Tang Qi Tan

Chapter 380 The Raider 2

In fact, it is like most city defenders in this era; perhaps relying on a solid city wall, they can certainly achieve impressive results, or show enough tenacity and bravery.But once the city defenses are broken through, morale and fighting spirit also ebb/disintegrate faster.

Especially according to the information provided by the representatives of those cities, the Freedom Army swarming into the city kept shouting on the streets; after emphasizing that they only targeted the royalists and the old nobles, the resistance of the original city guards became weaker and weaker. There were even people who turned against them or tried to lead the way.

Therefore, under the leadership of more and more city guards who surrendered, the Free Army was able to successfully suppress most of the city, searched, killed and captured at least 3000 royalists.But afterwards, it is said that a considerable number of royalists who tried to hide were killed by enthusiastic citizens.

In the end, when the Free Army pacified most of the main city and advanced to the small city in the southwest, they encountered a little trouble.Because the tributaries of the Garonne River pass through the city here and surround the platform where the small city is located, forming a natural water barrier that is only connected by two bridges.

And the Holy Kingdom army was stationed in a small city on the opposite bank with a slightly higher terrain.At the same time, they used lit obstacles to block the passage on the bridge surface; they also temporarily used furniture and vehicles on the shore of the bridge head to build several ladder fortifications to hide behind and shoot arrows, and repelled many tentative attacks.

However, this did not trouble the soldiers of the Freedom Army; soon a warrant officer had an idea and hoisted the relatively light four-pound guns in the artillery series to the walls on both sides of the small city.After condescendingly marking the shooting range in turn, they began to bombard the fortifications within the range.

However, the temporary fortress built by crude furniture and vehicles can certainly block the shooting of ordinary crossbow bolts and firecrackers; but it is not enough to face larger and more just punishments.Therefore, as the bridgeheads were smashed one after another, the temporary defense line also disintegrated.

Those soldiers of the Holy Kingdom who seemed to be well-trained and skilled in combat could only hurriedly drag the corpses and wounded of their companions, scrambling to flee inward.Several people were knocked down by the firecrackers fired across the river.Breaking through the obstacles of the riverside defense line, the next battle in the small city will be easy.

Although there are still 900 people left, the Holy Kingdom Army, which is divided into three companies, intends to continue to stand firm and resist the war; but those wealthy families and businessmen's houses in the small city obviously quit; they will soon send Someone came to secretly point out the possible hiding place of those Holy Kingdom soldiers.

At this time, it is the turn of the grenadier company, which has always been good at urban suppression/demolition work, to start showing its talents.Carrying boxes of gunpowder cans and incendiary cans, they began to carry out targeted blasting and cremation operations on places and spaces where enemies might be hidden.

Therefore, after they blew up the couch or ignited the No.11 houses; and through a special thrower, they turned a tower that was desperately defending it into a bright torch that can be seen in the whole city, as well as a number of flying trapeze that fell down. Afterwards, the remaining Holy Kingdom Army also raised a white flag at the last stronghold.

As the flags of the Tomahawk Knights were successively captured and discarded in bundles on the ground, Jiang Tian also said to Li Xius, the deputy head of the regiment with disheveled hair, covered in blood, and his hands bound behind his back: "What a coincidence, we are so fast! We will meet again, I am a person who always keeps what I say, so I will see you on the battlefield."

The next moment he suddenly raised his head, his eyes wide open, his face full of veins, and he shouted: "Shameless blasphemer, die!" With the sudden sound of collapse, he broke free from the shackles of his hands and flew away. Soldiers on the left and right flew towards Jiang Tian, ​​who was close at hand, and stretched out their hands to grab the opponent's neck.

However, when Li Xius saw the soldiers of the Free Army standing on the left and right, they couldn't help but instinctively backed up several steps, and gave way to a large enough space.Immediately afterwards, Lixius screamed loudly, but the palm that was about to capture and hold the opponent was crushed, and fell to the ground turned upside down.

Hearing repeated bumping sounds, the deputy leader of the Tomahawk Knights was like a rag that was washed by others, his armor was deformed and cracked, and his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he passed out; then, Jiang Tian let go of him The arm that has been thrown off into a twist; sneered: "Who gave you such confidence."

However, the other captives of the Knights present watched all this in silence and shock; then a bald middle-aged armored warrior said with some difficulty: "It turns out that you are also the inheritor of the ancient blood, but We have been told, Captain, that you gain power through profanity."

