Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 109 Clues

Chapter 109 Clues

"Little man, he's just... an errand runner, so how would he know this!"

A Guan, who had been eloquent all the time, was choked up when he heard the words, and then he laughed nonchalantly and said:
"There are only a few fragments of rumors for reference. After all, the owner of the ghost city has never heard of anyone seeing it with his own eyes."

"Then who is the one who maintains the daily life?"

Jiang Tian asked meaningfully:
"Naturally, it's the landlords who occupy the highest places and the largest places in the building, the fangtou, the street chiefs, and the warriors under them..."

Aguan had no time to think about:
Before the words were finished, the crowd walking with lanterns on the street suddenly parted. There were two strong men with big arms and round waists, gray shirts and blue hips wearing a half-mask; Turn around and disappear in another winding alleyway.

However, Chen Wentai, who deliberately lagged several positions behind, suddenly let out a surprise, and whispered to Murong Wu;
"Have the style of a man in the army."

Of course, Jiang Tian didn't bother with this somewhat sensitive topic.Anyway, he came in just to trigger, this half-baked thing on his body, and more related tasks follow-up; any specific investigation is on the contrary.

In fact, as a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder in a certain sense, Jiang Tian has been observing and measuring instinctively after entering this ghost city; the buildings and environmental facilities here can be used as bunkers, and even a preparatory route for retreat may be used. and recently exported.

And the lanterns in the hands of Jiang Tian and others also seem to have special meanings like three, six, nine, etc.Therefore, although there are many people loudly soliciting on the street, almost none of them directly come up to make trouble.Even the wrestlers who came across by chance turned away after just one glance.

Therefore, Jiang Tian spoke again after walking through two streets with different functions under the detailed description of the online person Aguan:

"If, I want to find some ancient books, unique copies, etc., where should I go?"

"Then there are no good things in this outer room, so we have to go to the Zidong Tower, which is further inside. However, this is beyond the capabilities of villains."

When Aguan heard the words, his expression was serious, and he gestured towards the direction of the high-rise buildings inside, and said earnestly:

"In this case, let's go to your shop first to have a look!"

Jiang Tian didn't take it seriously and said: The most important thing at the moment is to get in touch with some other people who have already mixed in, and see if they can make any new discoveries.


The informant Aguan felt relieved when he heard the words; he was most afraid of the new official, who was actually a half-assed or stupefied young man; if he was a kid from a rich family or a family background who didn't know anything, then he just had to coax him well. Be happy, and arrange some novel fun that is different from the outside world, and you will be able to deal with it.

If it is a veteran who is quite familiar with the underground rules and only waits and then acts, that's okay; at least it won't be too difficult to communicate and communicate.As long as he is not too greedy or aggressive, he can handle it with some ready-made benefits and benefits, and even become one of his online candidates.

But it's impossible to think about half-baked people who can't be up or down.Relying on three or five rumors, this generation thinks that it knows everything about this place, and has various ideas; while the stupefied youth often represents a chivalrous heart and impulsiveness that is more exaggerated than ordinary people. to manage.

In the end, accidents often happen and it is difficult to deal with them. Given the background of the other party, there may not be many incidents;But he, the one who leads the way in the middle, will suffer from bad luck at both ends.

As a middle man in the vast gray area between the ground and the underground, it is a trivial matter that he can no longer show his face on the ground; he may even offend people for no reason, get a lawsuit, or even be caught as a scapegoat for atonement; It's not something that hasn't happened.

If it is said that the people in the government on the ground are of course the words of Yan Luo in the mouths of ordinary people; then the gangs and parties active in the underground ghost city and the backers behind them are just eating people without spitting out their bones, and making people laugh. Demons and ghosts that are hard to defend against.

After all, there used to be strong men in the market who dared to tattoo on their bodies "I am not afraid of Jingzhao Mansion in life, and I am not afraid of King Yama in death" for a while, thinking that they were boasting for a while; Hum, but the bones don't know where they are rotten.

Therefore, Jiang Tian in his eyes at the moment is just a young official who comes from an extraordinary family background. He finds daily official duties boring when he arrives in office. This is what Fei Zhouzhang made in his arrangement.

As a matter of fact, as long as he leads the tour and takes an overview of the superficial style of this ghost city, which is completely different from the outside world; and then arranges some seemingly unexpected harvests and coincident encounters that suit his liking; it will probably be able to handle it.After all, this is in an underground environment.

Immediately, the informant Aguan walked around several street corners in this ghost market, where stalls, sheds, and shops were almost everywhere, as well as sundries that blocked the road from time to time, and between the railings. Suddenly, in a dead end alley with a collapsed corner; stopped in front of an old mottled building and shouted;
"Ayun, here's a visitor."

Immediately, there was a burst of clanking music, and at the same time, there was a slightly smoky, but still melodious singing voice: "There is no competition for the partition wall in the snow, and the snowy moon and candles are not enough. Shanguan Lunbing Thousands of years is right, revisit the east wall before the court."

With the curtain raised by A Guan himself, the facade of the main hall, which is full of various sundries, looks cramped and neat.Sitting upright on the floor with her back against the partition fan was a scar-faced woman who was blindfolded and played the pipa softly; then he immediately explained:
"This is a bitch, but my eyes are not working well, so I can't greet you in person, I hope the distinguished guest will forgive me."

"It's okay, but we are bothering you, and we need to continue to ask for help."

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said:

However, when Jiang Tian and others were led upstairs to entertain them, two Jinwu soldiers who went upstairs first also appeared on the window sill; and the spy Liu Niang, who had been almost invisible all along, disappeared at some point.A gentleman who stayed outside thinking he was on guard, suddenly stopped, and just checked the surrounding circle Murong Wudao:
"Brother, I seem to have seen Chen Guanshui."

"where is it?"

Murong Wu said calmly:
"It's just at the intersection not far ahead."

The gentleman said softly:
"Business is important, press it for now, wait for others to join up."

Murong Wu hesitated for a moment, but said decisively:
At the same time, at another intersection on the opposite side, in a pitch-black hut; a man dripping with sweat came in, and suddenly disturbed the darkness, and suddenly appeared a series of frightened and ferocious thin faces :
"It's not good, boss Mao, I saw people from Xiantai and Jinwuwei again."

"It's unreasonable, they...they...have they all chased here?"

"Did someone leak the news?"

"Our people are all here, could it be those people in the ghost city..."

"At the beginning, I said that I would send them out of the city as soon as possible, but I have been stuck here for so long. I'm afraid they want to drain all the benefits from us."

"Now that we're at the end of our rope, it wouldn't be surprising if someone wanted to sell it for a better price."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Since that's the case, then why not do something big, so that the landlords of the ghost city can't stay out of it."

"Didn't they want to sit on the ground and raise the price? Didn't they want to plot our secret money and account books, so they said they would give it all, just ask..."

 It’s still the same today, the temperature dropped sharply, and it was terribly cold; what’s more worrying is that the boss, who didn’t get dressed in time after taking a shower, hid in the room and let go all kinds of things. As a result, he started to have various cold symptoms when he went to school.

(End of this chapter)

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