All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 112 Invincible characteristic, Flying Immortal

Chapter 112 Invincible characteristic, Flying Immortal
"Thank you, Chengzhu, for allowing me to comprehend the realm of 'Shattered Void'!"

After closing my eyes for a while, I realized it for a while.

Ye Gucheng suddenly opened his eyes, and saluted Xia Tian who was surrounded by gold and silver "Dragon Yuan".

There was some irrepressible joy on his face.

Xia Tian's sword just now, to be precise, was the process of the Heavenly Son's Dragon Slaying Sword cooperating with Xia Tian as the lord to draw the spiritual power of the territory, which greatly touched him.

Even under the blessing of the territory's "outstanding talents" feature, he entered the state of "epiphany" and was able to break through in one fell swoop!
"Thank you City Lord!"

As for Ximen Chuuxue, although he still said very little.

Moreover, even if he broke through, he still kept a straight face.

But the knuckles of the knuckles holding the sword tightly are also a little white, and it is obvious that the mood is not calm!

After all, the two had fought each other for their lives before, and they just wanted to fight for the possibility of one of them breaking the void, but it was not enough.

It's only been one day since joining the territory, and both of them have broken through the limit.


Xia Tian was silent for a while.

The important point just now, shouldn't it be that I am very powerful, and killed so many dragon fish with good fighting power with one sword?

These are hundreds of dragon blood creatures above silver level, or even gold level?
as qualified subordinates.

You, shouldn't you be very surprised, and then shout loudly and call Liuliu?

Alas, good guy, could it be that he had acted too aggressively before, so that the sword just now became a matter of course for the two people in front of him?

The most important thing is, I just use this newly acquired lord's treasure to pretend.

You both comprehended extraordinary power directly after my sword strike.

This is completely presumptuous, okay?

Speaking of which, Xia Tian always felt that his comprehension was good.

After all, after obtaining the "Shen Jue" and contemplating it for one night, he comprehended "Moon Survey" and "Driving Cloud Qi", which provided him with many "compelling" features and skills in the future!
But now he doubts himself a little, is he really enlightened among the heavens and worlds?

Or in other words, the person who can leave his name on the earth in his previous life actually has a higher "potential" than he originally thought?
There is a vague suspicion in Xia Tian's heart.

"Very good, it's not in vain. I arranged for you to enter the arena to fight against the heroes of the other lords, the races of the heavens, and sharpen the way of the sword."

On the surface, he still looks calm and unpredictable.

However, it is indeed a good thing for him that the two rely on their own breakthroughs.

One is, it saves the power of luck in some territories.

Second, under Ying Zheng's "unification" skills, the skills of the two are undoubtedly equivalent to his own skills!
I don't know, what kind of extraordinary attributes do they each condense?
Xia Tian checked curiously.

【Flying Immortal (Skill)】

Grade: Extraordinary

Description: Ye Gucheng's most powerful sword technique.When using it, it enters the state of "harmony between man and nature", and it is in the state of "invincible" at the same level. It can arouse the power of the surrounding heaven and earth, and exert power beyond its own limit!
[Sword of Killing Intent (Characteristic)]

Grade: Extraordinary

Explanation: Ximen Chuuxue's killing intent can be transformed into a substantive attack, which can truly kill the enemy, and can also bless one's own attack.

"Good guy, this 'Flying Immortal Outside the Sky' is a bit powerful!"

Flying Immortals!

It is the same as "Xiao Li Fei Dao", an extremely famous skill.

And the move that Ye Gucheng comprehended now was obviously affected by the attack of the "Emperor's Dragon Slaying Sword" just now.

Self-contained invincibility, and can also attract the power of heaven and earth, it can be said that it is completely top-notch among extraordinary skills!

"Well, my previous sword purely relied on the characteristics of the Dragon Slaying Sword of the Son of Heaven. It has good power, but its appearance is too poor."

"Now that there is this Heavenly Flying Immortal, it will definitely be much more gorgeous!"

As for Ximen Chuuxue, what was condensed was not skills, but characteristics.

However, this characteristic is also very perverted, and it can kill people with a direct thought.

Just relying on this extraordinary characteristic, it is hard to say what is above extraordinary.

I'm afraid that beings below the extraordinary face Ximen Chuuxue, they may not even be able to see the opponent's sword, and they will be instantly killed!
"Perhaps my guess is true."

"The names left on the earth in the previous life, especially those protagonists, are likely to have more potential than I imagined..."

Xia Tian thought secretly.

And this also increased his determination to go to different planes to collect those familiar "heroes".

Cough, it's not because of greedy people's characteristics and skills.

