Spy War 1929

Chapter 287 Supervision Department

Chapter 287 Supervision Department
Regarding Wei Zhengyun's suggestion yesterday of combining engagement and marriage, that is, directly marrying, Chen Ledao failed to give a specific answer.

Marriage, Chen Ledao felt that this word should be far away from him.In fact, if there is a choice, Chen Ledao doesn't mind being a single dog, of course, the premise is to have a confidante.

Chen Ledao was still hesitant about getting married now, and his answer to Wei Zhengyun was "I'll think about it later".

Wei Zhengyun didn't know what else his boss, an old single, had to consider. Ms. Feng wanted appearance and a family background, which was the kind of rice that soft rice people wanted to eat most.

When he came to the boss, he actually started to be reserved.

But the boss is the boss, and Wei Zhengyun is just a migrant worker in Shanghai. He has the right to make suggestions to the boss, but not the right to make decisions on his behalf.

Sitting in the chief inspector's office, there were two documents on the table in front of Chen Ledao.

One is Qin Dehao's list of patrol officers who he thinks are problematic.

The other is the list of the patrolling reserve team sent by the Xiafei Road arresting house.

This is the work that Chen Ledao had assigned before. Because of Lin Zirong's matter two days ago, Chen Ledao didn't come to deal with it. This thing has been placed on his desk until now.

Chen Ledao opened the document sent by Qin Dehao and looked at it. This document is a bit thick, and there should be a lot of content in it.

While flipping through the documents, Chen Ledao used a pen to write names one by one on a piece of paper from time to time. When he started to work seriously, the passage of time would always speed up unconsciously.

Soon, two hours slipped by at work.

There were only the last few pages of the document in Chen Ledao's hand, and after he read it all, the paper he used to write his name was densely filled with his name.

After closing the document and putting it aside, Chen Ledao picked up the registered paper and looked at it. After just a few glances, Chen Ledao frowned, and a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

"How did Qin Dehao do this!"

Chen Ledao muttered dissatisfiedly, with a look of hesitation on his face.

In the document Qin Dehao sorted out, Chen Ledao was quite satisfied with the contents, and everyone recorded on it included some illegal things he had done in these years.

Although Qin Dehao's words were rather vague and did not use definite words, but Chen Ledao knew in his heart that if Qin Dehao was not sure about something, the old guy would never have written it.

It's just that, although the content on it is well organized, it doesn't have the name of the person Chen Ledao most wants to see.

Hu Yun, when Chen Ledao first became the Acting Chief Detective, he asked his brother Hu Chou to deal with him. Chen Ledao did not forget this.

Hu Yun is seriously unworthy of morality, not only his morality, but also his talent is seriously inconsistent with his current position as chief of the criminal department.

The Criminal Division deals with major cases, and has high requirements for the section chief.

As for Hu Yun, ever since he became the section chief, he has been messing with each other at work. Apart from grabbing credit, he is always fooling around no matter what.

As the chief of the Criminal Section, Hu Yun is not suitable to continue to serve, no matter in terms of ability or the relationship with Chen Ledao.

The new official took office three fires, Chen Ledao's first fire was originally planned to be burned on Hu Yun.

But Qin Dehao didn't prepare him the fire starter he needed.

Putting down the name paper, Chen Ledao opened Qin Dehao's document again, and after looking through it quickly, Chen Ledao frowned deeply.

Qin Dehao is such an old cunning guy, the people on his document are all young people from the police station, none of them are officials.

Chen Ledao shook his head, and made a note in his heart for Qin Dehao, an old trickster.It's no wonder that this guy was able to get to the position of section chief smoothly, it seems that he relied on this cunning and small mind.

It's best for this old guy not to think that he is a fool because he is young, otherwise he will have to drink a pot in the future.

Chen Ledao cursed secretly in his heart.

Most of the people in the central arresting room have some problems of one kind or another. It is almost impossible to find someone who is completely clean.Even Zhao Long is the same.

Such is the environment, these are inevitable.Chen Ledao didn't expect everyone to be a saint. This will not be possible in the future, let alone now.

What he has to do now is to select generals from the short ones and select a few who can be used.

Of course, Hu Yun is not on this list.

Chen Ledao opened the first drawer on the right hand, and took out a document from it.

