Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 258 End

Chapter 258 End
Yamauchi Yoshiho, who personally led the troops to hunt down a desperate little girl, unexpectedly died violently in Langling Mountain for no reason.Then, who greatly regretted this and personally led the army, the general of the North Road who went out of Hanzhou, Yoshiharu Yamauchi, was also defeated in Hanzhou without warning.

For a time, not only the protruding front line in the north collapsed completely; even the Yamauchi family, the first family in Dongshan Road, among the Fusang Fan coalition forces, was shaken by this family, showing the trend of internal strife.In the end, it was King Deming who stepped forward decisively to stop the dispute.

However, this is not without cost; as the second son who stayed behind in the local vassal mansion, Yamauchi Yoshio can certainly inherit the family name and official position, and keep his duties; but as the third son of Yamauchi Yoshiharu, Yamauchi Yoshika has to marry Tokumei King Niece, hereby enters the imperial court to serve as a vassal (royal vassal).

And the Yoshika Yamauchi, who became a member of the public, did not enter the court alone; instead, he brought some subordinates, generals and other vassals, as well as properties other than the mansion, and opened a separate family in Pingchengjing.Coupled with the loss of a large number of retainers and sub-vassals on the battlefield, it can be described as a serious loss of vitality.

Therefore, after this incident, it also produced an extremely bad influence.That is to say, apart from the more than a dozen powerful feudal clans whose interests are related to running water, the other feudal clans in the Fusang Allied Forces tried their best to preserve their strength with little effort when facing the troops of Beidi Xingtai.

Therefore, it was also invisibly given to this polished son, who was summoned to make it hastily, just like a joke, to discuss the retrograde platform; to build momentum from scratch, to gather strength and to clarify internal breathing opportunities .What happened next was even more bizarre and treacherous.

Because, the spies who came back from the North, and the local people who came from the secret channel, all emphasized in vows; this son accidentally summoned the spirit of the ancestors, and manifested himself in the front army many times, and thus obtained All kinds of luck are added to the body, and the attachment of local people's hearts is like a tide.

Therefore, not only can he be able to turn danger into good luck again and again in times of crisis, but he can also use various magical means to kill and calm those alien existences who dare to oppose and resist Xingtai.Therefore, it was possible to unify the situation of the three northern states in a very short period of time.

However, for King Deming and the General's Mansion Zhenghai led by him, such things and rhetoric are just too absurd and uninhibited.Although most of them have built various bodhi temples/family temples and shrines/ancestral halls, they also lead their families to worship and worship throughout the year.

However, except for some hurricanes, earthquakes and the like; natural disasters that require large-scale sacrifices and other rituals to appease the hearts of the people, I have never seen any apparitions or psychic deeds.And how could it just appear on a little girl who is separated from her family and is helpless?

Even the monks, priests, and shamans who came with the army could not make reasonable explanations for this, but could only vaguely declare that this was just a fraudulent means of the opposing camp.Since officials couldn't explain the reason for this, rumors inevitably arose privately.

Among them, the most widely circulated among the people in the occupied area is undoubtedly about the Fusang coalition forces, who killed too much after entering Haidong;Therefore, when Haidong's office was exhausted, the ancestors who were born to protect him were punished.

Therefore, under the erroneous rumors, not only under the name of Wang Jing's small court, but also those sub-vassals, subordinates, officials and noble surnames who have taken refuge in the Fusang people, are in constant panic; even among the family members of the Fusang coalition army, there are also People believe it is true.

Among them, even Zhen Xuan's new wife from the Fusang royal family was included; this made him a little helpless.Although he can encourage and incite the atmosphere of exposing each other in the capital city, and severely torture those who are suspected, he can't help the people of Fusang.

Therefore, cutting off this kind of longing is also a verification; for a long time after that.The General Zhenghai's Mansion almost dispatched at least a dozen waves of assassins and spies to sneak into the Northland with different identities.Then, with those eyeliners and insiders, there was no sound one after another.

In the end, what can be sent back are some unknown words and phrases.And those merchants and feudal clans who were once the first rats at both ends or secretly communicated with the music, also gradually cut off contact.Therefore, this is a bit embarrassing and helpless for the General Zhenghai's mansion.

