Spy War 1929

Chapter 60 New Guys

Chapter 60 New Buddy
In fact, Lao Ma and Chen Ledao had talked about this a few days ago, about the imprisoned Ajie, but Chen Ledao forgot about it when he turned around.

He was imprisoned here for more than a month, and no one interrogated him, and no one paid him any attention, except for delivering him meals every day.

Ajie's spirit was a little out of control, and this fate had never been thought of beforehand anyway.

One month is not a long time, but after spending a month in this dark, gloomy place without thinking, Ajie felt that he had been forgotten by the whole world, occasionally seen and ignored.

The man who caught him left him here and left him alone, and the police here also didn't mean to do anything to him. Ajie thought he was going to stay here for the rest of his life.

Today is a good day, at least for Ajie.Because he was arraigned.Seeing the various instruments of torture in the interrogation room glowing with glamorous light or stained with mottled blood, A-Jie was a little excited, finally someone interrogated him!
Compared with ignoring, torture and interrogation may make him feel better.

Before he became a deserter, Ajie had seen the people who carried guns with him locked up in confinement, and after just a few days, he felt as if he had lost his soul.

He had scoffed at it.

In confinement, you can eat and drink, you don’t have to do anything, you eat and sleep after eating, this is the life you dream of.

This thought did not change until this time I was imprisoned.

Ajie's life in the detention room of the patrol house is slightly better than being locked up, but it is still not a place for people.

I can't eat well, sleep well, and the room is full of peculiar smells, like a pig in captivity every day.

The experience wasn't bad enough to justify.

Looking at Chen Ledao who was sitting across from him and looked at him expressionlessly, Ajie knew that this was a ruthless person, and the other person was very patient, just like a poisonous snake that was starved into a stick. Lying there in the cold, motionless, until the prey takes the bait.

Ajie didn't want to be a prey, but he had no choice.

For nearly a month, there was no interrogation or torture. This is not the method of ordinary people.

The person on the opposite side is just like the instructor who trained them in the special training team when he was a soldier. He is well versed in human psychology and will observe their every move.

He had already made up his mind, no matter what Chen Ledao asked, he would tell the truth.I just hope that whether it is life or death, Chen Ledao can give an accurate answer.

He's had enough of this kind of life that doesn't know the so-called!
There were only the two of them in the interrogation room. After Lao Ma ordered Ajie to be brought here, he handed it over to Chen Ledao.

Looking at the longing eyes on the opposite side, Chen Ledao felt that this matter was a bit troublesome.During this period of time, he was so busy that he forgot about this person, so naturally he didn't think about how to deal with him.

Facing this pair of eyes eager for him to do something at this moment, Chen Ledao didn't know what to say.

Without any thought in mind, he could only cover up his embarrassment with a sullen face.

"What's your name?"

"Song Jie, people call me Ajie."

Ajie's voice was slightly hoarse, and he spoke in a tone of impatience.

Chen Ledao remained silent again. This person is quite different. Shouldn't this kind of people being interrogated behave rebelliously, show their arrogance, and even swear at the interrogator unceremoniously?What's more, this Ajie has a lot of skills!
What's the matter with this man?

Chen Ledao couldn't figure out why.

The interrogation room became quiet again, and Chen Ledao's thoughts drifted away as he thought about it, his face remained calm, his serious expression remained unchanged, his eyes were fixed on Ajie, but his thoughts were not here.

The light in the interrogation room was dim, and the light bulb above his head had been used for an unknown amount of time, and the light emitted blurred Chen Ledao's face. He was wearing a top hat, and the shadow of the brim of the hat covered Chen Ledao's eyes.

Ajie couldn't see Chen Ledao's eyes clearly, he only knew that the person opposite him was staring at him expressionlessly.

Feeling apprehensive and aggrieved, what on earth does this person want to do?Is this humiliating him?
Although he is a generation of deserters, he still has dignity!

Just when Ajie was thinking wildly, Chen Ledao spoke again.

"Why did you assassinate Chen Lianshan?"