This document is the information he asked Akun to investigate and sort out. Compared with Qin Dehao's document, this document is more authentic.

After roughly comparing the two documents, Chen Ledao nodded slightly, his face looking better.

Qin Dehao still had some points in his heart. The information he gave was only lacking, but it was not made up indiscriminately.This allowed him to temporarily keep his position as section chief.

Chen Ledao had already read Akun's document. According to the document, he wrote down some names on that piece of paper, and finally wrote down Hu Yun's name emphatically.

"Deng Chengwen~~!!" Chen Ledao yelled twice at the top of his voice.

Footsteps came quickly.

"Mr. Chen, what's the matter?" Deng Chengwen pushed the door open.

"Go and call Xu Yunpeng for me."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll go right away."

After Deng Chengwen finished speaking, he was about to turn around and run out, but Chen Ledao stopped him the next moment.

"Wait, forget it, no need." Chen Ledao thought about it, and then gave up this idea.

Deng Chengwen looked back at Chen Ledao blankly, he didn't know what Mr. Chen was up to.

"Then, Mr. Chen, do I need to do anything else?" Deng Chengwen asked.

"No, you can go back." Chen Ledao waved.

Deng Chengwen came and left in a daze, and he didn't forget to close the door for Chen Ledao when he left.

Chen Ledao sat on the chair and thought for a while, picked up the name paper, got up and walked out of the desk, pushed the door and went out.

In the voice of "Mr. Chen", Chen Le said out of the office area of ​​the central arresting room and went upstairs.

When passing by Xue Liangying's office, Chen Ledao took a glance inside. The door of the office was open, and Xue Liangying was lying on the desk inside, looking very busy.

Chen Ledao didn't go in, glanced at it, then looked away, and went straight to the director's office not far away.

After knocking on the door and entering, Chen Ledao saw a completely different side from Xue Liangying's office.

Fabre was sitting behind his desk, he was reading a book in his hand, and there was a cup of steaming coffee on the table.

During this period of time, Xue Liangying's work ability has gained Fabre's trust. Except for some important matters, Fabre will handle them personally, and Fabre has left all the boring trivial matters to Xue Liangying.

Seeing that it was Chen Ledao, Fabre closed the book and put it aside, and asked Chen Ledao to sit down with a smile.

"Henry, what can I do for you?" Fabre asked.

Chen Ledao handed the piece of paper he brought to Fabre, saying:

"Director, this is the first patrol list I'm going to clean up. The people on the list have either made serious mistakes, or they are not capable enough to perform their duties.

The existence of these people has affected the work of the patrol room and ruined the atmosphere of the patrol room. I plan to clear them all out of the patrol team. "

"Oh, really, let me take a look." Fabre took the list, glanced at it twice, raised his brows, and a look of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

He coughed twice and put down the list.

He can only speak the simplest Chinese, let alone Chinese characters.

He and those square characters mean that you don't know me, and I don't know you.

"Henry, how many people are on this list? Are you sure they are not suitable to stay in the patrol room?" Fabre asked, he concealed his embarrassment very well.

However, this cannot be blamed on Chen Ledao. If it was another document, Chen Ledao could translate it for Fabre before showing it to him, but it is full of names, so there is nothing to translate, and it cannot be translated.

"There are fifteen people in the first batch. I can guarantee the authenticity of their problems." Chen Ledao said, "And when I expel them, I will give enough evidence to ensure that no one will be wronged."

Fabre nodded after listening, thinking about it, and after a while, he said:
"No problem, you can take care of this matter at ease, they are all from the patrol room, you are the chief detective, you can decide to deal with it yourself.

There is only one question, if these people are fired, will it affect the work of the hunting house. "

Fabre doesn't want the semi-paralyzed situation in the Xiafei Road arresting house to be staged again in the central arresting house.

"It's just a lack of a dozen people, and it won't affect the work of the patrol room, and I've already made preparations for this matter.

At the beginning, the people I trained in the arresting room on Xiafei Road, except for the supplementary part of the people who entered the arresting room on Xiafei Road, were all compiled as preparatory patrols, and personnel could be directly supplemented from these people. "

"Well, that's fine, as long as it doesn't affect the normal work of the patrol room, I will fully support you."

