Tang Qi Tan

327 The Lost 3

327 The Lost 3
The next moment, the guest with an abnormally distorted face was dragged by Ajax, screaming and smoking, and fell into a small table with a candlestick; immediately ignited Touched the clothing of whale oil and balm; it burned into a ball of fire on the upper body.

Then, as Ajax raised the knife and dropped it suddenly, a head that was no longer human-shaped, dripping with blood, fell to the ground; only at this time did the female guests present, Suddenly, like waking up from a dream, they screamed and screamed, and woke up the rest of the people.

In an instant, among the uproarious and frightened guests at the feast, several figures suddenly flew out; they pushed the crowd and the tables and chairs to pieces, and fled in all directions towards the ceiling, doors and windows.However, he was hit head-on by at least a few firecrackers and crossbows.

Amidst the intense sound of sparks flying, these figures who were trying to escape almost burst out and dragged a fountain of blood, and then fell back again, knocking down the exquisite table and chairs and overturning the ground .Only one who ran up to the decorative lattice on the zenith escaped the combined attack by chance.

However, the next moment, scorching smell and blue smoke came from his dangling calf; it was already wrapped by the old hunter Ajax with a ball-end silver chain, and he dragged him down; With a scream, along with a torn calf, dots of blood scattered in the air.

However, the guest who lost his calf did not hesitate to shatter the decorative glazed window on the ceiling; while being cut bloody from the broken edges, he managed to escape.However, only a few screams were heard again, and a body fell in again.

However, the head and shoulders have been knocked flat and smashed, and it has completely turned into a tattered corpse; and at the smashed zenith window, Podos' bright forehead also flashed. Now; obviously there has been an ambush.Following what happened in the blink of an eye, Jiang Tian ordered again: "Go forward and inspect the scene, and find out the owner of this house, Sir Roslin, the municipal construction officer."

Before he could finish his words, some of the remaining guests who were shocked, pushed down or slumped on the ground, looked inside involuntarily; a man wearing a cerise-style brocade shirt and a silver pearl bow tie , a middle-aged handsome man with slender and curly beard.

He suddenly pushed away the female companion who was snuggling beside him, turned back and grabbed the old man in black and white by the neck, and said in a sharp hiss: "The senior judge of the Circuit Court of the Southern District of the Kingdom, Redo Lord La is in my hands, you all must give in to me..."

The next moment, there was only a bright sword light left in his eyes.Then it turned into the instant severe pain of penetrating through the brain and cutting off the spinal cord, and the strange feeling of losing consciousness of the whole body; with the blood splashing on his face in the final consciousness, he suddenly realized that he was pierced together by someone. !
In the darkness, the last thing he heard was Jiang Tian's belated sigh: "Damn alien, resisted the capture of the kingdom's soldiers, and killed the respected circuit judge! Come, take him down for me!" During the strict interrogation, not one of his accomplices and internal advisers should be missed.”

Although the master and the judge in black and white collar perished together; but as the slaves and subordinate stewards who were controlled at the scene, there are still people who know a little bit about the strangeness of their master in daily life. clean-up and aftermath,
Therefore, in the gardener's shed deep in the courtyard at the back of the mansion, a cover plate leading to the bottom was found under the old animal skin carpet; The smell of dirt; almost smoked the soldier responsible for opening it.

Afterwards, the old hunter Ajax jumped down suddenly without raising his hand, and then, with a few hasty calls and the sound of metal slashing, he carried out a blood-stained mutilated human body again.The body's limbs, shoulders, and buttocks were rotten and blackened with maggots.

It was as if in a living state, parts of his body were cut off one after another; there were also many marks on his chest that had been cut open and stitched together hastily and haphazardly.It was just unexpected that this man was still tenaciously alive.He opened his swollen eyelids at the call of Ajax.

But with severely damaged vocal cords, he hissed out a few vague words.The old hunter Ajax with a livid face put him down temporarily without hesitation; he strode to the kitchen attached to the main house.Then, he punched a smoky wall.

Under his blow full of anger, the wall of the big kitchen was peeled off like a cobweb, and a large part of it collapsed; immediately the special space inside was exposed.It was old blood-stained iron hooks and chains, a large chopping board and relatively neat knives of various colors.

Immediately afterwards, Ajax, who suddenly restrained his anger, found a pair of bloody leather sheaths that had been cut into tatters from a broken basket in the corner; there were also fragments of knives, daggers, and arrow clusters. , embedded in it; the last chain and octagonal griffin medallion.

