All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 142 Excited Cao Cao!

Chapter 142 Excited Cao Cao!

The sound of shouting and killing soaring into the sky caused the waves of the water to rise and fall.

On the waters of the Yangtze River, two naval forces are fighting.

A soldier whose strength was comparable to silver or even gold level shouted, pulled the bow and arrow, and the arrow shot flew hundreds of meters in the air, and the energy attached to it caused ripples on the water surface, which was as powerful as Bullets on Earth!
The qi and blood of the soldiers on both sides of the war boiled, and even gathered together in the air to form two translucent visions.

One is a translucent tiger with a bright yellow light in its eyes, and the other is a tortoise with a blood-red aura in its eyes!
Two translucent creatures, each covering half of the water surface.

Inciting the situation, biting and biting each other constantly, making various attacks.

【Tiger (Turtle) Force】

Grade: Gold

Explanation: In this dimension, well-trained soldiers can condense their "military power" and turn them into visions for the master general to greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

In this extraordinary Three Kingdoms world, not only counselors have their own special abilities.

Generals and arms are also available.

Well-trained arms can condense various "army forces", and even follow-up continuous battles can make the "army forces" absorb evil spirits and sharpen them into extraordinary "army souls" with their own lives!
"Army attack!"

With a resolute face and knife-like eyebrows, Qi Jiguang stood on the top of a warship with a "Cao" flag hanging on it.

With a two-handed saber about Zhang Xu in length, he slashed fiercely forward!

The fierce tiger on the river roared silently, and one of its paws slapped down heavily, combining with the surging saber energy in Qi Jiguang's hand.

With a single blow from the air, a Jiangdong Navy warship nearly [-] meters away was smashed into pieces.

"Retire, retreat!"

In the navy camp on the Eastern Wu side, the sound of "Ming Jin withdrawing troops" came to mind.

A bunch of scarred warships broke away from the battle hastily, leaving the water surface with sails and planks floating.

"Win, win!"

"Yuan Jing (Qi Jiguang) is really a genius. In just half a month, he has trained sailors to such an extent!"

"With this kind of military training ability, I'm afraid Sun Wu, Wu Qi, and Sima Rangju's resurrection is nothing more than that."

On the other hand, in Cao Jun's camp on the shore, those who watched Cao Cao's battle wearing the red cape of Hunting in the Wind and Lie in the Wind were full of surprises and praised again and again.

Now, it is only half a month since Zhuge Liang gave him a huge humiliation by "borrowing arrows from straw boats".

The military general named Qi Jiguang recommended by Jia Xu actually made these soldiers from the north well-trained and successfully condensed the "military power"!
"It's not just training soldiers. General Qi's ability to lead troops in water warfare is also not inferior to that of Soochow's navy general."

"No, it's obviously more than that. The navy commanders on the opposite side today are Huang Gai and Cheng Pu, the veterans of the three dynasties in Jiangdong who were left by Sun Jian in the past. General alone."

Standing next to Cao Cao, Pang Tong, who was dressed in the uniform of a military division crown, smiled and praised.

"Haha, Shi Yuan is right."

"Pass down my order, Yuan Jing has made great achievements in training troops and defeating the enemy. I have promoted him to be the 'Navy Commander', commanding [-] sailors, and taking charge of all matters related to military training and water warfare."

Hearing Pang Tong's words.

Cao Cao was even happier and announced loudly.

He was really excited.

Ah, you must know that after Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows from the straw boat, he ordered the soldiers to shout "Thank you, Prime Minister Cao, for the arrows" in public.

His angry headaches broke out.

Because of this, during the half-month period of "revenge eager", all kinds of supplies were completely unlimited supply, so that the combat effectiveness of the navy under Qi Jiguang's training quickly took shape.

"Everyone says that Jiangdong has the 'Jinfan' battalion of 'Gan Xingba' who has gathered the soul of the army and is the number one navy in the world."

"However, I think Yuan Jing's military training ability is absolutely superior to this person."

"Jiangdong has Gan Xingba, and I have Qi Jiguang, which is even better!"

Cao Cao's red cloak was shaking, and his face was filled with joy.

"It's also because the prime minister, with his discerning eyes, discovered such a talent."

Pang Tong complimented Cao Cao every word.

"It's not my ability, it's because Mr. Wen He recommended it, and it's because Yuan Jing's own ability is the best in the world!"

It was very useful to Cao Cao, but on the surface he shook his head.

