Spy War 1929

Chapter 231

Chapter 231
Should it be arranged by Feng Jingyao? !

Hearing Chen Ledao's words, Xue Liangying's eyes that were as calm as water stirred a little.He frowned slightly, thinking about it in his heart.

It should have been arranged by Feng Jing, Chen Ledao said so, but Xue Liangying had automatically ignored the three words "should be" in his mind.

Now that it is said, it is.

It seems that I really guessed it right, there is really someone behind this matter.And the guy who did the trick was a big shot.

But if it's Feng Jingyao, then there's no need to be surprised that the other party can do this.After all, not everyone can be called the Big Three or Mr. Feng.

It's just that Feng Jingyao did this, why?

Xue Liangying frowned and pondered.

Seeing that he was lost in thought, Chen Ledao didn't bother him, he simply went to the side and poured two glasses of boiled water back.

When Chen Ledao sat down again, Xue Liangying had already figured out something, and the way he looked at Chen Ledao suddenly became a little weird.

"Is Feng's Chamber of Commerce doing this because of what happened last time?" Xue Liangying asked.

What happened last time naturally referred to the gold table.

Although Fabre was busy with other things these two days, whenever he had time, he would find time to scold Feng Jingyao.

Claiming that people like Feng Jingyao are pests in the concession will not only disturb the law and order of the concession, but also corrupt the officials of their authorities, so the black sheep like Feng Jingyao must be driven out of the concession.

As Fabre's secretary, Xue Liangying heard such similar words a lot, so Xue Liangying was very clear about Fabre's attitude towards Feng Jingyao.

If Feng Jingyao made such a big commotion because of this incident, then Xue Liangying would not be surprised at all.

Chen Ledao nodded slightly when he heard the words, affirming Xue Liangying's words.

Chen Ledao is used to Xue Liangying's clever mind, but it's a pity that this kid doesn't want to be his dog-headed military advisor.

This guy is also ambitious, and he wants to make a career in the police force.

Seeing Chen Ledao nodding, Xue Liangying looked at him even more strangely.

He looked Chen Ledao up and down, as if looking at an alien species.

Chen Ledao made Xue Liangying's eyes tremble, and couldn't help but look down at himself, but he didn't find anything wrong.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Chen Ledao asked.

"You and Feng's Chamber of Commerce will not discuss the matter of this strike?" Xue Liangying looked suspicious.

To be honest, Xue Liangying has always had a question in his mind.

The relationship between Chen Ledao and Feng's Chamber of Commerce is so special, but even so, why does the director still trust this guy so much?
This question has been buried in Xue Liangying's mind for several days, but she has never been able to figure out why.

At this moment, he suspected that Chen Ledao had cheated, and he relied on the director's trust in him.

Could this kid be stepping on two boats?

No, with this kid's character, he must be stepping on two boats.

While having an affair with Feng Jingyao, he expressed his loyalty to Fabre.

Xue Liangying looked at Chen Ledao with strange eyes. He seriously suspected that Chen Ledao was responsible for the strike.

Otherwise, why did Chen Ledao easily handle those difficult workers as soon as he stepped forward!
This kid is very suspicious! !
But when Chen Ledao heard Xue Liangying's words, his face showed displeasure!
What do you mean, what do you mean, little secretary, do you suspect that I am in two boats!

You can doubt my character, but you can't doubt that I'm on two boats!
Because I'm really on two boats.

Chen Ledao denied it without hesitation. After all, although he was in two boats, this matter really had nothing to do with him. He didn't know in advance that the way Feng Jingyao said to make Fabre bow his head would be to persuade the workers to strike.

He was able to convince those workers by virtue of his own personal charm.

Xue Liangying's behavior of obliterating his own achievements is absolutely not allowed.

Chen Ledao shook his head violently:
"How is it possible? Do you think I'm that kind of person! The reason why those workers can be dealt with is because Jimmy Anderson and the workers are willing to give me face."

Chen Ledao raised his chin proudly when he said this.

But Xue Liangying listened, and just gave Chen Ledao two supercilious eyes.

Xue Liangying didn't think Chen Ledao would have any integrity in this kind of matter.

Although the strike is not over yet, as far as it is concerned, Chen Ledao's handling can be described as beautiful.

How to get the workers back to work is something that Jimmy Anderson and the board of directors should worry about. The task of the patrol room is not to let the workers make trouble.

Even if it's a strike, you have to be obedient.

Chen Ledao and Xia Fei Lu's house did a good job in this matter, especially with the backdrop of Mai Lan's house, it looked even more beautiful.

But it was also because of this that Xue Liangying seriously suspected that this was a drama co-directed by Chen Ledao and Feng Jingyao.

This drama not only allows Fabre to see Feng Jingyao's methods, but also makes Fabre to be cautious, and he will accept it when he sees it.

