting workers with guns to suppress workers who ask for wages.

If this kind of thing really gets out, it won't sound so good.

ps: Chapter 226 is unblocked.

I was worried about changing left and right again, but it’s okay, I changed it twice and then passed it.
Happy! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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