Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 179

Chapter 179
It was night, Jiang Tian rode his horse and walked on the street in Mingyifang in the south of Luodu City; in front of him was He Si, a local who was in charge of leading the way, and behind him was Li Huan, who was riding a donkey as a companion; From Zhang Wusheng, it was because he had other missions that he went to the Jinwu Guard to make contact.

But at this time, compared with the night flavor of pagoda flowers in season in Chang'an City, mixed with the fragrance of golden peaches and apricots, the air in Luodu is faintly scented with sweet-scented osmanthus, mixed with phoenix from time to time, Faint peonies, peonies, roses, etc., in response to the fragrance of flowers and trees.

As the so-called "spring city is full of flying flowers", it certainly describes the grand occasion of the flower market in Chengdu in the southwest; There is no doubt that Shenjing/Luodu is number one.

From the emperors and generals, to the dignitaries and nobles, down to the common people, all of them participated in it.As a result, a large production, supply and marketing system has been formed that has been used for generations to cultivate and enjoy one-stop production.Therefore, Bai Juyi once wrote a poem: "A clump of dark flowers is a gift from ten households."

He also said: "The peony has been favored for more than [-] years when you travel in the capital. Every spring, the horses and horses are crazy, and it is a shame not to indulge in playing. It is worthwhile to hold the temple outside the palace and plant it for profit. Tens of thousands." "Tang Guoshi Supplement".It describes the unprecedented grand occasion of the four seasons in the capital of the gods.

Therefore, in this season, the fragrance of flowers in Luoyang after nightfall is undoubtedly better than that in Chang'an.On the other hand, it seems to be due to the longer period of time and being away from the power center of the court; the night ban in Luoyang City is obviously more relaxed than that in Chang'an.

Therefore, except for the imperial city in the west city north of Luoshui, and the nearby city squares where more than a dozen Gaomen Jiadi gather together; the curfew is relatively strictly enforced.In other places in Luodu, even after dark, the street market is still brightly lit and full of pedestrians.

And in the south of Luoshui, which is the central axis across the city, there is even a noisy scene of abandoned city squares and illegal buildings occupying roads everywhere.In particular, those tall walls along the neighborhood have been opened up and demolished almost everywhere, and transformed into shop buildings that operate day and night.

Although the imperial courts of the past dynasties made repeated orders and repeated orders: the streets of Zhufang City have invaded the streets and built walls, and built houses with eaves.Punishment first, everything is not allowed, and ordered to be demolished.However, the huge interests of all parties represented behind the formation of these all-night day and night square markets almost made this decree useless.

It is said that the tax money collected in it is actually no less than the income of one of the three major cities in Luodu; and the Henan Prefecture and Luoyang County in the past dynasties have relied on it as public funds and miscellaneous funds;Therefore, the south of Luoshui after nightfall is also a place for the whole city to have a carnival.

It is also on a specific festival, when the emperor is visiting the city and driving in and out; it will be ordered in advance that all businesses will be temporarily closed for a few days, just to cover up and cover up.And Mingyifang, located in the southwest of the city, is even more difficult. It is named as the first-class place among the 103 workshops.

There are not only the former residence of Yang Xiu, the former Sui and Shu king, but also the sunflower garden, which was transformed into a public garden; there is also the old residence of Zhang Shigui, the founding father of the early Tang Dynasty, which came from Anju Temple; , Wei Anshi's house, who has paid homage to the prime minister four times and is known as the "true prime minister".

But the most famous among them is undoubtedly the leader of the two capitals, the left and right Jiaofang Division of the Eastern Capital.As well as the derivation and prosperity along with the Jiaofang Division, the water park around the south and west gate of the square looks like a crescent moon, commonly known as the scenic spot and prosperous Shuli in the Yuebei area.

