All people become gods from the lord

Chapter 144 Why is the prime minister laughing?

Chapter 144 Why is the prime minister laughing?

In the sky, there are no stars and no moon.

On the surface of the river, thick fog filled the air, making it almost impossible to see!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Suddenly, the sound of war drums was loud, and the slaughter sounded.

" the prime minister, the Eastern Wu navy attacked at night!"

The entire Cao camp suddenly woke up. Even in the main camp, Cao Cao, who claimed to like to "knock people" while sleeping and kept people away from him, was woken up by a guard who "risked his life".

After putting on the armor and his favorite red cloak, he hurried to win the city wall above, overlooking the river.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

"Catch Cao Cao!"

On the surface of the river, in the mist that is difficult to see through, there are many Mengchong and Doujian in the east of the Jiangdong, and there are a large number of soldiers holding shaking torches in their hands. The number and scale are difficult to calculate.


Cao Cao was surprised at first.

However, after watching for a while, he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Why is the Prime Minister laughing?"

Next to him, he was very neatly dressed, like Jia Xu who had long been prepared for this battle.

There was a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm laughing that Zhou Yu has no plan, Zhuge Liang has little wisdom."

"The sound of the drum beating was extremely loud, and everyone shouted to kill as if the whole army had arrived, but the speed of the boat was extremely slow, and the torches were specially lit, as if we didn't know their location."

"That Zhuge Liang used this move last time, do you really think that the same move can take effect on me a second time?"

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes with a smug expression on his face.

"Come on, set fire kites!"

Cao Cao gave the order with a smile on his face.

On the city wall, some soldiers fired a "large rocket" that was similar to a "flying kite" and blazed through a large city crossbow towards the ships in the mist.

bang, bang, bang...

When it fell on the soldiers holding the torches, a raging flame burned immediately.

All of a sudden, the true identities of these "soldiers" who held the torches were revealed, and they were indeed some dummies made of wood, straw, and man-made.

"Last time, I heard that a warrior almost burned that Zhuge Liang to death with his weapon."

"I secretly ordered people to create this "Shenhuo kite", which is just in use now... Haha, everyone says that Wolong is very wise. But that's all!"

Boss Cao was quite complacent and authentic in his heart.

"No, no..."

However, right after, Boss Cao's small eyes narrowed in vain.

Because, after being hit by the "fire kite", the burning boats on the river suddenly accelerated collectively, broke away from the fog, and rushed towards his big army camp with billowing flames and smoke.

"Not good, it's a 'fire attack' strategy."

"Stop it quickly, don't let them approach."

Boss Cao suddenly came to his senses, the smile on his face stopped abruptly, and he gritted his teeth a bit.

"It is indeed a fire plan!"

"It seems that the other party is doing this intentionally, taking advantage of our paralyzed psychology, and actually doing the trick."

"Even let us set the fire ourselves, Crouching Dragon lives up to its reputation!"

But Jia Xu stood beside her, with admiration in her tone.

The eyes are secretive.

The extraordinary and top-notch mental power was silent, covering Cao Cao like the silent rain that moistened everything.

In fact, Boss Cao, as a hero of the generation, the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty, is also an extraordinary person.

Moreover, he is also quite accomplished in the art of war, and he is not inferior to Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu and other masters in art of war.

Even if this plane is more inclined to "Romance", Boss Cao is not inferior to ordinary counselors at all in terms of talent and general strategy.

The reason for his unresponsiveness is actually because Jia Xu used his own abilities to affect his thinking.

Otherwise, with this person's thinking ability, he might not be able to discover all kinds of abnormalities in the barracks during this period of time!

However, even if Boss Cao was "shocked by lowering his intelligence", there are still plenty of talents in Cao's camp.

In this extraordinary plane, when the "spiritual" powerhouse can manipulate the flames, he naturally took precautions and prepared countermeasures.

"Tiger Guard, listen to the order!"

The [-] gold-level "Tiger Guards" around Cao Cao roared in unison, arousing their own "military power", and immediately formed a translucent tiger with golden eyes in the air.

Xu Chu, who was the leader, followed closely, took off his coat and jumped directly into the river, the muscles in his arms agitated.

With a hard punch, it was like hitting the water with a gigantic hammer.

The fierce tigers roared at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the river water was shaken directly, forming a billowing wave, which rolled and smashed towards the blazing blazes rushing up.

Try to prevent it from approaching, or even destroy it on the spot.

