Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 216 Aftermath

Chapter 216 Aftermath
in the following days.Although "Yin Hou" Le Xingda is dead and there are no scums left, the turmoil and aftermath of the Yuefu being raided by the envoys of Jinwu Street have followed the decisions made by the superiors in the court; and in a short period of time An invisible political trend is brewing.

In just one ten days, more than a dozen households, large and small, or officials, were admonished, punished and punished by the officials because of their inability to discipline and restrain their family members and children. Many business owners, leaders, and even well-known wealthy businessmen were ransacked;

There was even a leader of rangers active in the market, who became a wanted criminal who killed officials and absconded overnight.Even several new and old martial arts clubs and guild halls in Luodu were closed down by the government and even ordered to conduct self-examination behind closed doors. Among them, the disciples either fled or were imprisoned.

As for Henan Prefecture and Luoyang County, although they are still calm on the surface, they have become the hardest hit areas for accountability (partisan struggle) in private.Li Xiancheng, the incumbent governor of Henan Province with a clan background, wrote in advance to report his retirement; the young minister who was actually in charge of daily affairs lived in peace and was relegated to Jiangling Prefecture.

As the de facto vice-officer of general affairs, Si Lu of the Henan Mansion joined the army, but he was directly dismissed from his post for nothing, and returned to his original nationality for self-reflection behind closed doors.Fa Cao, who was in charge of criminal law, prison litigation, and supervision (arrest) of thieves, joined the army. He was sent to prison quickly and then sentenced to the Nanping Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, which was five thousand miles away.

Wen Renju, the county magistrate of Luoyang, even stabbed himself in the back of the neck with a paper knife, and committed suicide in the official residence.The other most directly related Luoyang county lieutenant was sentenced to be hanged immediately outside the West City; he was also the highest-level official who was directly and publicly executed during this turmoil.

As for those underground who are directly involved in more outflows, and even uninfluential officials, officials, officials; Yes, sent to the execution ground or the road of exile with the whole family.

Of course, things have developed to such a stage; it is not so much about justice for a mere "recluse" Le Xingda; It's just a targeted counterattack.

And amidst the turmoil in the officialdom.According to the Zhazi issued by the Department of Secret History, the people who were quickly taken away by Jin Wu's disciples were really insignificant or calm.They didn't even attract the attention and attention of their respective social circles.

In the follow-up secret interrogation process, as the first local victim in this case, and with the new supervisor member Cheng Shilian, he gave full play to his subjective initiative several times.Accompanied almost without sleep or sleep, these suspects who were secretly arrested tortured each other for three days and three nights;
This was just before their respective family members, subordinates, and companions finally found out that something was wrong and began to search in private; they came up with many kinds of confessions that surprised Jiang Tian, ​​or were not so surprising; After the ministry, the first performance and nomination certificate.

This reflects the "benefits" of a high degree of centralization and an autocratic feudal dynasty.Sometimes you don't need too much evidence and preconditions, and you only need a reason/relative suspicion to investigate and prosecute you, which is enough to justifiably take various investigation methods, and even private coercive measures.

And once a breakthrough and obvious results are achieved, those side-kicking behaviors that may have obviously violated the rules or crossed the line before will become insignificant side issues.After all, living and working in peace and contentment for a hundred years in a prosperous age cannot change the nature of a violent machine that maintains dynastic rule.

So, when the sun is about to rise in a new day.Just now, in the high-class women's association that I organized, after a whole night of banquets, revelry, and singing and dancing, Princess Anyang, who drove back to her mansion, was a little surprised to see the middle door that was wide open but unattended.

Immediately, she saw in the vestibule an elderly middle-aged official with gray beard sitting on a brocade cushion chair in the porch; her usual servants and subordinate officials were all pushed to the ground or detained in the side room Inside.And she looked at her, the master of the mansion, with panic and horror on her face.

For a moment, Princess Anyang, who was beautiful but hard to hide her tired face, couldn't help raising her eyebrows and said angrily: "Old man Yang, what do you mean! You took some tiger-wolf medicine and came to Yu's mansion to be wanton! ".

However, the middle official raised his white eyebrows indifferently, and said slowly and softly: "The Anyang Palace is so majestic, how dare the old slave come to the mansion to be presumptuous! It is really the intention of the master, This is why I have no choice but to run this leg for you!"

"What do you mean!" Princess Anyang drank and played all night, and smoked a lot of exotic fragrances. Her mind was a little dizzy and tired, but she could still hear what the other party meant, and she couldn't help but said with a gloomy face: " Then how much benefit did Mrs. Pei give you? Didn't you come here to find Yu?"

