All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 103 Terra Cotta Warriors, Dragon Emperor's Tomb!

Chapter 103 Terra Cotta Warriors, Dragon Emperor's Tomb!

"Damn it, it's a lord!"

This time, the faces of the three human traitors were really ugly.

I feel that my luck is simply extremely bad.

An extraordinary level hero is nothing more than they have cards to deal with, and a rookie lord is also okay, even if they can't beat them, they can withdraw!
But an official lord who has reached the extraordinary level will make them almost desperate.

Because at this time, the official lord appearing in this sealed plane is a completely different concept from other planes.

Now, after all, it is just the first day of the college entrance examination.

The lords who can advance at this time must either have accumulated a lot in the college entrance examination, and the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the territory is extremely strong.

Either his background is extremely deep, and the family power directly provides a large amount of resources to strengthen the territory, and even someone helps the guard to advance quickly, and enters this plane first to make a layout!

No matter what the situation is, it can be said to be extremely bad for the three traitors of the human race.

"The current plan, the only way capture the thief first, to capture the king first, let's go together!"

The tattooed woman yelled.

At this time, the black man no longer had the complacency of "the winning ticket" before, and his heart was quite disturbed. After hearing what the tattooed woman said, he felt that this was indeed the only way, his face became ferocious, and the veins on his arms were violent Get up, violently swing your fist towards Xia Tian!


A black flame rushed out from his arm, turning into a faintly taking the western dragon shape and devouring towards Xia Tian.


However, the next moment.

Hans' face, which should have no expression because of his complexion, suddenly turned livid!
Because, while he was attacking, the tattooed woman and the crystal man who had been cooperating to attack Xia Tian before stopped at the same time, and each chose a direction to escape separately!


In Xia Tian's mind, he could already fully imagine what kind of words appeared in the mind of the black man named Hans at this time.

To sum up, it is "brainless, unhappy, and vomiting blood"!
"Haha, it's interesting!"

Xia Tian was amused by the decisiveness of these human traitors.

It has to be said that a traitor is a traitor. The tattooed woman and the crystal man obviously did not discuss it, but they both made the choice to sell their teammates.

It's just that since Xia Tian has already consumed spirit crystals and grade points to open the gate of the void, how can he let them escape?

Not to mention the risk of attracting the attention of the alien gods behind them, just because these people are "wanted criminals", each of them has a certain amount of meritorious rewards on them, and he needs meritorious deeds as consumption if he wants to open the "true god authority" .

That means he can't let it go.


Because of the metamorphosis into the form of a bloody scorpion, the tattooed woman who ran the fastest, suddenly fluctuated in the air in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, a purple light flashed, and one of the arms of the scorpion girl had fallen to the ground!

This is also the reason why she has a certain sense of crisis and stopped in time.

Houhou's figure appeared, stepping barefoot in the air, blood dripping slowly from the purple demon blade in his hand, like a fairy or a demon.

"Ghost Assault!"

Wei Qing, on the other hand, rode the Nightmare Warhorse, his body was blurred, he skipped a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and pierced the back of the white crystal man with the sound of wind and thunder!
The latter was forced to choose to roll on the ground, dodging the blow in a panic, and was also intercepted.

"Your qi and blood seem to have some characteristics of Western dragons?!"

As for the "black dragon flame" emitted by the black man, Gao Shun held up the dragon-scale shield to resist it, and the dragon-slaying knife held in the other hand was faintly screaming with excitement.

In addition to the damage bonus to the dragon clan, this knife can also condense its blood into "Dragon Yuan", but because the seventh round is projected on the battlefield, it has no effect. use?
Moreover, Gao Shun inherited Xu Kun's ability of "swallowing life". After killing an enemy, he can gain a part of his vitality bonus. The stronger the vitality of the enemy itself, the better the effect.

There is no doubt that this black man is of great experimental value to him.

"Chen Zhen, are we dreaming?"

Looking at this scene that was completely beyond his understanding, Mitsuko Yamada already had some doubts about life!
"It shouldn't be a dream!"

Chen Zhen's expression, on the other hand, was calmer, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Being forcibly dragged into this wilderness by the three tattooed women, his heart was full of worries, and he didn't quite believe what the other party said.