In addition, there are some heavy crossbows, catapults and other equipment on the walls of the camp, which are also controlled by some silver and gold soldiers.

Condescending, trying to get close to the bombardment.

You must know that Cao Cao spent a lot of energy on this big camp.

Combining the ancient art of war with one's own experience to form an array, and various defensive methods cooperate with each other. Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for the enemy to break through!
However, seeing that the flaming flaming "scorpions" were about to be destroyed by a large number of defensive attacks before they rushed into the Cao camp, one after another "steered" with incomparable flexibility and directly dodged these attacks.

And if you look closely, you can find that there are some straw dummies on these scorpions.

On every ship, there were actually a few sturdy soldiers with bronze skin and short knives hanging from their waists, holding bows and arrows in their hands.

These people, completely ignorant of the high-temperature air waves caused by the surrounding flames, manipulated the warships to charge into the formation.

"Golden Fan Bandit Gan Ning is here, Cao Bandit gives the head!"

A general who is about seven feet tall and not considered tall, with a cloth belt made of Sichuan brocade tied on his head, and holding a dark red ghost-headed sword that is a bit taller than himself.

Standing on top of the scorpion that was driving at the forefront, with a ferocious look on his face, he slashed violently.

Slash in the direction of Cao Jun's water army camp!
While he was out of the knife.

The auras of hundreds of Jinfan soldiers in the surrounding area also gathered together, forming a semi-substantial giant who was quite similar to Gan Ning, but magnified more than a hundred times!

The saber in his hand, which was also magnified a hundred times, was slashed forward.

Not only did it cut through the huge waves created by Dian Wei's condensed army, but the tip of the knife fell directly on Cao Jun's camp!
With just one blow, the gate of Cao Jun's navy was smashed into pieces.

At the same time, many defensive facilities arranged by Cao Ying on the water, including the hidden iron chains hidden in the water, were cut in two!

The power of a knife is so terrifying.

"It's the soul of the army, it's the Jinfan Battalion of Soochow!"

【Jinfan Camp】

Grade: Extraordinary

Explanation: The ace army of Soochow, the "Jinfan Thief" personally trained by general Gan Ning, each of them has reached the gold level, and they have condensed an extraordinary "military soul"!
Army power, army soul.

The difference of one word directly represents the suppression of grade.

Cao Cao's original defensive offensive on the water surface was under the impact of the "army soul" condensed from the Jinfan Battalion.

Suddenly, a huge hole was torn open.


Then, a Jinfan battalion soldier rushed into Cao Jun's camp.

There was a laugh that was similar to Cao Cao before, but even more ferocious.

Picking up the bow and arrow, igniting it in the flames burning on the scorpion, while continuing to avoid various attacks, shooting rockets one after another fell into Cao Jun's camp, igniting buildings and facilities one by one, and Cao Cao's camp was plunged into chaos in a blink of an eye. There was a sea of ​​fire.

Gather as you wish, come and go like the wind, advance and retreat freely above the water.

This is the famous "Jinfan Battalion", the trump card of the Soochow Navy. Although the number of people is less than a thousand, it can play a role comparable to ten thousand on the battlefield.

Of course, since it is decided to attack in an all-round way.

It is naturally impossible for Jiangdong to just send Jinfan Battalion to fight.

In fact, Jinfan Battalion took the lead and broke through the defense line set up by Cao Jun on the water.

On the surface of the river, more warships of the Soochow Navy appeared in the mist, and a famous Jiangdong Huchen who had reached the extraordinary level was leading a large number of soldiers gearing up.

The flames shone on Tie Yi, his eyes were staring at him with a strong fighting spirit.


And Zhou Yu, who was dressed in the military uniform of the Great Commander, stood on the flagship of the building that could accommodate thousands of people.

With a face like a crown of jade, full of heroic spirit, he drew out a long sword in his hand and pointed forward.

The next moment, the invisible spiritual force rushed straight to the water along with the sword energy.

The momentum was like a rainbow, penetrating into the raging fire caused by the Jinfan camp shooting arrows everywhere.

The flame changed suddenly, accompanied by the sound of "clanking" birdsong, forming a lifelike creature like Lihuo Suzaku.

After flying into the sky above Cao Jun's ground, it suddenly fell downward, setting off a huge flame that swept across a range of [-] meters around.

"what is this?"

"Ah, monster, monster!"

"Help, fire, fire all over the sky!"

