Spy War 1929

Chapter 258 I will no longer be your inspector

Chapter 258 I will no longer be your inspector

While waiting, more than half a month was gone in a blink of an eye. The position of Chief Inspector Chen Ledao had been waiting for did not come, and his position as Inspector was gone first.

Of course, there was no accident.The Chief Inspector is already a certainty, and he can't run away even if he wants to.

The reason why Chen Ledao's position as inspector was lost was because Fabre hoped that Chen Ledao could go back to the police department first to get familiar with the work of the chief inspector.

Although the chief inspector's appointment document has not yet come down, it does not delay Chen Ledao's work as the chief inspector.

Ma Long, a foreigner, deals with things that are unclear and messy every day, which makes his head dizzy.

Ma Long is now the number one migrant worker in the Political Department, and without Sarley, he needs to deal with many things, and he can't keep busy at all.

At the beginning, the Political Department was going to set up a special agent squad, and the squad leader was Ma Long, but because Salley left, the matter fell through.

Ma Long is not the squad leader now, but he needs to do more work than the squad leader.

The director runs the company, and Chen Ledao expressed his understanding after Fabre explained the reasons for doing so clearly.

Don't you just want to prostitute his labor force for nothing? What a big deal.

"Okay, no problem." Chen Ledao nodded.

Anyway, he, the inspector, has long been a nameless figure in the arresting house on Xiafei Road. Now Chen Hanlin and Fang Shan are discussing and dealing with Xiafei Road's affairs. Occasionally, Chen Ledao's fat secretary can also intervene.

"The director, who will take over my position as inspector?" Chen Ledao asked.

"Didn't you say that the leader of the street patrol team under you will take over your job? I checked his file and he is a college student. I think it's okay." Fabre said.

"Well, Chen Hanlin is indeed capable, but the director, the Xiafei Road arrest house is still short of a deputy inspector. After all, Chen Hanlin is not experienced as an inspector. I think we can arrange an experienced person as his deputy. .”

"Well, it is indeed necessary, and the position of deputy inspector cannot always be vacant. Do you have a suitable candidate?" Fabre asked.

"Fang Shan, the team leader of the third team of the Xiafei Road Police Station, is an old policeman in the police station. He has been the team leader for several years. He is very suitable in terms of ability and qualifications."

"Then let him, I believe in your vision." Fabre nodded.

The appointment of the inspector and deputy inspector can be decided by Fabre himself. After discussing with Chen Ledao, he immediately called Xue Liangying to draft two documents.

After signing and stamping, the inspector and deputy inspector of the arresting house were confirmed by the two of them.

"Henry, it's up to you and Xue to announce this to them.

In addition, you still have the status of a consultant to the Political Department, so I won't arrange any other status for you now.

After you go to the arresting room on Joffre Road and announce the two letters of appointment, you can come back and work in the chief inspector's office, which is now vacant.

When Mr. Consul's official documents come out, you will be the real chief inspector. " Fabre said with a smile.

"Okay Director, I'll go to Xiafei Road to catch the room. I believe you will not be disappointed with your decision." Chen Ledao got up and said.

"I believe it too." Fabre nodded with a smile.

Holding the two documents, Chen Ledao walked out of the office, and then left the police building with Xue Liangying.

"Your promotion speed is really enviable." Sitting in Chen Ledao's car, Xue Liangying couldn't help but said while looking at the two documents in Chen Ledao's hand.

"I have nothing to envy, you are enviable, you have become the director's secretary directly from a small translator.

I don't know how many people in the police department are envious of death, but they have the nerve to say that they envy me? "Chen Le said with a smile.

"I have nothing to envy. I'm just an errand runner. I don't have the prestige of you, the chief inspector.

It's you, if you see him later, you'll have to call Mr. Chen. "

Xue Liangying spoke sourly, and she didn't know if it was real or fake.

"The chief inspector has not been appointed yet. Now that the position of inspector is gone, I'm just a small consultant in the political department. How dare you let Secretary Xue call Mr. Chen." Chen Ledao said with a smile.

The two talked to each other in the car, and each had their own Versailles.

You think the secretary is running errands, and I think the chief inspector hasn't come yet.

Little did they know that if their words reached the police building, there would be countless people wishing to kill them suddenly behind their backs.

For a year, one is the Chief Detective and the other is the Director's Secretary. You two are still not satisfied, are you cheap?

