All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 137 The Three Extraordinary Kingdoms, Since Lu Bu's Death...

Chapter 137 The Transcendent Three Kingdoms, Since Lu Bu's Death...

The great river goes east, and the stormy waves beat the shore.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, one was located in Jiangdong's vast, well-arranged military camp with faint clouds rising.

"Mr. Kong Ming, this statement is serious!"

A heroic and handsome young man with a fire-colored sword hanging from his waist, with a handsome and handsome appearance, suddenly stood up with surprise on his face.

"Okay, let's take three days. After three days, please make one hundred thousand arrows for our army to fight with Cao Jun. However, the military situation is urgent. If you can't make one hundred thousand arrows after three days arrow……"

"If it doesn't work, Liang is willing to be punished by the governor."

On the opposite side was a person wearing a lun scarf and a crane cloak, shaking a feather fan in his hand, looking at the young man with a half-smile, and said confidently.


At the same time, the three of them were resting in a "tea shop" in Xia Tian.

According to the information he just observed and learned from this plane, he has roughly judged the clear background.

"Well, this plane should belong to the Three Kingdoms, which combines history and romance, and whose power has been greatly enhanced..."

Since 30 years ago, a foreign object fell from the sky, which caused the spiritual power of this plane to increase greatly.

Resurrection of spiritual energy, extraordinary appearance.

The strength of the generals has greatly increased. The top generals can defeat hundreds of enemies with one ride, and a thousand enemies. All kinds of strategists have also mastered some extraordinary characteristics.

For example, 20 years ago.

The former prime minister and general of the Han Dynasty, Lu Bu, was the first to be promoted to Chaofan.

Starting from sweeping the Xiongnu in the northwest, when the world was in chaos, King Qin killed Dong Zhuo.

In front of Hulao Pass, the eighteenth route of rebellious princes was smashed.

Then Kuang helped the Han Dynasty, led the "trapped camp" and "Bingzhou Wolf Riders" to pacify the Nanman, swallow Baiyue, and wipe out Wuhuan...

"Unfortunately, if it weren't for the prime of life, Prime Minister Lu was accidentally struck by lightning and died. How could I, a big man, end up in the current situation of 'the world is divided' and we are waiting for the small people to be precarious!"

"Speaking of which, even the methods of 'leaving' and 'making tea' used by the villain were all passed down from Prime Minister Lu back then."

The owner of the tea shop sighed while serving tea to the three honored guests.

He didn't even notice that Gao Shun, who had always been serious and earnest, showed some excitement for the first time.

"Prime Minister Lu, fall into the camp!"

And Xia Tian was shocked in the heart.

Naturally, he already understood that this plane was exactly the plane where Gao Shun and the soldiers of the trapped camp were born.

That is to say, he replaced Lu Bu as a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty and "helped the Han Dynasty" in the reincarnation world.

"So, the world of reincarnation is not an imaginary plane, but really exists in the planes of the heavens!"

Many thoughts flashed through Xia Tian's heart.

However, I have made some judgments about this situation before, and it is impossible to say that it is really completely unexpected.

In contrast, he was even more curious. In this world of reincarnation, his performance after replacing Lu Bu can be regarded as "wise and powerful". A lot of aliens are done!

It can be said that all external threats are quickly eliminated.

How did the big man end up in this situation?
Could it be said that it is really impossible to escape the hit sentence "The country will perish with the weak, and the lonely Han will perish with the strong"?

And soon, Xia Tian asked the tea shop owner about the development of this plane "after his death".

"After Master Lu died unexpectedly."

"The Son of Heaven used his power to overthrow the government and the public, to offend the superiors, and to suffer the punishment of God because of his unworthy virtue. He cut off his palace ranks, forced to take away the seals and all the rewards given during his lifetime. He also accused the world of crimes and passed them on to the army... "

The tea shop owner hadn't finished speaking.

"What did you say!"

Gao Shun stood up abruptly, his gaze and expression frighteningly angry.

The huge aura, combined with the evil spirit accumulated in the rest of the battle, turned into a vision similar to a dragon and a Kunpeng, covering almost the entire teahouse!
"Gao Shun, don't worry."

Fortunately, Xia Tian stopped him in time.

Otherwise, the tea shop owner might be frightened to death by Gao Shun's aura.

"Lu Bu" in this plane was the prime minister and general at the beginning. It can be said that he controlled the military and political power in his own hands, which was a good thing for the great Han Dynasty that needed to save the country.

But for the emperor, it is undoubtedly very aggrieved, just like Wanli who is controlled by Zhang Juzheng, even though the prime minister has never had the intention and action of "usurping power and self-reliance".

As the emperor, Han Emperor Liu Xie also accumulated a lot of grievances in his heart.

And Lu Bu challenged God, was struck to death by lightning, and the most elite [-] veterans in the camp under his command disappeared!

This also made Liu Xie, who finally regained his power, couldn't bear it, and wanted to show his authority to the world.

And these actions will undoubtedly cause a strong reaction from a large number of officials who were promoted during Lu Bu's reign, especially the military forces.

In addition, Lu Bu is very qualified as a general, but he is not very qualified as a prime minister.