It is also the place where Jiang Tian is invited to the banquet.It's just that compared to the invitations from the nominal colleagues of the Jinwu Guard and Yushitai to which the official belongs; or the private invitation from the Secretary of General Affairs and the Ministry of Punishment; what he accepted this time was a private reward banquet.

Yes, it was one of the few survivors in the half-way robbery incident in Yedian; Weixin Gongping from Gao'an County, Hongzhou (now Yichun, Jiangxi), and his colleagues and friends from Luling, Jizhou The county captain, Cheng Shilian, thanked and entertained him a little bit as a landlord.

Because, both of them are from Luodu, they have just passed the Shi Brown Examination of the Ministry of Officials from Chang'an, and received their certificates and official edicts.As a result, this kind of thing happened in Yedian, so Shang Shuxing asked them to postpone the release and leave it to Luodu for the sake of cooperating with the follow-up investigation.

Among them, Xin Gonggong, who was rather anxious and righteous, was from a branch of the Hexi clan, Xin Yunjing from Lanzhou Jincheng (now Lanzhou, Gansu).He once served as the Jiedu envoy of Hedong and concurrently as Yin of Taiyuan; but he was demoted because of his disagreement with the hero Pu Gu Huai'en.It has been said that the family has long since declined.

The other Cheng Shilian's family conditions are undoubtedly better.It is said that it was a clan member who was proficient in the classics of Taoism in the early Tang Dynasty, deeply studied the study of literary exegesis, and was awarded the title of "Master Xihua" Cheng Xuanying;

It's just that when Jiang Tian arrived at Yedian, Cheng Shilian happened to be drinking and sleeping soundly on the bamboo couch in the tent; he missed the opportunity to meet for the first time.Later, the group of Yunmeng thieves, working together from inside to outside, pretended to be traveling companions, attacked and killed the guarding Gonggong in a sneak attack.

Faced with the massacre by the Yunmeng thief, Cheng Shilian, who was awakened, jumped out of the tent and drew his sword to help. Together with Zhang Wusheng and others who were under siege, they persisted until the arrival of backup.Therefore, Cheng Shilian is actually the main host this time.

But this time, the place to treat guests is not a romantic place, but a scenic spot/restaurant on the east bank of Yuebei - Duanpinglou.According to He Si's successive introductions along the way, this duanpinglou is not an idle place, but the production of Yao Yi, a contemporary food envoy with a large inner background.

The name of the envoy of the eating envoy originated from the Nine Years (750) of Tianbao, Minghuang (Li Longji) of the Tang Dynasty.At that time, all the nobles and relatives competed to eat food for the emperor, so the eunuch Yao Siyi was used as the school food envoy, and the water and land treasures in the palm were ashamed.The main responsibility is to taste and taste the rare ingredients tributed by all parties.

Using the contemporary storybook "Da Tang Western Regions" to describe it, it is roughly similar to the role of the envoy of the altar; after the Anshi Rebellion and the Taiping Zhongxing, it has continued to this day and has become the family business of the eunuch Yao family; Generations have also raised a "shen tongue" that tastes all kinds of flavors.

Therefore, the restaurant run by Yao, who is a food envoy for generations, is undoubtedly one of the main weathervanes admired by the catering industry in Luodu in terms of the source of ingredients and the taste of food; One of the branches, but it also shows sincerity.

Jiang Tian was thinking about it, and at the same time looking at what he saw along the way, those traveling ladies and ladies who became thinner and bolder with the hot weather; suddenly the front suddenly opened up, revealing a shimmering, moonlight Mirrored open water.

And along the shore of the Great Lake, there are all kinds of places with graceful figures and graceful figures looming amid the billowing curtains.Obviously, Yuebei has arrived.

In fact, compared with the lively entertainment methods of this era, Jiang Tian, ​​who already has food reserves at home, is more interested in food, customs and other elements.This is also the main reason why he is willing to accept this invitation.

 It's still only these, forgive me, conflicts need to be brewed

(End of this chapter)

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