At the same time, it can also allow Chen Ledao to perform well during the strike, and make Chen Ledao more justified in the matter of the next Chief Inspector.

Xue Liangying would not be surprised at all that Chen Ledao could do such a thing that kills two birds with one stone.

This matter has formed a set of logic in Xue Liangying's mind, and this logic is so reasonable.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Ledao with such a strange gaze.

Well, you are such a man! !
Of course Chen Ledao didn't know what Xue Liangying was thinking.

He still hasn't confirmed with the Feng family about the strike. Whether it was done by the Feng family is just his own guess.

And Xue Liangying...Chen Ledao didn't know that he was already a hot guy in the heart of a good friend like Xue Liangying.


The night without electricity passed quickly. After someone woke up, he habitually touched the light switch by the bedside.
Then, disappointed to find that the electricity hadn't come, Dang even cursed a few words with the breath of getting up.

"Damn power plant!"

I wandered to the public washroom. The usually overcrowded washroom was empty. When I turned the faucet, a lonely drop of water hung on the edge of the faucet and couldn't fall down.

"Damn waterworks!"

When I came to the kitchen, I was about to reheat last night's cold dishes and rice.

"Damn gasworks!"

Packing up and going out with depression, seeing the newspaper boy selling newspapers diligently, he bought a copy immediately.

"It is reported that the reason why the French Concession cut off electricity, water, and gas was because the workers of the power plant, water supply plant, and gas plant went on strike. According to the investigation, the boss of these three companies is a French businessman named Jimmy Anderson... "

Oh! ! !
The truth is revealed, it turned out to be because of this old boy! !

"Damn Jimmy Anderson!!"

Early in the morning, Jimmy Anderson, who was still asleep, received many cordial greetings from the residents of the concession.

It is said that the newspaper reported on the second day: On the morning after the first day of the strike, Jimmy Anderson, who was still asleep, was awakened by the sound of broken glass in the bedroom window.

I don't know which naughty little cutie broke the glass of Jimmy Anderson's house with a slingshot.

According to two or three consecutive days of reports, Jimmy Anderson was successfully named a black-hearted capitalist, a businessman whose conscience was eaten by a dog, and the title of Grandet in reality.

It is said that the title of "Grandet in reality" was a reporter who heard it from an uncle worker in a power plant when he interviewed him, and then thought it was a good word, so he directly adopted it.

In a few days, Jimmy Anderson became notorious in Shanghai, and among the Chinese in the French Concession, he became a character that everyone wanted to play.

Even because of Jimmy Anderson, some Chinese businessmen shouted angrily in the newspaper that the Chinese must have their own power plants, which caused another industrial boom.

"Hehe, good, good, good!!"

In the Feng family, Feng Jingyao was sitting on a rocking chair, holding in his hand a newspaper just delivered by his servants, which contained all kinds of criticisms against Jimmy Anderson.

Looking at the content above, Feng Jingyao grinned brightly.

The worse he scolded Jimmy Anderson, the more successful his plan this time was.

"Uncle Xiang, you should take a look too." Feng Jingyao smiled and handed the newspaper to Uncle Xiang, not to mention his good mood these two days.

Uncle Xiang took the newspaper with a smile, the master was happy, and the whole house was happy.

When the strike first started, Feng Jingyao needed someone to operate behind the scenes, but soon, Feng Jingyao didn't need to intervene in this matter, and everyone started talking about it spontaneously.

Capitalists and workers, foreigners and Chinese, these are the most attractive topics in this era.

For newspapers, this is the wealth code.Of course, the newspaper pioneers of this era did not value money.

"Master, when do you plan to come forward about this matter?" Uncle Xiang asked after putting away the newspaper.

"Come forward? Hehe, why panic, wait for the French to come to me by themselves.

These French people are too arrogant, if they don't give them some color, they won't know how many eyes Prince Ma has! "

Feng Jingyao shook his head and said, usually facing these foreigners, he was as polite as he could, and gave them enough face.

But with too much face, some people will inevitably forget how much they really have.

It's not that easy to handle him, Feng Jingyao.

"What's the reaction from the Board of Directors?" Feng Jingyao asked Uncle Xiang.

This time, Feng Jingyao's strike was not only because of the matter of Jin Taimian, but also because of the reason why the French refused to let him be a director.

Feng Jingyao had been seeking a seat on the public board of directors for a long time, and he was very hopeful last year.

But for the death of Du Pont's second idiot, those idiots in the public board of directors actually suspected that he did it, so they didn't agree to let him enter the public board of directors, which made Feng Jingyao very angry.

Strictly speaking, Feng Jingyao should be most angry with Chen Ledao, after all, it was Chen Ledao who did it.

Although Feng Jingyao had no evidence, he was sure that Chen Ledao did it.Especially after recently seeing Chen Ledao's method of killing Japanese people like killing pigs, he became more certain.

