Spy War 1929

Chapter 313 Confession and leniency, resistance and strictness

Chapter 313 Confession and leniency, resistance and strictness

Unsurprisingly, the news that Hu Yun had stepped out of the Integrity Bureau was spread in the shortest possible time.

Everyone thought that Hu Yun was finished, even if he did not die, his final belonging would only be in the small dark room of the prison.

No one believes that people who have entered the Integrity Bureau have a chance to come out.

There is no such case before.

Everyone guessed that the Hu brothers should be in bad luck.

But the real result is to let everyone eat a big melon.

Section Chief Hu actually walked out of the Integrity Bureau completely.

Although I heard that Hu Kechang looked a little embarrassed when he left the ICAC, this further confirmed the statement that the tea from the ICAC was not good to drink.

But none of this matters.

Hu Yun can get out of the Integrity Bureau, these are two crucial signals.

One means: Chief Hu, or Chief Hu's elder brother, Inspector Hu, is more powerful than they imagined.

The relationship between Hu Ke and Deng Ke of the Bureau of Integrity, that is, Mr. Chen's former secretary Deng Chengwen, has never been very good. This matter is not a secret in the Central Police Department.

In this case, even though Hu Ke was taken away by the Integrity Bureau, he could still come out.

It can only be said that Hu Ke, or Hu Xun, is much more powerful than they imagined.

Most people attribute the credit for Hu Yun's walk out of the ICAC to Hu Chou.

After all, after Hu Yun was arrested, Hu Chou came to Mr. Chen, and then Hu Yun was released.

Looking at it now, their previous speculation about the future of the Hu brothers was outrageously wrong.

Nowadays, both the Police Department and the Anti-Integrity Bureau are employing people, and Mr. Chen is the top leader of the two departments.

Since Mr. Chen didn't deal with Hu Yun, he would probably use these two people.

In this way, the Hu Brothers are afraid that not only will they not be unlucky, but they may even be reused.

Never offend easily in the future.

The above is the first signal.

The second is to represent:

Entering the Integrity Bureau does not mean that it is really finished, but there is still a chance to mediate and get out of it.

Oh my god, this is really the best news I have known in the past few days!
Many people wept with joy.

This lets them know that at least they can do something for the head of the project.

Don't sit still.

When I went to work the next day, the treatment of Hu Yun had not yet come down.

Hu Yunben hesitated whether to come to the patrol room. After all, no matter what, his position as section chief was probably difficult to preserve.

But Hu Yun is not discouraged now. It doesn't matter whether the section chief is the section chief. It is a blessing in misfortune to be able to get out of the anti-corruption bureau smoothly.

After going through the ICAC, Hu Yun seemed to have matured a lot at once.

After Hu Chou noticed the changes in his younger brother last night, he changed his previous worried appearance and became happy instead of worrying.

Since Mr. Chen said that Hu Yun would not have any major problems, it must be impossible to lie to himself.

This is not how good the relationship between the two is, but that it is completely unnecessary.

An elephant will not deceive an ant.

Now that Hu Yun has come out, the follow-up should be some innocuous punishments.

Compared with Hu Yun's changes today, Hu Chou felt that those were nothing.

Even this should be said to be a blessing in disguise.

After experiencing the experience of the ICAC, Hu Chou no longer expects Hu Yun to make a career in the patrol room, and it is even better for the patrol room to expel Hu Yun directly.

Today's patrol room is not what it used to be. If you can't control your mouth and hands and feet, then it's better not to stay in the patrol room.

Hu Yunben was hesitant to come to the patrol house, but finally came at Hu Chou's suggestion.

Even though it is impossible for him to continue working as the chief of the criminal section, he will be a monk for a day.

Hu Yun didn't want to come, firstly because he thought it was unnecessary, and secondly because he thought that if he came, he would be treated like a monkey.

He rushed to work in a hurry, and then he had to move his place when an official document came out from Mr. Chen.

Isn't this a joke.

But Hu Chou thinks otherwise.

Hu Yun came here to sit upright, showing a clear conscience, maybe it will be of some benefit.

If you don't come here, you are guilty, but if you come, you are calm.

At least it won't be looked down upon.

Standing outside the police building, Hu Yun looked at this familiar building, and felt as if he had passed away.

Taking a deep breath, Hu Yun subdued his thoughts, walked into the building, and went straight to the office area of ​​the arrest house without even looking at the Integrity Bureau.

"Chief Hu,"

"Morning Mr. Hu,"

Everyone who saw Hu Yun had a more or less strange look in their eyes.

As soon as Hu Yun changed his arrogant and domineering attitude, he nodded to anyone who took the initiative to say hello, and even gave him a smile.

This makes all the patrols a little confused.

Hu Ke's mind has been watered by people from the Integrity Bureau?
Damn, those people from the ICAC are really ruthless!


Well done!

Some people changed their previous attitude of secretly cursing the INT, and gave the INT a thumbs up.

This shows how unpopular Hu Yun was before.