To be honest, if there is no Chen Ledao, then Xue Liangying is actually the real protagonist.

When Xue Liangying entered the Political Department as an interpreter, she had passed a serious examination, only one month earlier than Chen Ledao, and did not go through the back door like Chen Ledao.

After entering the police force, Xue Liangying has been working steadily as her little translator, and she has no backing to help him.

Before Chen Ledao entered the political department with the help of Sal Li, Xue Liangying had already become a "social butterfly" in the police building by virtue of his own ability, able to chat with anyone.

If there is no Chen Ledao, then when Fabre takes office, he will have no relatives (confidantes) in the police department. Then Xue Liangying, who has no backer, clean background and ability, will become the person Fabre needs most. !

Strictly speaking, the appearance of Chen Ledao also benefited Xue Liangying's luck.Otherwise, Xue Liangying might be standing in Chen Ledao's position today.

While the two were talking, the car returned to Xia Fei Road's arresting house.

The arresting room was the same as before, nothing special. Chen Ledao and Xue Liangying entered the arresting room under the eyes of the two guards at the door.

"Inspector, you are back, hey, Secretary Xue is here too."

As soon as the two entered the arresting room, they met Deng Chengwen who had just come from the other side.

Deng Chengwen and Xue Liangying are both good secretaries, but compared with Xue Liangying, Deng Chengwen is really just a small secretary.

"Where are Zhang Xiaojun and Chen Xiaojun?" Chen Ledao asked.

"Ms. Chen is holding Miss Zhang to play with guns in the playground. I practiced guns there just now. Ms. Chen said that he hasn't played with rifles before, so I took them to play with them." Deng Chengwen said.

Because Chen Ledao, the inspector, was always away, and Deng Chengwen, the secretary, was usually free. Whenever he was free, Deng Chengwen would go to practice guns.He himself euphemistically said that he does not overwhelm himself with too many skills, and seeks to make progress.

Chen Ledao nodded, "Are Chen Hanlin and Fang Shan in the arrest room now?"

"Here, Team Leader Chen just brought someone back from the street. Team Leader Fang has been arresting the house."

"Okay, you go and call all the idlers in the arresting room to the playground, I have something to announce." Chen Ledao said.

"To the playground?" Deng Chengwen was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became amused.

Since the inspector took office, every time so many people gather to the playground, there must be a big announcement.

He hadn't come the first time. I heard that the inspector had cleaned up a large number of old people in the arrest room in the playground, and even a French inspector was slapped by the inspector.

There are so many people gathered in the playground today, what are we going to do again?
"Inspector, what are you going to do?" Deng Chengwen asked in a low voice.

"Why so much nonsense, hurry up and gather people to the playground, I'll give you 10 minutes." Chen Ledao kicked Deng Chengwen.

Being kicked in the ass, Deng Chengwen didn't think so carefully, and hurried to inform other people.

Chen Ledao and Xue Liangying headed towards the playground. As soon as they got there, they saw Zhang Xiaojun and Chen Xiaojun on the other side of the playground, each holding a rifle like the one used by police officers, fiddling there.

Chen Ledao didn't care about the two of them, and stood there waiting for a while. Soon, people came to the playground one after another.

Chen Ledao walked onto the stage when almost everyone who could arrive was there.

"Everyone, I have called you all here to announce a few things, which are all big things to Xia Fei Road's house arrest." Chen Ledao said loudly, he did not pretend to be a secret, under the eyes of everyone's curiosity and doubts, , directly said:

"First of all, it has to do with me. From today on, I will no longer be your inspector."

As soon as Chen Ledao said this, there was an uproar below, and discussions arose one after another.

When Chen Ledao came here to be the inspector, few people were willing, and now Chen Ledao is not here to be the inspector, and few people are willing.

"Inspector, why don't you become our inspector?!" someone asked loudly below.

Chen Ledao's prestige in Xiafei Road is not low now, whether it's Ye Weiyang's people who come here or others, they all like this inspector who clearly rewards and punishes.

Although the wages of police officers can't be said to be high, they are definitely not low. In Shanghai, with this little money, they can't live a life of wealth, but they can definitely afford food and drink.

Chen Ledao became the inspector, although they did not dare to make money like the previous patrols, but while losing money, they also gained other things.

Residents of the former concession would either shake their heads or curse inwardly whenever they talked about patrolling.

But they are different. Now those people only talk about the patrol at Xiafei Road's arrest house, not to mention thumbs up, but they are definitely praised.