Chen Ledao had nothing to ask, he knew all the answers, but it didn't suit the atmosphere of the interrogation room if he didn't ask anything.

"Uncle Xiang from Feng's Chamber of Commerce hired me to kill him." Ajie's straightforwardness was surprising, and he had no intention of lying.

Wouldn't anyone who wasn't a killer reveal the employer's information? ?
Chen Ledao felt weird.

Be quiet again.


The sound of the watch moving faintly entered my ears.

This extremely quiet atmosphere made Ajie uneasy, and couldn't help twisting his body.

"Are you interested in following me?"

The silent Chen Ledao spoke again, Ajie was quite good, and he was even better at playing with guns, and he happened to lack such people under his command.

Ding Li dared to fight and fight hard, but his skills were rough and his momentum was scary.

Wang Liu is very fierce, but he doesn't know how to play with guns very much. Holding a gun is better than holding a big knife.

There is no one under Chen Ledao who can really play with guns.

Ajie was a little confused, he heard it clearly, but he didn't quite understand what Chen Ledao meant, or he didn't quite believe it.

Seeing that Ajie was silent, Chen Ledao continued.

"You have good marksmanship?"

"Not bad."

Ajie has always been confident in his marksmanship, but when he thought that he was captured empty-handed by Chen Ledao, he immediately lost much confidence.

Chen Ledao nodded and said, "Let's talk about this today."

He stood up, the tall figure blocked the light behind his head, and Ajie couldn't even see his face clearly.

"I'm short of someone who can use guns under my command. I'll decide for myself if I come here, and I'll tell the people here."

Chen Ledao threw out these words, did not stop, and walked towards the door.

If this person is willing to follow him, then there is no shortage of his position in his subordinates. If he is not willing, let the old horse go to prison, so that he will not kill those innocent people again.

Chen Ledao had a rough idea in mind. Although he didn't have anyone who could play with guns, he wasn't in a hurry to find them now.

"Don't think about it, I will follow you."

Ajie felt that he had no choice, and he had nothing for the other party to plot. If he didn't do it, he would probably die.

He readily responded.

"Tap, tap."

The footsteps stopped.

Chen Ledao looked back at Ajie and nodded, "I asked them to bring in things and tidy up your image. Since you want to follow me, you have to be more careful in the future."

After speaking, he pulled the door and walked out.

Only Ajie was left in the interrogation room.

Soon a prison guard came in, unshackled him and freed him.

Chen Ledao took Ajie's choice for granted.

He still has a lot of charisma.

"How, how to deal with him?"

Returning to Lao Ma's office again, Lao Ma sat behind his desk, flipping through something.Seeing Chen Ledao coming in, he raised his head and asked.

Seeing Lao Ma working hard, Chen Ledao was a little surprised at his prudish appearance, and he didn't even paddle during working hours.

This is not the style of an old horse.

Chen Ledao asked a lot:

"What are you looking at?"

You are not looking at those things that Xue Ledao is watching, are you?This old horse is not old at heart.

But the cover is a bit different.

Such thoughts flashed in Chen Ledao's mind,

"Household registration, don't you know? This was arranged by your political department." Ma said casually.


Chen Ledao answered casually, not interested in continuing this topic.

No wonder this guy didn't paddle, it turned out that Lao Sa told him.Chen Ledao was stunned.

As long as there is no urging from above, people like Lao Ma are used to paddling for fish.

Compared with serious work, the people in the patrol room are better at how to collect money from small vendors.Compared with household registration, they know more about which restaurant in the jurisdiction serves better food.

"Let it go, get him clean clothes." The topic returned to Ajie.

"This time is troublesome." Chen Ledao smiled and pretended to be polite.

"What's the matter, it's a small matter." The old horse waved his hand, this matter was nothing to him at all.

"Big Sanyuan at noon, I'll treat you." Chen Ledao said.

Ajie's matter came first, Chen Ledao was a little embarrassed to let Lao Ma continue to work for nothing, it might be more appropriate to put Chen Hanlin's matter on the dinner table.

"There's no need for such a small matter." Lao Ma thought that Chen Ledao was thanking him for Ajie.