Because the Fusang people have prepared for many years to invade Haidong.However, no matter how well prepared they are in advance, what they can infiltrate and exert influence on is mainly concentrated in the south-central and coastal areas of Haidong; the investment in spying on the northern land is dwarfed by comparison.

In any case, the Fusang people were foreign invaders, and they only occupied the land of Haidong for a few years; in addition, the General's Mansion could not completely restrain the local soldiers from burning, killing and looting; Innately deficient in the foundation of local governance and the attachment of people's hearts.

Therefore, in the territory of Liangzhou, more than ten counties with Wang Jing as the core maintained a small imperial court of a puppet office, thinking of indirect rule and setting an example of long-term stability.To be honest, this indirect mode of behind-the-scenes manipulation once also attracted many old subordinates of the office.

Because, compared with the vassal titles established by the previous public offices in the Wangjing and Baiyi meetings, the Fusang people seem to be able to give them more autonomy and convenience.However, with Beidi Xingtai approaching step by step, it seems that Fusang people can't maintain their last dignity.

After all, they did not come across the sea to do good deeds, but to seek various benefits after occupying Haidong.Therefore, when the Fusang people suffered repeated setbacks on the battlefield, and even encountered military difficulties, this temporary illusion of peace and harmony could no longer be maintained.

As a result, they began to tear their skins apart and searched for those local ministers and vassals who had surrendered and surrendered; they did not hesitate to torture and force them, and even robbed each other's houses.Even Wang Jing's small imperial court's official office was no exception, and was required to spend money to help the military.

And when they cried to the head of the office who was almost reduced to a decoration in the past, they hoped that the Fusang people could restrain themselves a little.The other party didn't respond or pay any attention to it. On the contrary, Fusang people acted as the office manager, who came forward to appease a group of people and vowed to give an explanation.

But looking back, there is no further text.On the contrary, the generals headed by Zhen Xuan were privately ordered to lead troops to the door, and communicated/warned them directly or indirectly.Therefore, after it is said that the Northland Xingtai Army has recovered the fourth of the five small capitals-Jin Haijing.

Many officials, wealthy families and families in Wangjing also secretly set off a wave of fleeing from disaster.But this time, the Fusang people didn't even bother to do superficial efforts.First, curfew and martial law were implemented to close the doors, and then they were arrested and imprisoned on the grounds of arresting spies in the North.

However, after this incident, Zhen Xuan finally realized that the Fusang people's rule in Haidong might not be as secure as they claimed.However, at this point in the matter, he has been bound too deeply with the Fusang people; his reputation as a role model has already been publicized.

In fact, even if the Fusang people are defeated, as long as they still have energy, they still have the opportunity to return to their native land for cultivation.But for the Fusang people headed by Zhen Xuan, these local people who are friendly and supportive of Fusang, it is an absolute nightmare and purgatory on earth.

Therefore, to say that the world hates the most, among the characters of Beidi Xingtai and the prince of the official family, Zhen Xuan is a local; why couldn't she submit obediently at the beginning, or died in the mountains without a name?If you have to come out to set up a platform and claim to occupy the Northland, will you cause more trouble?

Even if it is said to occupy the Northland, it should take several to ten years to sort out the interior and recuperate; and thus form a see-saw situation of confrontation between the North and the South.This is also a great opportunity for these ministers who belong to the southern government to make great use of them in the eyes of Fusang people and win glory and wealth.

There is no such thing as the opponent, who was still exhausted in exile in the first half of the year; in the second half of the year, he easily defeated those, and the Fusang people deliberately supported the separatist forces from all sides.Forcibly uniting tens of thousands of troops and launching a counterattack southward; this is also too unimaginable and contrary to common sense.

However, no matter how contrary to common sense, Zhen Xuan had to make plans for her future.Although it is impossible for him to expect to be pardoned by Beidi Xingtai, he can definitely maintain this north-south confrontation for a longer period of time through his own efforts.

This is also the only way for them, the ministers and generals who belong to the Southern Office, to maintain their power and survival.In fact, before he led the army out, he had faintly heard some rumors that the Fusang people intended to disarm and disband these troops under his command.