Fabre directly stated that he has long been dissatisfied with the work of the central arrest room, but he has not dealt with it rashly.Now that Chen Ledao is going to start rectification, Fabre will naturally not say "no".

Chen Ledao nodded, Fabre's answer was expected by Chen Ledao, but he didn't come here just for this matter.

"Director, there is one more thing, I want to ask your opinion."

"what's up?"

"I want to set up a supervision department to monitor the security of the concession and the personnel inside the patrol room, so as to better maintain the security of the concession, and at the same time ensure the cleanliness of the patrol team to the greatest extent.

There are too many gang members in the concession, and these people often do things as they please, seriously affecting the security of the concession.

If there is a department dedicated to supervising and handling them, I think this can make them restrain a lot.

And even if we clean up the patrol room this time, it's only temporary.In order to maintain it, a supervisory department must be established.

Although there are French inspectors in every sub-district arrest house, these inspectors have not actually played their due role. "

Chen Ledao expressed his deepest thoughts and set up a supervision department. The real person in charge of the department must be him.

If it can be done, he will be able to use it for private purposes, which will not only strengthen his control over the concession, but also strengthen his control over the police station.

To put it bluntly, this is the ICAC that Chen Ledao learned from watching movies.

Chen Ledao didn't really care whether this thing could effectively crack down on and rectify the public officials in the police station like the ICAC.

What he cares about is that this will allow him to strengthen his control over the patrol house and the concession.

And the most important thing is that he can use public equipment for private use, and use the money and power of the French to support the French Concession into his iron bucket.

In today's French Concession, spies from various countries run wild here, completely treating this place as their own back garden.

Although the political department intends to rectify, but because of Salli's departure, the political department lacks people who can take charge of the overall situation, so this work has not been carried out very well.

Chen Ledao is now the chief inspector, and he is also Feng Jingyao's half-son-in-law. Although he has not inherited Feng Jingyao's family property, he has already inherited Feng Jingyao's mentality.

He already regarded the French Concession as his own territory.

Whether it's spies, secret agents, or gang members, he doesn't care about these people's activities in the French Concession. He only hopes that when he doesn't want these people to operate, he can immediately take them down.

The spies he let out from the Xiafei road arresting house were Chen Ledao's experiment at the beginning, and the effect was very satisfactory. Those spies made the Xiafei road arresting house's control over the Xiafei area increase by not 01:30 points.

Now, Chen Ledao is going to expand a little bit, no longer limited to the Xiafei District, but to radiate the entire French Concession.Of course, it would be even better if it could directly radiate the entire Shanghai Bund, even like the military command and central command.

But Chen Ledao knew that this might be a bit whimsical.

Ye Weiyang's first club, that is, Akun, what he does overlaps with Chen Ledao's current proposal.But it was Chen Ledao's own money that Akun spent on information.

What's the point of using your own money to do things for the police station? ?

Even if you want to do it, it can't be for private use, but for public use.

Chen Ledao has already made the calculations. If Fabre agrees to his proposal, then he must be the real person in charge of this department.

At that time, he can do whatever he wants in this department.

As for the French Concession, it will be gone in more than ten years. When the French Concession is gone, this department will naturally disappear, but those people are still there.

At that time, the Japanese had the final say in the French Concession, and he definitely couldn't hand over this department to the Japanese. At that time, he would just run away and make this department his own.

No, it didn't become my own, it was originally my own.

Of course, these are all too far and too good to be true.

After the war in Little Japan, it is still a question whether he, an anti-Japanese element, can survive until the French Concession is abolished.

As far as the near future is concerned, as long as this department can be added, the staffing of the police station can be increased, and the strength of the Chinese in the police station can be strengthened.

In the police station, strengthening the power of the Chinese is equal to the power of Chen Ledao.

After all, in today's patrol room, no, it should be said that the entire police force, Chen Ledao is a representative of the Chinese.

Chen Ledao looked at Fabre eagerly. Whether Fabre could agree to his proposal, Chen Ledao himself was not sure.

After all, it is not a post that has been added, but a department.Moreover, this department seems to have a lot of power.

Facing Chen Ledao's gaze, Fabre drank his coffee.

"Add a supervisory department?! Well, let me think about it first."

(End of this chapter)

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