All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 126 You Are, Lord!

Chapter 126 You Are, Lord!
"Your sword intent is similar to that of Ximen Chuuxue, but unfortunately it's colder."

The Dongying people who fought against Ye Gucheng did not come from Fengyun, but Yagyu Tamaru from the other half of the background "No. [-] in the World" in this fusion plane.

This is a person with extremely high martial arts, careful thinking, and unscrupulous people to achieve his goals.

Because he opposed his daughter Xueji marrying Duan Tianya, he even did not hesitate to kill Duan Tianya, but killed his eldest daughter by mistake. Later, in order to become the martial arts leader of Dongying, he colluded with Tie Dan Shenhou and married his younger daughter to Duan Tianya as "compensation." ".

Now, it is reasonable to seek refuge with the Emperor of Japan.

"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Three battlefields, six superheroes.

This battle even moved the situation, making the sun and the moon pale!

"You go."

Naturally, the remaining four people couldn't just stand by and watch.

The old Emperor Dongying, who was dressed in a bright yellow chrysanthemum robe, looked indifferent, obviously not planning to participate in the battle himself.

Instead, he sent "Kato Musashi" who is a Skywalker to fight.


Kato Musashi nodded.

Then put the "Xuanyuan Sword" on top of the Leshan Giant Buddha, pulled out an extraordinary quality samurai sword, and challenged Xia Tian.

"Huaxia people, you have to pay for what you just said. Don't be a coward, fight me!"

"You Ruo, how about entrusting this person to you?"

Who knew that Xia Tian didn't look at him at all.

Instead, he turned his head and said to Xiongba's daughter You Ruo.

"Follow the order!"

You Ruo nodded.

"Ba Ga, let a gold-ranked woman deal with me?"

This made Kato Musashi's face change, and his expression was a little annoyed.

After all, as a Skywalker, even if his grades are not very good, he has already condensed extraordinary characteristics.

Although, he couldn't find out the detailed information of You Ruo, but he could feel that it was no more than the golden level, and Xia Tian sent a woman to fight, obviously deliberately humiliating him!

"Um, what?"

However, when You Ruo walked towards him.

Kato Musashi suddenly noticed that every time this beautiful woman took a step, her aura became stronger.

When he walked not far in front of him, he had already been promoted from gold to extraordinary level.

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"

The next moment, both palms were shrouded in a layer of cloud and slapped at him.

From the seemingly soft and crystal-clear palm, the powerful force almost caused his katana to fly out of his hand!

Territorial characteristics, everyone is like a dragon.

As long as Xia Tian is willing, any resident of the territory can enter "transcendence".

As Xiongba's daughter, You Ruo's martial arts talent may not be as good as Feng, Shuang, Yun, Xue and others, but the types of martial arts she has mastered are far superior to the four of them!

It was more than enough for a skywalker who had just finished the college entrance examination and hadn't mastered too advanced a level of martial arts.

Up to now, the only people who are still idle are Xia Tian and Emperor Dongying.

"I originally thought that Xiongba was the person in charge among you. Now it seems that I have misunderstood. Are you the royal family of Shenzhou?"

The arrogant Emperor Dongpu finally looked at Xia Tian.

But he still didn't make a move, but his white beard and hair fluttered, and his old eyes seemed a little curious.

"Are you talking like that, do you want to deliberately delay the time, so that those who are hiding underground can complete the arrangement?"

Xia Tian has no interest in chatting with him.

The words spoken in a calm tone made Emperor Dongying's eyes suddenly focus.


The next moment, the soil around the battlefield shattered one after another, and black figures emerged from the soil. It was a ninja who was lurking underground and surrounded the battlefield.

Since he is the Supreme Emperor of Dongpu, how could he only have a few masters around him.

Hundreds of Japanese ninjas surrounded this place. The ninja swords held in their hands were shining with poisonous purple light. Some ninjas even held guns in their hands. Needless to say, this one Skywalker's handwriting!

【Ghost Ninja】

Rating: 15
Grade: Gold top

Features: Oni Ninja, Shadow Dance

Skills: Ninja, Escape Technique, Extinction Cross Slash
Explanation: The ninja from Japan has very strong concealment ability and lethality.

The reason why Dongying Emperor did not take action for a long time was obviously to delay the time intentionally so that these ghost ninjas could complete the siege of the battlefield!

Because he can't let Xia Tian and others leave.

After all, they are outsiders who sneak into the land of Shenzhou to steal the dragon veins. Once they are found out, they will be surrounded by the imperial army of Shenzhou, and even extraordinary people may not return to Japan safely!
Therefore, in order to hide their tracks along the way, they actually killed a lot of people.

It's just that he didn't expect that after getting the dragon veins, he would run into the five Xia Xia who came by car.