In other places, you may be scolded by poking your spine while doing patrols in other places, but it is an honorable thing to do in Xiafei's arresting house.

It is a refreshing thing to be able to meet this spiritual need without worrying about eating and drinking.

And these were all brought by Chen Ledao.

Now that Chen Ledao said he would quit, they were of course surprised, and of course they didn't want to.

Chen Ledao pressed his hand, and the noise quickly disappeared.

"I am not your inspector because the police department has other arrangements. Although I am not your inspector, you will still be under my supervision in the future.

So those who are secretly happy in their hearts can stop, you are too happy too early. "

Chen Ledao said this in a joking tone, and laughter could not help being heard during the patrol, and the serious atmosphere eased.

"I don't need to say more about my affairs, you will know about it later, what I want to talk about now is the work arrangement of the arrest house in the future." Chen Ledao said loudly.

Although the Chief Inspector is already in his pocket, it would be somewhat inappropriate to say with great fanfare that he is going to be the Chief Inspector now.

The consul has not spoken yet!

Down below, the other people don't know how they feel, but Fang Shan, his heart skipped a beat.

The inspector is no longer the inspector, so who will be the inspector?

No, inspector, why are you suddenly not the inspector! !
Fang Shan was a little dumbfounded.

Some words I said to the inspector at the beginning echoed quietly in Fang Shan's heart, and the uneasiness became more and more intense.

Similar to Fang Shan, there is Deng Chengwen.

Hearing that Chen Ledao was not the inspector, his expression changed again and again.

He is the inspector's secretary, but the inspector is no longer the inspector, so what should he do?Deng Chengwen doesn't think the new inspector is qualified to have a secretary.

And he didn't want to be someone else's secretary either.

Chen Ledao ignored everyone's reaction and continued.

"Next, what I want to announce is the deputy inspector of the arresting house.

Since I took office, the position of deputy inspector of the arresting house has been vacant, and it is time to fill it up. "

"Deputy Inspector?!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the discussion sounded again.

There is no one else here today. As for Secretary Xue, they all know each other. Naturally, the deputy inspector cannot be Secretary Xue.

There were no strangers around, so the deputy inspector the inspector wanted to talk about must be one of them!

All those who thought they had the opportunity to be the deputy inspector couldn't help secretly looking forward to it.

Even Deng Chengwen, the secretary, was looking forward to it in his heart.

Will the inspector take care of my hard work and solve my worries before leaving?

Deng Chengwen looked forward to it.

As for Fang Shan, seeing the inspector's eyes inadvertently sweeping over him, his uneasiness intensified.

I don't want a deputy inspector!go away! !

The deputy inspector will be born among them, and it can be inferred that the new inspector will also be born among them!
Fang Shan prayed in his heart, desperately praying.

Get that damned deputy to stay away from him! !
He went up and down the patrol room several times. Except for the inspector, Fang Shan thought that he might become the inspector when no one was airborne.

You need qualifications, you have qualifications, you need ability, you need ability, you need relationships, and you also have the relationship with the inspector.

There are not many people in the arresting room who can compete with him, except for the damn leader of the street patrol team.

Although Wu Shishi is also the team leader, Wu Shishi's qualifications are too low, and he doesn't have any credit for it.Can't compete with him.

As for the other group leaders, their relationship with the inspector is not as good as the three of them.

The only one who can compete is Chen Hanlin, that damned college student.

As a college student, this thing has its own halo.

In addition, Chen Hanlin was also the only one who took office with the inspector, and he was even more talented than his team.

And the most important thing, that day, the inspector took the same test as the two of them, and I kept hinting in front of the inspector that I wanted to be the deputy inspector!
Thinking of what happened that day, Fang Shan had the urge to die.

Asshole!If the inspector is fine, how could he ask them that kind of question!

Asking that question is obviously meaningful!
Fang Shan felt that it was very likely that he would personally push out his own future.

Maybe this is the only chance in this life to be the inspector!

Fang Shan couldn't help but glanced at Chen Hanlin, and saw that Chen Hanlin was just like him, also a little nervous.

Obviously, this kid wanted to go with him.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and sparks could not help but rub against each other.

"I want to be the deputy inspector, I want to be the deputy inspector!!!." A group of melon eaters prayed in their hearts.

"Let that damn deputy inspector stay away from me, stay away from me!!!." Both Fang Shan and Chen Hanlin shouted in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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