After completing the task, he will let go of the promise of the two of them, just because of the kung fu that he was originally proud of, it is completely useless when facing this Western black man.

Therefore, I had to hold back and be patient.

But at this time, the black man whose height became as tall as a floor on the battlefield was repeatedly cut by Gao Shun who was holding a dragon-slaying knife, and a large amount of blood gushed out, making his tall figure shrink continuously and his feet stagger , was clearly about to lose.

"I think we should be saved!"

And just when Chen Zhen excitedly held Mitsuko Yamada's hand, and was about to start spreading dog food.

Suddenly, the soil under the two people's feet was sunken, and an extremely ferocious mouth full of sharp teeth opened, and it was about to swallow the two people who held their hands together in one gulp.

As the summoner, the white crystal man was overwhelmed by Wei Qing's attack, unable to control it at all, so the extraordinary sandworm no longer obeyed the order to attack King Wen's car, but chose to eat the couple who were trying to spread dog food first!

However, just when the two were about to fall into the mouth of the sandworm.

A voice sounded.

A thunderbolt slammed into Sandworm's body like a dragon with teeth and claws. The huge figure with a length of nearly 20 meters was shaken violently, and then it turned into ashes and disappeared.

The Thunder this time was completely different from the previous one, both in form and in power.

Because a certain range around the rare-quality "Void Gate" can be regarded as Xia Tian's territory.

In the case of having a large number of bonuses and gathering spiritual power in the territory, even if the sky and the earth limit this thunderbolt, it has shown a completely extraordinary power, the power of the sky and the earth!


After that, Xia Tian didn't go to see Chen Zhen and Mitsuko Yamada who fell into a state of embarrassment.

Because a huge mausoleum was revealed at the location of the sandworm that turned into ashes and disappeared.

In the mausoleum, bronze chariots driven by four horses are arranged in a very neat formation. On and around the chariots are soldiers holding halberds, and each of them is holding a crossbow. A soldier half kneeling on the ground ready to shoot.

However, these soldiers are all fired from clay!

【Great Qin Terracotta Army】

Rating: 11
Grade: Extraordinary High Rank (Seal)

Legion Features: Military Merit, Immortality

Legion Skills: Bronze Forged Soldiers, Terracotta Army Expansion
[Military Merit Conferment (Extraordinary)]

Explanation: The Qin Dynasty practiced military feats, and the terracotta warriors and horses can increase their level by killing enemies in battle, and gradually lift the suppression and seal of their own level by the plane.

【Immortal Body (Extraordinary)】

Explanation: The terracotta warriors and horses have an immortal body in the original plane. As long as they touch the soil, they can consume spiritual power to recondense their bodies.

[Bronze Casting Soldiers (Extraordinary)]

The terracotta warriors and horses can extract metal elements from the soil, and use spiritual power to cast them into various weapons, battle armor, chariots, etc.!
[Terracotta Warriors and Horses Expanding the Army (Extraordinary)]

The terracotta warriors and horses can give part of their own luck to transform the targets conquered and killed by them into members of their own legion!
Explanation: Only the "Dragon Emperor" knows how to awaken the Terracotta Warriors and Horses who are in the seal.

Remarks: Master Wang Yuxing repaired my spear.The same hatred with the son!Wang Yuxing division, repair my armor soldiers.Walk with you!
"Hiss, terracotta warriors!"

At this time in the summer, I finally remembered that in addition to Egypt, some of the plots in the "Mummy" series did indeed take place in China.

Among them, the "Dragon Emperor" is based on "Qin Shihuang" as the prototype.

The most important thing is that Xia Tian can clearly feel that the things that interact with him are in the direction these terracotta warriors and horses are facing.

A model is more majestic than other chariots. On the bronze chariot of the imperial level, a general-like man holds the reins in his hand and "drives for the king". A bronze sword is hung on the waist of the chariot. The terracotta figurines looked like sitting proudly, staring at their own army, as if they were reviewing, and seemed to be waiting for something.

"So, what I perceive is the 'Dragon Emperor' of this plane?"

Xia Tian took a deep breath.

"Or, simply...the 'Ancestral Dragon' in history!"

(End of this chapter)

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