Evidently this was what the victim, who was hidden under the gardener's shed, and his fellow hunter with whom he was quite intimate, possessed.Then, behind a blackened curtain, Ajax found more relics of suspected victims, including clothes and accessories.

But the latest bloodstain was half of a broken dress with dark flowers and many hairs stuck to it; when Ajax brought this thing in front of the dying companion; She shed a cloudy tear, and shouted hoarsely: "Lola..."

This is just one of the most common female names in the marketplace. It is often seen among village girls, peasant women, and even among those nightingales who come out to beg for work. If you call out about ten, two or three will respond.But it seems that for this fellow hunter; it has quite a special meaning.

Next, there is the question of how to deal with the aftermath of this extravagant mopping up operation.In fact, the surroundings of this house were too remote and cold, so that arrows were shot and guns were shot inside, shouting and killing for a long time, but still no one came to pry into what was going on.

This is also the environment and convenient conditions that Sir Lothlin of Chernor, the municipal construction officer who has turned into an alien and secretly carried out Dr. Hannibal's actions.Therefore, under several trees in the courtyard, we found the skeletons that had been picked clean; judging from the bone types, it seems that there are both men, women, and children.

Even judging from the degree of wear of the teeth, there are some who are obviously victims of relatively better life; judging from the tooth inlays, it is likely to involve those who once attended the family's reception banquet, but disappeared shortly afterwards. Many middle- and upper-class women in the city.

Therefore, under the stimulation of this discovery, the remaining guests who were still in shock, after being screened and identified by the silverware blood test, and in the face of extreme fear and force, temporarily became the same camp with the same hatred.The reason is also very simple.

Because when most people think of themselves who were invited, they may disappear quietly without the knowledge of their family members, and then become a delicacy on the family's table like cooking pigs and sheep; Hidden, such a terrifying alien...

According to the confessions of the surviving accomplices and pawns.At least a few years ago, they were still normal people, but when a big man from the capital passed by and received warm hospitality, he also generously gave these local nobles and officials the qualification to enjoy a feast of flesh and blood in the dark.

Afterwards, these aliens were beheaded on the spot, and the fangs were dug out as souvenirs; then the remaining parts were sent to the square in the city on a cart, just waiting for the sun to come out and fuel the fire in public once and for all.In this way, it is impossible for these monsters to come back from the ashes!

However, there was an accident on the second day. Although these corpses began to fester under the sun, the speed was very slow. After waiting for a full hour, the impatient Jiang Tian threw the torch on it, and then they completely burned .And one of the corpses actually struggled.

Then he was chopped into scorpions by the soldiers waiting around, with swords and axes in panic.As for the remaining fangs, Jiang Tian passed the animal test and found that it has the toxicity of a certain number of paralyzing effects.This is a good thing, and it was quickly collected by him secretly.

According to the openness of the old hunter Ajax, these humanoid aliens are more like some kind of lesion from the ancient blood.So silverware and sunlight and the like can hurt them, but not kill them right away; unless you tie them up and put them in the sun for a whole day.

But it is only stronger than normal people, and the body is softer and easier to deform, and it is less likely to hurt the vitals.But it is not so powerful that human weapons cannot be defeated or killed, and it can be resurrected in situ after being cut into pieces, or to the extent that it can be resurrected with a drop of blood after being buried alive for hundreds of years and turned into a mummified corpse.

Although there are special means to stimulate it and create corresponding similar ones with a certain probability, it is not without cost.Otherwise, the world would have been in chaos long ago; instead of hiding underground and secretly eating blood, they would use murder as a cover.

Furthermore, the ugly aliens are only the most elementary. Once they survive the initial hunting and devour more humans, they will naturally become similar in appearance to normal people.Even no longer using natural minions, but more adept at using various weapons and tools flexibly.

In addition, before this kind of thing dies, it will emit a smell that is difficult for ordinary people to detect.Marking the corresponding killer for the same kind can provide guidance for both avoidance and revenge; therefore, hunters also need special herbal medicine formulas to remove this odor mark.

However, because there are fewer and fewer active hunters in the world, the source of obtaining the corresponding formula materials is also drying up.Therefore, these old and new hunters had no choice but to start to accept some speculative investigation tasks, and even destroy some wild beasts in order to make money.

However, when Jiang Tian led people in the wealthy district in the north of the city, he continued to toss for almost a whole day, pulling out almost everyone who could breathe out to bask in the sun and have blood tests on silverware; General Caron's temporary headquarters in the city hall did not respond.

(End of this chapter)

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