Spy War 1929

Chapter 251 I heard it was a young man

Chapter 251 I heard it was a young man

Watching Martin walk out of the office, the loose wrinkles on Bernard's forehead quickly squeezed together as the door slammed shut with a "click".

"They all recommend this Chen Ledao to be the Chief Inspector. Is there something I don't know about it?"

Bernard picked up the cigar on the ashtray, turned his chair and looked at the red maple swaying in the wind outside the window, thinking to himself.

The police chief and the director of the board of directors, these two positions have always only competed with each other for power and profit, when will they work together like this, and even Martin is pulled together by them.

Years of consular service experience told Bernard that this was not normal.

Taking a puff of the cigar, the smoke swirled a few times in his mouth and then slowly spit it out. The sunlight outside the window fell on Bernard, and his eyes looked very deep under the sunlight.

After thinking about it for a while, Bernard suddenly smiled, his expression a little more free and easy and self-deprecating.

No matter what reason is hidden in it, how much does it have to do with me.I'm about to retire, so why worry so much!
After retiring, no matter how much he flooded.

No matter why Fabre and Mena did this, it has no effect on themselves.As for the future, that is what the successor should consider.

Bernard thought of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he lay back on the back of the chair, closing his eyes and basking in the sun.

I have spent most of my life in intrigue in the officialdom, so it's time to enjoy it!

Bernard smiled, and stuffed the cigar into his mouth again. The aroma of smoke permeated his mouth and nasal cavity, and he couldn't help showing a drunken look on his face.

He already has a decision in his mind.

I went to see Feng Jingyao at night. If Feng Jingyao didn't want to arrange someone to be the Chief Inspector, then it would be fine to let Chen Ledao be the Chief Inspector.

Since Martin, Mena, and Fabre all think that Chen Ledao is good, maybe this person can really bring some good changes to the concession.

After working in this position for so many years, it should be regarded as a gift to the people of the concession before leaving office, and it can also form a good relationship with Fabre and the others.

Bernard thought so.

The sun was gradually slanting to the west, and the mottled sunlight that fell on the floor slipped out of the window at some point. Bernard didn't notice it. He closed his eyes and accidentally fell asleep on the seat.

The faint smile at the corner of his mouth and the stretched wrinkles on his forehead seemed to be telling one thing - the old consul was having a wonderful dream.

"Dong dong dong," came the knock on the door, and Bernard frowned. Waking up from his dream, he opened his eyes unwillingly.

"Come in," Bernard said with a hint of displeasure in his voice.

The secretary who had worked in front of Bernard for many years was keenly aware of Bernard's emotions, and he was baffled.

I don't know why the old consul is unhappy again. The secretary didn't bother with this, he was used to it.

He said softly to Bernard: "Sir, the time agreed with Mr. Feng is almost here, and it's time for us to set off."

"Oh, that's right." Bernard nodded lightly and stood up from his chair, "Which restaurant are you in?"

"Sir, it's Chinachem Hotel." The secretary replied.

Bernard nodded again.

"Master, let's go in first."

Outside the gate of Huamao Hotel, Uncle Xiang, dressed in a brown robe and top hat, said to Feng Jingyao in front.

Feng Jingyao was wearing a long robe and mandarin jacket, with a cane in his hand, a sable fur hat on his head, and round-rimmed sunglasses on his face.

Uncle Xiang stood behind him, and Feng Jingyao shook his head with a smile when he heard Uncle Xiang's words.

"These foreigners like their foreign face. If I stand here and wait for him personally, he will feel that I am sincere. It will be much more convenient to talk about things later."

Uncle Xiang smiled when he heard the words, "Yes, the master thinks about this matter better."

"We are asking for help, so what if we don't want to do it properly. Bernard is about to step down, and now he must be thinking of making more money before leaving.

I gave him a little more face, and when we chatted for a while, he was too embarrassed to say no. "

Feng Jingyao laughed himself when he said that, although he is not short of money, but his money is not blown by strong winds, if he can save some money, of course it is better to save some money.

Especially this time, even if it doesn't cost money, the final result may be that Chen Ledao will be the chief inspector.

Under this premise, Feng Jingyao was naturally unwilling to spend more money to take advantage of Bernard, that old bastard.

"Hehe, what the master said is true." Uncle Xiang replied with a smile beside him.

As soon as the two finished speaking, a car drove towards them at the end of the street, and soon arrived in front of them.

The car stopped, and the subordinates behind Feng Jingyao consciously stepped forward to help him open the door, and Bernard got out of the car with a smile.