Emperor Dongying thought in his heart that his deeds were exposed, so that the martial arts people in Shenzhou encircled and suppressed them on a large scale.

Until it was confirmed that there were only five people on Xia Tian's side, and even the woman You Ruo was sent to join the battle.

Xin Dading secretly directed the ghost ninja to form an encirclement circle.

Now all directions have been blocked by it, even the extraordinary powerhouse cannot escape easily.

"Seeing that you are all strong, you can be captured without a fight and surrender to the emperor. The emperor can reward you with high officials and rich salary. Otherwise, you can only bury your bones here and stay with your emperor Xuanyuan."

But at this time, seeing the Emperor Dongying who was "sure of success" and embroidered with chrysanthemums on his clothes, the tone of his mouth suddenly became cold.

[Kato Musashi] Huh, as I said, you will pay for your arrogance.Now, in my heart...

And in the Skynet channel, there was also the slightly gasping voice of the Skywalker of the Great Sun God.

You Ruo is really not weak, which makes him tired of coping.

However, seeing a bunch of Japanese ninjas appear, Kato Musashi also felt that he had a chance to win.

After all, these ninjas belonged to the upper ranks of gold, even if the frontal combat power was not enough to fight against the extraordinary level!

But it is also possible to block Xia Tian and others' escape route and decide the final outcome of this battle.

"In my heart... yes... no..."

However, Kato Musashi stopped talking halfway through.

Because above Xia Tian's head, a cloud-shrouded White Jade Gate is emerging from the void with the sound of wind and thunder!
"What is this? Some kind of special Divine Martial Arts!"

Emperor Dongying had doubts in his mind.

"The gate of the void. Damn it, you are a lord~"

After Kato Musashi was stunned for a moment, his complexion changed drastically in vain.

"Quick, His Majesty the Emperor. Kill him, and don't let him open this door!"

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly dodged a series of serial attacks launched by You Ruo's "Fengshen Leg", while shouting at Emperor Dongying.

There was obvious anxiety and even fear in the voice.

"The gate of the void? The lord?"

Although Emperor Dongying didn't know the reason for his fear.

But looking at the Bai Yumen that appeared above Xia Tian's head, there was indeed an ominous premonition in his heart.

Therefore, the next moment he put the Blood Bodhi and the dragon veins in one hand, his figure was like a ghost, and he flew towards Xia Tian's position.

"Breaking the Sky!"

The palm of the free hand was shot out from the air, and the majestic zhenqi formed a huge handprint covering a radius of one foot in the air, covering Xia Tian's entire figure in it, blocking up, down, left, and right, making it impossible to avoid.

But in fact, Xia Tian has no intention of avoiding at all, looking at the handprints covering the sky and covering the ground, he is actually ready to take this palm hard.

"Hmph, courting death!"

The white-haired Emperor Dongying had a cruel light in his old dog's eyes.

One must know that his "Heaven-Shattering Hand" is a top-notch technique, which can be said to be extremely vicious and domineering.

In the comics, he even directly slapped to death a boxing god of the same level. Although the boxing god was seriously injured at the time, it was enough to prove the power of this martial skill.

In fact, Emperor Dongying was convinced that unless there was such a martial art as Juewushen's "Immortal Golden Body", anyone who was slapped by Sui Tianjue's hand would be shattered to death.


However, when the power of the big handprint covered Xia Tian.

It didn't appear that Emperor Dongpu was expecting to slap Xia Tian away with a palm, or at least vomit blood mixed with internal organ fragments in his mouth.

Instead, there was a sound like hitting a huge metal copper bell, and the passionate sound waves piercing through the eardrums surged out, shaking the water below to tremble!

"Shattering Heaven and Absolute Hand" shattered and dissipated on its own, while the skin of Xia Tian's body changed as if it was covered with a layer of gold, without any damage.

It is true that Xia Tian does not have the "Imperishable Golden Body", but he has the "King Kong Immortal Art".

Now that Cheng Shifei has been recruited, with the "Great Unification" skill activated, he will naturally be able to use this martial art, which can be said to be the strongest among "No. [-] in the world".

Compared with Jue Wushen's self-created "Immortal Golden Body", which still has the problem of blocking the door, this skill can be regarded as the real defense power of the plane.

Even the Marquis of Tie Dan, who has absorbed the internal energy of the world's masters by virtue of the "Suction Dafa", can't break through the defense with a single blow.

Although Emperor Dongying belonged to the super-superior high-ranking level, he was relatively powerful, but his combat power was at most comparable to that of the Iron Lord. How could it be possible to break the "King Kong is not broken" with just one palm!
"It's not bad. At least your palm managed to break my clothes."

"If I didn't have a change of clothes, the scene would probably be more embarrassing!"