Recently, although Section Chief Hu is not as annoying as before, it seems that he has never been as polite as he is today, right?
Naturally, everyone thought of Hu Yun's one-day trip to the ICAC yesterday.

To be able to turn Chief Hu into this...

It is worthy of the Integrity Bureau.

If the relevant documents of Hu Yun's job transfer are not available for a day, then he will be the chief of the criminal section for a day.

However, Hu Yun came here this time just to sit in the office, and did not intervene in the duties of the criminal department.

If nothing else happened, the position of Chief Criminal Section would most likely fall to his deputy, that Du Ya.

After entering the Anti-corruption Bureau, Hu Yun learned to use his brain.

Du Ya was brought up by Mr. Chen, and he was promoted to the position of deputy section chief in a rapid way.

I'm afraid that I was invited to drink tea by the Integrity Bureau yesterday, and it wasn't Mr. Chen's whim, but a long-standing plan.

This Du Ya was used to replace him.

This is Mr. Chen! !
Hu Yun sat on the chair shaking his head and sighed.

All the affairs of the police station and the Integrity Bureau are under the control of Mr. Chen.

This method of turning one's hands into clouds and covering hands into rain...

I was really blind before, thinking of going against Mr. Chen.

Hu Yun only hated himself for not awakening earlier.

Since Du Ya was destined to take his position, there was no need to offend others.

Hu Yun handed over all the affairs of the criminal department to Du Ya, and no longer intervened.

Just make a good relationship.

After experiencing what happened yesterday, Hu Yun became more in awe of Chen Ledao, and more admired for his elder brother.

Facts have proved that he used to think that his elder brother was too cautious, even timid, and he was totally wrong.

That's the real wise thing to do, bro.

Otherwise, facing Mr. Chen now, how could he protect himself?

For the next two days, Hu Yun came to the criminal department honestly every day and did not interfere with any affairs of the criminal department. All affairs were decided by Du Ya.

The backbone of the criminal department that Hu Yun mentioned at the beginning have all been invited to drink tea by the people from the Integrity Bureau.

The people in the criminal department didn't have any loyalty to Hu Yun, the chief of the department. What Du Ya accepted was a criminal department without any constraints.

Hu Yun is sitting in the office, and many people come to chat with him every day.

It stands to reason that Hu Yun is already a thing of the past, and his office should be deserted.

But on the contrary, there are more people visiting the door now than before.

As Hu Yun was the only one who walked out of the corruption bureau safely, many people wanted to come to him to inquire about the news.

In case one day I was invited to drink tea, there would be a way to save myself.

Hu Yun felt that he had offended too many people in the past, so he was very polite to those who came to his door, and told them the truth about their problems.

In fact, he didn't tell the truth, he just relayed the slogans in the custody room and interrogation room of the INT.

"Frankness is lenient, resistance is strict."


In the chief inspector's office, Chen Ledao looked at the materials sent by Xu Yunpeng, Zhao Long and Du Ya, with a little bit of surprise on his face.

He flipped through the ones he hadn't seen yet, shook his head slightly, and looked at the three of them.

"Is this what they asked you to say?"

"Mr. Chen, since yesterday, people have come to me one after another to take the initiative to explain their problems. This is all their confession."

Xu Yunpeng pointed to the documents in Chen Ledao's hand.

"Even before someone killed a dog on the road, they came to me and I voluntarily admitted it. I insisted that I was at fault. I felt that I had no kindness. It violated the professional ethics you said a policeman should have."

Xu Yunpeng nodded and said, with a little helplessness in the corner of his mouth.

This is all a mess.

Fortunately, no one came to him to admit his mistake for trampling a cockroach to death.

"Yes, yes, boss, this situation also happens in our department. It's a big deal, come to me and confess for a long time, and they won't be happy if they don't listen to them." Zhao Long muttered in a loud voice, his tone full of depression.

Those guys all went to him with some big things, and they blindly delayed his work.

Chen Ledao turned his head to look at Du Ya again, Du Ya came instead of Hu Yun.

He nodded in the same way, obviously the criminal department and the other two departments are in the same situation.

Du Ya is now the deputy section chief in name, but he is exercising the full authority of the section chief.

Chen Ledao was very satisfied with Hu Yun's understanding.

At least not a hopeless purebred Erha.

Chen Ledao put down the materials and nodded.

"Okay, I see, I will hand over these materials to the Integrity Bureau, and let them review—"

"Hey, don't!!" Chen Ledao didn't speak, and Zhao Long hurriedly interrupted.

"Mr. Chen, the brothers took the initiative to confess this matter to us, isn't it because they are afraid of being found by the Anti-corruption Bureau!
"If you change hands, let the Integrity Bureau deal with it, then brothers, how will you treat the three of us, and how will we take care of our subordinates in the future." Zhao Long said hastily,
Du Ya didn't speak, Xu Yunpeng was going to agree, but seeing Du Ya was silent, he also closed his open mouth.

Xu Yunpeng usually likes to go to the Yeweiyang Song and Dance Hall when he has nothing to do, not only to have fun, but also to build relationships with Mr. Chen's subordinates.