"Feng, I'm sorry, I have too much business, I'm late."

"Hahaha, it's not that Mr. Consul is late, it's that I came too early!" Feng Jingyao said with a smile, showing candor.

The two exchanged a few words at the gate, and then both walked into the gate of the hotel under the guidance of the hotel manager who was already waiting at the side.

Naturally, the banquet for the two of them in the hotel had been arranged long ago. The manager of the hotel led the two of them into the private room and said some courteous words. They were brought up and filled the table.

The two of them were talking and eating at the same time, before they knew it, they had had three rounds of wine and five flavors of food.

"Feng, what are you looking for me this time, for Inspector Hua's business?" Putting down his glass again, Bernard put down his chopsticks and asked without any intention of continuing.

He knows the Chinese wine table culture, and he also knows that Chinese people like to hide and hide when they talk and do things.But he didn't like to go round and round, so he asked directly after he was full of wine and food.

This is not the first time Feng Jingyao and Bernard have dealt with each other. He was not surprised that Bernard would directly ask about this matter, and directly smiled and said:
"Mr. Consul's eyes are as bright as a torch. As expected, I, Old Feng, can't hide my thoughts from Mr. Consul."

Feng Jingyao didn't know if he drank too much at the moment, and his voice was a little louder than usual. It was a little less calm and sophisticated in people's ears, but a little more refreshing.

"Since Mr. Consul has already asked this question, then I, Old Feng, will not hide it. I am indeed looking for Mr. Consul for the Chief Inspector." Feng Jingyao said.

Nowadays, the person who can still make Feng Jingyao speak in this way after several times in Shanghai is probably only the leader of the French Concession, the consul of the Concession.

But Feng Jingyao didn't need to be a consul in the public concession.

Bernard did not interrupt Feng Jingyao, but motioned him to continue.

"Mr. Consul, you know, people like us are most worried about our own safety.

Now the chief inspector of the patrol house is vacant. This is a big problem, and it will inevitably affect the security of the concession.

When I approached the Consul, I wanted to recommend a good candidate for Chief Inspector to the Consul. I hope that the management of patrolling and arresting can be resumed as soon as possible, so as to ensure the security environment of the concession to the greatest extent. "Feng Jingyao said grandly.

If he really wanted to ask Chief Detective Bernard how much ocean he needed for this dish like he was buying vegetables on the street, Feng Jingyao still couldn't say it so bluntly.

Buying an official has been disgraceful in China since ancient times.

Bernard nodded slightly, and said directly: "Who is the person recommended by Mr. Feng, and is he also in the patrol room?"

Feng Jingyao nodded upon hearing this.

"That's right, it's the man from the police station. Perhaps Mr. Consul has heard of this man recently."

"Oh, who is it?"

Hearing Feng Jingyao's words, Bernard was really interested. He, the consul, would not know the ordinary people in the patrol room.

Feng Jingyao smiled confidently.

"It's the inspector of Xiafei Road, Chen Ledao."

Chen Ledao!
Hearing this name, Bernard's heart skipped a beat first, then he was surprised, and finally he felt a hint of joy.

But he didn't show any strangeness on his face.

"The Inspector of Xiafei Road Police Station? Is Mr. Feng referring to the Inspector Chen Ledao that many people have been talking about recently?" Bernard asked.

"Yes, that's him." Feng Jingyao nodded with a smile.

"This Inspector Chen has been working hard since he became the Inspector. He has managed the jurisdiction of Xiafei Road Detective House very well. I heard that the crime rate has dropped a lot, and the residents in his jurisdiction love him very much.

And recently he just settled the strike of workers in power plants and waterworks, and helped the concession restore water and electricity.

I think in terms of ability, he is the most suitable person to be the Chief Inspector.I believe that as the Chief Inspector, he will definitely be able to ensure the security management of the concession to the greatest extent. "

Feng Jingyao spoke in a logical manner, while Bernard listened and nodded, but if he really listened to a few words, only he himself would know.

Roar! ! !
It was actually Chen Ledao, the person Feng Jingyao wanted to arrange to be the chief inspector was actually Chen Ledao! !
Bernard couldn't help but yelled in his heart, even though he was over 60 and used to seeing all kinds of strange things, he also felt that today's fact is really clever and wonderful.

Once again he felt that there must be something behind it that he didn't know, but this time he didn't think about it at all.

