Chapter 110

【Water of Mother and Child River】

Rating: 20
Grade: Extraordinary · Rare

Explanation: The water of Xiliang Daughter Kingdom·Zimu River has a very miraculous 'pregnancy' feature, after drinking it, it can breed embryos of extraordinary level (but it will lower its own level)!

Remarks: For beings above extraordinary, embryos can be bred, but they cannot have souls!

"Hmm, could it be the mother-child river in Journey to the West?"

Xia Tian has curiosity on his face.

This is a "good thing". Although it is an item of the extraordinary level, even Zhu Bajie and Tang Seng, whose theoretical level is far beyond the extraordinary, will become pregnant after drinking it!
This kind of characteristic that whoever drinks it will become pregnant is really extremely powerful.

"However, this spring water doesn't seem to be of much use to me?"

Xia Tian wondered where it could be used.

Drink it yourself, this is obviously nonsense!

And sell it to help others solve the problem of "infertility"?

It seems that there is no use.

After all, there are too many ways to solve this privacy problem with the civilization of the mythical earth.

Whether it's the cloning technology on the technology side, the various elixir on the immortal side, or even if it's really not working, just spend some meritorious deeds directly to ask the gods who follow the line of related gods, such as Guanyin, the goddess of life, and the concubine. Can handle it.

What's more, the water of Zimu River can only make people pregnant, but it doesn't mean that they can give birth to healthy children.

In the original book, the people of the Daughter Kingdom also need to drink water before going to the birth spring to take a photo. There must be a double shadow, which means that the fetus has a soul before it can be born.

Otherwise, it is a stillbirth that needs to be aborted.

Therefore, purely from the perspective of the trading market, this river water may not be able to sell the value that the "rare" quality should have.

"Forget it, let's leave it for now, let's talk about it after the reincarnation of 'Dragon Slaying Sword'."

Xia Tian puts the Dragon Slaying Sword on the altar, opening a new "world of reincarnation".

In the 36th year of the First Emperor's reign, Ying Huo kept his heart.

There are stars falling, and the ground is a stone, and the head of Guizhou may be engraved on the stone saying "the first emperor dies and the land is divided".

Qin Shihuang was furious when he heard this, and sent troops to hunt down the world and massacred them wantonly, which made the people miserable and complained.

At the same time, Xu Fu, an alchemist, was ordered to refine the elixir of life for himself.

Xu Fu found the trace of a phoenix, and at the right time, he and a group of soldiers captured the phoenix when it was weak after Nirvana, and used the phoenix blood to practice the elixir of life.

But "because Qin Shihuang was in power brutally, in order to prevent Qin Shihuang from taking the elixir and continuing to cause harm to the world", he decided to swallow it himself.

Fearing that Qin Shihuang would kill himself when he knew about it, he lied that he went east to Japan to find the last medicine for Qin Shihuang.

After Qin Shihuang agreed, Xu Fu fled away and never returned.

"Well, this paragraph seems a bit familiar? It can't be a coincidence!"

Xia Tian muttered something.

Read on.

The world of reincarnation.

As the head of the pavilion in Sishui, Peixian County, Liu Bang met Zhang Liang who was hunted down by the Qin army. After some twists and turns, he got involved and was forced to give up his iron rice bowl errand to eat the emperor's food. Together with the latter, he started a head-killing rebellion errands.

The two boldly conspired to assassinate Qin Shihuang, but were rounded up because of their failure.

After finally breaking out of the siege with serious injuries, he encountered an extraordinary white snake with horns on its forehead that almost turned into a dragon blocking the way!
Just when he was about to die, a divine sword suddenly fell from the sky, cutting the white snake into two pieces, and condensing the soul and blood essence into a dragon element.

After Liu Bang took it, he gained great strength in one leap.

On the other hand, Ying Zheng found out that he had been fooled by Xu Fu, because his time limit was approaching and he was unable to chase him down.

He could only order people to inquire in many ways, and found out the whereabouts of a dragon.

He led an army to fight with him personally, and although he failed to kill the dragon, he got the dragon ball containing huge power, and forcibly swallowed the dragon ball in order to gain the power of longevity!
However, at the critical moment when he was digesting Dragon Ball.

