Spy War 1929

Chapter 31 Help

Chapter 31 Help
Outside the station, people come and go.After seeing the bloody Chen Hanlin, many people walked aside consciously, leaving a vacuum around them.For several people, everyone went their own way after taking a look at them.No one wants to come forward to help, and no one wants to stay and be a melon-eating crowd.

This is something they have been used to for a long time, and there is nothing new about it.

Supporting his bleeding son, Chen Lianshan wanted to be tough and not use Xu Wenqiang's car.But under the glaring of his wife, the old man had to compromise.

When her son was injured and needed to go to the hospital, Mother Chen didn't care about Chen Lianshan's bad things.He directly stuffed Chen Hanlin into the car.He usually listened to Chen Lianshan's advice on everything, but this matter was obviously out of the question.Chen Lianshan had no choice but to follow up resentfully.

"Mr. Xu, please take them to the hospital. I have to send this guy to the police station." Outside the car, Chen Ledao said to Xu Wenqiang who hadn't gotten into the car yet.The relationship between the two is much better now than before.

It's just that Chen Ledao didn't want to call Brother Xu Wenqiang, and Wen Qiang was too affectionate. Xu Wenqiang seemed to think the same way, so they both referred to him as Mr.

Xu Wenqiang nodded to Chen Ledao, and said: "It should be, leave this matter to me." He had already guessed that if Chen Lianshan did not regress, he would encounter such a thing sooner or later, but he did not expect Feng Jingyao to do it so quickly .After he finished speaking, he looked at Feng Chengcheng, his eyes changed slightly, and he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He knew that Feng Chengcheng was Feng Jingyao's daughter, so he wanted to tell Feng Chengcheng about this, to see if he could make Feng Jingyao back down.But after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible for someone like Feng Jingyao to change his decision because of Feng Chengcheng.Moreover, it seems that it is not his turn to say this.

Chen Hanlin and Feng Chengcheng are classmates, and Chen Hanlin said this.

Seeing that Chen Hanlin was bleeding heavily, Xu Wenqiang didn't stay any longer. Under Wang Yueqi's guidance, he drove towards the nearest hospital.

Seeing that Chen Hanlin was injured, Ms. Wang, who valued love and righteousness, abandoned Chen Ledao and Feng Chengcheng without hesitation, and went to the hospital together.The anxiety in my heart was just written on my face.

"Is Miss Wang interested in Chen Hanlin?" Walking on the road, Chen Ledao asked Feng Chengcheng beside him while holding the killer Ajie in one hand.Although this matter can be seen by almost everyone, there must be something to talk about when the two of them walk like this.

Chen Ledao grabbed the killer's hand behind his back and just walked on the street swaggeringly, without any concealment.No matter how you look at this scene, it seems strange.The rate of return of the two is not generally high.

Fortunately, he soon ran into two policemen patrolling the street, and Chen Ledao directly arrested them.

The name of the political department of the police force is surprisingly useful in front of this group of patrolling arrests, and the two of them pressed down on the killer and followed behind.Seems pretty happy.

Departments like the Political Department seem to be particularly useful no matter what organizational structure they are in.Chen Ledao hadn't noticed the specialness of his department before.But when he saw the two patrolmen nodding and bowing to him, he realized it.

The policemen in charge of patrolling the streets are not of high status in the police station, and their treatment is average.On weekdays, it looks very majestic when shouting and drinking on the street, but it is at the bottom of the patrol room.

Especially in Shanghai, where gangs and business associations are rampant, patrolling is even more dangerous.Some gang members who are not afraid of death will not give you face just because you are wearing a black skin from a police station.Even if you have a few broken guns in your hand, he still dares to fight you.

Ding Li is a typical example. If you make him anxious, he will dare to overthrow you no matter whether you are a policeman or a detective.Lao Jiu, a bad guy, faced Ding Li's kind of guy who would do nothing if he didn't agree with him. If Xu Wenqiang didn't stop him, he would have been beaten by Ding Li long ago.No matter how many schemes you have, it is useless in front of people like Ding Li who don't like to use their brains. He only believes in the gun in his hand.