However, both of them were wrong-mouthed, full-bodied people, who could be more innocent than the other.

At noon, there were still two figures at the Sanyuan Hotel. At the dinner table, Chen Ledao talked about Chen Hanlin's arrest, and Lao Ma realized that the meal was not free.

Fortunately, Chen Ledao didn't ask him any questions. Knowing that Chen Ledao just wanted to arrange a low-level street patrol, Lao Ma breathed a sigh of relief.

Ma Dan, I was terrified even after eating a meal.

"This matter is easy to handle. When the time comes, you can just ask him to come to the patrol room to find me. I will make arrangements for you."

"We two brothers, what is this matter!"

The old horse held up his wine glass, blushed, and patted his chest with one hand to agree.

"Old Ma, I remember this. Come, let me toast you."

Chen Ledao raised his glass with a smile.


At the end of the night, Chen Ledao brought Ajie here.

Chen Ledao has two identities, one is an interpreter in the police station, and the other is Ye Weiyang's boss.The former is not suitable for bodyguards, while the latter is nothing.

At present, the only one who can make Ajie play a role is Ye Weiyang.

Although Ding Li calls him big brother, but one size counts for another size, and it is a bit inappropriate for Ding Li to control Ye Weiyang's people.Chen Ledao decided to let Ajie share the pressure of Ding Li.

"Zhengyun, Ali, Lao Liu, let me introduce you, this is Song Jie, just like you, he is my brother. From now on, he will stay in Ye Weiyang. If there is anything he doesn't understand, you should take it with you."

Chen Ledao introduced Song Jie to the three of them. Hearing Chen Ledao's words "my brother", although he didn't know whether it was true or not, but looking at Chen Ledao's unpretentious appearance, Song Jie was still a little moved.

Whether it's true or not, at least Chen Ledao didn't look down on him, even if he was pretending, at least he only pretended to look down on him.

The identity of a deserter is somewhat less glorious than he said.

Although Yeweiyang Song and Dance Hall is not big, there are some rules in it.

Wei Zhengyun and Ding Li had the highest status besides Chen Ledao, Wang Liu had a special status, he was Ding Li's deputy, but he was brought by Chen Ledao, no one thought he was inferior to Ding Li and Wei Zhengyun.Although it doesn't matter, anyone who sees him has to call Sixth Brother.

After that, there are Ding Li's two brothers, A Biao and Chang Gui.The two are located on the third level in the dance hall, and they have a lot of power. They help Ding Li manage the 30 people under him.

All the male staff of Ye Weiyang are basically employed by Ding Li's subordinates as security guards, waiters, cleaners, cooks and so on.

Chefs are craftsmen, and Ding Li's men can't do it, but Wei Zhengyun also asked Ding Li to arrange a few people to be apprentices in the kitchen to do chores and learn skills.

All of this is because Chen Ledao said at the beginning that the singing and dancing hall should use its own people as much as possible, and don't let those people under it be idle, because it is easy to go out and cause trouble when they are idle.

Ye Weiyang's money, except for the female Communist Party members, it can be said that outsiders did not earn a penny.

Wei Zhengyun understood and carried out Chen Ledao's meaning well on this point.

Thirty or so people contracted all the work of Ye Weiyang, so there is still a little surplus.

Chen Ledao is very kind on this point, he does not treat these people as his subordinates, but as employees, everyone is paid a salary, occasionally there is a bonus for doing a good job.

For example, if you fight with Ding Li or something, you will get a lot of bonuses.

(I saw the comments from book friends urging updates.

(* ^ ▽ ^ *)
To be honest, I am very happy when someone reminds me to update, which shows that some people like to read what I write.

But today is Qixi Festival, and when I think of all the book friends staying and flying with my boyfriends, I have no desire to add more.

Alas, sin, who made us not have a girlfriend.

I believe everyone can understand the resentment of single dogs on Qixi Festival.

(; '⌒`)

But I am willing to meet everyone's request for more updates. I wonder if there is any book friend who is willing to work for everyone's benefit?

Let's explode photos of women's clothing! !

Explosive photos and more! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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