"Anyang Palace is wrong, completely wrong." The old eunuch known as Old Man Yang shook his head lightly and said: "This time, it was you who crossed the line, and you were caught by someone? Not only did the disturbance make the royal face ugly, but even the old bones of the miscellaneous family had to run around for it."

"There is no reason for this!" Princess Anyang was a little startled when she heard the words, and she also woke up a lot of alcohol; her face became more and more angry: "What is the status of Yu's family, how can some villains be allowed to slander with empty teeth? Really? There is no reason for this, I have to face it..."

"His Royal Highness Anyang, please be more respectable," but the old eunuch was unmoved, and instead said in a more emphatic tone: "This is not only for the sake of the Tian family, but also for your own sake; do you think that the trouble was caused when your majesty met?" Didn't the Tian Family take those troubles to heart at all?"

"I knew it, I knew it!" Hearing this, Princess Anyang's expression and tone became a little fierce: "He is still blaming me. After so many years, he still remembers that matter, and it's just because of this. From the beginning, it just makes me ugly..."

"Your Highness, be careful." However, the old eunuch interrupted her without hesitation: "This is not only for your own good, but also for the safety of the people in the family. Please don't care about the father and tell the truth. ! What's more, the way you look at people and employ people this time is also your own fault."

"To tell you the truth, this Le family comes from a humble background and is good at making money. Is there any family in this city who has nothing to do with it? At most, it is just a ignorance." The old eunuch slowed down and said: "However , this time is different from the past, he was actually related to the beast disaster, but he made friends with so many families in the city. The relationship involved here is very important, not to mention the Tian family, even the princes of the outer dynasty would not Let it go easily. Everyone ordered me to come, naturally it is also a kind of love and protection for Anyang Palace."

Of course, he still has a little bit of inside information that he hasn't said; that is, Le Xingda has been in collusion for many years. In addition to the crimes that have been exposed, there are hidden secret organization's instigation and arrangements behind it; It's so big, it's terrifying.

"Even so, it's not like... to slander Yu's family indiscriminately." Hearing this, the Princess Anyang couldn't help saying angrily: "I just sent someone to ask him to find some novelty things, thinking that he would like to enjoy and taste them every day. Learn..."

"Your Highness!" However, the old eunuch shook his head in disappointment and said, "It's come to this point, do you still want to cover up some lucky reason? Then you ordered Lu Mingda, the Prime Minister of Yisi, to instruct Le Shi to plot to frame a serving prisoner. Xian, why did you still paste your token?"

"Treasure? What token? I don't have..." Princess Anyang instinctively denied it when she heard the words: because she did instigate the subordinate officer Lu Mingda, but she also caused some trouble for the other party, and she didn't leave any token as an excuse and credentials.

"The miscellaneous family didn't come here to cross-examine and identify with His Highness." However, the old eunuch didn't have any interest in talking nonsense anymore.He waved his hands and said, "It's just an oral order from everyone who was ordered to preach on his behalf; I also invite Anyang Hall to go to Changchun to see and recuperate."

"I'm not sick, Yu's family is not sick!" Princess Anyang categorically retorted: Then she thought of something, and her complexion suddenly became ugly.However, the old eunuch said with a smirk: "Your father is supreme, so it is impossible to be wrong; Your Highness wants to disobey orders on the spot?"

At this moment, the Princess Anyang's well-maintained and beautiful face had a trace of greenness; but she didn't speak again.Even if she wished to release the biting old dog out of the palace on the spot and tear her corpse into pieces to vent her anger, she still had to wait until she was released from the disguised confinement.

In the past dynasties, there were not a few royal clans who were imprisoned in various Huangzhuang temples to "rehabilitate" because of mistakes or disobedience to the king's will.But some people just stay for a while and come out after avoiding the limelight.Some of them just died in silence.

Fortunately, after love turned into hatred and gradually drifted away, in order to get rid of Pei's appearance over the years, it's not that she didn't develop some Austrian aid and insiders in the foreign court, but she couldn't react for a while.Time required to reconnect and activate.

After a while, she was forced to pack up some accompanying items and drove to the Changqing Temple in the north of the city, the Princess Anyang, but she did not see the confidant officials and maidservants of the Shi Palace whom she had named to accompany her.Can't help asking: "Where are the other people in my house?"

"It's true that the Anyang Palace is virtuous, but can the officials, followers, and servants in the palace take care of themselves?" However, he showed a creepy smile: "Of course they can't do it in daily life." Serve with sincerity, and always remonstrate with righteousness, but it will only be because of Ah Fu's instigation!"

At this moment on the white copper car, Princess Anyang's face was also extremely gloomy, because she had already heard it; Cut off her miss of looking for trouble again.

(End of this chapter)

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