There is no doubt that Chen Ledao has the ability and courage.

But back then the Feng family still owed Chen Ledao a favor to save Feng Chengcheng, of course it was impossible for Feng Jingyao to put his grudge on Chen Ledao at that time, and it was even more impossible now.

Therefore, those people in the public board of directors became the backers.

When Uncle Xiang heard Feng Jingyao's question, he couldn't help but smile.

"The people in the Public Board of Directors have been jumping with anger recently. I heard that Mena has dragged those people into meetings several times, but there is nothing they can do.

They persuaded Anderson many times to raise the wages of the workers, but Anderson refused to do it desperately, and even said that asking him to raise wages was depriving him of his life. "

Uncle Xiang couldn't help laughing when he spoke. After living for so many years, it was the first time he had seen such a stingy person.

Following Feng Jingyao's side, Uncle Xiang has seen Feng Jingyao's methods of spending money like water.

In Feng Jingyao's words: I don't like money, I'm not interested in money!

Among other things, the annual expenditure on those people in the consulate is an astronomical figure that ordinary people can't imagine.

Therefore, in the eyes of Uncle Xiang, Jimmy Anderson is indeed a bit funny.

Feng Jingyao also sneered when he heard the words, rather gloating.

Mena and those idiots didn't let themselves into the Board of Directors, they should know how powerful they are by now!
"This is good, let them worry for a while. When they find that there is no way, they will find it themselves, and then it is time for us to come forward.

Those who are in a hurry, these people always don't know how to cherish. "

Uncle Xiang nodded slightly when he heard the words, and of course he would do what the master said.

"Master, should we cooperate with Chen Ledao?" Uncle Xiang suddenly said after thinking about it.

"Cooperate with Chen Ledao?" Feng Jingyao frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"Cooperate with him for what?"

"On the day of the strike, didn't Chen Ledao take Xiafei Road to arrest the house and demand wages back for the workers in the power plant?
Because of this, his reputation in Shanghai has been very good in the past two days, and many people even said that Chen Ledao is a rare inspector who really does things.

And not only did the outside world have a good opinion of him, but many people in the police department and the board of trustees thought that Chen Ledao did a good job this time and avoided further escalation of the matter.

Master, aren't you and Chen Ledao seeking the position of Chief Inspector? I mean, do you want to highlight Chen Ledao more in this incident.

After all, he was too young, so if he rashly took the position of Chief Inspector, he was afraid that many people would gossip behind his back.

If you highlight Chen Ledao more in this matter, let him get more credit, the position of chief inspector will be easier for him to sit at that time, and when you recommend it to the consul, you will have more reasons . "

Uncle Xiang expressed his thoughts to Feng Jingyao.

In the past two days, the master was a little too happy because he slapped the Frenchman in the face, and he didn't think about how to maximize his benefits.

But Uncle Xiang has been thinking about it since the people below reported to him what Chen Ledao did in the power plant.

After thinking about it for two days, he felt that there was something wrong with this matter, so Uncle Xiang told Feng Jingyao about it.

When Feng Jingyao heard Uncle Xiang's words, he immediately frowned and became thoughtful.

In the past two days, he was indeed in such a happy mood that he didn't even notice it.

In fact, it was not only because he was too happy, but also because Feng Jingyao always wanted to establish a good image of himself as Mr. Feng in front of Chen Ledao.

After all, from the first time I met Chen Ledao, Mr. Feng, the number one tycoon in Shanghai, was not very well established.

From Chen Ledao's eyes, Feng Jingyao didn't see the same respect as others.This made Mr. Feng very uncomfortable all the time.

After all, although the relationship between father-in-law and son-in-law is not as tense as mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, father-in-law still feels somewhat uncomfortable with son-in-law.

In particular, Chen Ledao almost turned Feng Jingyao's caring little padded jacket into a black-hearted padded jacket. Feng Jingyao has always kept the matter of the scarf last time in his heart.

Closer to home.

After Feng Jingyao thought about it for a while, he realized that Uncle Xiang's suggestion seemed very good, and it seemed that doing so would maximize the benefits.

Thinking about it, Feng Jingyao nodded his head unobtrusively.

Although he was a little upset with Chen Ledao out of personal feelings, but now it's business.

"Well, that's a good suggestion of yours. Go meet him sometime and talk about it." Feng Jingyao nodded in agreement with Uncle Xiang's proposal.

Uncle Xiang smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'll go and talk to him about it."

After the matter was finished, Feng Jingyao shook his head again.

"This time, this kid got a big deal!"

Thinking that he was fighting with Fabre, and it was Chen Ledao who took advantage, Feng Jingyao felt a little inexplicably upset.

How can this kid take advantage of everything!
(End of this chapter)

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