The reason is that many of them showed signs of shaken morale and panic, and even fled secretly; therefore, they are no longer reliable for Fusang people, and even become potential hidden dangers.Therefore, in order to prove her determination, Zhen Xuan proposed the suggestion of crossing the sea and migrating to Beidi Xingtai in a detour.

But unexpectedly, King Fusang was delighted to hear the words unexpectedly, and made a final decision regardless of everything; he announced that he was under the name of the General's Mansion and gave him all the support.Not only did they provide the armored weapons and the only remaining insiders, but they also sent Du Lai, one of the five parties of the Imperial Court, to assist (surveillance).

But also because of this kind of support and trust that spared no effort, Zhen Xuan's department has achieved unexpected success.Compared with the weak water surface power of the northern states, they have almost no means of defense in the face of surprise attacks from the sea; only some early warning watchtowers.

In fact, the biggest trouble for sea invaders is the complex coastline, rugged sea rapids and hydrological conditions in the Northland.Therefore, this time, Zhen Xuan's team came ashore in batches from the hidden bay provided by a smuggler in the north.

Then, without hesitation, he ordered the killing of all living creatures that he could see along the way, in order to ensure the temporary blockade of news.However, his subsequent journey went smoothly, which was beyond his expectation; after the Xingtai army went south, the Northland was actually so empty?
So that an attacking team didn't send out a warning message?However, after he broke through Yanzhou and entered Lengzhou, he made a new discovery.The deserted town at the intersection, as well as the various supplies left intact, gave him an astonishing guess.

Perhaps King Fusang's self-confidence and confidence are not groundless.Maybe some people in Beidi Xingtai don't want to see that small office so easily recover most of the mountains and rivers; maybe they can't fight against the supernatural power behind the prince, so they start from other places.

And his own surprise soldier has become an important chess piece tacitly between the north and the south.Otherwise, how can he explain that he has already arrived, and Jimu Town, which is only a hundred miles away from Zhongyuan Capital where Xingtai is located, is still so unprepared?

But in any case, as long as you follow the tributaries of the Hanshan River and pass through the hills stretching for more than a hundred miles west of Jimu Town, you can successfully approach the capital of the Central Plains.Maybe he might not be able to win by surprise, one of the five small capitals with high walls and high walls, but it was enough to bluff.

Created a large Xingtai army that commanded the south to attack the city and occupy the territory, so you have to come back with reasons and excuses for this, right?With all kinds of powerful calculations in Zhen Xuan's mind, she almost rushed to urge her subordinates to run day and night on the winding mountain road until the next day.

Looking from the mountains, the Central Plains Kyo standing in the distant field seems to be faintly visible.At this time, Zhen Xuan had already ordered that the people who had been sweating all night to stop and find a leeward place to set up camp and recuperate.After a while, he who was drinking and eating suddenly raised his head.

On the top of the hill above, a figure suddenly fell and rolled down the stairs; although it was already bloody from the fall, it was vaguely visible that it was the scout he sent out to watch and guard.The next moment, Zhen Xuan opened her mouth to shout something, and heard a faint echo of "I found you".

The next moment, a large piece of earth and rock suddenly collapsed from the top of the mountain, like a torrent, submerged the position of the Chinese army where Zhen Xuan was.And standing on the top of a mountain with fresh soil and heavy smell, Jiang Tian also rushed to He Taiping and Hong Dashou who couldn't hide their tired faces:

"The next thing is up to you; Zhongyuan Jing still has something to do, I have to deal with the aftermath..."

And this may be the last thing I can do for Xiaoyuanlian before leaving this time and space.Sometimes potential dissidents and opponents from within are more troublesome than external enemies.The latter only needs to be defeated and annihilated on the battlefield.

However, the former is to subtly package their unspoken positions and appeals under the image and personality of honest advice, and it is easy to use this to gather and coerce part of the public opinion as a protective halo and factional influence; It makes the upper-level rulers want to cast a mouse.

However, fortunately, Jiang Tian is not a good man and a believer, and he does not need too much evidence and act in accordance with the procedures within the system.He just needs to follow the direction that is most likely to benefit, find out the most suspicious suspect, and then send him to hell quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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