Spy War 1929

Chapter 295 Black Eat Black

Chapter 295 Black Eat Black

(o(^`)o update is here, stop talking about my eunuch.)
Lin Zirong left the Yu family, and when he looked back at the Yu family villa behind him, he couldn't help showing a few strands of regret on his face.

The ancients said: If you can get a confidant in life, you will have no regrets in this life.

He used to think that these were the sour words of those scholars who were sentimental, just taking off their pants and farting, idle.

But with today's experience, he knew that this statement was true.

When Chief Yu Lin said without hesitation to make Anping his son-in-law, Lin Zirong, an old man, had a sore nose.

As far back as he could remember, the man who had only cried once when he was reprimanded by his father when he peed his pants, couldn't help but feel the urge to burst into tears at that moment.

Difficulties and pains can't make people cry, but moving can.

The Yu family villa gradually faded away and disappeared from Lin Zirong's sight. He put away the sentimentality on his face, and buried all his emotions in his heart that had experienced more than sixty years of vicissitudes.

As the car drove away, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Lin Zirong's mouth.

At the end of this life, if he still has such a friend, he has not worked in vain in this life.

You have a career, you have a child, you have friends, and this life is not in vain.

No matter how others scold Lin Zirong behind his back, he will not lose.

Anyway, enjoy what you should enjoy.

Lin Zirong smiled, still muttering something.

"This old boy is interesting enough, I didn't help him in vain back then!
As for repaying
Alas, if he really wants Anping to be his son-in-law, then he can only let his daughter agree with him. "

Thinking of this, this man who was judged by the doctor to have only two years to live, could not help showing a mean smile that did not match his age, as if he had taken advantage of it.

Very happy.

The man was a teenager until he died, Mr. Lu sincerely does not deceive me.

Two days passed in a hurry. On this day, the sun was shining outside the window, and the sky was cloudless. Chen Ledao sat leisurely on the chair at the desk, holding a book in his hand and reading with relish.

Seeing that Chen Ledao had maintained that posture for a while, Zhang Xiaojun got up and went to the side to make a cup of coffee for Chen Ledao with coffee powder.

Smelling the strong aroma of coffee, Chen Ledao glanced sideways, then returned his eyes to the book, and asked casually.

"Why haven't I seen that kid come to you in this period of time? Look, there are no flowers in this office to decorate." Chen Ledao said casually, with a bit of ridicule in his words.

"How do I know, you men don't have a good thing.

Love the new and dislike the old, half-hearted, half-hearted, wrong words and wrong actions, aren't these all your specialties! "

Zhang Xiaojun put the coffee on the table and said plausibly.

She looked like a resentful girl who was abandoned by a heartless man.

Chen Ledao, the boss, has no status with her at the moment.

"I said that your attack area is too broad, among other things, don't you know what kind of person your boss is?

We are first class good people!
Boss, I can be regarded as a young hero with a successful career, and I am well-known in Shanghai Beach.

But look, in the face of the temptation of this colorful world, I have always kept my heart, kept my body pure and self-love, and guarded myself like a jade. "

Chen Ledao said cheerfully, with a bit of complacency on his face.

It is said that if a man is rich, he will become bad. Chen Ledao thinks that he has done a good job in this regard. Now that he is rich, he has not become bad.

It's not that no one can be as rich and seductive as him.

Facing the boss's mother-in-law selling melons, Zhang Xiaojun gave him a shining white eye.

It turns out that to be a boss, one has to have such a thick skin. She thinks that she should not be a boss.

"Yes, you stick to your heart, and you are going to marry Cheng Cheng, and there is only one around you," Zhang Xiaojun gave birth to his fingers and began to snap them.

"One for Manager Fang, one for Miss Gu, one for Miss Sheng, one for Miss Wen, who else is coming?"

She raised her head, as if thinking.


Chen Ledao spat at her.

"Do you know what pure friendship between opposite sexes is?

Just like those revolutionaries, the friendship between them has already surpassed your superficial view that is limited to the relationship between men.

It was a pure revolutionary friendship, that was... Forget it, you can't understand it, and you don't know what's going on in your head all day! "

Chen Ledao sighed and shook his head, looking heartbroken.

Looking at Chen Ledao's appearance, Zhang Xiaojun couldn't help but open his rosy mouth, his long eyelashes stretched out, and his big black and white eyes stared round.

She hadn't noticed before that the boss's mouth is so blah, he can talk!
Zhang Xiaojun was so depressed by Chen Ledao's contemptuous words, he wished he could immediately summon Kong Ming to possess him and fight with the Confucians.

It's just that she wanted to refute, but she didn't know where to start.

The boss said that it was like that kind of pure revolutionary friendship between revolutionaries, so I can't tear myself apart!