There is no enemy that cannot be dealt with with a gun.

Feng Chengcheng seemed to be still thinking about what happened just now, with a silly smirk on his face, he didn't know what he was thinking.It wasn't until Chen Ledao said it the second time that he came back to his senses.

"Ah, did you see it?" Feng Chengcheng's face was a little red, as if he was thinking about something bad being discovered by someone, and he pretended to be calm.

Chen Ledao looked at it carefully for a while, then shook his head, girlish feelings are always spring!

"What are you going to do with him?" Feng Chengcheng was talking about the killer.

"Shut up in the patrol room, this guy can shoot a gun and do some punching and kicking, and putting it outside will only endanger social security." Chen Ledao said, the killer seemed to have a different opinion after hearing it, and raised his hand to say something, but that The waist that was about to explode made him unable to say anything.

Feng Chengcheng nodded, she was simply asking, she wasn't stupid enough to say anything sympathetic to a fierce man like the killer.

"Is his target me?" Feng Chengcheng asked, she still remembered the kidnapping incident last time.

"Probably not, it's probably aimed at Chen Lianshan." Chen Ledao said.

"Chen Hanlin's father? Why did he kill him?" Feng Chengcheng was a little puzzled, she was quite impressed by that fierce old man.

Facing Feng Chengcheng's question, Chen Ledao just shook his head and didn't say anything.Hearing the conversation between Xu Wenqiang and Chen Lianshan at the station, and meeting the killer later, he already knew why the killer wanted to kill Chen Lianshan.

Chen Lianshan blocked Feng Jingyao's path but was unwilling to get out of the way, then he would only end up in Shanghai Bund.Old man Feng has never been a sheep eating grass.

Feng Jingyao was honored as Mr. Feng by everyone in Shanghai. It is definitely not without reason. The level of ruthlessness he does is not at all like that of an old man who is over fifty years old.

Perhaps it is precisely because he is old and knows that many people are staring at his position, so he is more ruthless in doing things.

As soon as Chen Lianshan told Xu Wenqiang that he wanted to buy the factory unless he died, the killer came here.It seems that although Feng Jingyao adheres to the principle of doing things first, he also likes the style of doing things as much as possible without making noise.

To die in Shanghai Bund is nothing to a person of Feng Jingyao's level.In the decades of bloody storms in Shanghai, the people he killed and the homes he destroyed are too numerous to count.

Chen Ledao turned his head to look at Feng Chengcheng, this girl was well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, and she was well-nourished, and she had never encountered any hardships.Although I am learning something new, I still have a taste of contemporary young people.But it is still inevitable with a bit of naivety.I haven't really seen the real dark side of this society yet.

Feng Chengcheng knew that his father's status in Shanghai was unusual, and he also knew that his father's business was somewhat gray.But she never thought that her father would be such a heinous villain.Or thought about it, but quietly threw it aside and didn't want to face it.

Chen Ledao didn't talk about the matter between Feng Jingyao and Chen Lianshan, it's useless to talk about it, it will only increase Feng Chengcheng's troubles.

When he arrived at the patrol room, Chen Ledao found Chief Inspector Ma himself, and asked Lao Ma to lock up the killer.

"Old Ma, this is troublesome for you, just keep him locked up, and you don't need to specifically target him, let's lock him up for a month or so." Chen Ledao is not a good person, and he directly planned a short future for the killer.If he hadn't received nine years of compulsory education, he might have just thrown Beng Li into the Huangpu River to feed the fish.

Anyway, he was a killer, even if he was shot directly, he would not be wronged.Although the confinement room of the patrol room is not the imperial prison of the Jinyiwei, but if you enter here, if you have no background, it is not so easy to get out.

As for a killer who committed a crime and was caught on the spot, there was nothing to say.No one will say anything even if they are closed until they are old and dead.