"How unreasonable!" Duval, the captain of the cavalry regiment and the commander of the special attack company Dalian, reprimanded with anger on his face: "Shameless slander, a clown who deserves to go to hell! My lord has the oldest and purest blood in the kingdom." Inheritance, there is not even any use price; how can it be..."

"Enough..." Jiang Tian interrupted him with a wave of his hand, then turned his head to the armed monk at the head of the Mediterranean Sea and said, "If you know anything else, just tell me; for example, why did you suddenly appear? In Toulouse, is this the Holy Kingdom's instruction, or is there someone secretly contacting it."

However, what followed unexpectedly was that this bald warrior named Delan was full of a certain sense of respect and respect for the so-called ancient blood inheritance.Therefore, during the ensuing interrogation, he confessed almost everything without reservation, just asking to stay.

In order to observe and understand these inheritance knights in the free army and the opportunity to awaken their blood; at the same time, I want to witness with my own eyes how the free army searches, strikes and eliminates those aliens hidden in the crowd.All he was pretty much answering questions, answered all questions.

For example, the Tomahawk Knights stationed in Aquitaine, one of the three core leaders of the Holy Kingdom, was actually invited by members of the family of the former Great Crown Leader; Li Xius, the deputy leader, led a branch to come Hit the front stop and test the waters.Therefore, once a firm foothold is established locally, it will follow up quickly.

Of course, this seems to involve the territory of the Holy Kingdom, which has formed a complex political pattern and the current situation for a long time.As a country established by the Knights of Holy Thorns led by the Holy Knight Roland during the recovery movement of the Western Continent, the Holy Kingdom has been a country where the knights' territories and ancient provinces coexisted from the very beginning.

As for the royal family who are descendants of Saint Laurent, each generation of kings also has the dual attribute of the head of the grand knights; Controls the various armed forces formed by the territories belonging to the knight order in various places.

Therefore, these knights are equivalent to the Western Continent, the common formation between the regiment and the regiment; although they obey the king's order as the head of the regiment, they are recruited and organized into armed forces to follow the expedition or obey the dispatch, but they also represent the Various places, different positions, interests and appeals.

The Tomahawk Knights, headquartered in the city of San Angelis in Aquitaine, is one of them; it is one of dozens of large and small knights in the kingdom.Due to certain political factions in the country, they were not able to join the intervention army organized by the kingdom to support the Burgundian dynasty in the north.

However, with the tens of thousands of intervening troops going to the north, they have gained a lot of rights and interests in the kingdom; these knights/border military regions located in the southern border area are somewhat unable to sit still.The subsequent protection treaty signed by the Burgundian dynasty, coupled with the invitation of the royal party, finally took practical action.

Therefore, rather than saying that they represent the overall position of the Holy Kingdom, it is better to say that they are the demands and ideas of the remaining part of the country, the Aquitaine Knights/noble class.For another example, the Tomahawk Knights/Frontier Garrison now has three branches, and each branch has three or four regiments with a total of 4000+.

Among them, there are only a few hundred formal, alternate, and trainee knights, and the rest are sergeants and retinues; in addition, there are several knights' territories in the adjacent area; they can probably provide a similar number or even slightly more troops; and In each knight order, it is said that there are several blood inheritances.

Therefore, as a bald military warrior Teresa, after knowing that there are several (new and old) inheritance knights in the (dissatisfied) company in the Free Army, he was stunned and speechless for a long time.So, with specific enemies and future threats identified, it's time to clean things up.

The first is to arrest the notorious and dissatisfied members of the Inquisition; then they, together with the captured royalists and the urban aristocrats, accept complaints from the citizens and hold public trials on the streets, and finally in the ring. After the parade in the city, Ming Dian hung up the street lamps.

Secondly, the survivors of the local committee in Toulouse, as special representatives following the Freedom Army, went to various cities and towns in the surrounding areas; read and exposed the royalist/old aristocrats, rebelled against the country, seduced foreign enemies, perverted, and religiously framed All kinds of criminal evidence and deeds have formed public opinion.

In addition, the news that Toulouse, the largest city in the area, was instantly conquered by the Free Army after a face-to-face encounter; it also spread along with the fleeing defeated soldiers.In the following days, the Freedom Army took over most cities and towns in the Garonne River Basin almost without resistance.

Even as long as they saw the flag of the Free Army, whether it was the remnants of the royal party or the armed forces of other hostile factions, they almost fled from the stronghold/town where they were located.In the end, they converged to the southwest again, in the important town of Tarbes/Fortress at the junction of the Haute-Garron province and the neighboring Pyrenees province.

And here, another branch of the Tomahawk Knights is also stationed.

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