The place where the god Suzaku, shrouded in flames and shrouded in light, passed.

All kinds of buildings, outposts, military tents, weapon depots, and food in Cao Cao's barracks were billowing with flames and thick smoke.

"Wind blows!"

The important thing is that it was at the same time that this Suzaku was raging on Cao Ying.

In the Jiangdong camp, on a 49-meter-high "divine platform", Zhuge Liang, who was dressed in a black Taoist uniform, followed closely with a feather fan in his hand.


Spiritual power rolled out, and two tornadoes appeared in the sky, like two giant dragons roaring across the Yangtze River and rushing into Cao Ying.

Immediately, the wind assisted the fire, and the fire assisted the wind!

The entire Cao Jun camp was enveloped in flames in the blink of an eye.

Soldiers ran around in horror, all kinds of painstakingly built buildings collapsed crazily, turned into ashes in the flame tornado, and flew up.

Feather fan and scarf, between the fingers, the mast and scull are wiped out in ashes.

This sentence in the previous life itself was an exaggeration, but in this plane it has become a fact in front of me.

"Really, what a big scene!"

In the sky, in the invisible "Moon Palace" that everyone sees.

Xia Tian sat on the throne, several rounds of moon emerged in front of him, illuminating the details of different areas of the Chibi battlefield below.

Undoubtedly, this scene has broken away from the scope of martial arts in the room, similar to "Fighting Immortals".

It is indeed a plane that has reached the upper limit of extraordinary, even comparable to the epic level.

However, Cao Cao's "80 army" certainly has a certain amount of moisture.

But 20 is also available.

Even though Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang are powerful, their own spiritual power is definitely not enough to support killing everyone on the field.

So, the real fight.

We still need to watch the duel between the two sides "Generals and Arms"!


Suddenly, Cao Ying was on fire on three sides.

Amidst the rumble of the war drums, three extraordinary and top-notch generals arrived with their own troops.

"Zhang Fei from Yan is here, whoever will fight with me."

South of the camp.

Zhang Fei in black clothes and black armor, holding a zhangba snake spear, black beard, and the beards on his face are densely covered with steel needles.

There was a shout in his mouth, like rolling thunder, making the ground seem to be shaking.

The breath of the [-] soldiers behind them condensed together to form a berserk "Black Snake" with a translucent head and black eyes emitting black light!
"Changshan Zhao Yun, under the order of the military division, came to join the battle."

In the north of the camp, Zhao Yun, riding on the Zhaoyue Jade Lion with a silver spear and a white horse, has a serious expression on his face.

Three thousand soldiers lined up behind them, above the head of which was condensed a transparent silver Pegasus horse with towering horns, its head looming in the shape of a dragon.

To the west, a translucent green dragon winds its way up.

His eyes were like two blue beams of light, overlooking the chaotic Cao Ying.

The three-foot beard of Guan Yu with a face like a jujube fluttered in the wind. He rode on a red rabbit horse and did not speak, but his eyes were extremely proud. first" only!

In three directions, three extraordinary and top-notch peerless generals, each with three thousand troops, advanced towards Cao Ying.


The most important thing is that in front of the three-party team marching at high speed, there are hundreds of them. They are made of wood and can move freely in the shape of cows and horses. They form an array and charge towards Cao Ying.

Not only the fortifications set up by Cao Jun on the land, such as rejecting horses and low walls, were destroyed by collision.

In addition, there are hundreds of oversized "Kongming Lanterns" with cans of kerosene hanging below them, rising from the "Fengshen Terrace" by the east wind.

After flying above Cao Ying, they fell from the air one by one, and splashed a lot of kerosene after falling to the ground.

Cao Jun, who was already battered, fell into chaos even more.

"Good guy, not only the 'Tiandan Fire Bull Formation' composed of 'Wooden Bulls and Horses' strengthened by flame enchantment, but even an 'air-to-ground' weapon!"

"Zhuge Kongming, amazing."

In the Moon Palace, Xia Tian's eyes could not help but brighten up.

One of the rounds of the moon turned around and illuminated Zhuge Liang who was standing on the "Fengshen Terrace"!
"I'm afraid it will take some time to decide the outcome of this battle."

"If your Excellency is interested, why not come down and talk to Liang Yi. How about solving Liang's doubts?"

To Xia Tian's surprise, Zhuge Liang felt something immediately, shook the feather fan in his hand, looked up at the sky and said.

(End of this chapter)

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