Spy War 1929

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

During this time, Chen Ledao's work centered on the Integrity Bureau, and the Integrity Bureau was much larger than it was half a month ago.

The first batch of people who entered the Integrity Bureau were only a dozen or so, and they barely put up the airs of the Integrity Bureau.With a dozen people, it is undoubtedly very difficult to do things.

However, after Chen Ledao obtained the authority to "do it freely" from Fabre, the selection of personnel has been relaxed.

Anyway, from the perspective of people in other departments of the police force, although they still failed to enter the ICB, the growth rate of the ICB's personnel has increased significantly.

Now in just half a month, there are already dozens of people in the Integrity Bureau.

In fact, this is not the same as before. The people from the Anti-corruption Bureau were all directly mentioned by Chen Ledao from Song Jie, and they were all Ye Weiyang's new faces. Even Ye Weiyang's people didn't know them.

As an aside, the shooting club that Song Jie is in charge of has now opened, and the business is pretty good. Rich boys from Shanghai Beach like to bring their friends there to play with guns.

Under Liu Zhihui's suggestion, Song Jie also organized a weekly shooting competition.Of course, the game is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the gambling gun that came into being along with the game.

In short, the business of today's shooting clubs is extremely booming.Not only does Ye Weiyang not need to subsidize, on the contrary, there is a large amount of income every month.

After the digression, continue with the above.

Compared with the workload of the ICAC, it is still not enough for the ICAC to employ dozens of people, but it is finally able to barely operate normally.

Now there are ten people in Wu Shiyi's Operations Department. Of course, the number is a little small, but it is enough at this stage.

The workload of the operations department is determined by the news from the intelligence department. If there is no news from the intelligence department to send to the operations department, then the operation department will be fine.

Right now, if the people in the operations department want to do things, they have to help the people in the intelligence department do intelligence work first, and then they can do their own jobs.

Du Xiaoming's intelligence department has more than [-] people.Among the three departments of the ICAC, he has the most people under his command.However, compared to their workload, this number is still a drop in the bucket.From time to time, staff have to be seconded from the Operations and Administration Sections.

There are three section chiefs of the ICAC, and Wu Shishi, chief of the Operation Section, is Chen Ledao's subordinate at Xiafei Road's arrest house.

Wu Shiyijie, the head of the sub-district house arrest team, suddenly became the section chief of the Integrity Bureau, which is really eye-catching.

However, Wu Shiyi was able to get a section chief, which is not very surprising, but it just makes many people envy and hate.

But there is nothing to do, after all, they are the direct descendants.

The ancients still paid attention to the distinction between a concubine and a concubine, especially in this era.

As for the head of the administrative department, Deng Chengwen, let alone, that guy is Mr. Chen's secretary, and he is even more direct than Wu Shishi.

These two became section chiefs, even though they were enviable, they were still understandable.

Only Du Xiaoming, the head of the intelligence department, what kind of thing is this guy?
Before this, they had never even heard of this name.

How can this person be able to make Mr. Chen fancy, and he will be directly appointed as the chief of the intelligence department!
But no matter how angry and jealous, it will not help.

The identity of this person is a mystery. Some people were impatiently curious and secretly investigated it, which finally attracted people from the intelligence department.

Since then, no one has dared to investigate blindly.

After all, the person who was taken away by the intelligence department hadn't come back yet.

Who is Du Xiaoming?
Others don't know, but Chen Ledao knows it all.

Because Du Xiaoming was the person he had accidentally rescued, and he was still a college student.

To introduce Du Xiaoming, we must first introduce the university that Du Xiaoming studied at—Guanghua University.

Guanghua University was founded by 572 teachers and students who quit St. John's University because St. John's University prevented teachers and students from going on strike during the May [-]th Movement.

I don't need to say much about the quality of those who quit school because of this kind of thing.Just by listening to the word "Guanghua", one can know how ambitious those people are.

Du Xiaoming was originally a student majoring in biology at Guanghua University. As a student of Guanghua, Du Xiaoming certainly does not lack patriotism.

And the cause is here.

The earliest school building of Guanghua University was the rented house on Xiafei Road. It was not until 1927 that they moved into their own school building on Daxi Road.

During a vacation, Du Xiaoming originally wanted to go back to the old school building on Xiafei Road with his girlfriend, because they met and fell in love in the old school building.

At that time, Chen Ledao had just become the inspector of the arresting house on Xiafei Road, and the people on Xiafei Road did not know his prestige.At this time, Xiafei Road is not much different from other places in the concession, and foreigners are still rampant here.

On their way back to the old school building, the two were stopped by a drunken Japanese.When the Japanese saw that Du Xiaoming's girlfriend was handsome, he became extremely daring.

Unsurprisingly, Du Xiaoming and the Japanese started fighting, and then let the other party beat him down.Fortunately, Chen Ledao was visiting nearby at that time.

Hearing the movement, Chen Ledao rushed over, beat up the Japanese who was pulling Du Xiaoming's girlfriend, and then took all three of them back to the arresting room.