Zhang Xiaojun has never forgotten her identity, but she is a revolutionary worker lurking inside the enemy.

Although Chen Ledao is not an enemy, let's just treat him as an enemy and make do with it.

When the two looked at each other speechlessly, the phone on Chen Ledao's desk rang.

Looking at the slightly vibrating phone, Zhang Xiaojun turned around, snorted unconvinced, and stopped arguing with Chen Ledao about the topic just now.

Chen Ledao picked up the phone and put it next to his ear, a voice came from inside.

"Mr. Chen, it's me, Fang Shan."

"Oh, Lao Fang, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, we have already taught those two Japanese a lesson two days ago.

Just now another Japanese came and asked us to release him. You see how to deal with this matter, whether to release him or something. "

Fang Shan consulted Chen Ledao for his opinion. Although Chen Ledao handed over the matter to them, the matter involved the Japanese after all.

Not everyone has the courage to treat the Japanese like green onions like Chen Ledao.

"Oh, the Japanese are here to pick them up?" Chen Ledao asked.

"Yes, the people from the Japanese consulate.

I originally planned to send them away directly, but this person is a bit difficult to deal with. They seem to have made up their minds to take him away, and they don't agree to keep him in our patrol room. "

Fang Shan's dialect smacks of narrow-mindedness.

Chen Ledao has a lot of notoriety among the Japanese, and this time these two people were brought into the patrol room by Chen Ledao. As long as they are not fools, they are definitely unwilling to leave people in such a high-risk area as the patrol room.

If one is not careful, maybe the two of them will have to be killed by Chen Ledao for any reason.

Chen Ledao held the phone in his right hand, and tapped lightly on the table with his left hand, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

Forget it, it's not yet possible to make the Japanese jump over the wall.

Chen Ledao shook his head unobtrusively. The Japanese were wary of him not because of himself, but more because of the French standing behind Chen Ledao.

Those people supported Chen Ledao, which to a certain extent represented France's support for Chen Ledao.

Although the Japanese are feverishly thinking about some crazy dream, but for now, he still needs to sell some face to the European and American powers.

The power that can really be relied on is not one's own, and the power of others, even if reliable, cannot be absolutely relied on.

There must be some leeway.

Chen Ledao made up his mind, the thinking color in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and his eyes became flat again.

"The patrol room is a reasonable place. Since they insist on taking people away, let them take them away." Chen Ledao said lightly on the phone.

Fang Shan listened on the other side and nodded slightly, but he was not in a hurry to answer. Based on his understanding of Mr. Chen, it was absolutely impossible for this matter to be so simple.

For the Japanese, Mr. Chen has always been adhering to the principle of plucking the wild goose.

Sure enough, on the other end of the phone, Chen Ledao continued after pondering for a while:
"Since they want to take people away, let them pay bail. Two Japanese, five hundred dollars each, can't do without one." Chen Ledao said firmly.

Hearing Mr. Chen's tone, Fang Shan knew that the two Japanese had to spend their money to eliminate the disaster this time. Five hundred oceans must be impossible to get even a little discount.

Five hundred oceans, for ordinary prisoners, is more than enough to bail out ten people.

But the Japanese, they are naturally noble, so the prices are naturally different.

Fang Shan happily agreed, and was delighted with Chen Ledao's decision.

1000 yuan, this is not a small achievement, and the bonus at the end of this month is settled!

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ledao sat down humming a little tune, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, with a happy smile on his lips.

He is happy if it can make the Japanese unlucky.

Now it seems that he did not choose the wrong route.

It is very prescient to choose to come to Shanghai instead of Yan'an.

In this way, I will not wrong myself in life, but at the same time, I can realize my desire to resist Japan, which is the best of both worlds!

Beautiful, beautiful! ! !

"What are you enjoying? What Japanese, what five hundred oceans?" Zhang Xiaojun looked at the other side, couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and asked.

"Hehe~~" Chen Ledao smiled brightly.

After listening to Chen Ledao explaining the reason, Zhang Xiaojun shouted "capitalist", her big black and white eyes almost turned red.

A thousand oceans!

Chen Le said that this is pouring in with his left hand and pouring out with his right hand, and he made a net profit of one thousand oceans! !

How long does it take for their crappy clinic to earn a thousand dollars! !

The fire of jealousy and envy is burning brightly, just short of riding the wind and starting a prairie fire.

Chen Ledao's extortion of the Japanese didn't cause any disturbance, it just made the police officers a little excited in the arresting room on Xiafei Road.

After the excitement, it is dull.

As for the Japanese, while they were filled with righteous indignation, they were also a little fortunate.

If you can save one life from Chen Ledao, the living king of hell, what else is it?