It is purely for the purpose of recruiting these heroes to his own command and enhancing the power of the Chinese god system.

At the same time, it also prevents them from knowing people unknown, taking refuge in the lords of other gods, and going on the wrong path!
Xia Tian is honest and honest in his heart.

And because Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue, two heroes who are very good at killing, have broken through the extraordinary, which makes the next "spawning" process a lot easier.

Xia Tian first used the characteristic of "everyone is like a dragon" to elevate the characteristics of heroes such as Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, especially the "Da Ming Navy" to the extraordinary level.

[Daming Navy (Characteristic)]

Grade: Extraordinary

Description: Obtain effects such as "walking on water, breathing underwater, ignoring water resistance" near water areas.

Walk on water, breathe underwater...

With this feature, it is natural to send people into the water to fight.

In addition, Xia Tian also attaches the power of luck in the space of the territory to these heroes, and artificially manufactures extraordinary, high-ranking, and even top-level combat power in batches.

Therefore, the next batch of summoned "aquatic" creatures suffered a catastrophe.

Ximen Chuuxue stood on the water with a serious look.

Dressed in white clothes like snow, holding a black long sword with a scabbard in his hand, he didn't intend to draw it out.

However, when the aquatic creature rushed towards him with its head on its head, sword marks appeared on its body out of thin air when it got close to his figure by a distance of one foot.

Within one meter, it disintegrated directly and surfaced on its stomach.

This efficiency is comparable to electric fish.

And Ye Gucheng stabbed out with the sword of "Flying Immortal Outside the Sky", and the brilliant sword energy rushed out more than 15 meters in the water like a frightened dragon.

The aquatic creatures affected by the sword energy, even if they belonged to the extraordinary level, had their tentacles broken, their scales flying, and even their entire bodies were cut in two.

This is because Ye Gucheng has just entered the territory not long ago.

Moreover, the warriors of the ancient line focused on artistic conception and skills, and did not pay too much attention to internal power, so that the level is not too high now, and the spiritual power that can be mobilized is still limited!

"The future is even more promising..."

In the end, the heroes of the entire territory worked together for about half a day, killing thousands of aquatic creatures.

Among them, there are more than twenty extraordinary creatures alone.

Of course, the harvest is huge, except that the spirit and blood essence of dragon blood creatures are transformed into extraordinary, gold and silver level "Dragon Yuan" by the "Emperor Dragon Slaying Sword".

Theoretically, it is enough to strengthen the strength of the soldiers in the trapped camp again, and become an extraordinary and above-average unit.

You can also use the dragon element to directly create the combat power of the corresponding level.

The rest of the non-dragon creatures are also very useful. Not only can they be used as food for the residents of the territory, each of them also has a lot of essence treasures.

Like the merman beads that can understand the language of fish after eating, the magical conch that can create a phantom mirage stone, and can make long-distance calls...

Most importantly, these materials can also be used to create extraordinary items for the territory, such as more "General Cannons" with different attributes!
You know, the General Cannon made of extraordinary Void biological materials before has two Void-type characteristics!
These sea creatures, even those made of dragon materials, are likely to inherit some characteristics of dragon creatures.

Perhaps, be able to create a submarine-style artillery that can attack underwater?
And after the battle, a bunch of people were cleaning up the loot.

Only the little fat man Wanli sneaked to the side, took out a black "box" from his arms, and began to fiddle with it in his hands.

"Wanli, come here!"

Suddenly, the voice of Xia Tian sounded.

The little fat man trembled in fright, and almost threw the "Xiaobawang Handheld Game Console" that he bought from the "shop" in the territory for 888 luck points to the ground!

Although, he wanted to explain weakly.

My name is Zhu Yijun. Compared with those extremely remote characters, the characters of the Ming Dynasty royal family that make up the periodic table of elements are easy to recognize!
But Xia Tian obviously only recognizes his year number.

"City Lord, are you looking for me?"

Therefore, the little fat man can only save the game console, then secretly throw it on the ground before running to Xia Tian.

To Little Fatty Wanli's surprise, this time Xia Tian didn't teach him a lesson like before.

Instead, he squinted his eyes, looked at him very kindly and asked if the game console was fun?

"City Master, what is a game console?"

The little fat man blinked, with a look that I didn't understand at all.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to blame you, it's just that children's toys like game consoles don't quite fit your status as emperor... Well, have you heard of Emperor Xia?"

Xia Tian made a move.

A white light flashed, and a red and yellow steel battle suit appeared beside him. The golden titanium alloy was bright and gleaming, just like the bright eyes of the little fat man Wanli.

(End of this chapter)

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