All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 106 Long Yuan, the disappearing Bai Qi

Chapter 106 Long Yuan, the disappearing Bai Qi
"This is... my fate?"

The scenes that appeared in the reincarnation pool made Chen Zhen extremely shocked.

Especially when Mitsuko Yamada was forced to leave China, he agreed with him to wait for him to meet in Tokyo after the war ended and the Japanese army withdrew from the Chinese territory.

As a result, he was shot and killed by the Japanese in order to prevent the war, and he failed to attend the appointment in the end!

"Man of God, can all this be changed?"

Chen Zhen's face was full of confusion.

It's not just because he has nothing to do with Yamada Mitsuko.

Moreover, because in the picture, the land under your feet has become a place where Eastern and Westerners open the country with strong boats and guns, search for resources and dump goods. The flesh and blood compatriots are regarded by those foreigners as the sick men of East Asia, a deep shame for the inferior peoples!

"It's up to you!"

Xia Tian watched him, said in the mouth.

In fact, strictly speaking, the fate trajectory of this plane has been changed by him.

Joining Uncle Nine in Sky City will definitely lead to a series of butterfly effects.

Not to mention that because this plane is quite special, there may be other Skywalkers entering after the college entrance examination!
But Xia Tian definitely won't say that directly, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of effort?
"Are you persistent enough to avenge your master?"

"Is there enough determination to stop the ambitious Japanese people?"

"Whether you have enough desire, get the power to protect the person in your arms!"

"Even, do you want to resurrect your master one day?"

Xia Tian threw out the "Four Questions of the Soul" to the bewildered youth.

"Please God-man teach me."

After all, Chen Zhen is an overseas student, and a high-level intellectual in this era will wake up immediately!
"Very well, as long as you have money... No, it will do if you have this kind of determination."


[The residents of your territory killed Hans, Ruan Shimei, and Horton (Gold Top Level 17, 18, 19), and obtained merit: 5500! 】

When Xia Tian walked out of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum with Chen Zhen holding the Jinyiwei brand in his hand, the battle above was over.

The three traitors of the human race who forcibly elevated to the extraordinary level have been killed by Hou Hou and others.

After all, the three of Houhou are of a real transcendental level, plus they can enjoy the territory bonus near the gate of the void, and the victory is completely expected.

However, considering the ability of these human traitors to pretend to be dead, Xia Tian even activated the feature of "Zen Shi Clan" to flog the corpses to ensure that no future troubles were left.

Compared with the last time, although there were only three people this time, the loot left behind was even richer.

For example, the "scorpion tattoo" on the woman's body is actually an extraordinary "special mecha" formed by the combination of magic civilization and technological civilization, and its value is estimated to be more than 2 spirit crystals.

The white man left behind a "luck crystal ball" again.

The value of this thing is hard to define.

If it happens that there is a "karma" with some big shots, the value must be higher than the scorpion tattoo.

Whether it is in exchange for meritorious service, or asking the gods to help refine weapons, etc., it is a good deal!
The reason why there is an option of "refining weapons".

It was because Xia Tian discovered that the "Dragon Slaying Sword" drawn from the altar seemed to have a greater effect than he imagined.

Because, after Gao Shun killed the black man, he transformed the blood of the black dragon on his body into a "dragon element" through the skill of the dragon-slaying sword.

Its attributes are better than what Xia Tian originally thought!

【Dragon Yuan】

Rating: 10
Grade: Gold top

Explanation: The 'Dragon Yuan', which still has a weak and extraordinary dragon blood power, can strengthen the physical body after use, and greatly enhance the physical strength and the power of Qi and blood.

The original explanation in the skill attribute of "Dragon Slaying Knife" is - transform the spiritual power essence of the killed dragon creature into "Dragon Yuan", and after taking it, increase your spiritual power (level) upper limit!

This makes Xia Tian think that it is used to enhance the skill like Xianquan's "Sun and Moon Essence".

But now it seems that the previous understanding was obviously wrong.

The so-called "spiritual power" in the law of the void: actually includes the sum of all the powers of the body, soul, spirit, etc., so strengthening the body can also increase the upper limit of the level.

And this kind of dragon element strengthens the power of the physical body, while the fairy spring enhances the "magic power". The combination of the two can make a person develop in an all-round way and be more suitable for different situations.

"For example, those top fighters in the Ming plane are naturally more suitable to improve their internal strength through fairy springs."

"However, soldiers in the army are more suitable to improve their physique through Long Yuan."

"After all, even if ordinary soldiers gain internal strength, it is difficult for them to display sufficient combat power without proficiency in advanced martial arts!"

