All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 101 Re-entering Uncle Nine Plane

Chapter 101 Re-entering the Ninth Uncle Plane
"Well, next, let's go to Uncle Jiu's Minguo plane first."

After dealing with a bunch of newcomers entering the territory, Xia Tian is going to do one thing next.

Last time, after he broke through the extraordinary in the plane of Uncle Nine with the help of "Yun Zhongjun Divine Sense Projection", he vaguely sensed that there was another thing that "resonated" with him in the plane.

You know, the first coffin of "Zhu Di" who had a feeling for him, after being sacrificed to the altar of reincarnation, gave him the enhanced version of "Yujia's personal conquest", "Zhu Shizu" and "Jinyiwei·Zhenfu" Division" three items!
In a sense, it is even more impressive than the college entrance examination rewards given by the top of the human race.

Therefore, now that I have free time, I naturally have to investigate.

"What's more, the "Golden Sun Sutra" in the Egyptian pyramid in the Ninth Uncle's plane is also an item that I must obtain."

The "Reincarnation Pool" can only transform people into elemental creatures. Only by obtaining the "Sun Golden Scripture" and combining it with the "Undead Bible" can people be truly "reincarnated"!
Based on these two reasons, Xia Tian decided to make a trip by himself.


"Look at the sky!"

"It's the fairy gate, and the fairy gate has opened again."

"It's Uncle Jiu, Uncle Jiu really came back from the fairy world."

When the cloud-shrouded "White Jade Immortal Gate" appeared in the sky again, Renjia Town was in a panic, and many people knelt on the ground and kowtowed, their eyes full of eagerness!

The news that Uncle Jiu followed the immortal to the fairy world has spread throughout Renjia Town, and many people are expecting him to bring back some things from the fairy world.

As for Uncle Jiu, he did not return empty-handed.

Before returning, he chose to exchange all his "luck points" for the "Maoshan Taoism: From Beginner to Master" skill book purchased in bulk from Skynet in the summer, as well as "Fairy Spring Water" that can A prop that allows people to quickly improve their morality.

With these two things, he can cultivate a group of qualified "Maoshan successors" in the shortest time.

Although Xia Tian is still skeptical about whether his two useless apprentices can succeed in cultivation even with the help of these resources.

But seeing that Uncle Jiu was so determined, he supported him with all his strength, and gave him a "[-]% off" at the final fee!
"Well, let's look for things that 'resonate' first."

Under the awed and excited gazes of a crowd of natives who poured into Uncle Jiu's Dojo, Xia Tian threw out the "Wen Wang Chariot" in his hand and it became bigger in the air, sat on it and walked towards one direction.

Compared with the last time he could only vaguely perceive it with the help of external force, this time he can determine the position more clearly after he has truly advanced to the extraordinary.

It seems to be in Xi'an?

Xi'an, Lintong.

On a ground full of yellow sand and not many human beings, several people appeared today and dug a large passage on the ground, as if they were searching for something!
"How long will it take?"

A woman with a brightly colored scorpion tattooed on her neck frowned, suddenly feeling uneasy.

"The passage has almost been opened, and the mechanism has been destroyed, but there is a lot of mercury inside, and we have to wait for the air in the mausoleum to circulate for a while before we can enter!"

A Caucasian man held a somewhat familiar "crystal ball" in Xia Tian, ​​and said in his mouth.

"Hurry up, complete the task and leave this plane as soon as possible!"

The woman with the bloody scorpion tattoo suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and urged her.

"There's no need to be so cautious, right? With the strength of the few of us, unless we encounter extraordinary heroes or human lords. Otherwise, there is no need to worry at all."

A tall and burly black man with arms thicker than ordinary people's thighs and a circle of gold rings around his neck said.

"It's not a big mistake to be careful. The water in this plane may be deeper than we thought."

"As far as I know, last time a group of people were arranged to come in, but they failed. Even the monster god who arranged for them to enter was found by a true god of the "Emperor Family" to find the Divine Kingdom."