He had met Du Ya in Yeweiyang.

At that time, Du Ya was wearing a black suit, following the man named Brother Bao in the dance hall, and he was wearing a ring that symbolized Ye Weiyang's identity.

After Zhao Long finished speaking, seeing that none of the two guys beside him agreed with him, he immediately scolded his mother in his heart.

We clearly agreed to go together! !
Chen Ledao nodded and said: "I understand your thoughts, and I understand what those people below think.

"They asked you to take the initiative to confess these things, just because they wanted to confess to you, and the result would be better than letting the Integrity Bureau come to you.

"I applaud their initiative to confess their wrongdoing.

"But to say that because they confessed voluntarily, everything will be written off and no further investigation will be done, then it would be too good to think.

"If they are not held accountable because they voluntarily confessed their mistakes, what about the people they hurt?
"Could it be that they did something in the future, and they confessed on their own initiative, so all problems were gone?

"Have you thought about all these questions?"

Chen Ledao's series of questioning left Zhao Long speechless.

Du Ya remained silent, while Xu Yunpeng's eyeballs kept rolling when no one was paying attention to him.

Zhao Long frowned and thought for a while, then expressed his doubts.

"But Mr. Chen, they took the initiative to confess this matter, we should at least give it some sweetness, right?
"Doesn't the ICAC still have the slogan "Leniency for Confessions, Strictness for Resistance"?
"If voluntary confession and being investigated are the same result, then those who are willing to confess their problems even if they regret it in the future may not confess."

"What you said makes sense." Chen Ledao nodded, affirming Zhao Long's words.

"I will consider all these things, but this is not the scope of your responsibilities. These things are all within the scope of the work of the Integrity Bureau.

"Everyone has to have a division of responsibilities, because a person's energy is limited. It is not easy to specialize in one's own work, let alone get involved in other jobs.

"When a person does too much work, he will be tired and lose energy. At this time, he will become complacent, may no longer strive for perfection in his work, and may not make the most correct decisions.

"Therefore, it is the most important thing we should do to hand over this matter to the Integrity Bureau for study.

"I believe they will come up with an effective plan, which can encourage people to take the initiative to confess their problems without leaving any hidden dangers.

"Okay, you go and do your own thing first, the Integrity Bureau will take care of this matter.

"A merit is a merit, a demerit is a demerit, merit and demerit cannot be offset.

"They made mistakes and should be punished accordingly, otherwise they won't have a long memory and will do it again next time.

"However, if they voluntarily confess their problems and intend to correct their mistakes, the ICA will naturally reduce the relevant punishments as appropriate.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. If there are people who will confess their problems later, let them turn themselves in to the Integrity Bureau. Whether it is merit or demerit, the Integrity Bureau will have its own set of regulations."

Chen Ledao sent the three of them away, and Chen Ledao was not interested in the wrangling between the three of them after they left the office.

He picked up the documents on the table again and looked through them.

These people are very ghostly, know how to avoid the important and ignore the minor, and most of the things they explain are irrelevant.

Only a few honest ones said some serious problems.

Chen Ledao looked at it for a while, then called Zhang Xiaojun and asked her to call Du Xiaoming over.

"Director." Soon, Du Xiaoming in a suit opened the door and walked in.

After Zhang Xiaojun brought the man over, he stood in the distance, aggrieved, and didn't come closer.Because the book friends didn't like her character.She had to stand a little farther away.

"Well, sit down." Chen Ledao greeted.

"You take these documents and check them. They are all self-confessed by the people in the house arresting house. Go and verify the above content, which ones are sincere confessions, and which ones are fooling around. I want to fish in troubled waters. Investigate everything clearly, and make a list. List up.

"Because they are all voluntary confessions, they cannot follow the original standards.

"If the problem is not serious, it will be punished and criticized; if it is sincerely confessing the problem, the punishment will be reduced on the basis of the conviction; if it is thinking of fishing in troubled waters, the crime will be increased.

"Integrity Bureau has just been established, and many things are still immature. You guys can study it yourself, and you can even hire a few lawyers to come back as consultants. Try to make it reasonable."

Chen Ledao simply ordered.

Du Xiaoming didn't ask any more questions, the director's explanation was clear enough.

He took the information back to the Integrity Bureau.

When Du Xiaoming returned from the office to the Integrity Bureau, many police officers bumped into him. When they saw the thick document bag in his hand, their faces turned green.

Say it again.

Whether Chen Ledao's simple and rude handling method is appropriate, he himself does not know.

After all, he didn't study law, so he couldn't do these things.

Moreover, the patrol room and the Integrity Bureau should only have a lifespan of ten or eight years, and he didn't bother to spend too much energy on them.As long as you can hold the power of these two departments tightly in your hands in the past few years, it will be fine.

But when it comes to lawyers... Chen Ledao touched his chin, thinking flashed in his eyes.

Old Xue is a tool man, but he hasn't bothered him for some days.

(End of this chapter)

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