"Although Jia Wenhe has a meager contribution in recommendation, it is also because the prime minister is eclectic and appoints talents, so that General Qi can use his talents. Both Bole and Maxima are common, but they can bring Maxima together to achieve eternal beauty. Famous generals are rare!"

But Pang Tong didn't let him go, and his words clearly meant to belittle "Jia Xu".

"Hey, I know, there is a slight rift between you, Shi Yuan, and Mr. Wen He. It's just because he once suspected that you were sent by Jiangdong Zhou Yu to act as an internal response!"

"However, the misunderstanding has been resolved now. Shi Yuan and Mr. Wen He are both ministers of my big man's humerus, so let's clear up the past."

Cao Cao was very useful in his heart, but he still tried to release Pang Tong in his mouth.

It's just because after Jia Xu came to seek refuge, a few days later, the famous "Fengchu" came to visit and was willing to serve.

Boss Cao was so happy to get two top strategists in a row, he couldn't help but wake up laughing until midnight to "knock people".

The only problem is that the two "Tongshen" counselors have some "fighting openly and secretly", always dissatisfied with each other, which makes Boss Cao a little headache.

However, even if the two extraordinary counselors have some troubles, it is enough to greatly increase their chances of winning the battle with Liu and Cao's coalition forces.

Now the combination of "Jia Xu + Pang Tong + Cheng Yu" under his command is definitely not under the combination of "Zhuge Liang + Zhou Yu + Lu Su" in Cao Cao's mind.

Coupled with Qi Jiguang's military training ability, he no longer needs to be afraid of the most difficult navy in the Soochow camp.

Boss Cao feels that he is one step away from sweeping Jiangdong and unifying the world.

At that time, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, who has been deprived of wine and sex, should also take the initiative to "abide" wisely.

This world will finally belong to the Cao family!
"Yuan Jing told me before that although the navy's training is a bit good, if he wants to go further, he must have a counselor in the "spiritual" state to assist him in the dispatching training with mental power. Come with Mr. He to train sailors."

"Unfortunately, everything in the army is busy now, and too many things need to rely on Mr. Wen He. I really can't leave him."

"I wonder if you can replace Mr. Wen He and work with Yuan Jing to build me an invincible navy capable of breaking Jiangdong?"

Cao Cao had a smile on his face, and his mouth was quite proud.

Undoubtedly, though the seemingly eclectic use of talent.

But the "suspiciousness" in Cao Cao's character still exists.

Just now because of being extremely happy and excited, Qi Jiguang was promoted in public as "Navy Commander", but after thinking about it, I still don't think it's too appropriate!

After all, Qi Jiguang had only joined Cao Yingzhong for half a month, and he was not considered a real "person of his own".

In particular, Qi Jiguang once applied to him to let Jia Xu be stationed in the water management village, which even made Cao Cao feel a little vigilant.

After all, Qi Jiguang himself was born as Jia Xu's "follower", so any master would be a little worried if he had mastered the most important "naval master" of his success.

It's just that it's not easy to take back what has been promised.

Then, arranging a person who competes with Jia Xu to enter the navy is also a kind of "check and balance and insurance" in disguise.

"Prime Minister, don't worry, although Tong can't be called a great talent today, he still has full confidence that he can train this 'Great Han Navy' to become a rare elite in the world."

Pang Tong had a proud and confident look on his ugly face.

"We have all experienced Shi Yuan's ability, so we are naturally competent."

"Presumably the day when the Prime Minister sweeps Jiangdong is not far away."

"Yeah yeah!"

"Not bad."

And a bunch of Cao Ying generals and counselors around him also praised him.

After all, it is very important to conquer the Jiangdong navy. Even if their army needs to rely on the navy to support and transport soldiers, they will naturally not offend Pang Tong, who has become a naval officer.

Among all the people, there was only one scribe in a blue robe, who remained silent, his eyes repeatedly sweeping over Pang Tong and Qi Jiguang who had returned to the camp victoriously.

Then, thinking about it, I judged something in my heart.

"Well, you Pang Shiyuan, you and Jia Wenhe are at odds on the surface, but in reality you are both undercover agents."

"Now, Qi Jiguang, who was recommended by Jia Xu, won the position of commander of the navy, and you are also the commander of the navy. I am afraid that the [-] Cao Jun navy will 'change hands' soon!"

"This plan is too big for 'poison'."

Just after the "meeting was adjourned", Pang Tong felt complacent and couldn't wait to go back to his room to pack his luggage and prepare to move to the naval camp.

When he entered the door, a cold snort suddenly sounded in the room, which surprised him!
(End of this chapter)

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