Xia Tian frowned as he watched the palms of his hands tremble from the backlash, and the Emperor Dongying had a very poor face.

The Vajra Immortality Divine Art can only protect the body, unlike "The Immortal Golden Body", which can protect even the clothes and armor on the body, which is a little shortcoming!
It would be great if we could combine "King Kong Immortal Art" and "Immortal Golden Body".

However, he would naturally not recruit Jue Wushen. To obtain the "Indestructible Golden Body", he had to kill the other party and extract it from the corpse.

"what is this?"

On the other side of the battlefield, Jue Wushen looked at the White Cloud Gate that appeared in the sky, and couldn't help being surprised for a moment.

But at the moment when Ju Wushen lost his mind, Ximen Chuuxue suddenly burst out with sword energy soaring to the sky!

The long sword, which had not been formally attacked for a long time in the battle, was suddenly pulled out from the black scabbard by him, like lightning.

In just one breath, eighteen swords were continuously tapped on the immortal golden body opened by Jue Wushen.

Every sword strikes the same spot!
The speed between the sword and the sword was too fast, and the force was continuous. The continuous impact made Jue Wushen unable to react in time, and the "Immortal Golden Body" was suddenly broken.

Followed closely, under the eyes of Absolutely Wushen.

Eighteen swords in a row left sword energy in the air, like ice and snow gathered together, turning into a cold white rainbow with murderous intent, piercing the soulless throat in an instant!

【Blowing snow】

Rating: 20
Grade: Extraordinary top

Features: blowing snow, infinite murder

Skill: Containing Light and Turning into Shadow After the skill is activated, all the remaining sword energy from the previous battle will be condensed together to form a powerful attack that ignores physical defense.

Explanation: A weapon made by the disciple of the disciple of the god of weapons "Ou Yezi" guaranteed to be authentic!

The last time I fought with "Arthur"'s Death God Legion, Xia Tian promised that those who get the top three will have extra rewards.

Ye Gucheng, who was number one, gained a characteristic and was directly promoted to the extraordinary level.

As for the No.2 Ximen Chuuxue, the reward he received was to tailor an extraordinary weapon.

This is a shop specially selected by Xia Tian with a good reputation in Skynet. Although it is not a rare quality, it is also top-notch among extraordinary-level weapons!

[Your territory resident Ximen Chuuxue killed Jue Wushen, and your territory plunder gained a certain amount of plane luck! 】

[Do you choose to consume grade points to extract and transform the unique martial art "Indestructible Golden Body" created by him? 】

While Ximen Chuuxue killed Jue Wushen, two hints appeared in Xia Tian's mind.

[You extracted and transformed the "Immortal Golden Body" (Extraordinary High Rank · Rare) into loot, consuming 10000 GPA! 】

And almost at the same time that Ximen Chuuxue killed Jue Wushen, Ye Gucheng and Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou also displayed their unique moves created by Bisheng.

Liu Shengdan Mashou's figure was erratic, like white snow flying, piercing through the air and directly hitting Ye Gucheng's throat, with a murderous aura.

And after Ye Gucheng's figure rushed up to the sky, he fell with a sword like a white cloud enveloping the radiant atmosphere, sweeping away the evil atmosphere!

Killing the God with One Slash VS Flying Immortal Outside the Sky.

After the two powerful moves collided.

The sword in Ye Gucheng's hand was as powerful as a broken bamboo, and he broke Liu Shengdan Mashou's samurai sword, and even smashed his head.

[Ye Gucheng, a resident of your territory, killed Liu Sheng but Ma Shou... You extracted and transformed his self-created skill "Killing God One Sword" into spoils, consuming 10000 GPA! 】

"Three points return to vitality!"

Not just Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

Because of the opening of the void gate, the surrounding battlefield area has been transformed into Xia Tian's "territory".

It also means that for a bunch of heroes who belong to the territory, the skill effect has been directly improved by 100%. Even because the battlefield is just near the water, the additional attribute blessing of "Da Ming Navy" has been activated.

Therefore, he once again displayed the three-point return to vitality Xiongba, and knocked the "King Dao God" who was caught off guard in one fell swoop, causing the latter to hit the Leshan Giant Buddha, breaking his tendons and almost denting his body.

"what's the situation!?"

The fist god who vomited blood profusely looked shocked.

Part of it was because of Xiong Ba's sudden increase in strength.

The other part is because of the fully opened White Jade Gate, which reveals another fairyland world surrounded by clouds and mist, surrounded by waters, where dragons soar and wolves walk, and the sun and the moon shine together.

There is also a well-armed trapping camp, silver moon elves, Shenji camp, terracotta warriors and horses lined up at the door...

It's like heavenly soldiers descending on the world!

(End of this chapter)

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