I'm about to resign, so I don't care what to do with so many, it's convenient for others, it's convenient for myself!
Bernard first showed a pensive look, and after thinking for a while, he nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Feng Jingyao's words just now.

"Mr. Feng, I do know this Chen Ledao, as you said, his ability, I think he is indeed qualified to be the Chief Inspector.


Having said that, Bernard showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Why, is there anything inappropriate about this?"

"Chen Ledao, he is too young. If I remember correctly, this person seems to be in his 20s, and he has only been working in the police force for more than a year. Let him be the chief detective so soon, I'm afraid The inspectors of the other arresting houses will be dissatisfied."

"Is that so?" Feng Jingyao nodded in understanding.

Uncle Xiang watched the two talking to each other there, knowing the truth, he felt a little funny in his heart, and at the same time, he also sighed a little.

They are all actors!
He sighed inwardly.

They are all over 60, but it is not easy to have to worry about this kind of thing.

After the two talked again, Feng Jingyao suddenly said:

"I am also a resident of the concession. If the security environment can be improved, I can also benefit. I am willing to donate [-] oceans to support the work of the police station."

After all, Bernard is in a dilemma here, but he can't do it there, isn't it because he doesn't want to let go when he sees that the money is not in place? He, Feng Jingyao, looks like a person who is short of money!

"Twenty thousand oceans!" Bernard's eyes lit up, but it was fleeting.

"How can this be done? The security of the concession is not your business alone. How can you—"

"Mr. Consul needless to say, only [-] oceans.

Take this as my support for Chen Ledao. I believe that as long as he can serve as chief inspector, with the support of this money, the security environment in the concession will definitely be greatly improved. "

Seeing that Bernard was still timid, Feng Jingyao didn't want to give him a chance to continue complaining.

Twenty thousand yuan is a lot, without the twenty thousand yuan, the Chief Inspector is still Chen Ledao, and he doesn't want to waste more money.

For [-] yuan, what he wants to buy is not the position of Chief Inspector, but Chen Ledao's heart.

This kind of thing is just a show, as long as the kid can feel his own heart.You can't really let Bernard, the old man, treat himself as a fool,

Bernard saw that Feng Jingyao would not let himself continue to be tactful, and knew that the [-] yuan should be Feng Jingyao's reserve price.Although he was not very satisfied, he did not intend to continue "bargaining".

When Feng Jingyao made Chief Inspector Ma the Chief Inspector, although he spent more money than this, it was a start from zero to one, so naturally it was the most difficult.

And now not only Feng Jingyao wants Chen Ledao to be the chief inspector, but other people in the authorities also want Chen Ledao to be the chief inspector.This made the position of chief inspector uncompetitive.

If it cannot be auctioned, the price will naturally drop a lot.

And who knows whether Feng Jingyao knows about the fact that Fabre and the others recommended Chen Ledao to be the Chief Inspector. If Feng Jingyao knows about this, maybe Feng Jingyao doesn't even want to give the [-] yuan.

Bernard may not care about other people's opinions, but as the police chief, Bernard cannot completely ignore Fabre's meaning.

Once Feng Jingyao knows that Fabre, the enemy, has recommended Chen Ledao as the Chief Inspector, then this matter will be fine!

At that time, maybe this cooked duck will have to fly.

Although [-] oceans does not meet Bernard's psychological price, Bernard knows what it means to accept as soon as it is good, and what it means to overdo it.

Soon, after a few more glasses of wine, the two happily reached a consensus.

As for how to reach a consensus, it is not important, what matters is the result.

Feng Jingyao sent [-] oceans, and Bernard guaranteed that Chen Ledao would become the chief inspector.

As for whether the [-] yuan was donated to the police house or how to deal with it, the two of them cleverly did not mention it in the subsequent conversation.

After talking about the Chief Inspector, Feng Jingyao and Bernard drank a few more glasses of wine. Both of them drank happily, it can be said that everyone was happy.

"Mr. Consul, do you have any news about your successor?" Feng Jingyao suddenly asked while drinking.

"Successor?" Bernard shook his head.

"I don't know. There is no specific news from the country. I only know that a young man will be sent here this time."

"Young man?" Feng Jingyao couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

Can a young man be competent for the position of consul?Chen Ledao is just a small chief inspector, you were too young just now!

Feng Jingyao was about to ask something more, but Bernard was already lying on the table, not giving Feng Jingyao a chance to continue asking.

He made [-] yuan all of a sudden, but Bernard was so happy that he drank a little too much all of a sudden, and got himself down.

(End of this chapter)

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