During the period when he was in power, he continued to fight in the south and north, and even went as far as Europe to fight the Roman Empire. Although they were all victorious, they did not allow the Han Dynasty, which was in its final stage, to truly recover and recuperate.

As a result, once Lu Bu died, all kinds of hidden dangers of forcible suppression would erupt.

After the emperor announced that he had copied Lu Bu's family, a large number of people jumped out and started rebelling, whether true or false, in the name of "the emperor has no virtue, the emperor is sidelined, and Zhaoxue is rehabilitated for Mr. Lu".

The governors and prefects from all over the country embraced themselves one after another, and even quickly returned to the original track of "troubled times"!
"This is really an impermanent world!"

Xia Tian sighed with emotion.

As for the princes who rebelled and the specific power situation, this is obviously beyond the knowledge of a tea shop owner.

Therefore, Xia Tian casually took out a piece of gold and handed it to the tea shop owner who was still in shock.

He said to Gao Shun and Wei Qing.

"Let's go, let's take a look at my 'tomb' first."

In fact, after entering this dimension, he already felt a "resonance" just like Qin Shihuang and Zhu Di before him.

Now it seems that there is a high probability that it should be "Lu Bu", or Lu Bu's tomb.

Although Lv Bu was turned into coke by the lightning at the beginning, he was buried with a high standard of "Prime Minister and San Gong" at the beginning, although the Emperor Han soon couldn't bear it.

Just like the "Wanli" of the later dynasty, he directly deprived all the various rewards that had been given to "Lv Bu" in order to make a compromise, but at least he did not make any actions such as opening the tomb and flogging the corpse, destroying the bones and ashes.

So he was going to "steal" his own tomb first, to see if he had a chance to abduct a talent by the way.

Speaking of which, Lu Bu's subordinates in this world of reincarnation back then, except Gao Shun, a general.

In fact, there is another top strategist.

It can even be said that 15 years ago, this counselor was enough to rank first when the powerful people such as Wolong, Fengchu, Guicai, and Tsukatora had not officially appeared on the stage!

And in this plane, because of the revival of aura, the lifespan of people is much longer in comparison.

He should, still be able to see each other!
"Let's go to Chang'an."

Before Lu Bu challenged "God", he left his last words.

After death, the body was buried in Chang'an, implying to bless the "long-term peace and stability" of the Han Dynasty.

After walking out of the tea shop for a certain distance, Xia Tian and Wei Qing disappeared in place.

And in the sky, a round of bright moon shines in the direction of "Chang'an" with brilliance, and it's a hundred miles away!
"Wait, if the reincarnation world actually exists in the heavens and worlds. Then, will we encounter the Guanghan Palace that built this 'Moon Palace' in the future!"

While directing the "Moon Palace" to fly to Chang'an, another thought emerged in Xia Tian's mind.

Although, the probability should be relatively small, but it may not be impossible!

For example, this time he encountered the "Supernatural Three Kingdoms" plane.

Perhaps, as Fairy Mingyue once said, there is also "karma" in the void.

"However, the 'Da Tang Protectorate' was reincarnated in the future of the demon Great Tang, and the 'Trapped Camp' was recruited from this plane in the past."

"So, even if the 'Reincarnation World' opened by the Altar of Reincarnation is real, there is a high probability that reincarnation will take place in the 'future' or 'past' time point."

"From this point of view, maybe at this point in time, Guanghan Palace has already been destroyed in history!"

Xia Tian pondered in his heart.


In the endless void.

In a top-level god plane that is about to be promoted to "world".

God-level osmanthus trees sway, the moon spits out frost, the jade rabbit is beautiful, and the architectural structure of Qionglou Yuyu is a "Guanghan Immortal Que".

"The disciple has met the Palace Master!"

"That's right, you've reached the top level of extraordinary cultivation in a short period of time, and it's no worse than when you were in the 'Guanghan Palace' in your previous life."

Fairy Mingyue was talking to the "Master Mingyu Palace" who was brought up by Xia Tian ten days ago.

"My lord, in the previous life, how did our Guanghan Palace be destroyed?"

Palace Master Mingyu asked curiously.

After being seduced, she understood the "cause and effect" between herself and Fairy Mingyue.

In her previous life, Fairy Mingyue was the Mistress of the "Guanghan Palace", and she was the "Personal Disciple" of the Mistress of Guanghan Palace!
"At the beginning, our 'Guanghan Palace' obtained a treasure beyond the sky, and built it with the strength of our faction, but we didn't expect that the accumulation of a hundred years would be in vain. It seems that it was designed by someone..."

Li Lingyue shook her head and didn't tell her in detail.

In fact, although she had some doubts about what happened in the previous life, she was about to set foot on the True God, and she vaguely felt that it seemed to involve some kind of cause and effect.

However, she did not intend to pursue the matter.

Especially if it wasn't for the failure of cultivating immortals in the previous life, how could he be reincarnated in the mythical earth in this life.

Datang Li family.

You must know that the Tang Li family in this world is not just a dynasty god.

Behind it, there is an old ancestor named "Li Er"!
(End of this chapter)

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