"It is said that ten days across the sky, thousands of miles of red land, the entire Kingdom of God and the believers accumulated over the years were burned to ashes by the direct opponent!"

The woman with the red scorpion tattoo said solemnly.

"Hehe, that's because their strength and luck are too bad."

"Who would have thought that this plane would be selected by the high-level human race to participate in the college entrance examination, and the gods who invigilated the examination would come to investigate in person, so they couldn't hide it!"

There was a look of gloating on the face of the golden ring black man.

"However, today is different."

"Now that the college entrance examination is over, not only the invigilating gods have been evacuated. Moreover, the plane is also closed, and only new students are allowed to enter."

"Ordinary newcomers can't pose a big threat to us, and those lords who pose a threat to us, even if they complete the promotion after the college entrance examination with a lot of resources invested by the family, it will take at least a day or two, enough for me to get things. Get it and retreat!"

The white man with the divination crystal ball in his hand also echoed.

"Hehe, everyone was originally a human race. In the end, they have to be divided into a "profession" of three, six, or nine grades."

"As long as you become a lord, you can enjoy huge rewards, and there are even special investment protections from the gods, so you don't have to worry about resources along the way!"

"It's a joke to say that it is because the lord must become a true god! With so many resources, even if it is put on me, there is still a chance to become a true god!"

"The high-level human race, how unfair!"

However, it seemed that his emotions were aroused, and the white man became more and more angry as he talked.

"Hmph, the gods of the human race are all just false gods, and only the 'Master' is the real 'God'!"

The tone and gaze of the black man in the Golden Ring called Hans was even more fanatical.

"What do you guys want us to do?"

At this time, a weak female voice sounded timidly.

In addition to the three "human traitors" with obvious identities, there were also two young people from the original plane, a man and a woman, present!

The young woman wore a blue striped Japanese dress with a watery face.

The young man was dressed like a Chinese tunic suit, with firm features.

"Hehe, Miss Photon, it seems that you can't stand it?"

"That's right, the wind and sand here are too strong, I'm afraid it may scratch your delicate face, why don't I use your hand to cover it!"

Jinhuan Heihe smiled, and stretched out a black hand that was a circle bigger than the head of an ordinary person, trying to pinch the face of the weak woman in the cherry blossom skirt.

"Get your dirty hands off!"

The young man in the Chinese tunic suit looked angry, and he shielded the woman in the embroidered dress behind him, clenching his hands hard.

"Hehe, kid surnamed Chen, put your fist down."

"Your so-called 'Huaxia Martial Arts' is meaningless to me. It's not even comparable to the sand blown by the wind. It's weak and powerless!"

The black man in Jinhuan grinned ferociously, and he was about to fan the young man away.

"Hans, don't ruin the mission!"

The tattooed girl stopped her.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen Zhen, what we said will definitely be done. After you help us take out the things we need, you can let the two of you go."

Then, he said kindly to the young man in the Chinese tunic suit who was clenched and angry.

"We can even introduce you to the god behind us. Isn't your master just poisoned to death by the Dongying people? Moreover, the Dongying people obviously have wolfish ambitions for your motherland, ready to move..."

"As long as you rely on us and get the help of the true god, you will be able to gain great power."

"Even if you can make enough credit, even if you ask the true god to directly wipe out the entire Dongpu on this plane, there will be no problem!"

"Chen Zhen!"

Mitsuko Yamada looked a little frightened and worried, and hugged Chen Zhen's arm tightly.


But Chen Zhen inevitably hesitated.

Along the way, he has seen the power of these three people, which is indeed far beyond his imagination.

If he gets these superhuman powers.

Perhaps, being able to be a master can really stop Fujita Takeshi's ambition!


And right now.

The tattooed woman's complexion suddenly changed, and she suddenly turned her head to look in a direction.

A black and gold carriage pulled by eight identical pure white horses drove at high speed in the yellow sand everywhere without being stained with dust. In a blink of an eye, it stopped on the ground not far from several people, and walked out of it. A figure in a white robe with a jade belt and a fairy-like costume!

(End of this chapter)

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