Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 243

Chapter 243
When I heard that the former leader of the Haidong government who was powerless to fight against the enemy and had to leave the corrupted country and fled abroad in a hurry suddenly rose up and returned with reinforcements; Jiang Tian couldn't help but With a movement of his eyes, he immediately interrupted He Taiping's detailed description:
"Wait, now that the office has returned on its own initiative, what about the platform for overcoming difficulties? How can the son of the supervisor of the Central Plains capital deal with himself? Could it be that there are still established national policies and strategies for the government and personnel affairs during this period of time? , another big change.”

"This has never happened before." However, He Taiping hesitated for a while when he heard this, before he said honestly: "At the beginning, the master's father's trip was personally welcomed into the Central Plains Capital by the mansion; he immediately issued a notice , and the personnel and strategies of Yingxingtai are still used as before, without any changes.”

"Then the mansion was added to the lower officials, and the sincerity of Baodeyi Dai Shouzhengliang Festival...Jing Nan's hero, the chief minister of the court/supervisor of state affairs, double-opened the three divisions of the government's ceremonies, bestowed the same five tins, compared with the master's father's various ceremonies and guards " He Taiping immediately added: "In addition, the rest of the ministers also received awards and promotions."

"Among them, General Ye (Jing) at the back of the palace has been promoted to Xiongzhou Mu, Zhixi Yuanjing's guard envoy; Vice General Hong (Great Guard) of the Kenan Army has to be appointed as Shangzhou Army Horse Supervisor, Shahuo Guard envoy; Chang Cong Fan cavalry General Han (Sansi) is now also the guard officer of Beiyuanjing; and the general Han (Wu Liu) of the team before the battle has also become the coach of the new army at the border of the town... Zhenzu, do you still remember? Even the master Lin you picked out from the refugees back then was worshiped as Guning County..."

Hearing this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.After this period of time, it was obvious that these people had their own encounters; although it was a bit unexpected, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, and then he asked with a smile: "What about you, what kind of errands and responsibilities are you doing this time? "

"The lowly villain is not talented, and now he is also the head of the family who founded the mansion. He was paid by the seventh-rank head salary and ordered to work in the southeast." He Taiping also got up respectfully and replied: "But there are many. I haven't listened to the instruction of the mansion in person."

"Wait, how long did you say you haven't seen Shizi." Jiang Tian immediately noticed what he meant, and immediately asked: "Could it be that you are not directly under Shizi now, so you don't have an exclusive Means of communication, seals, and ciphertext?"

"Here, to tell the true ancestor, the villain was ordered to go south to serve the public at the beginning of the year, and now it has been less than half a year." He Taiping hesitated for a while, and then organized his thoughts: "According to the Xingtai system, the villain's exclusive There are also means of communication, but they haven’t been activated for a long time.”

"Then in whose name were the previous awards and promotions, the office or the Xingtai?" Jiang Tian pondered for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Are they mainly under the Xingtai's direct subordinates, or are they those who will follow up? Affiliation, including foreign soldiers and horses?"

"..." Jiang Tian's series of questions made He Taiping seem a little astonished, and then he organized his words and said, "Of course it is the official office; it is said that since the master's father returned, he has entrusted all government and military aircraft to the mansion. It’s off. So we’ve been working in unison for a long time.”

In non-task scenarios or critical situations that are urgently needed, Jiang Tian originally planned to avoid as much as possible and excessively interfere with the situation and historical process of this time and space; so as not to affect the growth and development of Xiaoyuanlian.After all, no one likes being influenced and manipulated behind the scenes.

But now it seems that there is something hidden in it, but it has not yet reached the bottom line and alarm that triggers personal safety.

"Don't dare to lie to the True Ancestor Shangxian!" However, the next moment, He Taiping, who had already got up to speak, seemed to have noticed something; suddenly kowtowed and fell to his knees on the ground, crying quickly: "Little man...Little man, I have already realized that there are many good friends who serve in the Xingtai and the mansion, and now I can't get in touch. It's just that the villain is ordered to serve the public, although he can't help but worry about gains and losses; he is also worried about the mansion. , but you can only hold back the moment... Now that the True Ancestor came into the world, he must have felt something, and the villain has a backbone."

"So, do you suspect that the situation in Zhongyuanjing has changed?" Jiang Tian said in a calm voice: "This is a matter of great importance. Do you have any sufficient evidence? Otherwise, just rely on a little guesswork. Dare to criticize the office and alienate the flesh and blood, that is a felony."

"Because of this, the villain has to risk his life to ask for an answer!" However, He Taiping became more and more determined: "To tell the truth to the true ancestor, although the current national policy of the Northland remains unchanged, it has recently been issued in the name of the mansion. However, there are so many contradictory and contrary orders!"

"Especially at this moment, when the villain accidentally learns a secret that is not true or false..." He Taiping immediately lowered his voice involuntarily and said, "We can only confirm it when we return to the Central Plains Capital and ask to see the mansion." but since the True Ancestor is here, it might as well..."

However, he has just received a somewhat unexpected shocking news through his eyeliner and internal staff in the Fusang Army.The returning Haidong Office is secretly contacting and negotiating with the Fusang Allied Forces to reach an armistice agreement that will maintain the status quo in a certain sense.

That's right, it's the eyeliner. After all, the Fusang Domain is known as the coalition army, but in fact there are many factions internally, each with their own demands; there are even enmities and disputes.It was only when the situation was good earlier that it was covered up and suppressed.Therefore, after the war, some people secretly got involved with Xingtai through him;

Of course, the other party is not a purely good person; it’s just that he and the King Deming who launched the expedition to cross the sea belong to the wrong forces; Just make it easy to succeed and grow bigger.

There was even a big figure in the Fusang coalition army who inadvertently revealed that those Fusang princes who had already divided up the chassis in the southern states could even face the Haidong's office became a minister.

In this way, the contemporary public office can gain the reputation of restoring the homeland and regain authority at almost a bloodless cost; and those Fusang princes and strong feudal vassals who landed in Haidong early also eliminated many follow-up competitors when the war situation was not progressing well. In addition, the greatest real benefits have been obtained.

However, once the government has reached a peace agreement with the Fusang clan, even if it is only a part of them; then he, a Fusang native who went out with the army but served as the son of the superintendent of the country, not to mention a hopeless future; Take it as a bargaining chip for sacrifice.

At least compared with Hong Dashou, Han Sansi, Han Wuliu and other township party and Yuan Cong faction, it is still Ye Jing's public leaders and Xun sect; as a rebel before the battle, He Taiping has a shallow foundation in the team It is even insignificant; once you leave the value of the son, you are nothing.

Now that the elusive true ancestor who protects the country has appeared in front of him, He Taiping will seize this opportunity given by God without hesitation; strive for one or two for his future.Perhaps a few years ago, he was the nephew of Shannei Township Zhuangtou, and he will be one of Haidong's vassals in the future.

Just as He Taiping weighed and considered, shouts, shouts, and cursing suddenly came from outside; then someone shouted hurriedly from outside the tent: "He Fanchang, hurry up and get out of the way!" , Those people from Yulongwei broke in again, saying they want to take you for questioning."

However, He Taiping couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, but he was overjoyed and said that it happened just in time; the opportunity to master this motley team is right in front of him.Immediately after Jiang Tian nodded and signaled, he said in panic, "Don't conflict with him, I'll go and defend myself."

 Due to the rush of materials, there are only these today

(End of this chapter)

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