The patrol room released Du Xiaoming and his girlfriend after routine questioning.At that time, Du Xiaoming was seriously injured. He and his girlfriend were from ordinary families and had no money to see a doctor. Chen Ledao paid for his medical expenses.

Later, after Du Xiaoming recovered from his injury, the two came to thank Chen Ledao, and learned that the Japanese had been severely punished by Chen Ledao for assaulting the police with malicious intent, and then died violently within three days after being released.

The two talked with Chen Ledao for a long time. Based on the idea that a college student is like a baby bump, Chen Ledao made great efforts in the conversation, explaining a lot of truths to the two of them in simple terms.In the end, he revealed the truth that the Japanese was killed by someone he sent.In the end, he was able to fascinate the two of them so much that they developed into their own iron fans.

Ye Weiyang's shortage of talents is tight, and suddenly there are two college students' fans, so naturally they can't be missed.Both of them were pulled into Ye Weiyang by Chen Ledao.

Since the two of them could only juggle with pens before, Chen Ledao handed them over to Song Jie for training.

Now, both of them have successfully left their teachers.They were the first batch of talents who came out of the shooting club that Song Jie was in charge of.

It happened that the Anti-Integrity Bureau was established, and Chen Ledao needed manpower, so he put Du Xiaoming in the position of chief of the intelligence department.

At this moment, Du Xiaoming was sitting opposite Chen Ledao, and Chen Ledao was looking at the results of Du Xiaoming's work during this period.

During this time, the Anti-corruption Bureau caught small shrimps for practice, and Chen Ledao was not very interested in the information on these people.He flipped through the documents casually, and casually said to Du Xiaoming:
"Brother Hu, how is your investigation going?"

The Hu family brothers, because of Hu Yun, made Chen Ledao think about whether to use them to make an example of others.

The Hu family brothers have a patrol chief and a chief house section chief. If the Integrity Bureau takes action against these two, the deterrent effect will definitely be immediate.

Because Hu Chou was very knowledgeable about current affairs back then, Chen Ledao is still considering whether he really wants to do this.

He certainly couldn't get rid of all the inspectors of the arresting houses in several sub-districts. If he got rid of them, he didn't have so many of his own people to arrange to replace them.

And if you can't arrange your own people, it doesn't matter whether you kill the inspector or not, as long as you can control the arresting house in your own hands.

As for this, it depends on whether the inspectors are aware of current affairs and whether they have eyesight.

"Boss, according to our investigation, Inspector Hu Chou was suspected of dereliction of duty during his tenure in the Foch arrest house. He was fooling around some cases involving powerful figures in the Foch division.

"Then there was some bribes he took.

"It's just that whether it's dereliction of duty or the bribes he accepted, it's not a very serious crime. At most, he can only be removed from his post, and at most he can be imprisoned for a few years, which is not enough to convict him of death."

Chen Ledao frowned, and put his left hand on his forehead involuntarily.

This Hu Chou is actually a fastidious person.

Chen Ledao was a little dissatisfied.

Since it is the character who is going to be used for the knife, of course the method must be more ruthless, if the knife does not see blood, can it still be called the knife!
"Apart from these two points, is there anything else? For example, using power to oppress goodness, extortion, etc., especially if he has someone's life in his hands?" Chen Ledao asked.

Du Xiaoming shook his head helplessly, "No."

During this period of time, he checked Hu Chou again and again, and he almost took out his underwear to see what color it was.

Du Xiaoming had stayed in the concession, so he naturally knew what kind of people in the patrol room were.He didn't believe that there was only that thing about Hu Chou.

But from the results of the investigation, it seems that he is prejudiced against Hu Chou.

This Hu Chou didn't know whether to say he was cautious, or timid, or had a little conscience.He didn't seem to have committed those heinous and unforgivable crimes.

Everything he did was within the bottom line, and he resolutely never touched the red line.And the result of this is that once the incident occurs, he will be dismissed at most, but his life will not be in danger.

Of course, this is all under the legal circumstances that no one intentionally manipulated him.If you meet someone with a dark heart, if you want to kill him, you will have no excuses at all.

"So Hu Chou is still clean?" Chen Ledao asked again.

Of course Hu Chou is not clean, but when there is a comparison, he is not as good as the top, but more than the bottom.

Facing Chen Ledao's question, Du Xiaoming nodded.

Chen Ledao sighed, nodded, then shook his head, Du Xiaoming looked puzzled, he didn't know what the director meant by shaking his head and nodding again.

"What about Hu Yun?" Chen Ledao asked.

Compared with Hu Chou, Hu Yun was obviously less able to accomplish anything. The reason why Chen Ledao wanted to take Hu Chou's knife was also a large part of Hu Yun's credit.

Speaking of Hu Yun, Du Xiaoming had a strange look on his face.

He thought for a while and organized his words before saying: "Director, something seems wrong with Hu Yun these two days. Compared with before, he seems to have changed."

"Oh, it seems like a different person? What kind of reform?" Chen Ledao raised his head, feeling a little interested.

"Hu Yun has always wanted to join our Integrity Bureau, and asked Section Chief Xu a few days ago to inquire about it, but in the past two days he seems to have suddenly lost his mind.