"But after strengthening the physical body, even if it is just to increase the strength and reduce the strength by ten times, it is enough to obtain a huge improvement."

"Next, it will be much easier to help me rule this plane through war expansion and annexation."

A satisfied expression appeared on Xia Tian's face.

In particular, what the Chosen One of the Great Sun God Department said before made him understand that another lord had already set his sights on the Wuxia Ming plane.

And facing this lord, he will definitely not have the overwhelming advantage in the college entrance examination.

Because, the other party will definitely come after becoming the official lord.

And if the lord's own background is very deep, or if he chooses to join some big forces.

It is even possible to directly recruit a large number of extraordinary units, and replace all the territorial buildings with extraordinary levels.

In this case, he had to rely on the power of the Great Ming Dynasty on his own plane.

"So, it's best to get more 'Dragon Yuan', and even cultivate a group of troops on the real plane that are enough to fight the lord!"

Thinking in Xia Tian's heart.

Of course, if you want to condense dragon essence, you must kill dragons or creatures with dragon blood!

For others, even if they are official lords, this is very difficult.

But for him, it is precisely the easier one.

Because don't forget, the "Crystal Dragon Palace" as a peerless building can directly attract monsters suppressed by the dragon clan from the world of reincarnation!

And many of these monsters in the ocean have dragon blood...

"Next, you take this carriage to Renjia Town to find a Taoist priest named Lin Jiu.

"After that, the two of them went to Egypt with a guide to lead the way, and searched for a place called "City of the Dead"!"

After re-burying the mausoleum, Xia Tian and Hou Hou walked into the void gate to return to the territory, left King Wen's carriage to Chen Zhen, and sent a mission.



After the entire territory shook slightly, calm returned.

[You have installed the territory building "Terracotta Warriors and Horses", and the heroes attached to the building have been recruited. 】

It is different from all previous buildings.

The barracks of the terracotta warriors and horses are completely buried under the ground of the territory, leaving only an entrance made of bronze doors on the ground, which seems quite mysterious.

When Xia Tian approached, the bronze door opened automatically.

A general in the shape of a terracotta warrior hangs a general bronze sword on his waist, holding a war halberd in his hand, standing motionless, quietly!
Because of having the memory of Qin Shihuang in this plane, Xia Tian already knew who this general was.

Unfortunately, it was not the famous "God of Killing" Wu An Jun Bai Qi.

Because, although Bai Qi in this plane lived a few years longer than in the history of the earth, he still died shortly after Qin Shihuang was born.

It's not that he was given death as in the original history, but he was injured in many years of fighting, physically exhausted, and died of natural causes.

According to Qin Shihuang's memory, on the day Bai Qi died, blood suddenly gushed out from the Changping battlefield, and the remnants of countless soldiers who were buried alive turned into clouds of blood and surrounded Xianyang, the royal palace of the Qin Dynasty!

In addition, there are other battlefields that were defeated by Bai Qi's army and massacred a large number of people, and blood mist rose.

"Good, good, good! Bai Qi, you are finally dead."

"Bai Qi, you still have today, so you must die."

"Bai Qi, do you know! We have waited so long not to reincarnate, but we are waiting for this day."

In the end, all these blood clouds gathered above Bai Qi's mansion, waiting for the soul to leave the body after the death of this peerless killer who had slaughtered millions of people.

Tear it alive and devour it!
After all, there is no Daqin Ruishi under him.

How could a single commander resist the resentment left by millions of killed soldiers forming a cloud of blood.

People are slaughtered, but nothing happens.

She is destined to end up in a situation where her soul flies away, disappears in smoke, and has no return.

That night, the entire sky was covered in blood, and no one in Xianyang City could fall asleep.

But the next day, a news came out.

At the moment of death, Bai Qi disappeared suddenly.

Yes, it disappeared, so that the grievances of millions of soldiers from the six countries lost their target and turned into a rain of blood for three days and three nights!
"Well, judging from this memory, the upper limit of practice in this ancient world was definitely not low."

"If, I can really think of a way to help Uncle Jiu reverse the power of luck on the plane and undo the Age of Doom! The harvest is estimated to be on the plane of Da Ming's martial arts."

There is a feeling in Xia Tian's heart.

Of course, Bai Qi's sudden disappearance made him feel a little regretful.

Otherwise, for this top general in ancient times, he might risk his disgrace and revive him through the altar of reincarnation by "digging his grave".

Fortunately, the one in front of him is also a top existence who is not inferior to Bai Qi among the famous generals in the entire Warring States Period!
(End of this chapter)

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