"It's okay, this kind of guy can be locked up for as long as you want, it's okay if you want to put him in prison." Lao Ma said enthusiastically, and he was willing to help Chen Ledao for such a trivial matter.

All that comes and goes is friendship.

The prison in the French Concession is very close to the police building, both on the same street. In addition, there is also a joint trial office here.This entire street is almost the public land of the French Concession authorities.

"Hehe, there's no need for a prison, just lock him up like this." The political department's own detention and interrogation room haven't been made yet, otherwise he could have asked his colleagues in the political department to imprison him directly.

Chen Ledao had nothing to interrogate the killer. Although no one told him the cause and effect of this matter, with such a little information and his own memory, he had almost figured it out.

On the second day, Chen Ledao and Feng Chengcheng went to the hospital to visit Chen Hanlin.Chen Ledao had nothing to do with Chen Hanlin, he was here to accompany Feng Chengcheng.

When seeing Feng Chengcheng, Chen Hanlin was still smiling, very happy, but when he saw Chen Ledao walking in with a fruit basket behind him, his smile became a little stiff.Can't laugh, can't scold.

Yesterday he already knew the difficulties his factory was facing, and he knew that most of the killers targeted his father yesterday, and Chen Ledao is now his family's benefactor.

The grace of saving my father is a kindness that can never be repaid too much.

It's just that when the benefactor and the rival become one person, the guy doesn't know what to do.

Similarly, after the initial joy, Chen Hanlin didn't know what to do when facing Feng Chengcheng.My future father-in-law is thinking about killing his father-in-law!Whoever comes to this matter will be confused.

Before Chen Hanlin experienced the real beating, he would not change. Now he is a bit proud and arrogant. Chen Ledao is not interested in chatting with this idealistic guy for the time being, and left the hospital soon.

Chatting with Chen Hanlin is better than chatting with a stubborn old man like Chen Lianshan.

"Mr. Chen, you seem to have a good relationship with Director Chen's family. If possible, please persuade Mr. Chen to sell the factory."

Chen Ledao did not find old man Chen, but met Xu Wenqiang who came to the hospital.Just listen to what Xu Wenqiang said to Chen Ledao.Although Brother Qiang is in high spirits, he also has things that he can't solve by himself.

Xu Wenqiang used to be a hot-blooded young man in Beiping. He did many great things and suffered many things. He even spent three years in prison.Three years of light and shadow have changed many things, and his mentality has also changed.

In the past, he would fully support Chen Lianshan.But now, he knows that there are some things that cannot be done recklessly.In the end of this matter, the biggest possibility is that Chen Lianshan's family was destroyed and Feng Jingyao got what he wanted.Leave a sad story.This is not what he wants to see.

"It's not Feng Jingyao who wants the land of Lianshan Spinning Factory this time, but Du Pont from the Board of Directors. If Mr. Chen persists in this way, I'm afraid there won't be any good results."

Xu Wenqiang took a puff of cigarette and said helplessly.He advised Chen Lianshan, but the old man was so strong that he didn't want to bow his head to Feng Jingyao and foreigners.

"I admire people like Mr. Chen, but if he fights against foreigners like this, I'm afraid foreigners won't back down in the end."

Foreigners don't regress, so of course Mr. Chen regresses, if he doesn't, he can only cause trouble.Foreigners nowadays will not sit down and reason with you.

"I'll bring this matter up with Director Chen, but it's hard to say whether the old man will listen to persuasion." Facing the stubborn old man Chen Lianshan, Chen Ledao dared not say that he was fully sure.

It would be a pity if an industrialist like Chen Lianshan committed suicide as usual.In today's China, what is lacking the most is a person like Chen Lianshan who is capable, experienced, and has a firm patriotic heart.

When this kind of person is in trouble, Chen Ledao feels that he can't turn a blind eye to it because of emotion and reason.

And helping Mr. Chen will also help him in his future plans. After all, not everyone can do business.

(End of this chapter)

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