Liu Bang and Zhang Liang also arrived with the rebels, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Qin Shihuang, who devoured the dragon ball, transformed into a black dragon to fight Liu Bang.

I didn't want to, but was restrained by Liu Bang's "excalibur" because of this.

In the end, he was defeated and died!

When Zulong dies, the world will be divided.

A crowd of lords competed for the hegemony.

Relying on the magic sword in his hand and Zhang Liang's assistance, Liu Bang had the last laugh and opened the prosperous age of the Han Dynasty.

And the "Dragon Slaying" sword that descended from the sky was also listed as the "Sword of the Son of Heaven" by the Han Dynasty. It was passed down from generation to generation and enshrined by the Han Dynasty, and the country's destiny was baptized!
The cycle is over.

What appeared on the altar was a long sword housed in a carefully crafted five-color glazed sword case, the blade seemed to be covered with ice and snow, and the white dragon skin was used as the scabbard.

【Emperor Slaying Dragon Sword (Lord's Treasure)】

Rating: 15
Grade: Extraordinary · Qizhen

Abilities: Dragon Slaying, Son of Heaven

Skills: Dragon Yuan, Sword of the Son of Heaven


Under the whole world, could it be the king's land.

Explanation: The lord who holds the Dragon Slaying Sword of the Son of Heaven will be regarded as his own territory within a certain range centered on his own location (depending on the will of the plane to determine the size of the range).

【Sword of the Son of Heaven】

After activating the skill, with sufficient spiritual power and luck, the sword energy can cover the entire territory!
Explanation: The sword of the Son of Heaven is made of five elements.Adhere to the spring and autumn, travel in the autumn and winter, decide the floating clouds, and go down to the Jedi.

Xia Tian will pull out a section of the blade from the scabbard for a while.

Immediately, I felt an invisible sword energy instantly oppressing all directions, and I could attack any corner of the territory with a single thought!
"Good sword!"

Can't help admiring in the mouth.

The newly added feature and skill of this sword is not inferior to the original two at all.

Especially as a lord's treasure, this sword can not only work in its own territory, but also in other planes.

Moreover, as long as this sword is equipped, it can obtain the "enclosure" effect similar to the void gate.

This is also the most important thing for Xia Tian, ​​because it costs money to open the Void Gate, but this sword is equivalent to "whoring for nothing".

It's free, it's fragrant!

"However, it's not enough to say it's free."

"30 spirit crystals, it's equivalent to 30 billion when exchanged for the currency of the previous life!"

"This consumption is really expensive, so we must find a way to 'earn' it back."

Xia Tian thought about the idea in his heart.

As for how to earn back, naturally start with "Crystal Dragon Palace".

This piece of peerless quality building, according to the instructions, can summon the sea monster suppressed by the dragon clan from the plane of Ao Bing. You can choose to subdue it into a territorial unit, or kill it to become a dragon yuan or provide enough food and materials.

It can be said that it is the best money-making option besides the arena in the current territory!
Well, speaking of the arena.

"Win, win. Ye Gucheng won another game!"

"Ximen Chuuxue also won. Both of them are very good. They have already won ten consecutive victories."

"Yeah, even the rankings are so close. One is 101 in the gold rank, and the other is 102 in the gold rank."

Many people in the territory are watching Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng's "ranking tour" from scratch in the arena.

Although it has been less than a day since the two peerless swordsmen joined the territory, they have both become "veterans" in the arena.

The two of them have already matched hundreds of matches in qualifying, this level of enthusiasm simply makes Xia Tian feel a little ashamed.

Speaking of it, it was also because of the two of them.

It was only in Xia Tian that he realized that the arena building actually has a more meaningful function than earning luck and god points as he thought!
That is, it can actually adjust the "time".

Because people entering the arena come from different planes, the time flow rate of the heavens and myriad worlds will definitely not be the same. The function of adjusting time and avoiding "delay" is obviously indispensable.

And for the territory, this ability is undoubtedly very useful!

Because the territories of the human race are all attached to the mythical earth universe, compared to other planes, there is actually a "disadvantage" in terms of time. For example, it takes a lot of time for him to visualize a "spiritual projection".

But if you want to be able to change the location of visualization to the arena, and set the time flow rate very high through "customization", learning and mastering skills will be too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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