"Besides, he used to be very high-profile, but it has changed in the past two days. He not only smiles when he sees people, but also takes the initiative to say hello. He even becomes more pleasant to the people under his criminal department. He even started to work hard. It was impossible for these things to happen to him before.

"In the past two days, he has turned around like a prodigal son. He has completely changed himself."

"Changed person?" Chen Ledao frowned.

The first thing he thought of was not some prodigal son turning back, but whether Hu Yun had also been pierced.

"Do you know why?"

"It should have something to do with his brother. He went to Hu Chou's house once before, and he changed like this after he came back."

Hearing this, Chen Ledao frowned slightly.

Hu Chou is obviously different from Hu Yun, that guy is a smart guy.Since Hu Yun changed after meeting him, it can be explained clearly.

"What about other aspects? Has Hu Yun done anything outrageous in his position as chief of the criminal section?"

The corner of Du Xiaoming's mouth turned helpless again, this was the second time he showed such an expression because of the Hu brothers.

"Boss, Hu Yun has a bad reputation in the central arresting room, and the criminal department is not good at business, and often steals cases from the criminal investigation department.

"Besides, Hu Yun acts in a high-profile way. He is omnipotent and often offends people. At the same time, he also accepts filial piety from the people below. The people in charge of the criminal department were all brought up by Hu Yun after collecting money. Some incompetent people.

"But if you really want to say something harmful to nature, Hu Yun is just like Hu Chou. He has never done anything. It's just that Hu Chou handles interpersonal relationships well no matter whether he is in the sub-district arrest room or in the main room, while Hu Yun is Instead, don't please other people."

After hearing Du Xiaoming's words, Chen Ledao was a little surprised.

It's really interesting that the Hu brothers are still such two people.

Chen Ledao tapped his fingers on the table, his eyes lost in thought.

There is a saying, "An official who does not disturb the people is a good official."From this point of view, the Hu brothers are much better than others.

Although the two of them are not really good people, compared to those who take the initiative to do bad things, they at least know how to restrain themselves.

From this point of view, the two of them really escaped this catastrophe.

Chen Ledao handed the documents to Du Xiaoming, and said: "Since that's the case, forget about these two people. Put Hu Yun in the second batch of people and remove him. Forget it, let's demote him. Arrange him to the archives room then.

"Although Hu Yun hasn't committed any major crimes, incompetence is the original sin. In this day and age, I don't need incompetent people under my command."

"Yes." Du Xiaoming accepted the information and replied honestly.

Although he didn't understand why the director changed Hu Yun's dismissal into demotion, he didn't care about it.

He only wanted to punish those villains. From this point of view, Hu Yun seemed a little unqualified.

When the water is clear, there are no fish. It is impossible for every official to be like Premier Zhou. Even if it is a fairy tale, there will be a vicious villain in it.

Chen Ledao thought for a while, and said to Du Xiaoming: "Since the Hu brothers are not suitable, let's go to Chang Qing from Xiaodongmen's arrest room. There is something wrong with him, investigate everything about him thoroughly, and let the people from the Operations Department keep an eye on him." Now, be careful what news he got in advance and slipped away."

Chang Qing's information has long been lying in Chen Ledao's safe, but it was sent to him by Ye Weiyang.Chen Ledao didn't want the ICAC to rely too much on Ye Weiyang.

"Boss, I have had someone secretly investigate Chang Qing before, and now I have learned a lot about him. If Chang Qing is to be used as the knife, then what we have now is enough." Du Xiaoming said.

Chen Ledao shook his head, "Try to investigate everything about him as clearly as possible. This time we are not only going to deal with Chang Qing, but also to make an example of others. We will use Chang Qing's incident to tell others that we must not reach out where we shouldn't.
"The more clearly he investigates, the more those people will be in awe of the Integrity Bureau.

"In the French Concession, the Integrity Bureau must not be just a display. It must become a sharp sword hanging over the heads of those police officers, a sharp sword that may fall on their necks at any time. Only in this way can they Will be honest."

Although Du Xiaoming followed Chen Ledao, he had his own thoughts.Following Chen Ledao, not only because he agrees with Chen Ledao, but also because he can do something meaningful and practical like Chen Ledao taught that Japanese.

Hearing Chen Ledao's remarks at this moment, he seemed to have seen the scene where the future concession would be extremely safe and the doors would not be closed at night, and instantly he felt refreshed like chicken blood.

"Yes, Director, I understand, I will arrange it now."

"Well, let's go." Chen Ledao nodded.

Du Xiaoming took the documents and turned around and walked out. He was walking in the corridor of the patrol room. When the patrolmen saw him, they quietly avoided him like they saw a broom star.

Although the Anti-Intelligence Bureau has not yet done a blockbuster case, the main house and the anti-corruption bureau live next to each other, and the small patrols handled by the anti-corruption bureau are all from the main house.

The sub-divisional arresting houses don't know much about the Anti-Corruption Bureau, but the people in the main house have begun to realize how powerful the Anti-Corruption Bureau is. At least the ordinary patrols of the main house have restrained a lot in their work, especially when dealing with anti-corruption cases. When the people in the bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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