Chief Inspector Chen's arrogance of a thousand oceans from the Japanese was reported on a small scale in the newspapers in Shanghai, but it also failed to arouse too much heated discussion.

SH citizens are not as cold as they used to be to Chen Ledao, who has to be published in the newspaper every now and then.

At least this kind of trivial matter can no longer make Chen Ledao get amazed from people.

For more than a year, Shanghai Bund has gradually adapted to the existence of Chen Ledao, a handsome young man.

Another month has passed by.

The central arresting room has fully adapted to the existence of Chen Ledao, the youngest chief detective in history. The former deputy chief inspector Zhu and chief inspector Ma, the traces they left in the central arresting house are gradually disappearing.

Uncle Jiu and President Ma, who were well-known in Shanghai back then, are already in the past tense, and it is difficult to hear their names in the police station.

That is, when newcomers come in occasionally, some old fritters who like to show off their seniority will sometimes talk about the stories of the patrol room under the curious eyes of those small police officers.

"what is this?"

Chen Ledao watched Liu San and Wang Liuyi carry a box in, and doubts appeared in their eyes.

Zhang Xiaojun, who noticed the movement, also ran over and looked curiously at the two boxes on the floor—one big and one small.

In the past, Zhang Xiaojun felt that teaching Chen Xiaojun to practice calligraphy was quite a headache. Now she doesn't need to teach Chen Xiaojun to practice calligraphy, and sometimes she can't even see it for a few days. On the contrary, she feels that something is wrong anyway.

She is free every day, and the most interesting thing is to yell at Chen Ledao,
"Boss Jin from Taihu Lake sent it, saying that it was the batch of arms we helped them get last time, which allowed them to gain a firm foothold in Taihu Lake again. This is his expression." Liu Sandao.

"Oh, did Boss Jin send it?" Chen Ledao looked at the two boxes, one big and one small, with some interest.

The last time after Chen Ledao and Jin Shan and the others separated at Kaga Kyouichiro's restaurant, within a few days, Jin Shan came up again with injuries.

What Jinshan and the others did in Shanghai did not exceed Chen Ledao's expectations. They were indeed here to buy arms.

But it is to buy, it is better to say that it is to pick up the goods.

Jinshan and the others had already ordered a batch of arms from the Ax Gang, and they came to trade with money.

However, during the transaction, the members of the Ax Gang saw that there were only three of them, and they immediately thought of cheating.

Speaking of this matter, Jinshan and the others also made a mistake based on experience. Who would have thought that an existence like the Ax Gang with a big family and a great reputation in the Tao would do such an unethical thing like eating black people!

How fucking shameless!

But this is not surprising, this is not the first time that the Ax Gang has done such a thing.

That is to say, Jinshan and the others are far away and don't know the situation, so they believe that the Ax Gang has such a thing as professional ethics.

But anyone who lives and eats in Shanghai knows that the words of the Ax Gang are loud farts - nothing but loud noises, colorless and odorless.

The Ax Gang is notorious in Shanghai, and Lin Zirong's reputation in Shanghai is not as famous as that of Feng Jingyao. There are some reasons for this.

Feng Jingyao is known as the leader of Shanghai gangsters. This is because he acts domineeringly and often does things such as buying and selling by force, and he is not limited to the target.

For example, the Lianshan Spinning Factory back then, and Hengsan, Huang Jinrong, etc. back then.

It is not surprising that a gangster who bullies even gangsters is called the leader of gangsters.

As for the "elegant name" "Mr. Feng", it is because although he buys and sells forcefully, at least he will give money.

It's not like the ax gang who are not stingy, sleep with others, take advantage of enough, and say that if you don't give money, it's not considered prostitution.

This has already broken away from the category of hooligans, and it is not a bastard that can be described in human language.

The Ax Gang is so shameless, they don't have the consciousness of a big gang at all, and they don't pay much attention to their own image on the road.

Therefore, in front of the Feng Chamber of Commerce, which still pays attention to the image of the gang, it is inferior.

Feng Jingyao, the head of the three tycoons, won in these small details in all aspects, and got it through this.

As for how disparate the power of the three families really is, it's really not so easy to tell.

So to get down to business, for gangs like the Ax Gang who don't pay attention to the gang's image and don't care about the gang's reputation, it has become commonplace for them to eat black.

In the words of the gang leader with an ax when he was young:
I have bigger fists than you. If you hit you, you deserve it;Call back if you dare!Grab it back!

If there is such a gang leader who is not stingy, there will naturally be a gang that is not stingy.

So the three of Jinshan and the others dared to go to the Ax Gang to trade, it can only be said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

As for being blackmailed by the other party, it is not a big deal.

As for how Chen Ledao helped them, that was a coincidence!
(End of this chapter)

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